Welcome to our guest organist Opening Voluntaries | Music for Advent The Third Lesson | Isaiah 40:1-5 Matt Bartelt We are grateful to have Dr. David Composed and Adapted by David Arcus Arcus with us in worship this morning. Anthem | Riu, Riu, Chiu arr. Allaway He is an international recitalist and Words of Welcome Rev. Dr. Alice Rogers Youth Choirs award winning improviser and com- poser, who spent much of his career on *Opening Prayer River, little river, guardian of the riverside, the music staff of Duke University. A Almighty God, you have brought us again to this glad season when God keep the wolf from our sheep. Yale classmate of Steven Darsey, he is we celebrate the birth of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Grant currently Parish Musician of St. The ranting wolf tried to bite her, but God the all-powerful protected her. that his Spirit may be born anew in our hearts this day and that we Matthew’s Episcopal Church in He wished to keep her from sin, not even original sin should this virgin have. may joyfully welcome him to reign over us. Open our ears that we Hillsborough, North Carolina. He who was born the great monarch, Christ the patriarch dressed in flesh may hear again the angelic chorus of old. Open our lips that we, Has redeemed us by becoming small, although He was infinite, finite He made too, may sing with uplifted hearts. Glory to God in the highest, and himself. Children’s bulletins and worship on earth, peace, goodwill toward all. Amen. kits, large print Bibles and hymnals, Many prophecies prophesied Him, and even in our day, we have reached Him, individual listening devices, and pew Anthem | Virga Jesse Thomas Juneau God in human form we have seen on Earth. cushions are available from an usher. Chancel Choir Since we now have what we desire, let’s go all together bearing presents; If your child needs care during the Our will we shall give Him, because He came to make Himself equal to us. service, a comfort room is located The rod of Jesse hath blossomed: downstairs at the back of the a Virgin hath brought forth God and humanity: The Fourth Lesson | Jeremiah 23:5-6 Sam McKlin Sanctuary. Childcare is available in God hath restored peace, the Church School Building for ages reconciling in Himself the lowest with the highest. *Hymn | O Sing a Song of Bethlehem (179) kingsfold 6-weeks through 6-years-old. Alleluia. Your gifts directly support the The Fifth Lesson | Isaiah 11:1-9 Cynthia Shepherd The First Lesson | Genesis 3:8-15 Stuart Kingma ministries of Glenn. Scan the QR Code to give securely online Offertory | Sanctus Gounod *Processional Hymn | Wake, Awake, for Night Is Flying (720) (glennumc.org/give-to-glenn) or wachet auf Chancel Choir send a text with your gift amount to 404.575.4943. Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Hosts. The Advent wreath is a visual way Lighting the Advent Candle The Glenn Choir Directors: Heaven and earth are full of thy glory. of marking the four weeks of Advent. Steven Darsey, Wes Griffin, Hosanna in the highest. The wreath is a simple circle of ever- Kristen Gwaltney, Mary Lindsey Lewis, Alexis Lundy green branches, a sign of life without *Doxology old 000th Two weeks ago, we lit the Advent candle of hope and recalled the end. Four Advent candles encircle a central Christ Candle. In our wreath, prophets of our faith that sustained an abiding hope in a coming The Sixth Lesson | Zechariah 9:9-10 Jaden Huckaby there are three blue candles and one Tonight: messiah. Last Sunday, we lit the Advent candle of love and remem- rose candle which signifies the third 5:00 p.m. - A Gathering Christmas bered Mary, whose love of God led her to sing in the midst of fear. | When Joseph Went to Bethlehem Words: Bessie Saunders Spencer Sunday in Advent—the joy that is Anthem Rev. Brent Huckaby, preaching Today we light the third Advent candle, the candle of joy, and we soon to come. Music: I. Reed Payne attend to Joseph who was visited by an angel of the Lord and Next Sunday, Advent 4: Covenant Choir anticipated with joy the coming of our savior. 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. was The Advent candle liturgy Rev. Dr. Alice Rogers, preaching In the midst of uncertainty, Joseph was obedient to the call God written by participants of the recent The Seventh Lesson | Luke 1:26-35; 38 Valerie Hsu Woller prayer writing workshop. We are placed on his life. 5:00 p.m. - Youth and Alumni Advent Service thankful for those who give us the gift May the faithfulness of Joseph encourage us as we await the son of Reflection Rev. Susan Pinson of words this Advent season. God. The Eighth Lesson | Matthew 1:18-21 Rev. Pinson Let us pray: Advent Sermon Series: The God of joy, as we continue on this Advent journey, remind us of Characters of Christmas *Hymn | Lo, He Comes with Clouds Descending (718) helmsley This year we are exploring the your joy made real for us in the birth of Jesus. As we wait like Christmas story from the stance of Joseph, enable us to listen for the voice and call of God. Amen. *The Ninth Lesson | John 1:1-14 Dr. Rogers the characters that bring it to life. In Dawn Francis-Chewning worship, we will focus upon these The Second Lesson | Isaiah 60:2-3 Prayer for Peace | Dona Nobis Pacem J.S. Bach characters, one at a time: the Proph- from Mass in B Minor ets, Mary, Joseph, Angels, Shep- Anthem | There Is No Rose of Such Virtue Pat Messick herds, and the Christ Child. Carol Choir Recessional | Festival Recessional on Truro and Antioch D. Arcus Glenn Church Welcomes You Glenn Memorial United Methodist Church is committed to loving God and loving neighbor with our whole selves - heart, mind, soul, and strength. As Jesus loved those around him, we believe that all persons are of sacred worth and dignity as part of God’s creation. We welcome all persons into the full life and ministry of our congregation, regardless of race, culture, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, family or socioeconomic status, education, politics, physical or mental ability, or faith history. Cherub Choir Nativity Pageant and Carol Sing by Glenn such as Action Ministries, Branan Towers Senior Wednesday, December 14, 6:30 p.m., Ward Hall. This is ar- Living, education for students around the world, and the guably the most delightful night of the season: our Cherub PATH Foundation. The catalog is available from an usher Choir Nativity pageant, directed by Mary Lindsey Lewis. before or after worship, in the Church School Building, or With levity and laughter, four and five-year-olds bring the on our website. Payment can be made by check to Glenn story of the first Christmas to life! Supper at 5:30 p.m. UMC or securely online. Christmas Eve Worship Saturday, December 24, 5:00 Youth and Alumni Advent Service Sunday, December 18, 5:00 p.m., Ward Hall. Join us for this collaborative youth p.m. and 11:00 p.m. The Christmas Story at 5:00 p.m.: This -led service followed by a chili pot-luck dinner. Please sign long-time community favorite portrays the Christmas story up to bring chili, fixings, bread, or dessert. All are welcome! in drama and song, with angels, shepherds, wise men, and Contact Rev. Blair Setnor at [email protected]. the Holy Family. A carol sing begins at 4:30 p.m. Childcare for infants - 4-years. Candlelight Communion at 11:00 p.m.: In the Bleak Midwinter: A Service of Grief & Hope In the hour before Christmas Day, gather with others for a Wednesday, December 21, 7:00 p.m., The Little Chapel. service of stillness, quiet, and growing light. Pre-service mu- Many of us have struggles in our lives that make being sic by the Glenn Chamber Choir and Timothy Albrecht, di- merry hard this season. Whether you are grieving, stressed, rected by Steven Darsey, begins at 10:30 p.m. lonely, or want to worship in solidarity and support with those who are, join us on one of winter's longest nights to be Christmas Day Worship Sunday, December 25, 11:00 surrounded by comfort and hope. Childcare provided. a.m. (one service only). Join us for one service on Christmas morning, celebrating together the end of waiting and the Alternative Giving Catalog This Christmas, give a gift birth of the Christ child into the world once more. A bless- that helps others. Give to local and global causes supported ing of the toys will be offered for children. To read about all of our Upcoming Events, please visit glennumc.org/upcoming-events. Worship Leaders Today Preacher | Rev. Susan Pinson, Minister for Children and Older Adults Liturgist | Rev. Dr. Alice Rogers, Senior Pastor Nativity Triptych, John August Swanson Lay Readers | Stuart Kingma, Dawn Francis-Chewning, Matt Bartelt, Sam McKlin, Cynthia Shepherd, Jaden Huckaby, Valerie Hsu Woller The Worship of God Musicians | David Arcus, Guest Organist; Stuart Stephenson, Trumpet; Todd Mueller, Timpani/Percussion; Third Sunday in Advent Dr. Steven Darsey, Director of Music; Valerie Hsu Woller, Piano; Lynnette Suzanne Bush, Flute; Kristen December 11, 2016 Gwaltney, Carol Choir Director; Alexis Lundy, Covenant Choir Director 11:00 a.m. Ushers | Julie Freeman, Kerr Krider, Mathew Pinson, Vic Reinhold, Carolyn Roper, George, Sophie, Ted, Margaret, and Frances Shepherd, Frank White Acolytes | Charlie Mallard, Kelly Schattle Crucifer | Bo Mallard .
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