f THE COLOMA COURIER AND THE BENTON HARBOR HERALD VOL. 35 COLOMA, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1929 NO. 49 Crystal Palace Blues, 5; House of MIES H WMID David, 1. REV. BALFOUR CALLED 16 ffiOn WERE Play AuKiista Next Paw Paw Lake Resort Notes Next Sunday's game at the Crystal bk cmsm phuce blues Palace Baseball park will be between TO COLOMA PASTORATE MED MB MEM the Crystal Palace Itlues and Augusta. Kverybody likes to see a winniiiK team Michigan's Prettiest Inland Lake, With Its Two Golf Courses, and the best way to keep a team goim; Israelite Baseball Team Humbled by Community Church Extends Call to \arious Offenses Were Included in the good is to show your Interest and en- Four Dance Halls, Art Colony, Numerous Hotels and the Paw Paw lake Udit by Score of thusiasm by attending the games, so Former Pastor Federated Chunii at Charges Made by the Officers see next Sunday afternoon's perform 5 to 1 ance. There will also be a game at tlu Cottages, is Ready for Opening of Season. Hartford, Who Arcepts and Starts Sixteen were arrested by the officers Paw Paw Lake diamond on Thursday. from the sheriff's department and twin Rpvengo was sweet to the members New Work inunediutely July 4th. when the fast Lawrence team city police in the week-end cleanups of f the Crystal Ptkiee Blues baseball Hotel, Naomi Hotel. the National Academy of Art and the will endeavor to win a victory over The First Community Church of two days. team last Hunday when tbey played The hotels on the north side of Paw i Glenwood School of Painting, near the Palace Blues. Colonia again has a pastor. A call has 1' red Scott. 37-year-old Sodus negro, ^way from borne ami defeated tbe RESOAT SEASON IS Paw Lake are now all in readiness for Chicago, who was also the instructor been extended to and accepted by Rev. was the only one arrested on a serious county cbamplons .of last year, the the season of ID'.'S), and a number of | for the Business Mens Club of Chica John lialfour, who will take up his charge. He was jailed for violating jlloiiKe of Darld team, at tbe Israelite them bavi already been entertaining go, has arrived for the season after work In Coloma at once and will con- tbe liquor laws. Deputies Tom Car- tall park at Benton Harbor, and won KALAMAZOO ALL STARS TOOK guests. Many reservations are being j teaching in iin art school at San An- OFFICIM.LV OPENED duct the services here regularly, enter- penter. Charles Davis and George tbelr game by « score of a to I. Last made for aecommodations over the tonio, Texas, for the past few months. ing upon his work next Sunday. He Itryant arrested him after obtaining a Tear the bearded boys took the measure MEASURE OF COLOMA RED SOX week ends and for the Fourth of July. He will have charge of the school "buy," jf the resort boys In tbree games and Among the hotels on the Coloma side of again this year. Courses are offered John Harper. 53, Benton Harbor, was [therefore there was much Interest I his Week End Experted to Bring the lake are the following: Rattray's In landscape work, drawing from mod- arrested by Deputies Harold Larson •entered In last Sumhiy's wime. The Paw Paw Inn, Rissky's Maplewood, el, outdoor life work, composition and In a Ninth Inning Rally They Nosed First Big Influx to Paw Paw •ind Clyde Stannard for driving while lonK-halred boys led In the hlttliiK and the Woodward Hotel, he Wuodward still life. 'Imnk. He was fined **.0 and costs by Iho In tbe errors, but were low on the Annex. Newton's Locust lleacli, the K. II. Krickson, owner of the an Out the Coloma Players Lake Resorts. Justice Joseph It, Collier and bis -oore. Monday's St. Joseph Henald j Hotel Oilllce, Strongs hotel and resort. school, has just completed the work of driver's lliense revoked for !H> days. Press iMibllsheil tbe followliiR aeeount Coming to the front in a ninth inning While many summer home owners at Hennessey's Florence Hotel, Frank beautifying the buildings oecupied by If be fiills lo pay his tine he will have rally, the Kiilamazoo All Stars won the Paw Paw Lake resorts have been (Ireen's t'olonial. llabel's Doris hotel, the Midwest School of Art. The jf tbe game: to serve 30 day.- In the county jail. Lu- "Alde<l by the superb pitching and tbelr game from the Coloma Bed So\ here all of tbe |>ast month and others i Kngstrom's Lakeside hotel. Sballnuin's buildings have all been repainted, the cille Kreigor. 33. Henton Harbor, and ilttlng of their pitcher, Rudy Weber at the Crystal Palace baseball park at have been motoring over from Chicago resort. Peterson's Tippecanoe resort. lawns and tlowers put in attractive Frank iturrow, who were said to be "be t'rystal Palace Blues romped over Paw Paw Lake last Sunday afternoon. for week end outings, the tlrst big in- The Ravine Cottages, the Lakewood condition and new plains, bulbs and with Harper, were lined $3 and costs The Red Sox started a rally In the tlnx of tourists and summer home peo- lie Iiou.se of David ball club yesterday hotel, Burkey's Villa. North Park hotel, shrubs put out which will make tbe for Mug drunk. >y the score Tj-l. It seemed to IK* an ninth with Miack getting a homer, bin ple is expected Ibis week end. : Lamson's resort, Lleberman's resort, sebool grounds very attractive. Frank Nemethy. Is. St. Joseph, was iiff day for tbe Davldltes In both Held- their rally fell shurt. The All Stars Englewood hotel, the Hyde Park. Doug- With the closing of the Chicago and lined v", ami costs by Justice Collier for ug and hitting. Although they outblt ire said to be the best from tbe fac- las View Resort, (Jenoar's resort and other city schools, the Michigan tourist being drunk, lie was arrested by be Bines, their tlelding kept their tory leaKiies in Kalamazoo. Sleep and The (Jreen Lantern Inn. There are and resort season is supposed to for- Deputies Frwln Kubath and John Lay. ^»re down. Hank Uoodwin did tbe mound work i also a number <>f cottages where guests COIfAGERS' COUNIRy ClUB mally open on ilie last Saturday in June ' arrol Cook. of South Mend, nnd In the oiH'ninK Inning tbe House of for the All Stars. (Joodwin having had jure entertained, and a large number of and continue until Labor Day. Mr. and Mrs. \. J. Blanford. also of vld had their lirst hard luck when a workout with the Chb-igo Cults. i places where roomers alone are accom- The resort business has many uncer- South I lend, were fined $10 and costs Crystal Palace bad the base* loaded, Shaw did the catching. For the Bed jmodated. At Little Paw Paw Lake OPENS EOR SEASON JULY 1st tainties and the number of visitors to each after pleading guilty to charges Jewblrst fumbled a drive by Curtis, Sox. Black and Zieikie did the battery I one finds the Virginia Beach resort, <>ek enjoyment at Paw Paw Lake and 'f disorderly conduct. They were ar- nd Cook, Ronse and Co|)eland raced work. owned and operated by Mrs. Ida i.tber Michigan resorts depends to a rested lit the Lighthouse near New jome. Hughes, the Storic resort and the Hud- Program Announml For Mouths of l onsiderable extent on the weather and Kuffalo Saturday night by Deputies son cottages. Provides Hirills also on general business conditions In July and August ' harles H. Andrews, Erwln Kubath OUIH TOOK THEODORE Mi, the cities. The bitter are said to be and John Lay. "From the spectators' standpoint the fairly satisfactory. Hot. dry weather One of the most beautiful sites al Charles Fields. 10-year-old Benton jost interesting Inning of the game is depended upon to drive the city dwel- EODR DANCE HAEES AT LAKE Paw Paw Lake is that of the home of Harbor youth, was arrested by Deputy ras the fourth. On the tlrst bill BENTON HARBOR SHOE HAN lers out into the rural districts and the the Cottagers' Country Club, in a grove REV. JOHN BALFOUR ••ale ILsmly on a charge of being Itched. Heppler, tbe Blues' catcher, beautiful lake resorts of Western of trees on a bill overlooking the lake drunk. He was released on a bond. and bis family will move to Coloma at ifteil a tbree bagger to deep center Michigan are favorite vacation spots NOW OPEN EOR THE SEASON at Beechwood Point. Uriginaliy built Lawrence Martin. 31, Benton Har- once and will occupy the Community jeld. On the throw In. Johnson fum- for steadily increasing numbers from as a dancing pavilion by the late C. H. bor. was arrested by the Bentoo Har- Passed ^way in Ills Automobile as It church parsonage vacated a few weeks led the ball and Heppler scored. Fol- the big cities of the central states. Cusbing, the building and site were ac- bor police on a charge of gross In- ago by Uev. and Mrs. W. E. Ooltz. lowing Heppler. Rudy Weber sent tbe Was Driven Into His Yard quired by a group of summer home decency. This year the Michigan Tourist and Edgewater Bearb on Watervliet Side of Rev. Balfour Is no stranger in Co- ill over tbe right Held fence for the Resort Association and three other owners a number of years ago for a '•nly homer of the day.
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