9750 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD....__SENATE DECEl\iBER 15 PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS sentatives of the Seventy-seventh Congress; 2157. Also, resolution of the Chamber of Under clause 3 of rule XXII, public bills to the Committee on Rules. Commerce of Mason City, Iowa, expressing By Mr. SOMERS of New York: confidence in, and pledging full support to, and resolutions were introduced and sev­ H. Res. 388. Resolution to create a select the Government; to the Committee on Mili­ erally referred as follows: committee to investigate the benefits which tary Affairs. By Mr. MAY: have resulted from the stabilization of 2158. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the New H. R. 6215. A blll to amend the Selective China's currency, and for other purposes; to York Fight for Freedom Committee to Defend Training and Service Act of 1940 to aid in the Committee on Rules. America, New York, N. Y., petitioning con­ insuring the defeat of all the enemies of the sideration of their resolution with reference United States through the extension of lia­ to investigation of the abuse of the frankin-g bility for rr.ilitary service and the registration PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS privileges of Members of Congress of the of the manpower of the Nation, and for Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private United States; to the Committee on the other purposes; to the Committee on Military Judiciary. Affairs. bills and resolutions were introduced and 2159. Also, petition of the World Citizens By Mr. DOWNS: severally referred as follows: Association of Chicago, Ill., petitioning con­ H. R. 6216. A bill to extend the benefits of By Mr. BLAND: sideration of their resolution with reference , title 11 of the Social Security Act, as amend­ H. R. 6!;!24. A bill granting an increase of to their help to the United States in our state ed, to certain hospital employees; to the pension to Mary McMenamin Shepherd; to of war; to the Committee on Military Affairs. Committee on Ways and Means. the Committee on World War Vf:'terans' Legis­ 2160. Also, petition of the Parent-Teachers By Mr. RAMSPECK: . lation. Association of Brooklyn, N. Y., petitioning H. R. 6217. A bill to amend section 13 of By Mr. McGEHEE: consideration of their resolution with refer­ the Classification Act of 1923, as amended; H. R. 6225 . A bill for the relief of certain ence to naturalization of noncitizens; to the to the Committee on the Civil Service. individuals in connection with the construc­ Committee on Immigration and Naturaliza­ By Mr. HOUSTON: tion, operation, and maintenance of the Fort tion. H. R. 6218. A bill to grant automatic na­ Hall Indian irrigation project, Idaho; to the 2161. Also, petition of the American Legion, tional service life insurance benefits to de­ Committee on Claims. Everhart Van Eimeren Post, No. 27, South . pendents of recently deceased members of H. R. 6226. A bill for the relief of B. H. Wil­ Milwaukee, Wis., petitioning consideration of the armed services of the l:Jnited States and ford; to the Committee on Claims. their resolution with reference to their man­ · to extend the time limit for filing applica­ By Mr. PATRICK: power to successfully carry on the present tions for said insurance; to the Committee H. R. 6227. A bill for the relief of Hassler­ war; to the Committee on Military Affairs. en Ways and Means. Ponder Toy Manufacturing Co ., Inc.; to the 2162. Also petition of the .t.gr:tcultural and By Mr. RANKIN of Missisippi: Committee on Claims. Mechanical College of Texas, petitioning con­ H. R. 6219. A bill to extend the provisions By Mr. SPARKMAN: sideration of their resolution with reference · of section 602 (a) of the National Service H. R. 6228. A bill for the relief of Winston to the national-defense program; to the Com­ · Life Insurance Act of 1940 to personnel on· Hold~r; to the Committee on Claims. mittee on Military· Affairs. · · active duty in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps,• 2163. Also, petition of the New Jersey Wo­ and Coast Guard; to the Committee on Ways men Lawyers' Club, Newark, N .. J., petitioning . and Means. PETITIONS, ETC. consideration of their resolution with refer­ By Mr. O'LEARY: ence to the national-defense program; to the H. R. 6220. A bill to amend section 3 of the Under clause 1 of rule XXII, p.etitions Committee on Foreign Affairs. Subsistence Expense Act of 1926, as amended; and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk to the Committee on Expenditures in the and referred as follows: Executive Departments. H. R. 6221. A bill to extend the time for 2150. By Mr. COFFEE of Washington: Peti­ SENATE examination of monthly accounts covering tion of Local 28 of Post Office Clerks, E. E. Henriksen, president, Seattle, Wash., pointing expenditures by disbursing officers of the out that it is imperative that we forestall MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1941 United States Marine Corps; to the Commit- inflation; alleging that the buying of non­ . tee on Expenditures in the Executive De­ The Very Reverend Z~Barney T. Phil­ partments. essentials for Christmas diverts money from By Mr. O'TOOLE: the indispensable program of combating in­ lips, D. D., Chaplain of the Senate, offered H. R. 6222. A bill to provide for compensa­ flation; reminding us that the Federal Gov­ the following prayer: ernment is urging the people to buy defense tory time off or additional compensation for Almighty God and Heavenly Father, employees of navy yard and naval stations bonds and stamps as a method of supp!ying who are required to work on holidays or on ready funds with which to prosecute our who art the ever-present and all-seeing days when the departments and establish­ major war with three great nations; there­ One, with whom we always have to do, ments of the Government are closed by Ex­ fore recommending that the American people though sometimes, by our grievous fault, ecutive order; to the Committee on the be urgently requested to engage universally Thot.r seem est -very far from us: As we Civil Service. in the giving of defense bonds and stamps bow before Thee at this morning hour By Mr. VINSON of Georgia: for Christmas this year in place of the usual gifts that are given; to the Committee on mindful of our sins and our shortcom­ H. R..6223. A bill to establish the composi­ ings, we humbly ask that Thou wilt tion of the United States Navy, to authorize Ways and Means the construction of certain naval vessels, and 2151. By Mr. HALLECK: Petition of sundry speak to us to the finer chastening of for other pmposes; to the Committee on. citizens of Logansport, Ind., expressing their our spirits, as Thy whole creation groan­ Naval Affairs. views in respect to House bill 4000 and similar eth and travaileth in pain. Grant in By Mr. RANKIN of Mississippi: bills; to the Committee on Military Affairs. these momentous days that we may have H. R. 6229. A bill to provide liberal1zed 2152. By Mr. JARRE'IT: Petition of the a sound judgment in all things, relying benefits · for disabled American veterans of Woman's Missionary Society of the First wholly upon our God, for, without be­ the World War and their dependents, and UDited Presbyterian Church of Farrell, Pa., urging national prayer, etc.; to the Commit­ lief in Thee, justice is but a vacant hope, for other purposes; to the Committee on and, apart from the way of Christ, no World War Veterans' Legislation. tee on Military Affairs. By Mr. LEA: 2153. By Mr. JONKMAN: Petition ot Mrs. kingdom of righteousness can be estab­ H. R. 6230. A bill to amend section 2 (3) of H. Ver Merris, of Grand :J;tapids, Mich., recom­ lished the National Labor Relations Act, so as to mending that there be a national day of Dispel from our midst every trace of · qefine the term "agricultural laborer;" to the prayer; to the Committee on the Judiciary. national complacency, and give to us Committee on Labor. 2154. By Mr. LAMBERTSON: Petition of that invincible spirit of courage which is H. R. 6231. A bill to amend section 606 (c) the Topeka Third Presbyterian Church and the Central Woman's Christian Temperance born of true penitence, the spirit con­ of the Communications Act for the purpose scious of its own tremendous need yet of including communications by wire; to the Union, Topeka, Kans., requesting immediate Committee on Interstate and Foreign Com­ enactment of a just and adequate pension sharpened to discern the unveiling of merce. law: to the Committee on Ways and Means. God's purpose to redeem , his world out By Mr. BRADLEY of Michigan: 2155. By Mr. ROLPH: Resplution of the of the tyranny of oppression and might H. R. 6232. A blll to amend the act approved Native Sons of the Golden West, requesting into the glorious sovereignty of love and June 28, 1940, entitled "An act to expedite that the proposed cantonment, now desig­ true brotherhood. the national defense, and for other purposes," nated as the Marysville project, In Yuba We ask it all in the name and for the as amended, in order to make more effectual' County, Calif., .be designated as Camp Far the power to establish priorities and to allo­ West; to the Committee on Military Affairs. sake of Jesus Christ our Lord and cate material; to the Committee on Naval 2156. By Mr. TALLE: Resolution of the Saviour. Amen. Affairs. Luther College of Decorah, Iowa, expressing THE JOURNAL By Mr. RANKIN. of Mississippi: confidence In, and pledging full suppor-t to, H.
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