OQ.Iladinn Jewieh Oongreso ... Prcse1, 493 Sherbrooke st. Waot. v tLLage Honors Weizmann s Son ···,:-. ·t':] t ! -THE WEST'S GREATEST JEWISH NEWSPAPER • For Every Jewish Family and Every Member of the Family-Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columhia Vol. XXVI, No. 29 WINNIPEG, THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1951 Sc Per Copy Vera Weizmann, wife of President Chaim Weizmann (center), helps lay the corner stone of a cultural center and library building to be built in President Weizmann's village in honor of his late son Michael, who died in World War II while serving with the Royal Air Force. (A.J.P, II es uez photo.) • ssue TWICE IN ROW-A Jcrseyfr, ' German War Agai~st City restaurant set a new re- J II cord in behalf of the $500,000,- 1 COUNCIL ODO Israel Bond Drive by f ISRAEL Jewry "Not Concluded" offering free meals on two · succe!'sivc Thursdays to Jer- . TEL AVIV, (JTA)-Israel will not ple cannot be regarded as having seyltes purchasing b on d s. follow the example of the United ended." TO HEAR More than $10,000 in bond REQUESTS States, Britain and France in declar- sales were realized as a result ing the state of war with Germany of the stunt. Here officials of at an end, a.n Is:ael foreign office Israeli Wins Greenspan's Kosher Restau- spokesman smd this week. The three rant are being congratulated powers notified Israel of their inten- Chess Title CHARGES by ZOA committee members DISCUSSION tion to proclaim an end to the state UNITED NATIONS, N.Y., who helped arrange the under­ UNITED NATIONS, N. Y., of war, the spokesman declared, and ,VIENNA, (JTA) - Moshe Czer­ taking. The eatery underwrote CJTA)-lsrael this week formally · asked Israel what this country in.. mak, Jerusalem Chess master, was (JTA) - Diplomats repre­ all expenses involved.-(AJP requested the Security Council to tended to do. Israel, he added, re- adjudged the winner this week .of senting nations interested in Photo). convene on its complaint against plied in the negative, considering the Schlcchter Chess .Memor_ial Israel's complaint against the special circumstances existing toum~ment and won th7 title of m­ the Egyptian blockade of Israel­ betw"een Germany and the· Jewish temat1on~l chess c.hamp1on. Egypt's blockade of the Suez bound goods at the Suez Canal. Competing against the world's. peop1 e. outstanding chess masters, including Canal to Israel-bound ship­ The request was made in a letter "The German war against the Jew- Lasker and Steiner of the United ping, were busy here this addressed to the president of the ish people cannot be regarded as States, Czerniak scored eight vie­ week in behind-the-scenes Security Council, Sir Gladwyn having ended," the spokesman said. tories. The title of international Jebb of Britain, by Abba Eban He added that Israel could not ap- chess champion is bestowed only if discussions with members of I I Israel s· permanent delegate to prove the three-power move. Com- half the competitors have held the the· U.N. Security Council, menting on the three-power action, title previously. the United Nations. Mr. Eban he declared: before which the issue is ex­ asked thot the item, "Restric­ "For 12 years Germany pursued pected to come this week. tions Imposed By Egypt· on the a hostile cause against the Jewish Australia Protests It is expected that the majority Passage of Ships Through the people with a ruthless persistence of the 11-member Council will take Suez Canal," be placed on the unparalleled in any war. Such a Blockade Of Suez a favorable stand on Israel's com­ councr'I' s agen da "for urgent dis- course ended with the slaughter of SYDNEY, (JTA) - R. G. Casey, plaint. Seven votes arc needed for cussion." 6,000,000 Jews in Europe," the Austra!lian Minister for External any decision that the Council may spokesman declared. "Six years after Affairs, disclosed this week that he take against Egypt. It is not expect­ The Egyptian blockade, Mr. Eban the end of hostilities, Germany has had sent a formal protest to the ed that the Soviet representative said, was in contravention of inter­ not yet made expiation or reparation Egyptian Government against the will invoke the veto against what- -------------­ national law, of the Suez Canal Con- . for the crimes committed by the restrictions ,the latter has placed on ever decision the Council may take. vention of 1888 and of the Egyptian­ Nazis, nor yet abjured or solemnly Suez Canal traffic since the outbreak Tribute To Police Aet To uell Israel General Armistice Agree.; • -, diSSC\<'iatP.d themselves ,from the ap­ of the Pa!(!sline war in 1948. ment., He. said tho boycott had been palling record of Nazi rule, continued Mr. 'Casey stresseci-the commercial * * * carried out for over two years .In to enjoy possession of property stolen and military importance of the Flurry Of Activity ·Halllpton ... Drest In udapest· defiance of specific appeals and re­ from Jewish victims prior to sending Canal ns a link between Europe and TEL AVIV, (JTA) -The filing of NEW YORK, (AJP)-An Is­ WASHINGTON, (AJP) - Special Budapest in what free Hungarian quests of U.N. representatives and alluded to statements by Dr. Ralph them to the death chambers, and the East. After detailing Australia's Israel's complaint against the Egyp­ raeli village recently altered police reinforcements nre being spokesmen in the United States des­ today, the evil doctrines of Nazism Bunche in 1949, a Security Council· interests in the Canal, he pointed out tian blockade of the Suez Canal its name to 'Hamptown' in a rushed to Budapest in the wake of crlbed ns n "terror reign." are rampant in Germany. So long as that the Suez Canal Convention pro­ with the United Nations Security tribute to Negro orchestra warning in 1950; and to a declaration this state of affairs continues, Ger­ vides free passage during peace and Council brought with it a flurry of leader Lionel Hampton who "unrest and even terror" in the by General William E. Riley lest many's war against the Jewish peo- war. activity at the Israeli Foreign Office. recently don ate d royalties Hungarian capital following the de­ month, nil establishing the fact that The envoys of the U.S.S.R., Yugo­ :from several recordings, in­ portation of 30,000 persons, includ­ the Egyptian action was in violation Hungarian Jews of the armistice agreements. slavia, Sweden and Holland visited cluding "Eli-Eli," to settle­ ing at ll!ast s;ooo Jews, the State ments in the Jewish State, the the Ministry, this week where they Department's "Voice of America" received explanations of the Israeli "Amsterdam News," a Negro Not Permitted To Refugees Reach Israel reported this week. move. weekly disclosed this week. The radio said thnt all rail and U.S.* Studies * Blockade* Previously, U.S. Ambassador Mon­ Hampton recently recorded highway traffic into the city is under Take Belongings From Hungary And Iraq net Davis called on Foreign Mini,stcr several modern tunes accom­ WASHINGTON, (JTA) - The panied by the Yemenite vocal- close control and that supplies of VIENNA, (JTA) - Reports reach­ United States State Department is TEL AVIV, (JTA) - A party of have come to Israel as returned to Moshe Sharett, and British Minister ist Shoshana Damari. ' foodstuffs have been disrupted. Ing Jewish groups here from Hun­ :,tudying the blockade of the Suez: 207 Jews arrived at Haifa this week it· from the Babylonian exile under Alexander Knox Helm visited both Premier David Ben Gurion and Mr. "Bread," said the broadcast, gary reveal that three times weekly Canal by Egypt to Haifa-bound oil from Hungary. The travellers re­ the lend of the Prophets Ezra and "brings 16 forints ($1.50) a loaf." trains leave Budapest with Jewish tankers, and a decision on action ported that some 25,000 Hungarian Nehemia 2,000 years ago. Sharett. Minister Helm's visits were Medical Society Honors Persons evicted from homes in and Christian deportees for un­ may be made within a few days, Jews have applied for permission to officially termed courtesy visits prior to his return to Britain on Dr. Sol Kobrinsky Budapest, according to the Voice, are named destinations. Families are government sources indicated. leave Hungary for Israel. They also allowed to tnkc with them 60 pounds vacation. Meetings last week in New At the annual meeting of the being shipped to collective farms While there is no desire to offend estimated that some 600 middle class of luggage. Their furniture and other York between Israeli delegate Abba Winnipeg Medical society, Dr. Sol where they live "sometimes as many the Arabs, the U.S. may join with Jews are being expelled from vari­ RABBI HUR WITZ belongings is being taken away in Eban and Soviet U.N. representative Kobrinsky was pr!:Jicnted with as 10 to 12 persons of nil sexes and Britain at the United Nations this ous Hungarian towns weekly and trucks "to be sent later by freight Jacob Malik also dealt with the certificate of honorary life member­ ages in a single room." week in an attempt to force Egypt to that 10,000 have already been ship­ ACCEPTS POST trains." ped out of Budapest. Suez Canal issue. ship, "ns a token of esteem in which "Voice" said the vacated quar­ cease the sabotage of the Haifa re­ AT BROOKLINE Meanwhile, it was learned that on he is held by his colleagues and in ters nre being Immediately requisi­ Upon arrival at the pince of des, fineries through the blockade of the · The n'ir.~lft operation taking July l, an Egyptian coastal patrol at appreciation of his many services tioned by "party bosses and func­ tinatlon, the deportees arc "housed" vital Suez Cann! link.
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