THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20. 1913. 15 AMUSEMENTS. AMTSEMETfl. AsrrsiarEJtTS. NEW TODAT. REAL ESTATK. REAL ESTATB REAL ESTATE. (or tSelc -- Bou For Sal?- - FareWfv. ROT nvvrt v uxl.K FRIDAY T All! niuiEIU SOW I I CHOICE BUILDING LOTS ON WEST SIDE. HAVE YOU ABOUT $10? - If you can pay that or nearly that Glenelyn Addition, restricted district. down, will give you a big bargain In a GIobeTheater FOR SALE Inside circle, commands an unob- cosy not lUlTend Peoples Theater Valley Mt. bungalow on a lot, F. 1 . 1 Morrison Eleveata aaa Waahlaartoa. structed view of Tualatin and far south of Hawthorne and between 3Sth H f ( Hood; walks, surface graded streets and price Is Alder Bull Run In end Included la price: and 8fth sta. the less than West Park and Today Wee It water prop- it will be wttrth tout while seeing me It GOOD FARM BUYS. Next Sunday aadBalaace f OR EXCHANGE Fourth Street Line runs In front of you a home. A, E. Poulaen, 71 SbSSg SELIC SPECIAL TWO REELS, erty, the electrification of which Is now want Barcaia Mat. Tues Special Mat. FrL in arogresa. Prices range from 8350 up. Chamber of Commerce. HARGROVE A SONS. WILLIAM A. BRADY PRESEST8 Management Select your lot and we will build to suit The E WHEAT The Child of the Sea RY you for a small cash payment down. For RANCH. Guarantees Romance BRICK A of tb Llarbtbouss PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY. Located S miles trwm lUexrngton Oregon, READY MONEY Friday Service. OWNERS. In Morrow County, 3J0 acres. T75 In cul- Today, Tomorrow, 2nd Floor. Selling Bids. tivation ; best of soil, sure crops; fair A COMEDT OF LOVE AND ROMANCE APARTMENT WANTED. buildings, good water. P1r 4too; worth Evenlnss: Lower floor. $2. $1.50, ,1; and Saturday EDI SO DRAMA, twice tnat much; winding up au estate. balcony. $1. "3c. 50c Bargain Tuesday TOUR LOT Get busy. Matinee: Lower floor 1. ; balcony, 6 An Absolute and Undeni- WELL LOCATED TWO lots with large 2 room house, nicely rows Tic, 4 rows 50c, JO rows 25c Tbe Pied Piper of Hamelin UnTTCE furnishel; also, woodshed and 15 fruit OR 10O ACRES ON WILLAMETTE RIVER. Special Friday Matinee: Lower floor able Feature. nUUOL CORNER trees; cheap for cash. Owner, W. E. $1: balcony, 75c, SOc From the Poem by Robert Browning; .iat'kscn, 2a ave. South. Lenta. EQUITY IN Do you want a farm on the beautiful Willamette? Herfe one- - We are authorized to seU or ex- 10'JxlOO. 850u: or ooxlvO, terms cash. HOUSE is of the best. The Beaten Path EDUCATIONAL, Aj 2:'l. Oregonlan. There are 14 acres. SO acres !n cultiva- MA1INEE DAILY. Mala . A iota. change this three-stor- y Modern brick dlstrlct-,l- payment acreage tion, balance fir and hardwood; all best i"5 BUYS GOxlOO in restricted l As first on Inside of soli; fine plastered house, large, 100 Scenes apartment-hous-e, required. T 261. Qr.gonisn. circle; electric line and station at place; fine In 3 Reels First Aid the Injured consisting of 24 rssh all under cultivation and in crop; two auto barn and icta of outbuildings: 75 to or Sale Beach Property. rods of river frontage: boat landing on apartments. Well located, close in, I roads to city; priced lower than uncleared the place: mite from good (CPCVaX, A Universal Weekly, Even lots, Bayorean Beach, all lana same distance out. town. I BLANCHE WAIfH corner, 150 feet from carline, and a EIGHT beautiful Spooner. 1005 bldg. miles from Oregon Electric; 20 milea from COMEDT, for 9O0: 1 corner lot. Neahkante, 815U. tee Wilcox Price bal- Flanagan end fcdwards Better Than Usual. good bldg. Portland. $14,000; $3000 cash, Bedford And Winchester revenue producer. Owner will terms. 324 Worcester MY COUNTRY HOME ance 6 per cent. Raven close-i-n Sale Business Property. $w3t.H. Charlotte scxoft Bobbie's Long Trousers sell or exchange equity for I'er 1 acre, new bungalow, hardwood HARGROVB A SONS. The Felt Trio well-locat- In Klam- 1- Wlnwlow and Duffy vacant property. Jlicrht consider ed FOR SAI.S Splendid business lot floor, electric lights, phone, furnace, bath, -- N. 6th m.. near Oiisan. The Sufrragette Tames Falls, best town In southern Oregon: cement treys, trees, lots of Main 4SS1. A 72G& Cieoe Mailer Trio lOa ALL SEATS lOtt ath D.m-In- wash fruit Willamette Valley farm. cheap for cash. Jios. G. Aitken, natural tres. excellent view; 25 minute will N. M. from Portland on Oregon City electric Any Matinee Seat. ia Properties will inflated values line, t o Mocks west of Lakewood sta- WTTTKE the Bandit AUCTION SALE TODAT. $16.000 LOT 5xlu0, stores snd apartments: not be considered. prominent street, close In, West Side; well tion, on fine auto road to Portland: fine Auction House, 211 824 Worcester bldg. neighborhood Place has cost me SolOO. A Full Reel Comedy. Ford lat. Furniture. No phone information. rented. Owner, I will sell for $4300. This Is one of the carpsts. ate uai. r. -- lltUll oota u i a Homesteads. nest locations around Portland- - Fixtures, mm At Wilson's Auction Rous, 10 A. 420 draperies and shades go with plso-3- it a In Oregon. rurniturs. 10o-- 9 First st. HOMESTEADS Western Phone Mllwaukle, Red 4T- - J. G. Petera. MOXS. O. MOLA8BO Lumber Exchange. 2d snd Stsrk. owner. Jn La somntiDPu: Master Gordon Sonle I WAXT TO REACH THE MAN SIRS. BATTLING NELSON alEKTCS'Q NOTICES. 40 ACRES. 3 miles to town; R. F. D. ; 14 iFay King) acres under cultivation; 20 acres open WHO IS A FARMER. 4 Other Headline Acta 4 The "Wonderful Local Boy - SIT. TABOR LODGE KO. 42 Henry Building. pasture: 6 acres old. fir: sandy loam. 4 A. F. AND A. M. A SD.clal com MONET PAY FOR TOUR springs, nlped to house bam hereby 1 LET THE RENT water and ap- - ??wn Pianist, and Organ and munlcatlon is called for HOME. hog-tig- fence, tn prune trees. 53 T own ' a splendid!- - located Odors, v. m. Wednesday, tbe 20tn nles. new house, new barn; im Willamette COOLEST Is in It- to our Valley farm, con- Piano Music attend the funeral of late $2."mo; $1Mh first-cla- That Smith, ADDITION bungalow, bath, cabinet kitchen; provements worth price taining 1300 acres of ss brother. John which will b. HDD'S 13 on or tore 1&-- 1, 6 per self a Hide new; lot WHOO: good view; minutes cash, balance be soil, adaptable to various uses, conducted from the East undertaking to poatoffice; 81530.00. cent Interest. see Mr. Damon, cnapin-Herlo- such as general farming, dairy- parlors. eth ana Aioer sts. interment Very swell modern seven-roo- m house. Co., Cham ing, ML Scott Cemetery. By of "Wor Mtg. Trust 3d fioor stockraising. etc.; over 3O0 POSITIVE MUSICAL order the 1are;e attic, four bedrooms, hardwood 4- - room bungalow, fireplace. Dutch kitch- her of Commerce. acrea now in crop, balance open shipful Master. M. R. PPAULDIXG, Soc'ty, floors, fireplace, furnace, bookcase, en, trees; ex- pasture and timber, mm. -- ... Alder Street . bookcases, matured fruit SPECIAL ATTENTION. watered by .. and k ATTRACTION PORTLAND CHAPTER. KO. S. buffet, beam ceiling-- Dutch kitchen: ab- cellent view; 3 blocks to car; 824UO.O0. good running creek, several Mayer, Ulytnc beRt-bui- Bottom land fronting on the Willamette WEEK Al'Gl'ST IS. Lottie R. A. M. A atated convocation solutely the lt bouse In Ladd's River, on Oregon six miles springs and well. Qneeo. assisted by Vivian Marshall and Ml hard-surfa- 5-- bungalow; new; oak floors, fire- the Electric ia Improved, Bim-ber- r. of Chapter. No. 8. wil Addition: 40x128; all in room or Farm baa a good, Bennett, Portland lot n soutn or baiem; in a nign state cultiva- Water Nvmphe, Tojetti be held In their hallt West Park and paid. A bis snap at 86500; 11500 place, furnace, built-i- buffet and book- tion. To responsible purchasers who will modern house. family Marlon Day. Clayton and JLennie, - cases, Dutch kitchen, full cement base- orchard, three barns, out-b- u Billy ManjX Popular and Yamhill streets this (Wed- down and $25 per month. Only one Improve the property we will sell on terms tidings, other Alfredo .Maractiall, nesaayj evenins. 20. block to avenue, ment, lsundry trays, best of construction; or notnmg aown payment etc. all fenced and Auruit lia. Hawthorne assessments ana tne nrst in cross-fence- prices. at 8 o'clock. Visitors welcome. Rose City Park; all street 4 years, at per acre, cau on or aa Personal property By order of E. H. r J. A. ALLEN. Seo. paid: 8300.00 cash, balance bonthly. dress, futi auch as 15 head of cattle, six M. ZADOW horses, all kinds of farm ma- C In COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, chinery, wagon WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 414 Corbett Bids;. A 141(1, Marshall S3. We also own 6. 7 and houses S2 st., near a harness, etc; 4, A. F. AND A. M. Stated various residence sections of th. city which Fourth Oaky besides the crop goes with the Star Theater communication this (Wednesday) we will sell for a reasonable cash pay- 40 ACRES piece. LYRIC evening. 7:30. E. 8th and Burn-sid- e. ment and balance In monthly payments. of fine Valley land in a high starve of cul A Jotoqi Musical Hit, "Maloney'a Wed- M. M. degree. Visitors wel tlvation near Corvallls; no buildings; price THE PRICE IS $4 PER ACRE. ding." A ng comedy, interspersed Washington and Park come. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY.
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