THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2011 ESTABLISHED 1859 WOLFEBORO, N.H. GRANITESTATENEWS.COM 75¢ Brewster Hall rehabilitation article falls short by 20 votes Most articles pass in all towns, few surprises in elections BY THOMAS BEELER town offices came very close 728 against. To have rant, all but six passed by ster Hall to be rented, an ar- Senecal were re-elected to Editor to approval in Wolfeboro on achieved 60 percent, 20 votes comfortable margins. All six ticle requiring a sealed bids three-year terms, finishing REGION — The much-dis- Tuesday, winning 58.87 per- would have had to shift from rejected articles were sub- policy, and a request for ahead of challenger G. cussed and closely estimat- cent of the votes cast but against to in favor (1,062 vs. mitted by petition, includ- $10,000 to fund a memorial Thomas Bickford by at least ed $4 million proposal to re- falling short of the 60 per- 708). ing a zoning article on group to General James Wolfe. 189 votes; Dave Bowers was habilitate Brewster Memor- cent approval needed. The Of the remaining 32 arti- homes, two competing arti- In the three contested po- ial Hall and provide new vote was 1,042 in favor and cles on the Wolfeboro war- cles on town offices, an arti- sitions for elective office, SEE ELECTION PAGE A12 cle allowing part of Brew- Linda Murray and Dave Wolfeboro highway crews hard-pressed this winter BY ELISSA PAQUETTE Staff Writer be made:Is it a go,will the start miles of sidewalks in town. of the school day be delayed, This February was particu- WOLFEBORO — Three or will school be cancelled for larly snowy, with snowfall ac- a.m. is the hour when high- the day? cumulation approaching 90 way department foreman He’s the man who knows the inches, according to Doug Lemery has to be up to current and predicted tem- Wolfeboro’s official weather report on the state of area peratures, the precipitation watcher Bill Swaffield. This is roads to the school district status and the status of the the time of the year when transportation department. roads – 64 miles of them in By 4 a.m. the decision has to Wolfeboro, plus the seven SEE SNOWPLOWING PAGE A12 ELISSA PAQUETTE WOLFEBORO VOTING BOOTHS were often full on Election Day last Tuesday, March 8, though turnout in most towns was light – only 16 percent of registered voters turned out in Wakefield. Judge grants firefighters motion for rehearing BY THOMAS BEELER fighters union. Wolfeboro Board of Select- Editor The decision to reconsider men voted on Aug. 4 to re- OSSIPEE — Carroll Coun- was made on Feb. 11. The scind recognition of Profes- ty Superior Court Judge hearing on the motion is sional Fire Fighters of Steven Houran has granted a scheduled for Thursday, Wolfeboro IAFF Local 3708 motion for reconsideration March 31 at 9 a.m. at the Car- with the assertion that the by Professional Fire Fighters roll County Courthouse in original Town Meeting vote of Wolfeboro of his decision Ossipee. Time allotted for the in 2002 did not refer to the of Jan. 4 affirming the Town hearing is 30 minutes. proper state law and thus did of Wolfeboro’s decision to re- Having come to an impasse not authorize a union of few- scind recognition of the fire- in contract negotiations, the er than 10 members (the ELISSA PAQUETTE Wolfeboro union has nine THE PILE of mixed sand and salt, originally 4,000 tons, behind Public Works Director Dave Ford (l) and Highway Foreman Doug Lemery (r) outside the Public Works Garage on March 3, has diminished by an esti- members). The firefighters mated two-thirds this year so far, thanks to Mother Nature’s avid snow making this season. Printer fails to deliver won a temporary injunction on Sept. 27 blocking the town from making the union mem- 2010 Wolfeboro Town bers town employees. Judge Arrests and accidents are Houran’s Jan. 4 decision end- ed that injunction. Report on time For a presentation on how this dispute between the up this year in Tuftonboro BY THOMAS BEELER Town Counsel Mark Puffer town and the firefighters Editor BY ELISSA PAQUETTE has sent the contractor, Se- evolved from the firefighters Staff Writer calls. Shagoury said he on the matter. He defined the WOLFEBORO — Town lect Print Solutions of North point of view, please see arti- thought it would take a coor- problem as a sight line prob- Manager Dave Owen in- Brookfield, Mass., a letter of cle “Wolfeboro firefighters TUFTONBORO — Election dinated effort to get permis- lem for drivers approaching formed selectmen at their tell their side of the story” on Day, March 8, dawned bright sion from the state, but was March 2 meeting that the SEE WOLFEBORO PAGE A12 page A5. and clear for Tuftonboro citi- willing to do some outreach SEE TUFTONBORO PAGE A12 2010 Town Report would like- zens to cast their ballots for ly not be delivered before their peers running for office. town elections on March 8. While candidates placed their School board members He advised the board that signs in the snow banks sur- rounding the Old Town INSIDE House, the selectmen began listen to plea for better ■ voting day with a 10 a.m.meet- ing. Volume 152 • Number 10 Police Chief Andy communications 32 Pages in 3 Sections Shagoury reported that this BY HEATHER TERRAGNI ranging from how to be better year to date, arrests are up Staff Writer positive leaders to how Brookfield News ................A11 from last year, 13 to 4; acci- EFFINGHAM — Open the they’ve done a great job reach- Tuftonboro News .....A1, A6-A7 dents are up 13 to 6. There line of communication. This ing out to the public to how Wakefield News ....A1, A7, A14 were 33 offenses this month was a plea made by Effingham the public themselves should Wolfeboro News ............A1-A6 and two days were spent in Selectwoman Susan Slack to be more active at becoming in- Arts & Entertainment .....B6-B7 court with arraignments. Of- the Governor Wentworth Re- volved. ......................................B9-B10 ficers also assisted other de- gional School Board at its Disappointed by the “poor partments with firearm inci- March 7 meeting. Initiating a level of communication” be- Business ...............................C2 dents. Shagoury said that pre- lengthy conversation, the Churches ..............................B9 scription drug and heroin use board then heard comments SEE GWRSD PAGE A13 Classifieds.......................C5-C8 are a concern throughout the Editorial & Letters......A10-A11 area. John Harrigan.......................B7 The police department’s Legal/Public Notices ......A4, C5 open house, Saturday, March 5, had about five visitors, not Obituaries ............................A8 including the selectmen, who California Sports..............................B1-B5 made an appearance as well, NAVEL ORANGES$ 00 Week Ahead.........................C1 prompting Selectman Bill 1 ©2011, Salmon Press, LLC. Stockman to say, “It’s unfor- 5/ Call us at (603) 569-3126 tunate that more people don’t while supplies last email: [email protected] come out for these things.” JOSHUA SPAULDING Selectman Chair Carolyn Flight time Sundquist asked the chief Kingswood’s Kohl Meyers soars high above Kennett’s Thomas Loynd about the possibility of plac- as he prepares to execute a monster block during the Knights’ 69- ing a blinking light at the four 35 win over their Carroll County rivals on March 2 in North Conway. corners intersection. There Kingswood finished the season at 9-9 and opened the playoffs after were two accidents there last deadline Wednesday evening at Pelham. year and numerous close A2 THE GRANITE STATE NEWS, Thursday, March 10, 2011 St. Patrick’s Day SAVINGS See Our Web Page For Great Savings at Hunter’s www.huntersiga.com BUTCHER SHOP DELI - THE BEST FARM FRESH PRODUCE Our Own Store Made Fresh Pearl Land O Lakes Green Seedless Grey Corned Chicken Cooked Domestic Cabbage Green Grapes Beef Tenders Corned Beef Swiss Cheese $499 lb. Kretschmar Off-The-Bone ¢ $ 49 $349lb. $179lb. Honey 39 lb. 1 lb. $ 99 Ham 4 lb. $ 99 USDA Choice Boneless USDA Choice 4 lb. 5lbs. Ribeye (Delmonico) Face Rump Red Round White Potatoes Steaks Oven Roast Potatoes $799 lb. $329 lb. Our Own Store Made Boneless “Fully Cooked” $ ¢ Pork lb. Meatloaf Cutlets SEAFOOD 2/ 4 69 $ 29 lb. $ 99 ea. Farm Raised - Product of Thailand 3 1 Haddock Fillets 1 lb. Pkg. Yellow Wild Caught - Product of Norway Basa Parsnips Our Own Apple Walnut Stuffed “American Lamb” Fillets Turnips Boneless Loin $ 49 Pork Chops Lamb Chops 3 lb. $ ¢lb. $ 99 $ 99 2/ 4 69 2 lb. 7 lb. 16 oz. 2 Pk Yankee Trader 12 oz. 16 oz. 16 oz. Ballpark 26 oz. $ 99 $ 99 Lobster, Scallop or Cocktail Pomegranate Angus Beef Franks ........ 3 ea. Willow Tree Chicken Pie ..... 4 ea. $ 49 Crab Cakes Tomatoes Juice 16 oz. Land O Lakes Sliced White or Yellow 16 oz. Fully Cooked in BBQ Sauce Plumrose lb. $ 99 $ 99 5 $ 99 $ 99 $ American Cheese.............. 3 ea. Babyback Pork Spareribs ..... 5 ea. 2 ea. 2 ea. 2/ 7 GROCERY GROCERY GROCERY DAIRY Kraft Salad Bounty Basic Charmin Basic 8 O’Clock Low Fat Tropicana Dressing Paper Towels Bath Tissue Coffee 8 oz. Select Varieties 384 ct. - 8 Roll Pk 3696 ct. 12 Big Roll Pk 11-12 oz. Select Varieties 1% Milk Pure Premium Gallon Orange Juice ¢ $ $ $ 99 ea. 2/ 10 2/ 10 2/ 10 89 oz. Select Varieties $ 79 $ 59 Betty Crocker V-8 Hunt’s Kraft Macaroni 2 ea. 4 ea. Fruit Shapes Splash Pasta Sauce & Cheese 8oz. 26-26.5 oz. 1.9-7.3 oz. 64 oz. 16 oz. Regular/Nonfat 32 oz.
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