Stockinger et al. J Big Data (2019) 6:46 https://doi.org/10.1186/s40537‑019‑0209‑0 RESEARCH Open Access Scalable architecture for Big Data fnancial analytics: user‑defned functions vs. SQL Kurt Stockinger1*† , Nils Bundi2,3†, Jonas Heitz1† and Wolfgang Breymann1† *Correspondence: [email protected] Abstract † Kurt Stockinger, Nils Bundi, Large fnancial organizations have hundreds of millions of fnancial contracts on Jonas Heitz and Wolfgang Breymann contributed their balance sheets. Moreover, highly volatile fnancial markets and heterogeneous equally to this work data sets within and across banks world-wide make near real-time fnancial analytics 1 Zurich University of Applied very challenging and their handling thus requires cutting edge fnancial algorithms. Sciences, Technikumstrasse 9, 8400 Winterthur, Switzerland However, due to a lack of data modeling standards, current fnancial risk algorithms are Full list of author information typically inconsistent and non-scalable. In this paper, we present a novel implementa- is available at the end of the tion of a real-world use case for performing large-scale fnancial analytics leveraging article Big Data technology. We frst provide detailed background information on the fnancial underpinnings of our framework along with the major fnancial calculations. After- wards we analyze the performance of diferent parallel implementations in Apache Spark based on existing computation kernels that apply the ACTUS data and algorith- mic standard for fnancial contract modeling. The major contribution is a detailed dis- cussion of the design trade-ofs between applying user-defned functions on existing computation kernels vs. partially re-writing the kernel in SQL and thus taking advan- tage of the underlying SQL query optimizer. Our performance evaluation demonstrates almost linear scalability for the best design choice. Keywords: Financial analytics, Query processing, User-defned functions, Performance evaluation Introduction Today, nearly all money exists in form of numbers in a computer, and fnance can be considered as a special kind of IT application that represents the fow of money in form of cash fows between diferent participants. Tus, automated processing seems to be a natural choice and the fnancial sector should be expected to lead digitization and automation initiatives. It is all the more surprising that not only is this not the case but, on the contrary, the fnancial sector is lagging behind other sectors. In 2008, when Lehman Brothers went bankrupt at the height of the fnancial crisis, nobody—neither the big banks nor the regulatory authorities—had the structures and processes in place to systematically measure, even imprecisely, the systemic aspects of the risks inherent in the development of subprime lending, securitization, and risk transfer [1]. As a con- sequence, the top management did not have an adequate picture of these risks so that they could be denied during the build-up of the bubble and nobody was able to evaluate the implications of the failure of major fnancial institutions when the crisis eventually hit. Te major shortcoming identifed by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision © The Author(s) 2019. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. Stockinger et al. J Big Data (2019) 6:46 Page 2 of 24 Fig. 1 Bow tie structure of the fnancial system. While input and output are diverse, the core is very restricted and can be represented by a limited number of fnancial contract types with a standardized data format and standardized algorithms. This combines fexibility of input and output with high efciency of the core (BCBS) [2] is the banks’ poor capability to “quickly and accurately” aggregate risk expo- sures and identify concentrations of risk at “the bank group level, across business lines and between legal entities”. In particular, this afects their ability to quickly carry out so- called stress tests, which can be viewed as a particular way to assess the banks’ exposure to risk associated with particular economic-fnancial scenarios. Since 2009, banking regulation and oversight has been strengthened, e.g. with the Dodd-Frank act and the Basel III post crisis regulatory reform. Tis has considerably increased the reporting requirements and the associated costs, however, with limited efects. Te problem still is the heterogeneity of the banks’ IT environment and the lack of a data and algorithmic standard that enables automated, transparent, and efcient aggregation of risk positions. Tere are some initiatives for a standardized description of fnancial instruments such as, e.g., FIBO [3]. Unfortunately, these endeavors are mostly limited to hierarchical classifcation schemes (business ontologies) and fail to deliver what is needed for fnancial analysis. In our view the reasons for this failure are twofold. First, most current standardization eforts focus on contract data (namely what is called contract meta data) but for fnancial analytics the cash fows implied by the legal provisions are essential. Te latter are rep- resented by algorithms in the digital world. Tus, a suitable standardization of the data must go together with a standardization of the contract algorithms. Te ACTUS [4] ini- tiative is so far the only one that is pursuing this approach. ACTUS stands for Algorith- mic Contract Type Unifed Standard and is a standardization efort of fnancial contract data and algorithms based on ideas originally presented in [5]. Te second reason is that most professionals do not believe that a standardization as we deem necessary is feasible. Tis hints at a lack of understanding of some crucial aspects of the deep structure of the fnancial system. Indeed, we have reason to believe that the underlying structure has the form of a so-called “bow tie” (see Fig. 1) found in many complex systems with a core/periphery network structure and cooperative and competitive interactions between network nodes [6]. Te center of the bow tie, which must be highly efcient, reliable and transparent, consists of the fnancial system’s core functionality, namely the execution and analysis of the myriads of cash fows. Tese cash Stockinger et al. J Big Data (2019) 6:46 Page 3 of 24 fows are bundled together and encoded in fnancial contracts, i.e., the fnancial instru- ments. In order to achieve the required efciency, reliability and transparency, one needs (i) an adequate standardization of the data the cash fow generating algorithms that together defne the contract [7] and (ii) sufcient computational power as well as highly scalable parallel algorithms. Te frst goal has already been achieved with ACTUS [4], while (ii) is what is presented in this paper. Let us note that the full set of contract types will cover all important fnancial instruments from fxed rates bonds over symmetrical derivatives as futures and swaps to general basket structures that encompass for example asset backed securities (ABS) and collateralized debt obligations (CDO). ACTUS builds on the observation that all fnancial analyses can be reduced to the fol- lowing three steps: (1) evaluation of the cash fows of all fnancial contracts for a given state of the economic-fnancial environment (henceforth referred to as risk-factor sce- narios); (2) application of specifc analytical transformations to these cash fows, which results in granular analytics; and (3) aggregation of the granular analytics to any desired level. If data and contract algorithms are standardized, steps (2) and (3) consist nearly entirely of linear transformations, for which very efcient parallel algorithms exist. Up to 3 now, this technology has been tested for cases consisting of about 4 × 10 contracts and up to 100 risk factor scenarios. In order to scale up the solutions, it is important to notice that steps (1) and (2) can both be processed independently for diferent contracts and diferent risk factor scenar- ios, which means that the computing problem is “embarrassingly parallel” [8]. Tis prop- erty allows leveraging novel and freely available parallel and/or distributed computing technologies in order to solve the problem of modeling and simulating the core of the fnancial system sufciently fast. In particular, this is essential for large fnancial institu- 8 tions with about 10 contracts and for Monte-Carlo simulation based analytics where 5 each instrument has to be evaluated under up to 10 scenarios. Indeed, this results in 8 5 13 a Big Data and Big Computation problem with up to approximately 10 × 10 = 10 contract-scenario pairs. Research objectives In the following, we concentrate on the parallel computing technology for modeling, simulating and analyzing the functional core of the fnancial system at a large scale. Te research objectives address the following questions, which we judge essential for this technology to be deployed in large-scale real-world solutions: • Question 1: Can we easily parallelize existing fnancial kernels? • Question 2: Can fnancial calculations be formulated in SQL and thus be accelerated by taking advantage of a SQL Query Optimizer? • Question 3: What is the scalability of running large-scale, real-world fnancial analyt- ics? Te portfolio of contracts investigated in this paper is limited to fxed income instru- ments as generalized bonds, annuities and loans with constant rate of amortization. Tis limitation is unlikely to entail a restriction of the generality of the results of our study as to the scaling behavior because the principles, namely the embarrassingly parallel Stockinger et al. J Big Data (2019) 6:46 Page 4 of 24 structure of the problem as explained in Section Case Study, remains the same for all contract types. Tis is why we expect the core of the results presented in this paper to be valid for all contract types.
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