New Planning Applications Application No: W/17/1278 Description: Proposed erection of a single-storey two bedroom house on the existing plot, with a freestanding single garage, with the erection of a balcony to the eastern elevation and the laying of a permeable gravel circulation and parking spaces and access route into the building. Address: The Orchard, Coventry Road, Stoneleigh, CV8 3BZ Closing date: 9th August Application No:W/17/0961 LB Description: Erection of single storey extension and change of use of existing annexe accommodation to a detached dwelling. Address: Abbey Farm, Ashow Road, Ashow, Kenilworth, CV8 2LE Closing date: Extended to 27th July Application No: W/17/0960 Description: Erection of a single storey extension to an existing annex to form a new dwellinghouse (Use Class C3). Address: Abbey Farm, Ashow Road, Ashow, Kenilworth, CV8 2LE Closing date: Extended to 27th July Application No: W/17/1052 Description: Removal of single garage doors and brick peer to create double garage door. Address: 5 The Cunnery, Stoneleigh Park, Kenilworth, CV8 2PZ Applicant: Mrs Williams Parish Council supports – comments submitted on 30th June due to deadline W/17/1168 HS2 Description: Construction of an additional pond at Finham Brook(SK085-02-01) Address: Finham Brook Valley, Land On The North of Dalehouse Lane,Kenilworth Applicant: HS2 Ltd Closing date 20th July -requested 27th July Proposal: Installation of two glass reinforced polymer kiosks Address: Finham Sewage Treatment Works, St Martins Road, Stoneleigh, CV3 6SD No observations (Closing date 7th June – PC was written to but letter was returned.) Application has been granted Progress of Planning Applications Application Number: W/16/0239 Address: Land to the north and south of the A45 (between Festival and Tollbar junctions) and land at the A45/Festival Roundabout, the A46/Tollbar Roundabout and at the junctions of the A444 with the A4114/Whitley Roundabout. Comprehensive development comprising demolition of existing structures and the erection of new buildings to accommodate offices, research & development facilities and light industrial uses (Use Class B1), hotel accommodation (Use Class C1), car showroom accommodation, small scale retail and catering establishments (Use Classes A1, A3, A4 and/or A5), new countryside park, ground modelling work including the construction of landscaped bunds, construction of new roads/footpaths/cycle routes, remodelling of junctions on the existing highway network, associated parking, servicing and landscaping (outline application discharging access with all other matters reserved). Planning permission is granted W/17/0991 HS2 Description: Construction of three ponds at Finham Brook Valley Address: Finham Brook Valley, Land North of Dalehouse Lane, Kenilworth Applicant: HS2 Ltd Closing date: 26th June No observations Planning has been approved. Condition: The applicant should avoid bunding/raising ground levels in the floodplain or within 8 metres of the Finham Brook W/17/0990 HS2 Description: Construction of two ponds at Finham Brook Valley SK073 Address: Finham Brook Valley, Land South of Dalehouse Lane and east of Kenilworth Golf Club, Kenilworth Applicant: HS2 Ltd Closing date: 26th June No observations Tree Preservation Order: 527 Address: Field House, Grove Lane, Ashow Closing date: 20th June Standing Orders were suspended at 19:24 Mrs Sarah Williams, who lives in Field House stated that she is happy for the Tree Preservation order to be placed No observations Tree preservation order has been granted Application No: W/17/0722 Description: Reskinning of existing dwelling; replacement of all glazing, including sash windows and sash bays to the front elevation.; addition of full-height glazing to part of rear elevation; addition and removal of minor side elevation windows; proposed extensions (primarily front gable) with alterations to account for re-skinning of the dwelling, and altered window positions. Address: Penns House, Ashow Road, Ashow, Kenilworth, CV8 2LE Cllr R Hancox confirmed that the Councillors visited the site and were informed that the building works would be done using materials in keeping with village. Parish Council supports Application has been approved Application No: W/17/0816 Description: Loft Conversion, alterations to porch & front elevation Address: 29 Inchbrook Road, Kenilworth, No observations Application No: W/17/0778 Description: Proposed erection of 4no. two storey, semi-detached dwellings. Address: Land between Rock Cottage and Field House, Grove Farm Road, Ashow, Kenilworth, CV8 2LE Closing date 16th June This planning application has been withdrawn Appl. No: W/17/0785 Description: Proposed erection of 2no. detached dwellings Address: Land adjacent Rock Cottage, Grove Farm Road, Ashow, Kenilworth, CV8 2LE Closing date 16th June This planning application has been withdrawn Action: Clerk has written to Gary Fisher at Planning to ensure that all residents who should be informed about planning applications will be informed in the future. Helene Obremski replied to say that letters were sent to Field House and Rock Cottage on 10th May 2017 for both of the applications and there was also site notices put outside of the site on 16th May 2017 which informed local residents of the applications. Application No: PRE/17/0075 Description: EIA Screening and Scoping Opinion in relation to the proposed relocation of the Rugby Farmers' Market outside Stoneleigh Park Address: Land On North/West by the A46 Kenilworth Bypass, to South the by Stoneleigh Road,and to south east by the B4115. Closing date 16th June. No observations Application No: W/17/0918 Description: Internal alteration to no. 2 The Chantries with new HW sliding folding doors to kitchen and new conservation rooflight over. Address: 2 The Chantries, Chantry Heath Lane, Stoneleigh, Coventry Closing date 13th June – requested until 16th June No observations Planning permission has been granted Site Address: Land adjacent 8 Birmingham Road, Stoneleigh, Coventry, CV8 3DD Description of development: Erection of two semi-detached dwellinghouses with garaging, parking and access provision, following demolition of existing garage Application Reference: W/16/1187 Appellant's name: Court (Warwickshire) Ltd Appeal reference: APP/T3725/W/17/3169080 The appeal has been allowed and planning permission has been granted. The Clerk has asked for an update on the planned building works. There are no further planning processes to go through so building work will commence when applicant is ready. W/17/0880 Description: Variations of Condition 1 (Time Limit Condition) and Condition 4 (maximum limit on units and number of events per annum) of planning permission W/14/1159 to allow an additional period of operation until 01.10.2019 and the ability to provide an additional 20 events with up to 60 units per annum Address: Grandstand Stoneleigh Events, 6th Street, Stoneleigh Park, , CV8 2LS Applicant: Grandstand Stoneleigh Events The Parish Council adopts a neutral position to the planning application, but requests the following limitations: 1) When events are held Grandstand Stoneleigh Events should provide clear and consistent signage throughout the village in the surrounding areas, to ensure that visitors do not drive through Stoneleigh Village. 2) There should be a reasonable cut off time for evening events i.e. 11 pm to avoid disturbance to local residents. Notice is hereby given that Variation of Condition is GRANTED for: Variation of Condition 1 (time limit) and Condition 4 (limit on number of units and number of events per annum) of planning permission ref: W/14/1159 (To renew and extend existing camping license - W09/0584, to allow up to 1747 tents/caravan pitches within the showground at any one time. (Not for the general public, not to exceed 7 consecutive days for a maximum of 10 events per year. License to be for a period of 5 years commencing 1/10/2014 or until 1st June 2017 where identified on plan) to allow an additional period of operation until 01.10.2019 and the ability to provide an additional 20 events with up to 60 units per annum at Grandstand Stoneleigh Events, 6th Street, Stoneleigh Park, Kenilworth, CV8 2LS for Grandstand Stoneleigh Events in accordance with the application submitted on 11/05/17. Subject to the following condition(s): 1 The development hereby permitted shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the details shown on the approved drawing 080714, and specification contained therein, submitted on 21st September 2014. REASON: For the avoidance of doubt and to secure a satisfactory form of development in accordance with Policies DP1 and DP2 of the Warwick District Local Plan 1996-2011. 2 This permission shall be limited to a period of time expiring on 1st October 2019 unless notified in writing of an alternative timescale by HS2 Ltd not later than 1 December 2018. At or before the expiration of the relevant period specified in this permission, the land shall be restored to the former condition and use. REASON: The use hereby permitted is one which, in general, is not in accordance with the approved use of this Green Belt site and a permanent consent could therefore prejudice the existing and future use of the site and be contrary to Policy SSP3 of the Warwick District Local Plan 1996-2011 and the aims and objectives of the NPPF 2012 and to avoid a clash with timing and/or operational requirements of HS2. 3 Within 3 months of the date of this permission a management plan must be submitted for approval in writing by the Local Planning Authority showing measures to control the impact of noise and smoke from camping activities and should include details on: (a) a curfew to prevent activities outside beyond 23:00 hours; (b) no amplified music to be played at any time outside pitches or within the caravans and tents; (c) no barbecues or camp fires at any time; (d) a security guard to patrol the camping site and proactively monitor for noise and smoke issues and respond to complaints.
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