ran All ttw News of Broad StrMt to U» >. , BSD BANE 8«wer» oo Every And Samnndlai Town* A PubUo Comfort SM BtartaMly and Without Bias. T •Mo*« Parking Space linii Weakly, lateral *» laeosd-Qlui lUttw at the Poit- VOLUME LIII, NO. 42, OBM •« E«l Bank, M. J» osier tin Aot o( Uinb I. UII. RED BANtf, N. J., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 1931. $1.50 PER YEAR OPEN LODGE MEETING. further stated that the milk must James Elkus Back The Brotherhood's | Do You Want Milk not have more than sixteen per cent Red Bank Boy Has Business Of The ; Foresters to Explain Merlin of Otter acidity and must have a certain per- to Non-Member*. centage of butter fat. Another pro- ; Center Re-opens From the South Annual Show. Free Of Charge ? vision was that payments for milk Cold Bath in Lake MayoV And Council Court Monmouth, Independent Or- were to be made on the 25th of the der of Foresters of Red Bank, will Presbyterian* to Present the i So Go to Holmdel—Eight month after delivery. «- Ground* of Trinity Paviih House Red>6ank Aero Club President hold an open' meeting In its lodge Allen Waterman, Fourteen-.Yeaf- Letter from Eniley M. White Are Again in Uie by Children Will Land at Airport Today- rooms In the Odd Fellows' building Comedy, "The Alarm Clock," Farmer* ArS Throwing Away Mr. Johnson said tha requirements Old School Boy, Takes to Asking Red Bankers to Stop on Monmouth street tomorrow night Thousands of Gallons of Milk with regard to acidity and butter fat .•:•;—A Description of the Work Contemplate* Summer Trip to • on April 17th—Show is Un- were more'stringent than the ruling Water When Boat is Drawn Using Ihe Sewage Plant to at halt-past eight o'clock at which der Direction of Mrs. Greig. Because They Cant Sell It < .. by the Committee. thedoait. time members of the High Standing of the state board of health. He Over Falls at River Plaza. • Dispose of Drain Water.. committee of the order will explain Holmdel, In every particular, may showed the reporter a. statement :-' The Red Bank piay center, which James Elkus, son of Abram I, El- The eleventh annual ontertaln- from the state experimental station Allen Waterman, fourteen, son of It required only about half sin hour had teen doted for a month due lo kus of Elkrldge farm at Red Bank, the merits of the order to non-mem- ment of the Presbyterian Brother- ot correspond to tho Biblical de- W. C. Waterman of DeFoiest ave- 'or tho mayor and council of Bed iers, hood will take place Friday evening, scription of the Promised Land as a regarding an analysis of his milk the prevalence.of childhood di«ease«, former ambassador to .turkey, will which had been made by experts at nue, Rod Bank, had B. cold bath Bank to transact the buolnesn ot thn reopened last Wednesday at Trinity return to the Red Bank airport to- The membership of the Independ- April 17th, In St James auditorium. lace overflowing with milk and Thursday mornine when he wa3 aofough at their meeting Monday toncy, but in one respect at least It the station. The statement showed parish house on West Front Kreet day In his speedy Waco bl-plane from ent order of Foresters Is open to Although the cast of the Presby- that the milk was of high quality. forced to abandon a boat he wan ight. The iicincipfll matter bt It to sponsored by the state agricul- a trip to Miami, Elkus, who is pres- both males and females and If enough terian Brotherhood play tound It In- iquals the specifications mentioned in rowing on Shadow lake at River thh e onicinlniila was a letter from Enslcy he Good Book. Holmdel Is not over- Mr. Johnson said that some of the tural -college and the Monmouth ident of the Aoro club of Red Bank, women are enrolled a Companion convenient to occupy the church other farmers who had refused to Plaza. Waterman went too close to M. White, supoilntoBdent of Uw on/hlB return journey visited his par- court vyi be Instituted here. school room during the past week, flowing with honey but it Is overflow- the lake falls nnd his boat -was drawn county organization tor social »erv: sign the contract had had their milk sewage disposal plant. Mi. White, In Ice, The play center committee has ents at Charleston, North Carolina. Joseph E. Brooks is Chief Ranger hie to other events being held there, ing with milk. It Is a very unhappy over the spillway. his letter, stated'that a great deal of ondition of affairs fpr those who analysed at the experimental Btatlon issued, the following statement: He will return tomorrow to Tale un- of Court Monmouth and Harry N. rehearsals were able to continue and that in every Instance the analy- Waterman was pulled from the iiater from roofs and other parts of iversity where he Is taking an en- Watts la recording secretary. After through the kindness of the Slgmund, have the rrillk. Since Wednesday, lake by Chelton Williamson, four- properties was emptied into the «ew- „ "Some people do not know that tprll 1st, nifte Holmdel farmers have sis ahowed that the milk was above gineering course, the business session tomorrow night Eisner Co., who loaned their Recre- state requirements. teen, son of Robert D. 'Williamson ot age plant. The letter said it waa il- ' Bod Bank has a play uchool. Other* itlon hall for this purpose. wonder what such a school aims to Elkus left the Red Bank Held refreshments will be served. een unable to find a market for Shrewsbury. Williamson was rowing legal to make this disposal of drain The Brotherhood play this year heir milk. Their herda produce hun- Mr# Johnaon said that one of the on the lake a short distance from the water; that It caused a large amount ' do for Its' pupils. Others question shortly after sunrise Thursday morn-. chief reasons why he and the other Ing and had lunch at Atlapta} will be '.'The Alarm Clock," which dreds of gallons of milk dally and folia. The boys left Waterman's boat of extra work at the sewage dlspos- • whether it" accomplishes its alms.' eight dairy farmers had refused to al plant; and that It caused great • "Taking Monmouth county as a Georgia. He spent two days at Mi- was first presented In New York city nearly all of this food Is thrown at the foot o? the spillway and went State Applies a few years ago with a notable cast, away. sign the contract was on account of to Waterman's home, where Allen difficulty In-purifying the affluent of whole, we find seven such projects in ami. One of the purposes of his the provision requiring milk to have flight was to' get information on aero Including such well known artists as Po you want milk free of charge? changed his clothes before returning he plant which flows Into the rirer. progress. Two'are at InterJaken and not more than sixteen per cent aci- The letter called upon all residents Spring Lake, sponsored by the Amer- dubs connected with various airports Blanche Ring, Gail Karie and Bruce The nine farmers who have been un- for his boat. For Bridge Permit McRae. After a long New York run, dity. He said that expensive cool- of Red Bank to cease cr-uilng drain ican Association of University Wom- -enroute to Miami. ble to find a market for their milk ing apparatus would have to be Meanwhile Eric Evans of Vista water to flow into the sewage pltnV en; one at Matawan, privately con- Elkua contemplates making, a trip this clever comedy by 'Avery Hop- will be glad to give you all you want, place, Ked Bank, saw the boat, con- Federal Hearing on Proposed wood, touyd the country with much bought to meet this requirement. He II referred to the fact that an effort ducted: and three, at Matawan, Red to tho coast during his suriiiper va- irovided that you will furnish the said he had been unable to ascertain taining Waterman's hat and coat, at was being mado to remove the ban Bank and Campbell's Junction. Those cation. On this cruise he will pay Highway Structure Over success and only a few weeks ago It :ontalners and haul It away. These tho foot of tho falls. Evans notified on the river which designates it a« * was released for amateur produc-, just what return the dairy farmers in charge of these schools meet once particular attention to tho workings Shrewebury River to be Held armers are Edward Johnson, Asher would get under the terms of the the police, who found that there was polluted and which prohibits the use tlon. • • Schanck, Koert C. Heyer, John G. no tragedy connected with the a month with Miss Edith B. Dlxon, of aero clubs throughout the West. Next Wednesday at Highland* contract, but that as near as he had of Shrewsbury river oyBters and state .specialist In child care and Elkus'a Interest in aviation began Beatrice M. Orelg is again direct- Bennett, Forman A. Sutphln, Joseph been abla to figure It out the price stranded boat containing a boy's hat clams for food. Tho chief object or parent education, to talk over com- several years ago with the Red Bank Application for a federal permit to Ing the cast, all of whom are known Mount, H. J. Gillesple, John Maher received by the fanner would be four and coat.
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