Sancton Parish Council Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 16th January 2017 at 7.00pm in Sancton Methodist Chapel, Rispin Hill, Sancton ______________________________________________________________________________________ Present Cllr Derek Cary (Chairman) Cllr Anita Liley Cllr Pat Parvin Cllr Chris Shepherd Cllr Stan Stokes Ward Cllr David Rudd 160117/1 Apologies Cllr S Harvey-Leach 160117/2 Declarations of Interest a) No declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items. b) No dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items. 160117/3 Minutes of Previous Meeting The minutes of the meeting held on the 13 th December 2016 were approved by members and signed by the Chairman. Proposed: Cllr Shepherd, seconded: Cllr Stokes. 160117/4 Public Participation None present. 160117/5 Reports from Ward Councillor(s) Ward Cllr David Rudd updated the Parish Council on activities within East Riding of Yorkshire Council: • ERYC annual budget will be increased by a small percentage. • 19 th January 2017 – Yorkshire Wolds Heritage Trust Fracking presentation – Market Weighton Community Hall. • Mobile library and bus service consultations. ERYC need to save £24M by the next elections and currently are subsidising the bus service to a cost of £1.3M per year. • Potential bus services affected from the 1 st April 2017: The Monday to Friday Service S2 from The Griffin Inn, Market Weighton at 9.30am reaching Sancton at 9.58am and returning to Market Weighton Griffin at 10.03am. Also, the Monday to Friday Service S2 from The Griffin Inn at 11.35am reaching Sancton at 11.40am and returning to Market Weighton Griffin at 12.08am. after going through North Newbald, South Newbald, Hotham, South Cliffe and North Cliffe • Mobile library service will be reduced from twice a month to monthly commencing 1st April 2017. • Hospitals consultation. Closure proposals and creation of minor injury units that will be open 7 days a week, located in Goole, Beverley and Bridlington. • Wifi is now available in all council offices. 160117/6 Highways/Parish Paths a) Action regarding the previously reported asbestos that has been dumped on the back lane to the back field – Cllr Rudd to chase. b) Parish Paths Scheme will cease this year and they will become the responsibility of ERYC from 2018. Signature____________________ Date_________________ Sancton Parish Council 160117/7 Police Matters/Crime a) Latest police report and any other police matters – • PCSO Nicky Cliffe has been newly appointed for Wolds Weighton. Cllr Cary has provided her with an update of Sancton issues. • Lord Manton has had 22 lambs stolen. • Telephone Kiosk panels have been vandalised (around the 9/10 th January 2017). b) Action following the recent incident of criminal damage to a bench on Beverley Lane. • Reported to PSCO Cunliffe. • Cllr Shepherd has partially dismantled and will attempt to repair. 160117/8 Correspondence Correspondence received and noted: i. ERNLLCA - No extension of referendum principles update. ii. East Riding Local Plan – Notice of adoption of the Open Space Supplementary Planning Document (November 2016). iii. GRANTfinder 4 Local Government: Share item (DCLG - Communities Fund). iv. ERYC - Neighbourhood Planning Winter Newsletter. v. Helen Anderson, Pocklington Police Station – January 2017 newsletter. vi. ERYC - Village Taskforce – satisfaction survey 2016/2017. 160117/9 Planning a) No applications made to East Riding of Yorkshire Council. b) No decisions made by East Riding of Yorkshire Council. c) No planning applications received after the agenda had been posted. 160117/10 Play Area a) Cllr Shepherd’s weekly inspection reports were received and noted. b) Action regarding its maintenance – it was noted that the grass is longer than is desirable. c) Operational inspection training – following Cllr Cary’s discussion with a Came & Company representative at the ERNLLCA Conference in November 2016, written confirmation has been received that the Parish Councillor undertaking the weekly inspections does not need to have specific qualifications or to have had training. It is satisfactory that the Parish Council is assured that the checks are being undertaken by a responsible person with the ability to identify obvious signs of loss or damage to the area. 160117/11 Recreation & Environment Working Party (Friends of Sancton) a) Update from Cllr Shepherd: • Since the November 2016 report, the pond weed has been removed and the margins strimmed. • Public Spaces Protection Order sticker signage is still ongoing. Additionally, Cllr Cary advised that the Dog Warden will be visiting the village soon. • Christmas lights have been taken down. • Robin Shucksmith has been approached regarding recompense for his mowing services for the village field and gravel pit area and he advised that he would be delighted to receive anything. b) Work to be carried out in January/February 2017: • New play area sign to be put up. Signature____________________ Date_________________ Sancton Parish Council • Beverley Lane seat repair. 160117/12 Cemeteries No action. 160117/13 Grounds Maintenance Contracts/Open Space Management a) Grounds Maintenance tenders for 2017. Applications had been received from: • Humber Landscapes - £3270.00 • George Fillingham – £4,670.00 • Shed Grounds Maintenance - £5244.28. • Anderson Fencing and Gardening - £3,006.00. Members discussed at length the merits of each application. It was proposed that, conditional upon receipt of relevant insurance cover and certification, all three contracts would be awarded to Anderson Fencing and Gardening. b) Action regarding the back field – Clerk to determine if all paperwork has been submitted and is in place regarding the termination of the lease. c) Action regarding the village field – it was discussed and RESOLVED to make an honorarium payment to Robin Shucksmith of £50 per cut to be paid in full at the end of the grass-cutting season. Proposed: Cllr Shepherd, seconded: Cllr Stokes. d) No action regarding the cemeteries and closed churchyard. e) Action regarding Gravel Pits – it was agreed to accept R Westmoreland’s quote dated 7 th December 2016 of £10 per visit to spray the weeds. Proposed: Cllr Shepherd, seconded: Cllr Stokes. f) No action with other open space management issues. 160117/14 Sancton Hill Windfarm Funding The Parish Council has been awarded funding to purchase two notice boards, a picnic bench and two backless benches. • Cllr Liley will seek permission from the owner to erect the new notice board on their wall. • Clerk to proceed and order benches for the play area. 160117/15 Accounts The December 2016 & January 2017 accounts for payment (see also Financial Reports) were approved by members and signed by the Chairman. a) MD Signs – playground information sign - £34.86. b) BT – cloud phone (January 2017) - £53.88 via Direct Debit. Proposed: Cllr Stokes, seconded: Cllr Parvin 160117/16 2017/2018 Precept The ERYC Local Precept Demand document was signed by the Chairman and Clerk as per the resolution at the meeting on the 13 th December 2016. 160117/17 Data Protection Registration It was discussed and RESOLVED to renew Cllr Shepherd’s Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) registration for 2017/2018 at a cost of £35. Proposed: Cllr Stokes, seconded: Cllr Parvin. 160117/18 Website/I.T./Telephone No action. Signature____________________ Date_________________ Sancton Parish Council 160117/19 No Cold-Calling Zone It was proposed by Cllr Stokes that this initiative is moved forward. Initially to be trialled on Low Street, Houghton Lane and two houses on Rispin Hill. One household signature of agreement is required. Cllr Parvin will assist Cllr Stokes. Report back next meeting. 160117/20 Parish Plan Cllr Liley proposed the creation of a new plan as the one created in 2008 is out of date and suggested including interested parties such social and religious groups. It was suggested that the Annual Parish Meeting in May 2017 could be used as a conduit for ideas/suggestions from residents. Cllr Liley and Cllr Parvin will work together and provide an update at the March 2017 meeting. Proposed: Cllr Liley, seconded: Cllr Shepherd. 160117/21 Emergency Plan It was discussed and resolved to update the existing plan. Clerk will circulate newer templates and agenda item for February 2017. 160117/22 Councillor Vacancies a) The resignation letter of Cllr Judy Le Bas was noted. b) Cllr Liley proposed that the Parish Council actively sought new members by approaching potentially interested residents. Cllr Stokes felt that if a Parish Councillor approached someone whom they had a pre-existing relationship with i.e. friendships or otherwise, it may give the impression that they would automatically be appointed and that the Council is not as diverse as possible. Furthermore, Cllr Stokes felt that it may be counter-productive to continually advertise a vacancy as it could be perceived by residents that the role is so unattractive that vacancies can never be filled. It may be, that the involvement of local people during the redrafting of the Parish Plan would encourage an understanding of the work of the Parish Council and an interest in becoming a Councillor. 160117/23 Newsletter • Wind Farm grant monies for notice boards and benches. • Vandalism of Beverley Lane bench. 160117/24 Minor Items a) Correspondence received following publication of the agenda: • Updates from ERYC regarding the inclement weather/potential flooding from w/c 8 th January 2017. • York and Humber Cross-Country Pipeline update – refused development consent by the Secretary of State. • ERNLLCA – request for village photos for their website. Cllr Liley agreed that her photos could be submitted by the Clerk. • Community Housing Fund budget allocations – ERYC £2,042,864 , NE Lincolnshire £203,833. b) Points from Councillors: • Community Housing – Cllr Cary provided an update. Scheme involves the building of affordable housing and then the handover of said houses to a trust to manage. Commitment is great and land is needed. This scheme is not suitable for small villages but more for large towns.
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