STEPANAKERT AIRPORT LI CHANGCHUN MEETS OPENING PLANNED IN MID- ARMENIAN PM TO DIscUss DLE OF SUMMER: PHOTORE- BILATERAL TIES page 4 PORT PAGE 3 ARMENIA HIGHLIGHTS Weekly Digest of the Government of Armenia April 12-18, 2011 THEMA OFFICIAL VISIT OF PRESIDENT SERZH SARGSYAN TO THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA “Quote of the week” “active contacts of the recent years have revealed a number of new directions for co- operation, such as min- ing, chemical industry, where, as you know, we have had considerable achievements“ tigran sargsyan prime minister of RA t the invitation of the president of this year,” president sargsyan said at the meet- athe republic of slovenia dani- ing with journalists. he also spoke about cur- lo turk, president serzh sargsyan ar- rent regional problems, approaches and steps Upcoming Events rived today to ljubljana on official visit. taken by armenia towards their resolution. after the official welcome ceremony “recently, i heard a statement by the president APRIL 19: “to the new econom- for the president of armenia, presidents of slovenia danilo turk that membership of ic perspectives in the armenian- sargsyan and turk held a private meeting croatia to the european union is very impor- russian strategic relations“ Arme- which was followed by the meeting in the tant not only for croatia itself but also for slov- nian-Russian interregional forum extended format with the participation of enia and the entire european realm as well. i to be held in Yerevan the official delegations of the two states. followed the statement with great attention and the results of the negotiations were sum- a bit of envy: these two neighboring countries APRIL 24: Armenia marks the day marized at the joint press conference of used to have serious tension. however, they of Armenian Genocide the presidents of armenia and slovenia. have been able to transcend rigid mindset and “in the last year and half, we have man- solve the problems in a civilized way, through JUNE 4: St. Petersburg’s Petrovsky aged to accomplish considerable work the negotiations, taking into account common stadium will host EURO 2012 Rus- aimed at the expansion of the field of our regional benefits. unfortunately, in our region sia vs. Armenia cooperation: a business forum was held in the situation is somewhat different. evidently, yerevan last year, a number of documents for some countries advancement toward eu- was signed, including those pertinent to rointegration doesn’t necessarily signify a USEFUL LINKS economy. today they will be augmented peaceful, prosperous, free and secure devel- • www.president.am by the memorandum on cooperation in opment. one of our immediate neighbors has • www.gov.am the area of tourism. on this visit, i am ac- misapprehensions regarding the european way, • www.parliament.am companied by a group of businessmen who perceiving the european realm exclusively as • www.mfa.am are now negotiating with their slovenian a convenient market for selling oil and gas. • www.armenpress.am colleagues. i am hopeful that jointly taken April 13-14, full story 2011 www.president.am • www.panarmenian.net steps will yield positive results in the end of • www.matenadaran.am ARMENIA HIGHLIGHTS CHRONICA HEADLINES OF A MAJOR PROGREss IS EXPECTED IN THE FISHERIES SECTOR. THE WEEK n april 13 the prime minister ti- was presented the production oppor- • APRIL 12: Kim Kardashian up- ogran sargsyan visited “unifish” tunities of the company, as well as the set over use of her photo on Cos- fish-breeding company in ranchpar prospective development programs. mopolitan Turkish edition cover community of ararat region. the after the tour, answering the re- • AH head of the gov- porters’ questions, • APRIL 13: Turkey’s position ernment toured the the prime minister on Protocols remains unchanged company, learned noted that the ex- • AH about the imple- port capacities of • APRIL 14: Massachusetts mentation process the fisheries sector Governor named as “Friend of the water meter will increase at least of the Armenians” for 2011 installation instruc- twice in 2011. the • AH tions in the fish- prime minister said • APRIL 15: Sen. Boxer once breeding sectors. that last year 400 again calls on U.S. President to the prime minister tones of fish products recognize Armenian Genocide were exported last year, and this year it is expected to export at least 800 tones of fish. • AH “today, when we get acquainted with the plans and indexes of the fish-breed- • APRIL 16: Hrachik Javakhyan ing companies, we assume that it is possible for those volumes to be larger.” named best boxer at Yerevan- speaking about the issue of installation of water meters in the fisheries sec- hosted international tournament tor, the prime minister said that the works of installing modern water me- • AH ters are in progress. “as a result both we and they will not be worried that • APRIL17: Armenian astrono- the used water registration is implemented in a non appropriate way. having mers, journalists discuss sci- such a complex economy, the installation of the water meters is a necessity.“ ence journalism development April 13, 2011 www.gov.am • AH • APRIL 18: Boston International Film Festival to screen “My Uncle Rafael” THE ARMENIAN FOREIGN AFFAIRS MINISTER EDWARD NALBAN- AH DIAN PARTICIPATED IN THE EXPANDED MEETING OF THE NORTH ATLANTIC COUNCIL DEVOTED TO AFGHANISTAN SAMVEL KARAPETYAN SAYS of the armenian brigade in afghanistan. AZERBAIJAN ENEMY OF edward nalbandian also met with chris- CIVILIZATION toph heusgen, the chief foreign policy zerbaijan is an enemy of the civilization, and security adviser of german chancel- ascourge of civilization: azerbaijanis de- lor angela merkel. the sides had a thor- stroy our monuments and attack first, samvel ough talk on the ways for the further deep- karapetyan, monument specialist, director of ening of the armenian-german friendly the research on armenian architecture NGO, relations. they also discussed a wide said at a meeting with journalists adding that range of international and regional issues. the destructive approach towards armenian the sides touched upon the process of imple- monuments as a state one has been vivid in menting the agreements reached during the azerbaijan since the soviet period, when rmenia will continue to pro- visit of the armenian president serzh sargsyan the labels of armenian monuments were avide her support for the estab- to germany last year for giving a new content veiled and the monuments were destroyed. lishment of peace, security, stabil- to the cooperation between the two countries. presenting the third issue of “vardzk” jour- ity and internal solidarity in afghanistan the sides mutually mentioned that two nal, which provides information on the state on april 14, the expanded meeting at the countries established a high-level politi- of the armenian monuments in azerbaijan, level of foreign ministers of the north at- cal dialogue, effectively developing co- s. karapetyan noted that the very armenian lantic council devoted to afghanistan took operation in bilateral and multilateral monuments – chapels, churches, cemeteries place in berlin. the foreign ministers of over formats, established a firm legal frame- with cross-stones – are endangered. the other five dozen countries, which are members of work; expand business contacts and coop- monuments are mainly preserved, but the ar- the NATO and take part in the international eration in cultural and educational fields. menian records on them are being removed. forces in afghanistan, attended the meeting. upon the request of christoph heus- photos of armenian historical monuments in addressing a speech in the ministerial meet- gen, minister nalbandian presented azerbaijan are taken by non-armenians, for ing, edward nalbandian reaffirmed ar- the recent developments in the settle- example, by belgian photographer frederic menia’s commitment to continue her con- ment of the nagorno-karabakh issue. berlemont, besides azerbaijanis themselves tribution to the efforts undertaken towards the next meeting of edward nalbandian agree to place photos at our disposal for great the establishment of peace, security, stabil- was with his australian counterpart kevin sums of money. the monument specialist in- ity and internal solidarity in afghanistan. rudd. the ministers stressed with satis- formed that the armenian monuments in az- the armenian foreign affairs minister also faction that their meetings in the frames erbaijan were destroyed both during the war expressed gratitude to the germ authori- of international forums has become tra- and after it and they were destroyed as well in ties for the effective cooperation in the is- ditional and it is a good opportunity to areas, which were far from military zones, so sues related to the deployment and service discuss many issues of mutual interest. the military actions cannot be a justification. April 14, 2011 full story www.mfa.am April 14, 2011 www.hhpress.am 2 AH ARMENIA HIGHLIGHTS RES PUBLICA PRIME MINISTER CONGRATULATES ARMENIAN POLICE ON STEPANAKERT AIRPORT OPEN- 10TH ANNIVERSARY ING PLANNED IN MIDDLE OF SUMMER: PHOTOREPORT niversary of the armenian police. having congratulated the police offic- ers, the prime minister emphasized the importance of current police reforms, characterising them as a high priority on armenian government’s agenda. as he stated, solution of the issues armenian police faces at present will help increase people’s trust for po- lice, decreasing corruption risks and nstallation works are currently in progress boosting the quality of service. ‘’the iat stepanakert airport, the head of rmenian prime minister tigran police proved their ability to discover NKR civil aviation department stated. asargsyan participated in a cer- and resolve those issues is a timely as david atbashyan told a panARME- emonial session timed to the 10th an- manner,’’ mr. sargsyan stressed. NIAN.net reporter, special attention is April 15, 2011 www.panarmenian.net given to the concrete runway. “we’re tak- ing our time to provide quality work.
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