CovMify# Oractesay Ptaih pgfiaHyi *No second thoughte^ / jwg» 4 goodbye to a school ol frtonds / iMga 7 wcaiic^W ^onipSten^iI5F 7 5 3 5 » iHmtfbrfitrr Hrralii ) V. Monday, Juna 2 9 , a D C d h M Bryan Farms split over tire~servlce switch »v Oscf as Levee mako OfMieb dWofOUOO/’ aakf AKoo fo oof(boaa( MaAOboa(or wOoM (OWO. fo iM f. a fotfdoo waa ofroutatod aald Ma main objection woohf to (0 HCfofd Pseerter ffaddook of Rood Laoo. " I baro oo (oaoafof from (bo (owo (o (bo Roforo aoy ftoat doaf fooa foto to (bo ooffbborbood by (boao wbo baufnf E ffM b tMatrict aewer hMftoatioo fo aoy way tba( (bo l » i M biafotot. offoet. H woofd baro (Obo ayproyod waotod tojofotbo tMfiHb fbatnot. iamea f rvMe of RaMwMT Road fMffy M«Ofi«n of CoftMfd Road RigMb in tM ti oooldo'( ifvo yOD Tbo OMwo fa |Wft of a faofor to Rffbtb Dlatr(«( roafdoota aod(bo fbat tobm^dd (boao wbowaotodto dtda’f fako foiw fo oomklor tko food c&vtiragt." ao((fOfooo( of foogafaodfof yrob- (OWO hoard of hfrootora. ffowovor, atay fo (bo (owo to ofrooiato tboir aald to would fight ahf tfantfer (oma orof ffro frofootf00 aod aowoo (boro fa aooto ooofoafoo oror owo fotHfoo, wbtob oaoaod tbo •‘tooth and nan." <l«Mhon. fho (WO oMo’s oOMHOOOto ropfoa- “I bewna to (to " I jirtf doo'f Bko <ho dliiirtoB." bo oo( oMoaKO vfowa of (boao wboHvo aofrfoo. Vodftr (bo afrooinoo(. (bo wbotbor Sryao farofa roafdoota ortffoal otroulatora (o atoy tbofr do not eant to Rffbfff P M t M wooM aootro Rryao woobf alao havo (0 afroo (o (bo offorta. E ffM Dlafrlct," to aald. Even aaid ffo oaflod (bo Ciabfb DfafrM to (bo Riyao fafina aroa. Ao (boufb (to EffMb DMrtct'a voton- foroomnoitt “JojK a froob of (hoao (oformat yoff ooodoofod iw (bo RaoMM booavao ft wooM bo ffvoo awHob aod po(t(foo (o jofo (bo two loadora of tbo |m>o-(owo (bo (owiya Rooklaod ffrobonao oo eifbfb tJUrtrM (fotmoo offort bad ooaod oftofooa (eer dopattm etd mopoaea a fire tat irbo iraaf (boir fmio powor Maooboa(or fforafd foooalod IHdo (bat fa ntorty 4 miffa leaa eapenaive t| vffDCTUre. 8frooinofl( amoof roaldoo(a. todaod Tofobfko. CffboEffMb lNa(rto( oofO(fa(ora ooo- about tbo oow oropoaaf. Tba( ataffoo fa oaod now by (bo (ood (bfa otoat bo dooo. wbflo (bo “f would havo 00 ffrobloof bofof tban tto town fire tax, frvtne aald i n 'attob tb M otV of Rond taoo ffodor a (oo(a(ivo afroomoof to toiievea there ahotdd to only d»db'( (afco lo«f (ooomo o»> wHh ao roaobod laa( wook by o^|0(fa(ora (owo (0 aorvo Rryao farona. fo (owo oofO((a(ora aay (bo (raoafor aorvod by (bo Effbtb hfatrfot ffro rohrro. (bo CffMb Pittnct wonid oooldooofo about wffbout a potftfoo doyartmoot'' aafd Edward E. anawor. oHbor. froflo (bo (wo foyooomoo(a. (bo firo pfeaaefaraiafafe f# “I boHooo (ba( oMboo 000 dooao'f ivtiadfo(fon (or (bfa ooffbborbood aorroodor Ha aowor ayafoot t& (bo offort. Coitotao of Bafdwfo Road. CoHo m o N B C still Meese, North on the air met regularly In walkout NEW YORK (AD - Tto tudon RfASMfROtON (A D - Attorooy had boon rovfowod for fofallty by repreaeottng 2.SM prodocete, wrt- Ooo. Edwto kfooao fff (OOt wHb Lt. the attorney foooraf. tera and techtdetane In aht cHlea Cof Olfvor L Nortb boforo (bo Mooao. appoarfof Sunday on went on atrtke (Ma momlnf afafnat frao-«oo(ra affatr uoravofod faat ABC-tV’a "Thfa Wook Wl(h David NBC In (to (bird and largeat atrtke faff. 00 a OMTO rofular baata (bao Brinkley." aafd bo would aoawor afalnat a network (Ma year. (bo atforooy foooraf baa aokoowf- quoadona when ho la oaflod (o NBC imMemented Ha final con­ odfod. aooordtof (oa koowfodfabfo (oatffy boforo the ooofroaafonaf tract offer at 1161 a.m. after fovorooioot aouroo. frao-contra fnvoatlfatlof laat-faap nefotlatlona faffed. kfooao. wbo fod ao ad>nfflta(ra(ton oommfttooa. Membera of (to National Aaaocl- t o ^ r y foto Nortb'a aotfvtffoa faat "f'm not fofof to bo lured foto adon of Broadcaat tmafogoe* and Hwombor, baa aafd ho bold por- oommootfnf on (bfa matter." Teebnief ana then calmlf walked off bapa a doroo moottofa wftb (bo Mooao aafd. " I wiffoommorrf plenty the Job aa promlaed at NBC (ormof Naftooaf Socurtty Couooff when I have (bo opportuoffy to headt/aartere here. afdo. 0000 dfacuaatof afd (o tbo (oatffy, or at an appropriate (fmo 'Everyone went qufetfy," NBC Nfoprafoao oootra robofa Appoar- when (ho fact* are all out there But okeaman Dorn Olofre aald early fof Sunday oo ARC-TV, Mooao I think there la no quoatfon In my thia morning from company dooHnod (0 anawor quoatfona about mind (bat I have at no (IrhO done headouartera. bfa tnootfofa or fovofvoinont wftb artythfng Improper or fifofaf. and Dcketinf alao began at network- Rortb that my opportunity for comment owned atatlona In San Prancfaco, Aocordfof (0 torrenf and fornior wfll come." Cleveland, CMcafo, waabfnfton and Burbank, Calif. admfofatratfon aourcoa wbo apoke Eaatland aafd later that Mooao on condftfon of anonymfty. (ho Although NBC remained on the did not five any lofaf opfnfona or air without Interruption, (here were attorooy foooraf mo( offon wftb clearance* tor Nortb'a oedvitloa, North and, accordfof (oorwaourco, a few technical faffea and fUtohea, Aakod about Mooao'a mootfnfa moat noticeably on (he 'T oday" aa froquontfy aa afmoat ovory wook with North, Eaatland faat wook durfof a portod from tato (MS ahow, wMch waa pfafued by uneven cftod Mooao'a oarflor atatomonta aound levela, poor camera work (broufb rmicb of IMA. (bat ho bad mot porhapa a doten Howovor, Mooao apokoaman and auch allp-upa aa broadcaating timoa Late Su n d^ ho added that Herald photo try Pinfo the wrong promotional meaaage Torry Eaaffand aafd Sunday ntfbf kfooao could recall no mootfnfa tba( Mooao could rocaff no mootfnfa and a film clip at the wrong apeed. alone with North and the NSC ataff ahar winning lha Graatar Hadford Opan The atrtke waa called after union wftb North bovond (ho doron ho haa counaol, Cmdr. Paul fl. Thompaon, Paul Azinger, holding his daugMar, acknowfodfod durfof (MS and IkWf. golf fournamanf In Cromwall. leadera charged that NBC'a pro- who a aourco aafd aat In on aome of acknowladgas lha applausa Sunday poaed two-year contract threatened North a( (ho ffmo waa arranffnf thofr aoaalona (ho aato of U,8.-mado woapona to Job aecurtty and the union by fran and dovefopfoy a prfvafo Eaatland declined to anawor demanding that non-union workera notwork (o auppfy (ho contraa quoatlona rofardinf North and and management be allowed to do durfnf a confroaafonaf ban on U S. Mooao'a afonda durfnf (hoir moot- Manchester relatives share taaka now atrtctly performed by mtfttary afd. Infa, oxcopt to aoy couirtortorror- union membera. In a rofafod matter, one aourco lam ''la ono of tho mottora thoy "We're out there becauae the aafd the federal f rand Jury tnveatt- typically diacuaaod," Nortb'a Job company put ua out there," aald fatlnf the fran-contra affair haa doaerlpdon made him roaponalblo Azlnger^s triumph at GHO Arthur Kent, prealdent of NABET : boon told that complalnta by other for countortorrorlam mattera at (ho Local 11. "They wanted thia N ^ afdoa to thon-Natfonaf Soour- NSC. althoufh hla activltloa ranfod atrtke.'' Ity Adviaor Roar Admiral John M. from aid to tho contraa to offorta to NBC noted that the National aocuro roloaao of tho U.S. hoatafoa By Oeorqe Loynq Deapitc having her vlalon Labor Relatione Board laat week Poindoator about Nortb'a aotivltfoa ahlelded on aome ahota. Patelll In Lebanon Herald Reporter diamlaaed aeven unfair labor prac­ wore diamlaaed with a cfafm they aald ahe waa not ahlelded from the tice chargea filed by the union, and CRO M W ELL — Paul Axinger, emotion of the tournament. "You accuaed the union'll leaderahip of the golfer who won the Canon- Juat get ao excited and nervoua." Ignoring membera. ^ ^ Sammy Davla Jr.-Greater Hart­ However. Patelll aald ahe waa "For the laat 11 weeka, NABET Korea party boss ford Open on Sunday, la not Juat confident he would win. deapite employeea working without a con­ another profeaalonal player win­ what her atomach told her. tract nave never been given the ning another victory. Axinger’a great uncle. 85-year opportunity to vote on the propoaed A group of more than 50 aunta. old Jack Stratton, alao of Man­ agreement preaented to the union demands elections unclea, coualna ond frienda. many cheater, followed Axinger around by NBC on March 91," aald a from Mancheater. where Axln- In the rain on Saturday, a feat that network atatement read by apokea- ger'a mother grew up. alao Patelll aald Impreaaed her. woman McClain Ramaey. dacy for prealdent If hla demanda After that day’a play. In which SEOUL. South Koroa (AP) - 'Tho ahared In the triumph hoad of tho rtllinf party. In a for reforma were not met. Axinger vaulted Into the lead. The oppoalton Immediately 'The gallery followed the 27- atunnlnf turnabout, domandod to­ year-old Holyoke native through Patelll aald a picnic had been day that Proaldont Chun Ddo-hwan hailed the atatement, and leading planned (or him. However, he diaaident Kim Dae-Jung called for every hole of the four-day tourna­ Home sales accopt (ho "pebplo'a will" and ment. They aweated out the declined becauae he aald he waa formation of an Interim govern­ too nervoua.
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