OObservationbservation bbyy ssatelliteatellite Meteorological-Meteorological- andand Research and Development to environmental-observationenvironmental-observation AdvancedAdvanced predictionprediction Improve Desert Environments systemsystem ofof regionalregional Promoting rainfall waterwater cyclecycle and Create a Sustainable Rainfall Wastewater Atmospheric moisture radar Desert greening collection system treatment by deep-rooted Oasis Network system with seeding air-conditioning equipment Seawater desalination by solar energy 1 2 and biomass MAKOTO HARADA* RYOHJI OHBA* WATARU KAWAMURA*3 MASAHIKO NAGAI*4 As economic development and urbanization have expanded in the Middle East, so too has desertification. Secur- ing adequate water resources to support economic development and enhance urban environments is critical. Accord- ingly, adopting highly efficient energy-supply equipment and technologies for securing water resources, using water effectively, and implementing desert greening or reforesting projects are important. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI) aims to contribute to the stable and continuous economic development and environmental improvement of Middle Eastern countries and, in turn, to strengthen the energy security of Japan. Specifically, using its technolo- gies and products, MHI proposes a scenario for creating a sustainable "oasis." This paper introduces some of MHI's efforts to improve desert environments with the goal of creating such a sustainable desert oasis. academic organizations, MHI has undertaken various 1. Project Overview: Improving Desert Environments engineering studies related to global and regional cli- 1.1 Creating a sustainable oasis network mate change. Middle Eastern countries continue to enjoy remark- Such studies have revealed the possibility of green- able progress in economic development and urbanization. ing the so-called coastal deserts, many of which exist in However, desertification and a lack of water resources western coastal areas of continents. In particular, the are increasingly serious problems for which various so- Red Sea coastal area of Saudi Arabia receives high-hu- lutions are being sought. To help these and other nations midity air from the sea. Various simulations have that are suffering from water deficits, MHI is develop- examined the possibility of greening and have shown that ing a scenario to create a sustainable oasis network. once greening expands to a certain extent in this area, Instead of applying conventional methods that require there is a possibility that the newly established forests large amounts of fossil fuels, which are also limited natu- could promote cloud formation and hence greater rain- ral resources, and pursuing only short-term economic fall. Accordingly, the following hypothetical scenario is efficiency, the scenario that MHI proposes here includes proposed: new and dynamic methods for greening deserts and en- .A greened area of a certain scale would be created in hancing urban infrastructures. These methods a suitable desert region. incorporate active acquisition of sustainable water re- .An increase in rainfall would be spurred by interac- sources and sustainable and renewable energy wherever tions of vegetated land and the climate by which possible. forests promote cloud formation and subsequent pre- MHI hopes that this proposed scenario will help im- cipitation. prove desert environments and promote stable and .The increased rainfall would increase the amount of continuous economic development in the Middle East. It available water in the region, which in turn would is further hoped that the resulting economic and envi- further encourage the expansion of greening. ronmental benefits to the Middle East will help ensure .Finally, a system would be created by which most of the Middle Eastern fossil fuel supply to, and subsequent the water would be supplied from water circulated energy security of, Japan. from the ocean to the atmosphere and then to the greened lands. This cycle would minimize dependence 1.2 Scenario for creating an oasis network on supplemental water sources such as desalinized MHI has participated in the Global Frontier Project seawater or deep subterranean water (non-recharge- of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, able fossil water drawn from biostratigraphic aquifers and Technology of Japan since 1999. As part of the that exist several hundred meters to more than 1 km project, in collaboration with industry, government, and below the ground surface). *1 Technology Planning Department, Technical Headquarters Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. *2 Nagasaki Research & Development Center, Technical Headquarters Technical Review Vol. 42 No. 4 (Nov. 2005) *3 Takasago Research & Development Center, Technical Headquarters 1 *4 Advanced Technology Research Center, Technical Headquarters This system would create a hydrological circulation (1) Investigation of hydrological cycle mechanisms within which the artificially greened lands would in- First, to understand hydrological circulation at glo- crease the moisture content of the winds blowing from bal and regional scales, hydrological circulation coastal areas to the mountains. In the mountains, the mechanisms were investigated to identify the most moisture contained in the winds would be converted to suitable area for greening along the Red Sea coast of clouds that would then precipitate over the mountain Saudi Arabia and to estimate the size of the greened districts. The rainwater would replenish groundwater area required to increase rainfall amounts. These fac- layers located in the comparatively shallow (approxi- tors were examined using observational data and mately several meters deep) underground zones and simulations by the "Earth Simulator" supercomputer. subsequently increase the amount of groundwater Section 2 introduces an example of this research. (Fig.1Fig.1). The oasis MHI envisions would provide a com- (2) Acquiring sustainable water resources and desert fortable living space, would be based on a verified, greening feasible scenario, would minimize the use of deep sub- To create the hydrological circulation mechanism terranean water, and would form a sustainable described above, engineering and agricultural analy- hydrological circulation system. ses, combined with economic, social, and cultural 1.3 Procedure to verify the feasibility of the scenario perspectives, are required. These interdisciplinary The feasibility of the scenario was verified as follows fields were applied to examine methods for acquiring (Fig. 22). sustainable water resources and desert greening. Cloud and rain High temperature Humid wind Formation of cloud Mountain and high humidity district Transpiration Grassland Mangrove and forest forest 1.0 Red Sea Recharging underground water Harvested water (shallow layer) Humidification zone Water efficiently using zone Harvest zone Fig. 1 Conceptual image of the water circulation system Research of hydrological Global meteoro- Western Asia meteorological analysis circulation mechanisms in logical analysis coastal areas of Saudi Arabia Review and evaluation from Securing sustainable Sustainable desert economic, social, and water resources greening cultural perspectives Creating a sustain- able oasis network Fig. 2 Research procedures Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. Technical Review Vol. 42 No. 4 (Nov. 2005) 2 The following issues are important. .Identifying the best method presently available to se- 2. Hydrological Circulation Study cure a necessary amount of water. This section describes research on hydrological circu- (Securing sustainable water resources) lation processes ranging from global to local scales; .Identifying the best method to achieve efficient greening results will be applied to securing sustainable water re- Identifying the best method to reduce the amount sources and greening deserts in dry zones. The results of water required for greening were obtained through numerical analyses using obser- (Sustainable greening of deserts) vational data of local weather, the latest weather Section 3 presents two approaches for securing sus- forecasting models, and a large-scale parallel tainable water resources. An example of a technical study supercomputer, the Earth Simulator. related to sustainable desert greening is presented in 2.1 Analysis of global-scale meteorological Section 4. phenomena This study was performed as part of the Research Recent research has revealed that global-scale me- Project for Sustainable Coexistence of Humans, Nature, teorological and hydrological circulation changes are and the Earth entitled "Advanced Prediction System and driven by long-term changes in ocean surface tempera- Counter Measures of Global- and Meso-scale Water ture distributions. Figure 3 illustrates the influence of Cycle" (Global Water Cycle Project: GWCP). Research for changes in the Pacific Ocean surface temperature (El this project is conducted in cooperation with the Japan Nino Southern Oscillation: ENSO) and Indian Ocean Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology surface temperature change (Indian Ocean Dipole: IOD) (JAMSTEC), the National Research Institute for Earth on global total rainfall based on analyses of long-term Science and Disaster Prevention, Kyoto University, observation data. The figure reveals that total rainfall Tottori University, Sophia University, and various re- in India decreases during summer when the ENSO is search institutes in Saudi Arabia(1). prevalent, and total rainfall in the Middle
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