18877 Notices Federal Register Vol. 79, No. 65 Friday, April 4, 2014 This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Section promote and encourage the contains documents other than rules or 7601 of the Agricultural Act of 2014 development of the next generation of proposed rules that are applicable to the (Pub. L. 113–79) created a new agricultural research scientists; and (F) public. Notices of hearings and investigations, Foundation for Food and Agriculture carry out such other activities as the committee meetings, agency decisions and Research: rulings, delegations of authority, filing of Board determines to be consistent with petitions and applications and agency (1) To advance the research mission of the purposes of the Foundation. statements of organization and functions are the Department by supporting Nominations are being solicited from examples of documents appearing in this agricultural research activities focused organizations, associations, societies, on addressing key problems of national section. councils, federations, groups, and and international significance companies that represent a wide variety including—(A) plant health, production, of food and agricultural interests DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE and plant products; (B) animal health, throughout the country, and that can production, and products; (C) food fulfill the requirement of industry Office of the Secretary safety, nutrition, and health; (D) renewable energy, natural resources, provided lists of candidates. The Notice of Solicitation of Nominations and the environment; (E) agricultural nominees are not required to be in for Members of the Foundation for and food security; (F) agriculture industry, but must be nominated by Food and Agriculture Research systems and technology; and (G) someone in industry. AGENCY: Research, Education, agriculture economics and rural Criteria for Board Membership Economics, USDA. communities; and (2) to foster collaboration with agricultural The Board of Directors will be ACTION: Solicitation of nominations for researchers from the Federal composed of the following: membership. Government, State (as defined in section • 8 representatives selected from a 1404 of the National Agricultural list of candidates provided by the SUMMARY: In accordance with Sec. 7601 Research, Extension, and Teaching of Pub. L. 113–79, the United States National Academy of Sciences. Policy Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 3103)) • Department of Agriculture announces governments, institutions of higher 7 representatives selected from lists solicitation for nominations to fill 15 education (as defined in section 101 of of candidates provided by industry. vacancies on the Foundation for Food the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 The Foundation’s Board will be and Agricultural Research. Seven (7) U.S.C, 1001)), industry, and nonprofit responsible for governing the representatives are to be selected from organizations. In general, the organization and ensuring it succeeds in lists of candidates provided by industry, Foundation shall: (A) Award grants to, its mission. To that end the Board and eight (8) representatives are to be or enter into contracts, memoranda of members will oversee the mission and selected from a list of candidates understanding, or cooperative operation of the Foundation, including: provided by the National Academy of agreements with, scientists and entities, Approving programs and monitoring Sciences. The National Academy of which may include agricultural research their effectiveness, coordinating Sciences will be soliciting nominations agencies in the Department, university Foundation activities with federal through a separate process. The consortia, public-private partnerships, research programs, awarding grants, and Agricultural Act of 2014 can be found institutions of higher education, ensuring financial solvency and raising at: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS- nonprofit organizations, and industry, to resources. 113hr2642enr/pdf/BILLS- efficiently and effectively advance the The initial Board is to be appointed 113hr2642enr.pdf. goals and priorities of the Foundation; by the ex-officio board members (B) in consultation with the Secretary— DATES: Deadline for Foundation board designated in the statute. 3 The ex- (i) identify existing and proposed member nominations is April 28, 2014 officio members are: The Secretary of by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time. Federal intramural and extramural research and development programs Agriculture, the Under Secretary of ADDRESSES: Congressional Affairs, relating to the purposes of the Agriculture for Research, Education, Research, Education, and Economics, Foundation described in subsection (c); and Economics, the Administrator of the Room 214–W, Whitten Building, United and (ii) coordinate Foundation activities Agricultural Research Service, the States Department of Agriculture, 1400 with those programs so as to minimize Director of the National Institute of Independence Ave. SW., Washington, duplication of existing efforts and to Food and Agriculture, and the Director DC 20250–0321, fax number 202–260– avoid conflicts; (C) identify unmet and of the National Science Foundation. 8786, email [email protected]. emerging agricultural research needs Process and Criteria for Nominations FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ven after reviewing the roadmap for Neralla; Director of Congressional agricultural research, education, and The nominator should submit a name Affairs; Research, Education, and extension authorized by section 7504 of and contact information for each Economics; United States. Department the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act nominee. All nominees will be vetted of Agriculture, 1400 Independence Ave. of 2008 (7 U.S.C. 7614a); (D) facilitate before selection. Nominations are open SW.; Room 214–W, Whitten Building; technology transfer and release of to all individuals without regard to race, Washington, DC 20250; Telephone: information and data gathered from the color, religion, sex, national origin, age, 202–260–8208, email: ven.neralla@ activities of the Foundation to the mental or physical handicap, marital usda.gov. agricultural research community; (E) status, or sexual orientation. VerDate Mar<15>2010 19:26 Apr 03, 2014 Jkt 232001 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\04APN1.SGM 04APN1 mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES 18878 Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 65 / Friday, April 4, 2014 / Notices Done at Washington, DC, this 31st day of requirements of 35 U.S.C. 209 and 37 pop.php?project=43757, by contacting March 2014. CFR 404.7. the Lookout Pass Ski Area Expansion Catherine E. Woteki, Third-Party EIS NEPA Contractor, Sue Mojdeh Bahar, Under Secretary for Research, Education and Wilmot, at (503) 224–0333 ext. 6324, or Economics. Assistant Administrator. by emailing: [email protected]. [FR Doc. 2014–07574 Filed 4–3–14; 8:45 am] [FR Doc. 2014–07553 Filed 4–3–14; 8:45 am] Further information will also be made BILLING CODE 3410–03–P BILLING CODE 3410–22–P available at three public open houses: • April 22, 2014, 5–7 p.m. at the Black Diamond Ranch (120 Borgia DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Haugan Frontage Rd., De Borgia, MT). • Forest Service April 23, 2014, 5–7 p.m. at the Agricultural Research Service Wallace Inn (100 Front Street, Wallace, Idaho). Notice of Intent To Grant Exclusive Idaho Panhandle National Forests and • April 24, 2014, 5–7 p.m. at the License Lolo National Forest; Shoshone County, ID and Mineral County, MT; Coeur d’Alene Forest Supervisors Office AGENCY: Agricultural Research Service, Lookout Pass Ski Area Expansion (3815 Schreiber Way, Coeur d’Alene, USDA. Third-Party Environmental Impact Idaho). ACTION: Notice of intent. Statement Individuals who use telecommunication devices for the deaf SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given that AGENCY: Forest Service, USDA. (TDD) may call the Federal Information the U.S. Department of Agriculture, ACTION: Notice of intent to prepare an Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–800–877–8339 Agricultural Research Service, intends environmental impact statement. between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., Eastern to grant to Eureka Genomics Time, Monday through Friday. SUMMARY: The Idaho Panhandle Corporation of Hercules, California, an SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: National Forests (IPNFs) and Lolo exclusive license to the Federal Purpose and Need for Action: The National Forest (LNF) are preparing an Government’s rights in U.S. Patent purpose of the proposed Lookout Ski environmental impact statement (EIS) to Application Serial No. 13/824,348, Area Expansion is to provide a high- consider and disclose the anticipated ‘‘SCALABLE CHARACTERIZATION OF quality downhill skiing recreational environmental effects of a proposal from NUCLEIC ACIDS BY PARALLEL opportunity on the IPNFs and LNF. Lookout Pass Ski and Recreation Area SEQUENCING’’, filed on March 15, Lookout Pass ski terrain is insufficient (Lookout Pass) to expand its special use 2013. to meet market demands, resulting in permit to upgrade and develop new diminished recreational experiences DATES: Comments must be received on lifts, ski terrain, parking, access roads, and reduced economic viability for the or before May 5, 2014. and guest service facilities. The ski area. In the Lookout Pass Ski and ADDRESSES: proposed project is located Send comments to: USDA, Recreation Area Master Development approximately 12 miles east of Wallace, ARS, Office of Technology Transfer, Plan, Lookout Pass specifically Idaho, on National Forest System (NFS) 5601 Sunnyside Avenue, Rm. 4–1174,
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