October 16, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E2213 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS H.R. 901, THE AMERICAN LAND tive dating of southwestern U.S. sites. This span of time and within a cultural area of SOVEREIGNTY PROTECTION ACT classification is the cornerstone of the un- the world, on developments in town-plan- derstanding of Southwestern archaeology. In ning; and (iii) bears a unique testimony to a addition to the archaeology at Pecos, there civilization which has disappeared. HON. DON YOUNG are the foundations of a Spanish mission, the Mound City Group National Monument, OF ALASKA ruins of an 18th-century church, and numer- Ohio (39 deg.25' N.; 83 deg.1' W.). Twenty- three burial mounds of Hopewell Indians (200 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ous Pueblo Indian structural remains, in- cluding restored kivas. Criteria: (iii) Bears a B.C.±A.D. 500) have yielded vast quantities of Friday, October 16, 1998 unique testimony to a civilization which has artifacts that give insights into the ceremo- nial customs of the Hopewell people. Cri- Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Speaker, I rise disappeared. Developed Agriculture teria: (iii) Bears a unique testimony to a civ- to once again address the issue of inter- ilization which has disappeared. Moundville Site, Alabama (33 deg. 0' N.; 87 national land reserves, particularly World Her- Archaic/Paleo-Indian itage Sites. I find it necessary to emphasize, deg. 40' W.). This is probably the site de- scribed by De Soto in his Mississippian expe- Cape Krusenstern Archaeological District, for the benefit of those who continue to claim dition. This site demonstrates the Alaska (67 deg.0' N.; 164 deg.0' W.). Cape otherwise, that these reserves are designated Mesoamerican influence on the culture of Krusenstern consists of a series of marine with little or no input from the public or local the Southeast. It is a ``ceremonial'' site with beach ridges (and nearby hills) which contain government. They are very unpopular. over twenty extant mounds and burial areas. evidence of nearly every major cultural pe- The Department of Interior, in cooperation Criteria: (iii) Bears a unique testimony to a riod in Arctic prehistory and history. This civilization which has disappeared. area is very near the probable route taken by with the Federal Interagency Panel for World man's first crossing into North America and Heritage has identified a shopping list of 94 Casa Grande National Monument, Arizona (33 deg. 0' N.; 111 deg. 30' W.). Casa Grande is is still inhabited today. Due to land subsid- sites in 31 States and the District of Columbia a four-story tower of packed earthen walls ence along the coast a unique stratigraphy that they would like to make World Heritage built over 600 years ago by the agricultural has formed which allows a complete dating Sites. This list was compiled by the Depart- Indians of the Gila River Valley. The site sequence in an area where few dates are ment with the assistance of an ``inside'' non- also contains important Hohokam Indian re- available. Each ridge represents approxi- mately a 200-year time span for a total of ap- governmental organization, the U.S. National mains dating from about 900 A.D. Criteria: (iii) Bears a unique testimony to a civiliza- proximately 8,000 years. Criteria: (iii) Bears Committee of the International Council on a unique testimony to a civilization which Monuments and Sites (US/ICOMOS). US/ tion which has disappeared. Hohokam Pima National Monument, Ari- has disappeared. Ventana Cave, Arizona (32 deg.25' N.; 112 ICOMOS is also a principal advisor to the zona (32 deg. 55' N.; 111 deg. 30' W.). Hohokam deg.15' W.). Ventana Cave offers a unique his- United Nations on the listing of cultural prop- Pima is part of the site of Snaketown, which tory of the hunter/gatherer cultural develop- erties as World Heritage Sites. Twenty-two of was continuously inhabited by the Hohokam/ ment and continuity. This site has been oc- the sites on the shopping list have been des- Pima cultures for over 2,000 years. This site cupied continuously from 200 B.C. until the ignated World Heritage Sites. contains essentially all phases of Hohokam present. Excavations here solidified the Congress is the ultimate decision-maker in cultural development from the earliest vil- stratigraphic sequence dates, and made a sig- managing public lands. The clear and direct lages established around 400 B.C. up to A.D. nificant contribution to knowledge of the de- approval of Congress and the input of local 1450. Subsequently this same site was occu- velopment of Hohokam culture in this area. pied by the Pima from the time of contact Criteria: (iii) Bears a unique testimony to a citizens and public officials must be required with the Spanish until around 1940. The before land can be designated for inclusion in civilization which has disappeared. Hohokam Pima site clearly demonstrates Paleo-Indian international land reserves. Let's maintain sov- the Mesoamerican influence in the South- ereign control over lands in the United States. western U.S. The site is located on a Pima Lindenmeir Site, Colorado (40 deg. 55'; 105 deg. 10' W.). This site was one of the earliest reservation. Criteria: (iii) Bears a unique tes- I wish to include in the RECORD the detailed Folsom sites to be excavated by archaeolo- timony to a civilization which has dis- descriptions of the cultural properties on the gists and was instrumental in establishing Department of Interior's list of future choices appeared. Ocmulgee National Monument, Georgia (32 man's presence in North America at its cur- rent early date. The site consists of a kill for World Heritage Sites. The complete list deg.50' N.; 83 deg.40' W.). The large mounds site marked by numerous bison bones and a and other information on this important issue and surrounding villages at Ocmulgee dem- camp a short distance away. This is one of can be found on the Committee on Resources onstrates the cultural evolution of the In- the few early man sites where both site types website at: http://www.house.gov/105cong/ dian mound-builder civilization in the south- were found, and it gives a more complete pic- ern U.S. Criteria: (iii) Bears an exception issues.htm. ture of the early hunters' life and cultural testimony to a civilization which has dis- INDICATIVE INVENTORY OF POTENTIAL FUTURE adaption. Criteria: (iii) Bears a unique testi- appeared. mony to a civilization which has dis- U.S. NOMINATIONS TO THE WORLD HERITAGE Poverty Point, Louisiana (32 deg.40' N.; 91 appeared. LISTÐCULTURAL PROPERTIES deg.25' W.). An archaeological site that flour- PREHISTORY AND LIVING COMMUNITIES ished from 1,000±600 B.C. It contains a geo- Hawaiian (FORMERLY ARCHAEOLOGY) metric earthwork complex, consisting of 11.2 Pu'uhonua O Honaunau National Histori- Post-Contract Aboriginal miles of raised terraces arranged in six con- cal Park, Hawaii (19 deg. 25' N.; 155 deg. 55' centric octagons, and Poverty Point Mound, W.) This area (formerly known as City of Taos Pueblo, New Mexico (36 deg. 25' N.; 105 Refuge National Historical Park) includes deg. 40' W.). A center of Indian culture since a bird-shaped ceremonial structure. Criteria: (iii) Bears an exception testimony to a civili- sacred ground, where vanquished Hawaiian the 17th century, the pueblo of Taos, still ac- warriors, noncombatants, and kapu breakers tive today, symbolizes Indian resistance to zation which has disappeared. Chaco Culture National Historical Park, were granted refuge from secular authority. external rule. The mission of San Geronimo, New Mexico (36 deg.10' N.; 108 deg.0' W.). This Prehistoric housesites, royal fishponds, and one of the earliest in New Mexico, was built property bears testimony to the first five pe- spectacular shore scenery are features of the near Taos Pueblo in the early 17th century. riods of the Chacoan variant and one period park. Criteria: (v) An outstanding example of Criteria: (v) An outstanding example of a of the Mesa Verdean variant of the Pueblo a traditional human settlement which is rep- traditional human settlement which is rep- civilization. Chaco Canyon is a large canyon resentative of a culture and which has be- resentative of a culture and which has be- which contains approximately 1100 ruins in- come vulnerable under the impact of irre- come vulnerable under the impact of irre- cluding 13 major Pueblo Indian villages. versible change. versible change. These villages consist of 3±5 story buildings European Exploration and Colonial Settlement Post-Contract Aboriginal/Developed Agriculture which often contain over 1,000 rooms. The La Fortaleza-San Juan National Historical Pecos National Monument, New Mexico (35 ceremonial complex consisting of the large Site, Puerto Rico (18 deg. 28' N.; 66 deg. 10' deg. 35' N.; 105 deg. 45' W.). This site was oc- villages is dated between A.D. 1,110 and 1,300 W.). Spanish defenses at San Juan guarded cupied since before A.D. 900 up until the 19th and clearly demonstrates the cultural links their sea lanes to the Caribbean; at this site century. The archaeological excavations of between the Mesoamerican cultures and the they founded one of their earliest colonies in the area led to the development of a cultural Pueblo Indians of the Southwestern U.S. Cri- the Americas. La Fortaleza, the first for- sequence which in turn enabled the compara- teria: (ii) Exerted great influence, over a tification of San Juan (built 1533±40), has · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.
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