RESEARCH ACTIVITIES OF SAPPORO MEDICAL UNIVERSITY 2004 – 2009 Hokkaido,Japan March 2010 RESEARCH ACTIVITIES OF SAPPORO MEDICAL UNIVERSITY 2004 – 2009 Edited by Committee for International Affairs and Medical Exchanges Sapporo Medical University Toshikazu Saito Neuropsychiatry, School of Medicine Shin Morioka English, Center for Medical Education Hiroki Takahashi Internal Medicine ( III ), School of Medicine Tsuyoshi Saito Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine Michiaki Yamakage Anesthesiology, Center for Medical Education Makoto Nemoto Liberal Arts and Sciences (English), School of Health Sciences Kimiharu Inui Applied Physical Therapy , Schhl of Health Sciences Contents ΣޓOUTLINE OF SAPPORO MEDICAL UNIVERSITYȤȤ!ȁ2 ޓޓޓޓޓPediatrics ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ78 ޓ㧝ޓOUTLINE ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤ!ȁ3 ޓޓޓޓޓOphthalmology ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ7: ޓޓޓޓޓDermatology ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ82 ޓ㧞ޓORGANIZATION ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤ!ȁ6 ޓޓޓޓޓUrology ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ84 ޓޓޓޓOrganization ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤ!ȁ6 ޓޓޓޓޓOtolaryngology ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ86 ޓޓޓޓNumber of Teaching Staffs & Fellows ȤȤȤȤȤ!ȁ9 ޓޓޓޓޓNeuropsychiatry ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ88 ޓޓޓޓNumber of Students ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤ!ȁ: ޓޓޓޓޓRadiology ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ8: ޓޓޓޓޓAnesthesiology ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ92 ΤޓRESEARCH ACTIVITIES ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤ!!22 ޓޓޓޓޓCommunity and General Medicine ȤȤȤȤȤȁ94 ޓ㧭ޓSCHOOL OF MEDICINE ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤ!!23 ޓޓޓޓޓClinical Laboratory Medicine ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ96 ޓޓ㧝ޓMedical Sciences ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ23 ޓޓޓޓޓTraumatology and Critical Care Medicine ȤȤȤȁ98 ޓޓޓޓޓObstetrics and Perinatal Medicine ȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ23 ޓޓޓޓޓOral Surgery ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ9: ޓޓޓޓޓPlastic and Reconstructive Surgery ȤȤȤȤȤȁ25 ޓޓޓޓޓPharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences ȤȤȁ27 ޓޓ㧠ޓCancer Research Institute ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ:2 ޓޓޓޓޓSurgical Pathology ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ28 ޓޓޓޓޓBiochemistry ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ:2 ޓޓޓޓޓRehabilitation Medicine ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ2: ޓޓޓޓޓMolecular Biology ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ:4 ޓޓޓޓޓPathophysiology ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ:6 ޓޓ㧞ޓBasic Medical Sciences ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ32 ޓޓޓޓޓAnatomy ( I ) ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ32 ޓޓ㧡ޓMarine Biomedical Institute ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ:8 ޓޓޓޓޓAnatomy ( II ) ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ34 ޓޓޓޓޓCellular Physiology and Signal TransductionȤȤȁ36 ޓޓ㧢ޓBiomedical Research, Education and ޓޓޓޓޓSystem Neuroscience ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ38 ޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓInstrumentation Center Ȥȁ:: ޓޓޓޓޓMedical Biochemistry ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ3: ޓޓޓޓޓMolecular Medicine ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ:: ޓޓޓޓޓBiochemistry ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ42 ޓޓޓޓޓBiomedical Engineering ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤ!212 ޓޓޓޓޓPathology ( I ) ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ44 ޓޓޓޓޓPathology ( II ) ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ46 ޓޓ㧣ޓAnimal Research Center ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤ!214 ޓޓޓޓޓMicrobiology ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ48 ޓޓޓޓޓPharmacology ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ4: ޓ㧮ޓSCHOOL OF HEALTH SCIENCES ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤ!216 ޓޓޓޓޓHygiene ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ52 ޓޓ㧝ޓNursing ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤ!216 ޓޓޓޓޓPublic Health ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ54 ޓޓޓޓޓMedical and Behavioral Subjects ȤȤȤȤȤȤ!216 ޓޓޓޓޓLegal Medicine ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ56 ޓޓޓޓޓFundamental and Adult Nursing ȤȤȤȤȤȤ!218 ޓޓޓޓޓMaternal and Child Nursing ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤ!21: ޓޓ㧟ޓClinical Medical Sciences ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ58 ޓޓޓޓޓCommunity Health, Gerontological ޓޓޓޓޓInternal Medicine ( I ) ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ58 ޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓޓand Psychiatric Nursing ȤȤȤȤȤ!222 ޓޓޓޓޓInternal Medicine ( II ) ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ5: ޓޓ㧞ޓPhysical Therapy ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤ!224 ޓޓޓޓޓInternal Medicine ( III ) ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ62 ޓޓޓޓޓPhysical and Therapeutic Sciences ȤȤȤȤȤ!224 ޓޓޓޓޓInternal Medicine ( IV ) ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ64 ޓޓޓޓޓApplied Physical Therapy ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤ!226 ޓޓޓޓޓNeurology ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ66 ޓޓ㧟ޓOccupational Therapy ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤ!228 ޓޓޓޓޓSurgery ( I ) ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ68 ޓޓޓޓޓOccupational and Therapeutic Sciences ȤȤȤ!228 ޓޓޓޓޓSurgery ( II ) ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ6: ޓޓޓޓޓApplied Occupational Therapy ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤ!22: ޓޓޓޓޓOrthopaedic Surgery ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ72 ޓޓޓޓޓNeurosurgery ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ74 ޓޓޓޓޓObstetrics and Gynecology ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ76 ޓ㧯ޓCENTER FOR MEDICAL EDUCATION ȤȤȤȤȤ!232 ޓޓޓޓLiberal Arts and Sciences ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤ!232 ޓޓޓޓޓPhilosophy and Ethics ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤ!232 ޓޓޓޓޓPsychology ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤ!233 ޓޓޓޓޓPsychology ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤ!235 ޓޓޓޓޓJurisprudence and Sociology ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤ!236 ޓޓޓޓޓSociology ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤ!237 ޓޓޓޓޓEnglish ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤ!238 ޓޓޓޓޓExercise Science ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤ!239 ޓޓޓޓޓPhysics ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤ!23: ޓޓޓޓޓBiophysics ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤ!242 ޓޓޓޓޓChemistry ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤ!243 ޓޓޓޓޓChemistry ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤ!244 ޓޓޓޓޓBiology ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤ!245 ޓޓޓޓޓBiology ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤ!247 ޓޓޓޓޓMathematics ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤ!249 ޓޓޓޓޓInformation Sciences ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤ!24: ޓޓޓޓޓInformation Sciences ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤ!251 ޓ㧰ޓSCHOLARLY COMMUNICATION CENTER !ȤȤȤ!252 ޓ㧱ޓPALLIATIVE MEDICINE ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤ!254 ޓ㧲ޓNEURAL REPAIRE AND THERAPEUTICS ȤȤȤ!256 ΥޓINTERNATIONAL EXCHANGES ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤ!258 ޓ㧝ޓMedical Exchanges with ޓޓޓޓޓThe Northern Region Countries ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤ!259 ޓ㧞ޓVisiting Research Fellows ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ259 ޓ㧟ޓInternational Contributions ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ259 ޓ㧠ޓResearchers in Overseas ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ259 ޓ㧡ޓSystem of International Medical Exchanges ȤȤȤȁ259 ޓ㧢ޓInternational Medical Exchange Center ȤȤȤȤȤȁ259 ޓ㧣ޓList of Exchanges Scientists ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ261 ΦޓINDEX( Key Words) ȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȤȁ274 2 SAPPORO MEDICAL UNIVERSITY PREFACE AIM OF THE UNIVERSITY Research Activities of Sapporo Sapporo Medical University aims to contribute to the ቇ㐳㗻౮⌀ Medical University has been improvement of the healthcare of the local community as well as published at intervals of five years the cultural development of mankind by teaching theories and since March, 2005. Written in applications regarding medicine and health sciences, researching English, and accessible on the in depth, and fostering students’ intellectual and moral abilities and university website, it outlines the their capacity for application. scientific research activities of research groups (departments) Sapporo and individual researchers of President, Sapporo Medical University from Kohzoh Imai,M.D., Ph.D. September 2004 to September 2009. Sapporo Medical University was founded (as Sapporo Medical College) in 1950 by the Hokkaido Prefecture Government, and since its establishment, has produced a total of about 6,000 graduates from the School of Medicine and the School of Health Sciences. Many now active on the front line of healthcare services and medical research in Hokkaido and are contributing to the improvement of healthcare and welfare in Hokkaido. In addition, Sapporo Medical University has established medical exchange programs with universities in Finland, Canada, China and the U.S.A, promoting exchange activities between researchers and students, and has provided internationally-oriented human resources, at all times striving to apply the results of this research to improve health services in the rural areas of Hokkaido. Furthermore, to improve the health and welfare of people throughout the world, we are actively engaged in sending our researchers to developing countries and inviting trainees from overseas to do research at our institution. With the goal of furthering these services, Sapporo Medical University aims to produce high-quality healthcare professionals, to maintain and enhance high levels of research and to return the benefits of this research to the rural areas. We hope this pamphlet provides researchers at home and abroad with an opportunity to collaborate with us and contribute to the improvement of community health. 3 HISTORY As part of Hokkaido’s comprehensive development, Sapporo Medical University was founded in 1950 using Hokkaido Women’s Medical College as a model. In 1993, the School of Health Sciences was established in accordance with the reorganization of the Health Sciences Junior College – which opened in April 1983 – attached to Sapporo Medical College. In June 2001, the University celebrated its 50th anniversary. Chronology of Hokkaido Women’s Medical College April 1945 Hokkaido Women’s Medical College was founded. Chronology of Sapporo Medical College April 1950 Sapporo Medical College opened. June 1950 Opening ceremony held - June 25 designated as the college’s foundation day. Administration Building September 1955 Cancer Research Institute established as an affiliated research institution. March 1956 Establishment of the Graduate School of Medicine approved. Enrollment capacity is 25 students. January 1958 Premedical course provided. September 1968 Marine Biomedical Institute established. April 1979 Divided courses - premedical and special courses abolished. April 1983 Health Sciences Junior College, attached to Sapporo Medical College, opened. Chronology of Sapporo Medical University April 1993 School of Health Sciences - Departments of Nursing, Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy - established to accept 90 students. April 1998 Graduate School of Health Sciences - Nursing, Physical Therapy and Clinical Research Building and University Hospital Occupational Therapy – established. Enrollment capacity is 24 students. April 1999 Information Center of Computer Communication established. April 2000 Doctoral course for Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy established in the Graduate School of Health Sciences. Enrollment capacity is 6 students. April 2001 Ph.D. course of Medicine for three programs reorganized in the Graduate School of Medicine. Total enrollment capacity is 50. School of Health Sciences Building 4 April 2001 Community Health Care Support Center established. April 2002 Critical Care Center established in the University Hospital. October 2002 Advanced Critical Care Center established in the University Hospital. December 2002 Memorial Hall established. April 2004 New doctor dispatch system start Resident system start April 2006 Scholarly Communication Center established. (The unification organization of the library and the information center.)
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