28 May 2013 Written Answers. The following are questions tabled by Members for written response and the ministerial replies as received on the day from the Departments [unrevised]. Questions Nos. 1 to 16, inclusive, answered orally. Questions Nos. 17 to 41, inclusive, resubmitted. Questions Nos. 42 to 52, inclusive, answered orally. 28/05/2013WRA00550Education and Training Provision 28/05/2013WRA0060053. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Education and Skills the extent to which studies have been carried out to determine the educational skills and requirements need- ed to meet demands in the modern workplace; the extent to which such skills are adequately available in this jurisdiction; his plans, if any, to address any shortcomings in the future; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [25455/13] 28/05/2013WRA00700Minister of State at the Department of Education and Skills (Deputy Ciarán Cannon): The policy basis which informs my Department’s education and training provision includes the National Skills Strategy, the Strategy for Science Technology and Innovation, the Report of the Task Force on Innovation, the National Strategy for Higher Education to 2030, the Action Plan for Jobs and Pathways to Work. In addition to the wide range of cross-cutting policy structures and forums for engagement on enterprise skills needs, such as the National Competitiveness Council and the Innovation Task Force, direct advice from enterprise informs the development of education and training policy on an ongoing basis. The FÁS Strategic Labour Market Unit and Expert Group on Future Skills Needs inform the selection of new targeted programmes designed to tackle the skills shortages in particular elements of the economy, e.g. Springboard, Momentum and the ICT skills conversion initiative, which was introduced as part of the ICT Action Plan. 28/05/2013WRA00750Higher Education Reform 28/05/2013WRA0080054. Deputy Charlie McConalogue asked the Minister for Education and Skills if he will provide an update on the status of proposed higher education reforms; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [25475/13] 28/05/2013WRA00900Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): Following completion of the Landscape process initiated by the HEA in 2012, I recently received the formal advice from the Authority on the re-configuration of the higher education system, including proposals for inter-institutional collaboration and system governance. I have discussed the advice with my colleagues in Government this morning and I will be publishing this advice and formally re- sponding to the Authority in the coming days. 129 Questions - Written Answers 28/05/2013WRA00950School Staffing 28/05/2013WRA0100055. Deputy Seamus Kirk asked the Minister for Education and Skills the number of re- quests his Department has had from secondary schools for additional career guidance alloca- tions; the number of such requests granted by his Department; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [25507/13] 28/05/2013WRA01100Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): My Department has no bud- getary provision for dealing with requests from schools for additional career guidance alloca- tions nor are such requests generally made by schools. As part of existing arrangements short- term support is provided to schools that are dealing with particularly acute incidents that arise due to tragic accidents, bereavements etc. Short term support has been allocated to 5 schools in such circumstances in the current school year. It is important to note that the provision of guid- ance in schools is a whole school activity. Since the start of the current school year guidance provision is delivered from within each school’s standard staffing allocation. I have already ac- knowledged to the House that bringing guidance within quota is challenging for schools. How- ever the alternative was to adjust the PTR staffing allocations. The budget decision sheltered the impact for all DEIS post-primary schools by improving their standard staffing allocations. 28/05/2013WRA01150Student Grant Scheme Eligibility 28/05/2013WRA0120056. Deputy Timmy Dooley asked the Minister for Education and Skills his plans to include capital assets in assessing maintenance grant eligibility; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [25486/13] 28/05/2013WRA01300Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): The Deputy will be aware that, following agreement in principle by the Government to broaden the current means test- ing arrangements for student grants by way of inclusion of the value of capital assets, I set up a dedicated implementation group to bring forward detailed proposals. I have received a draft report from the implementation group. This is currently under consideration and I will be con- sulting further with my cabinet colleagues. 28/05/2013WRA01350School Patronage 28/05/2013WRA0140057. Deputy Éamon Ó Cuív asked the Minister for Education and Skills if he will provide an update on his efforts on changing the patronage of some primary schools; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [25495/13] 28/05/2013WRA01500Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): I know that the Deputy is aware that I recently wrote to the Catholic Patrons in 23 areas where parental demand for change has been confirmed through parental survey outcomes. The Deputy will also be aware that the purpose of my letter was to ask the Patrons to consider options for reconfiguring their schools to allow the transfer of a school to a new patron. I requested an interim response to my request within three months and a final response with detailed proposals on divesting schools within six months. The Deputy will also know that earlier surveys had been conducted in five pilot areas and, as a result, options for change are also being considered by the Patrons in re- spect of these. School Curriculum 28/05/2013WRB0020058. Deputy Jonathan O’Brien asked the Minister for Education and Skills if he will ex- 130 28 May 2013 pand on comments he made recently when speaking at Tullamore College, County Offaly, when he said that science would be compulsory if there were laboratories in each of the State’s 723 post primary schools; and the measures he intends to take to address this matter. [25398/13] 28/05/2013WRB00300Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): In phasing in implementa- tion of junior cycle reform, from 2014 onwards, English, Mathematics and Irish will remain core full subjects for all students. 18 additional subjects, including science, will continue to be available. Overall, I am in favour of schools deciding what junior cycle programme they will offer, mindful of the need to reflect the interests of their students. Curricular choice has been shown to be an important factor in strengthening retention rates to completion of senior cycle in school. Good and enthusiastic science teachers have the opportunity to inspire a real interest in their subject and so ensure that pupils will want to study science. In 2012, for example, 89.5% of students sat the Junior Certificate science examination. My Department has developed an online inventory facility to enable schools to provide information about their accommodation, including science laboratories and when all schools have completed the inventory this informa- tion will be available. Question No. 59 answered with Question No. 48. 28/05/2013WRB00450Student Grant Scheme Design 28/05/2013WRB0050060. Deputy Catherine Murphy asked the Minister for Education and Skills if he will pro- vide an update on the measures which have been taken to address the problems encountered by students using the Student Universal Support Ireland online student grant application system; if he will confirm that a workable triage system has been incorporated into the process to handle the volume and urgency of individual applications; and if he will make a statement on the mat- ter. [25459/13] 28/05/2013WRB00600Minister for Education and Skills (Deputy Ruairí Quinn): I understand that a triage system exists in Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI) to provisionally assess all online applications and to refuse those applications that clearly do not meet the qualifying criteria and do not need to go through the complete application process. While it is acknowledged that there were significant difficulties in the operation of the assessment processes last year, I am informed by SUSI that, in preparation for the 2013/2014 academic year, both the on-line ap- plication system and the application assessment process are being further developed to enhance their effectiveness and efficiency and respond to experiences from year one. For applicants applying through SUSI for the 2013/14 academic year, a number of new initiatives will make their application more efficient this year. The initiatives include direct information sharing between SUSI and Government bodies and agencies including the Rev- enue Commissioners, the Department of Social Protection, the General Register Office and the Central Applications Office. These links should reduce significantly the number of documents required from applicants themselves. 28/05/2013WRB00650Pupil-Teacher Ratio 28/05/2013WRB0070061. Deputy Richard Boyd Barrett asked the Minister for Education and Skills if he will release the statement sent to him by the City of Dublin VEC on the effect the change in the pupil-teacher ratio will have on colleges in the further education sector; and if he will make a 131 Questions - Written Answers statement on the matter. [25472/13] 28/05/2013WRB00800Minister of State at the Department of Education and Skills (Deputy Ciarán Cannon): The impact statement forwarded to my Department by CDVEC outlined the effect the regres- sion in the PLC pupil teacher ratio would have on its PLC provision. It sought to retain 13.33 posts of the 48 they were due to lose in order to minimise the impact of the reduction on learners and on the provision of courses.
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