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Ben . za i N . .. .. Br . .. .. reaction . time - . 44 . 5 h . ini | 2422 .4n 3 11. 81 . - . ., 5 .95 Oh 8 .0 0 7. 0 50 .0 3. 0 2. 0 to do di ppm FIG . 2 U . S . Patent Apr. 3 , 2018 Sheet 3 of 4 US 9 ,932 , 315 B2 < * * " 2009 1 . 5 10 10. 2 105 Si X X . XX . .. ' ist* ishi • al = 77 WM OHNDIOHND)( im y 0052 x R3. 305 { tal. = 130 “ M 0 043 : . R : 0 . 360 1 a . * 393 , MÀ 0 033 ) .. .. .. .. m esto que poc Time / h - 1 .61 : 10 X * 25 . 8 | R = 0 . 998 AS * - 4 ,00 cal mot K1 AH * * 31 . 9 kcal mol ? ' ' Sirir . .. HOMO of 1a : - 5 .80 eV wwwwwwwwwwwwww 90 .0°C in(Kg-2017 87. 5°C ** . *77! 85. 0°C * *.. * ** NIK wwwwwwwwwwwww 80 .0°C Calculated TS structure 2 .70 2 .75 2 . 80 2 . 85 1 / T 10 % / K FIG . 3 U . S . Patent Apr. 3 , 2018 Sheet 4 of 4 US 9 ,932 , 315 B2 LUMO : - 1 .25 eV w are not HOMO : 85 eV W W W * * * * * * * * * * * wwpe * * * w *. 24 + y V? . thì win * a * 010) . y* WOTE llesimindenkalmamiwin NormalizedAbsorbancela.u vom Miroit ) . STAYS * ** 2 * LOT wwwmmwww bar postana Kri i TTTTT mpty 3 22 2 uence Lingviinitil . 0 . 0 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * .Ho- 250 300 350 400 in. Wavelength / nm . Souvenir . UiU. buidoo FIG . 4 US 9 ,932 ,315 B2 PERSISTENT CARBENE ADDUCTS AND alkynyl , optionally substituted aryl, optionally substi RELATED METHODS tuted heteroaryl, optionally substituted alkenyloxy, optionally substituted alkoxy, optionally substituted thio , optionally substituted acyl , optionally substituted RELATED APPLICATIONS amino , optionally substituted phosphine, or nitrile , pro vided at least two R1 are optionally substituted aryl ; The present application is a National Stage Application each R2 and Rare the same or different and are absent, under 35 U . S . C . § 371 of International Application Serial hydrogen , optionally substituted alkyl, optionally sub No . PCT/ US2015 /044295 , filed Aug . 7 , 2015 , entitled stituted heteroalkyl , halo , optionally substituted acyl, or “ PERSISTENT CARBENE ADDUCTS AND RELATED optionally substituted phosphine; METHODS, ” which claims priority under 35 U . S . C . § 10 - - - - - - is a single or double bond , provided when 119 ( e ) to U . S . provisional application , U . S . Ser . No . 62/ 035 , - - - - - - is a double bond , each R is absent . In another 371, filed Aug . 8 , 2014 , entitled “ PERSISTENT CARBENE set of embodiments , methods are provided . In some ADDUCTS AND RELATED METHODS, ” each of which is embodiments , a method for forming a compound com incorporated herein by reference in their entirety for all prising the structure : purposes . 15 TECHNICAL FIELD R? R2 R2 R Persistent carbene adducts and methods of forming the same are provided . RI- NO Nic , NA BACKGROUND Though the existence of carbenes has been known for NON " over a century , persistent carbenes have only recently been 25 discovered . Traditionally , carbenes were believed to be or a tautomer thereof , comprises the step of heating a short - lived and / or non -isolatable due to the electron - defi precursor compound to a temperature of about 80° C . cient and ambiphilic nature of many carbenes , which ren or greater , wherein the percent conversion to the com dered them highly reactive and difficult to isolate . Recently , pound is greater than or equal to 50 % , and wherein the it was found that carbenes can be stabilized via conjugation 30 precursor compound has the structure : with appropriate heteroatoms.
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