Lowell Tribune Index Weddings, Engagements, and Anniversaries 1950's Through 2013 -- W Name Newspaper Date Page WAADE, WILLIAM H. (Husband)Anniversary 6/14/1962 4 WAADE, (MRS. WILLIAM H.) (Wife) WACHTER, BERNADETTE (Woman)Engagement 11/19/1959 9 KENNING, CLARENCE (Man) WACHTER, CAROL (Woman)Marriage License 4/28/1982 2 KORS. DONALD (JR.) (Man) WACHTER, DANIEL (Man) Marriage License 10/3/1990 2 HERSH, ANGELA (Woman) WACHTER, FRANCIS WILLIAM (Husband)Wedding 4/9/1970 2 DeWITT, LOIS FAYE (Wife) WACHTER, FRANK (Man) Marriage License 1/29/1986 2 SCHREMP, ANN (Woman) WACHTER, JOHN R. (Man) Marriage License 8/10/1994 2 McLEMORE, AIMEE (Woman) WACHTER, LAWRENCE H. (25th) (Husband)Anniversary 1/13/1998 3 WACHTER, ALICE HECK REINHOLT (Wife) WACHTER, MARY (Woman) Marriage License 3/7/1979 2 HEUBNER, HENRY (JR.) (Man) WACHTER, RAY (Husband) Wedding 1/13/1955 7 MAYLONE, MARLYN (Wife) WACHTER, SHARON (Woman)Marriage License 12/5/1990 2 PAUNICKA, CARL (Man) WADDLE, SHERRI (shower) (Wife)Wedding 9/23/1987 14 RAINFORD, GREGG (Husband) WADDLE, SHERRI (Woman)Marriage License 9/30/1987 2 RAINFORD, GREGORY (Man) WADE, DONNA S. (Woman) Marriage License 3/13/1991 2 UTLEY, DARRELL L. (Man) WADE, MELVIN (Man) Marriage License 11/24/1982 3 ?, ROSEANNE (Woman) WADKINS, JAMES (Man) Marriage License 3/29/1989 2 RALPH, MICHELE (Woman) WAELDE, KATHERINE (Woman)Marriage License 8/23/1962 6 MILLER, LARRY S. (Man) Sunday, February 09, 2014 Page 1 of 78 Name Newspaper Date Page WAGENAAR, RICHARD (Man)Marriage License 6/17/1981 2 KINCADE, MELANIE (Woman) WAGGONER, PAUL (Man) Engagement 10/30/1969 2 HASKINS, ROXANNA (Woman) WAGGONER, ROBERT EUGENE (Husband)Wedding 12/14/1961 3 WIDDEL, FLORENCE ELAINE (Wife) WAGNER, ANNETTE (Woman)Marriage License 7/22/1987 3 BOORD, J. SCOTT (Man) WAGNER, BILL (25th) (Husband)Anniversary 3/31/1982 3 WAGNER, JOYCE (Wife) WAGNER, BILL (31st) (Husband)Anniversary 3/16/1988 8 WAGNER, JOYCE (Wife) WAGNER, BONNIE (Woman)Marriage License 11/25/1976 3 HOSHAW, STANTON (Man) WAGNER, CATHY (Woman)Marriage License 10/30/1991 2 JOHNSON, ROBERT (Man) WAGNER, CATHY (Woman)Marriage License 12/27/1989 2 JOHNSON, ROBERT (Man) WAGNER, CHARLES LEE (Man)Engagement 1/16/1975 9 SWARTZ, CHERYL LYNNE (Woman) WAGNER, GERALD (Husband)Wedding 2/8/1968 2 YODER, SUE (Wife) WAGNER, GERALD LEE (Man)Engagement 6/8/1967 6 YODER, SUE ELLEN (Woman) WAGNER, JAMES (Man) Marriage License 2/16/1983 2 MINION, LINDA (Woman) WAGNER, JAMES LEE (Husband)Wedding 3/2/1983 2 MINION, LINDA JEAN (Wife) WAGNER, JAMES LEE (Man)Engagement 2/10/1982 2 MINION, LINDA JEAN (Woman) WAGNER, JEFFREY TODD (Man)Engagement 6/13/1984 2 BEDOIAN, SHARON ANN (Woman) WAGNER, JERRY (25th) (Husband)Anniversary 2/28/1990 2 WAGNER, SALLY (Wife) WAGNER, JERRY (25th) (Husband)Anniversary 2/28/1990 2 WAGNER, SALLY (Wife) WAGNER, JERRY (Husband)Wedding 12/14/1961 3 MOORE, SANDI (Wife) Sunday, February 09, 2014 Page 2 of 78 Name Newspaper Date Page WAGNER, JULIE MARIE (Wife)Wedding 1/27/1998 2 SAKICI, KAMIL (Husband) WAGNER, JULIE MARIE (Woman)Engagement 5/27/1997 3 SAKICI, KAMIL (Man) WAGNER, KATHLEEN ANN (Wife)Wedding 8/15/1990 2 BERNING, RYAN RAY (Husband) WAGNER, KATHLEEN ANN (Woman)Engagement 3/8/1989 2 BERNING, RYAN RAY (Man) WAGNER, KELLY (Woman) Marriage License 8/9/1989 2 WILBUR, SHAWN (Man) WAGNER, LARRY (Man) Marriage License 3/9/1988 2 STEWART, EVELYN (Woman) WAGNER, LARRY T. (Husband)Wedding 3/14/1979 2 BARKER, KELLY SUE (Wife) WAGNER, PAMELA (Woman)Marriage License 6/29/1977 2 BRAV, JOHN (Man) WAGNER, PATRICIA (Woman)Marriage License 3/30/1988 2 OCHRA, JESSE (Man) WAGNER, RALPH (JR.) (Husband)Wedding 7/5/1956 5 FULLER, MARY RUTH (Wife) WAGNER, STANLEY (Husband)Anniversary 9/1/1960 10 WAGNER, (MRS. STANLEY) (Wife) WAGNER, STANLEY (Husband)Wedding 10/1/1959 9 MILLER, NANCY (Wife) WAGNER, STEVEN RICHARD (Man)Engagement 8/13/1980 2 BLACK, WENDY JEAN (Woman) WAGNER, SUSAN ANN (Wife)Wedding 8/21/1991 2 OWENS, ROBERT T. (DR.) (Husband) WAGNER, TRACY LEE (Woman)Marriage License 10/24/1990 2 STEINHILBER, GARY EUGENE (Man) WAGONBLAST, JEAN L. (Woman)Marriage License 8/7/1985 2 KUTEMEIER, DELVER G. (Man) WAGONBLAST, JEAN LESLIE (Woman)Engagement 12/14/1983 3 KUTEMEIER, DELVER GLENN (Man) WAGONER, BRANDI MARIE (Woman)Engagement 6/3/2003 2 MILLS, HEATH DUANE (Man) WAGONER, JOHN (Husband)Wedding 12/22/1960 14 MITAL, VIVIAN (Wife) Sunday, February 09, 2014 Page 3 of 78 Name Newspaper Date Page WAGONER, JOHN (III) (Man)Marriage License 10/31/1979 3 MARTIN, KATHY (Woman) WAGONER, MICHAEL D. (Man)Marriage License 8/30/1989 2 McKAY, DEBORAH S. (Woman) WAGONER, PHILIP (Man) Marriage License 11/30/1977 2 ZUZZA, TERRI (Woman) WAGONER, TODD KEVIN (Husband)Wedding 8/12/1981 2 KORMENDY, MARGO LYNN (Wife) WAHLBERG, EDGAR GUSTAVE (Husband)Wedding 10/8/1970 4 SINKS, DEBRA LYNN (Wife) WAHLBERG, LYNEA FLORENCE (Wife)Wedding 6/20/1974 2 HENDERLONG, ARTHUR JOHN (Husband) WAHLBERG, THEODORE WALLACE (Husband)Wedding 11/11/1976 3 DACHELLE, JEANNE (Wife) WAHLBERG, WENDY (Woman)Engagement 6/16/1993 2 GRAY, JOHN (III) (Man) WAHLBERG, WENDY S. (Woman)Marriage License 11/24/1993 2 GRAY, JOHN C. (III) (Man) WAHLSMITH, JENNIFER (Woman)Marriage License 7/15/1992 2 BILKA, MICHAEL (Man) WAHLSMITH, W.G. (Man) Marriage License 3/30/1988 2 BEAN, VICKIE (Woman) WAINWRIGHT, DIANA (Woman)Marriage License 6/12/1991 2 ANDERSON, SCOTT (Man) WAKEFIELD, MATTHEW (Man)Marriage License 7/22/1987 3 CORBETT, BARBARA (Woman) WAKEFIELD, TIMOTHY D. (Man)Marriage License 10/28/1992 2 SEAMON, JACKIE (Woman) WALBAUM, JEFFREY (Man)Marriage License 7/15/1992 2 WOOD, JANET (Woman) WALBRIGHT, CAROL (Woman)Marriage License 11/26/1986 3 WALKER, JAMES (Man) WALDRON, CASSANDRA J. (Woman)Marriage License 6/28/1989 2 EDWARDS, PAUL G. (Man) WALDRON, LORRIE A. (Woman)Engagement 5/6/1987 2 SEARLE, GEORGE A. (Man) WALDRON, LORRIE ANN (Wife)Wedding 8/12/1987 2 SEARLE, GOERGE ANTHONY (Husband) Sunday, February 09, 2014 Page 4 of 78 Name Newspaper Date Page WALERA, EDWARD (Man) Marriage License 9/28/1977 2 JOHNSON, RHONDA (Woman) WALERSKI, M. AGATHA (Sister) (50th Jubilee) (Husband)Anniversary 6/28/1989 18 WALIKER, BRUCE L. (Man) Marriage License 11/9/1977 2 NEWCOMB, LINDA C. (Woman) WALKENHORST, HENRY (60th) (Husband)Anniversary 6/5/2007 2 WALKENHORST, CLARA (Wife) WALKENHORST, JOYCE ANN (Woman)Engagement 6/17/1971 8 BALL, LARRY (Man) WALKENHORST, JOYCE ANN (Woman)Engagement 6/17/1971 7 BALL, LARRY EUGENE (Man) WALKENHORST, LAWRENCE A. (Husband)Wedding 12/19/1990 2 ABERNATH, CHRISTINE L. (Wife) WALKER, BETTE (Woman) Marriage License 9/30/1992 2 SEATON, DAVID (Man) WALKER, CLEATUS (Man) Marriage License 7/7/1982 2 SUTHERLAND, SHARON (Woman) WALKER, DAVID A. (Husband)Wedding 8/15/1979 2 SMITH, ANGELA J. (Wife) WALKER, DEANNA (Woman)Marriage License 8/16/1989 2 PARKINSON, DELBERT (JR.) (Man) WALKER, DONALD EUGENE "DON" (50th) (Husband)Anniversary 6/30/1998 2 WALKER, CLETA ARDELL CARTER (Wife) WALKER, DONALD EUGENE "DON" (50th) (Husband)Anniversary 6/2/1998 2 WALKER, CLETA ARDEL (nee CARTER) (Wife) WALKER, JAMAINE (Man) Engagement 1/8/2008 2 CAREY, HEATHER R. (Woman) WALKER, JAMES (Husband)Anniversary 9/24/1964 11 WALKER, (MRS. JAMES) (Wife) WALKER, JAMES (Man) Marriage License 11/26/1986 3 WALBRIGHT, CAROL (Woman) WALKER, JAMES (Man) Marriage License 1/8/1986 2 TODD, VALERIE (Woman) WALKER, JOHN ROSS (Man)Engagement 12/19/1995 2 XANDERS, JANICE ELAINE (Woman) WALKER, JOSEPH (Man) Marriage License 7/26/1989 2 HENKE, SUSAN (Woman) Sunday, February 09, 2014 Page 5 of 78 Name Newspaper Date Page WALKER, KATHLEEN (Woman)Engagement 9/26/1979 2 LITTLE, THOMAS R. (Man) WALKER, LARRY (Man) Marriage License 9/6/1962 6 DECKER, ULDENE (Woman) WALKER, LILLIAN (Woman)Engagement 2/27/1964 4 PHARES, ROY (JR) (Man) WALKER, LILLIAN ANN (Wife)Wedding 7/16/1964 6 PHARES, ROY (JR.) (Husband) WALKER, LYNN (Wife) Wedding 10/19/1977 2 VASKO, JERRY (Husband) WALKER, MARY (Woman) Marriage License 9/21/1977 2 VASKO, GERALD (Man) WALKER, MATHIAS (Husband)Anniversary 4/7/1966 4 WALKER, (MRS. MATHIAS) (Wife) WALKER, MATHIAS (Husband)Anniversary 4/23/1964 2 WALKER, (MRS. MATHIAS) (Wife) WALKER, RICHARD LEE (Man)Engagement 1/25/1984 3 GREEN, MELLISSA ANNE (Woman) WALKER, SHEILA (Woman) Marriage License 3/5/1986 2 SOLOMON, MYRON (Man) WALKOWIAK, GREGORY S. (Man)Engagement 6/28/1973 2 STUPPY, KAREN ADELLE (Woman) WALKOWIAK, HENRY (Husband)Anniversary 5/11/1972 16 WALKOWIAK, (MRS. HENRY) (Wife) WALKOWIAK, JAMES (Husband)Anniversary 12/26/1974 17 WALKOWIAK, (MRS. JAMES) (Wife) WALKOWIAK, JAMES (Man)Engagement 4/19/1962 8 OLSEN, JUDITH (Woman) WALKOWIAK, JAMES (Man)Marriage License 3/20/1985 2 WILLIAMS, JENNIFER (Woman) WALKOWIAK, KAREN (Woman)Marriage License 1/9/1991 2 SCHANE, DOUGLAS (Man) WALL, CYNTHIA (Woman) Marriage License 4/7/1982 2 JILLSON, JEFFREY (Man) WALL, FRED (Husband) Wedding 8/19/1981 2 SEARLE, PEGGY (Wife) WALL, FRED (Man) Marriage License 8/12/1981 3 SEARLE, MARGARET (Woman) Sunday, February 09, 2014 Page 6 of 78 Name Newspaper Date Page WALL, FRED W. (Man) Engagement 2/6/1980 2 SEARLE, PEGGY A. (Woman) WALL, MARY (Woman) Marriage License 9/12/1979 2 HERR, WILLIAM (III) (Man) WALLACE, DANIEL E. (Husband)Wedding 1/19/1950 8 RUSCH, GRACE (Wife) WALLACE, DONALD E. (Husband)Wedding 6/20/1979 2 ROGUS, SHARON J. (Wife) WALLACE, HAL (Man) Engagement 12/11/1991 2 VIERS, VIRGINIA (Woman) WALLACE, KYLE (Man) Engagement 2/16/1961 2 AMAN, JANIE (Woman) WALLACE, MAE (Woman) Marriage License 9/6/1962 6 CARSTENS, ROBERT (Man) WALLACE, RONALD (Man) Marriage License 8/9/1989 2 PERCY, MICHELLE (Woman) WALLACE, SAMUEL (Man)Marriage License 11/13/1991 2 SNYDER, JAN (Woman) WALLACE, SAMUEL MATHEW (Man)Engagement 7/24/1991 2 SNYDER, JOY ROSEANNE (Woman) WALLACE, WANDA (Woman)Marriage License 8/3/1977 2 LANCE, MARK (Man) WALLBORN, LLOYD (Man) Marriage License 6/23/1982 2 PEEK, FLORENCE (Woman) WALLEN, TERRY (Man) Marriage License 6/18/1986 2 McCLANAHAN, LISA (Woman) WALLER, MARK (Man) Marriage License 9/11/1985 2 WOODWARD, KATHERINE (Woman) WALLER, THOMAS M.
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