March 22, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1111 Frelinghuysen, Martin Frost, Elton Gallegly, Jr., Christopher Shays, Brad Sherman, Don nial Regulatory Review—Streamlining of Greg Ganske, George W. Gekas, Richard A. Sherwood, John Shimkus, Ronnie Shows, Radio Technical Rules in Part 73 and 74 of Gephardt, Jim Gibbons, Wayne T. Gilchrest, Rob Simmons, Michael K. Simpson, Norman the Commission’s Rules [MM Docket No. 98– Paul E. Gillmor, Benjamin A. Gilman, Sisisky, Joe Skeen, Ike Skelton, Louise 93] received March 15, 2001, pursuant to 5 Charles A. Gonzalez, Virgil H. Goode, Jr., McIntosh Slaughter, Adam Smith, Chris- U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on En- Bob Goodlatte, Bart Gordon, Porter J. Goss, topher H. Smith, Lamar S. Smith, Nick ergy and Commerce. Lindsey O. Graham, Kay Granger, Sam Smith, Vic Snyder, Mark E. Souder, Floyd 1313. A letter from the Special Assistant to Graves, Gene Green, Mark Green, James C. Spence, John N. Spratt, Jr., Cliff Stearns, the Bureau Chief, Mass Media Bureau, Fed- Greenwood, Felix J. Grucci, Jr., Gil Gut- Charles W. Stenholm, Bob Stump, Bart Stu- eral Communications Commission, transmit- knecht, Ralph M. Hall, Tony P. Hall, James pak, John E. Sununu, John E. Sweeney, ting the Commission’s final rule—Amend- V. Hansen, Jane Harman, Melissa A. Hart, J. Thomas G. Tancredo, John S. Tanner, Ellen ment of Section 73.202(b), Table of Allot- Dennis Hastert, Alcee L. Hastings, Doc O. Tauscher, W. J. (Billy) Tauzin, Charles H. ments, FM Broadcast Stations (North Hastings, Robin Hayes, J. D. Hayworth, Joel Taylor, Gene Taylor, Lee Terry, William M. English, Iowa) [MM Docket No. 00–222; RM– Hefley, Wally Herger, Baron P. Hill, Van Thomas, Bennie G. Thompson, Mike Thomp- 10002]; (Pendleton, South Carolina) [MM Hilleary, Earl F. Hilliard, Maurice D. Hin- son, Mac Thornberry, John R. Thune, Karen Docket No. 00–223; RM–10003]; (Hamilton, chey, David L. Hobson, Joseph M. Hoeffel, L. Thurman, Todd Tiahrt, Patrick J. Tiberi, Texas) [MM Docket No. 00–224; RM–10004]; Peter Hoekstra, Tim Holden, Rush D. Holt, John F. Tierney, Patrick J. Toomey, James (Munday, Texas) [MM Docket No. 00–225; Michael M. Honda, Darlene Hooley, Stephen A. Traficant, Jr., Jim Turner, Mark Udall, RM–10005] received March 15, 2001, pursuant Horn, John N. Hostettler, Amo Houghton, Robert A. Underwood, Fred Upton, Nydia M. to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Steny H. Hoyer, Kenny C. Hulshof, Duncan Vela´ zquez, Peter J. Visclosky, David Vitter, Energy and Commerce. Hunter, Asa Hutchinson, Henry J. Hyde, Jay Greg Walden, James T. Walsh, Zach Wamp, 1314. A letter from the Special Assistant to Inslee, Johnny Isakson, Steve Israel, Darrell Maxine Waters, Wes Watkins, Melvin L. the Bureau Chief, Mass Media Bureau, Fed- E. Issa, Ernest J. Istook, Jr., Jesse L. Jack- Watt, J.C. Watts, Jr., Henry A. Waxman, An- eral Communications Commission, transmit- son, Jr., Sheila Jackson-Lee, William J. Jef- thony D. Weiner, Curt Weldon, Dave Weldon, ting the Commission’s final rule—Amend- ferson, William L. Jenkins, Christopher Jerry Weller, Robert Wexler, Ed Whitfield, ment of Section 73.202(b), Table of Allot- John, Eddie Bernice Johnson, Nancy L. Roger F. Wicker, Heather Wilson, Frank R. ments, FM Broadcast Stations (Hornbrook, Johnson, Sam Johnson, Timothy V. Johnson, Wolf, Lynn C. Woolsey, Albert Russell Wynn, California) [MM Docket No. 00–73; RM–9861] Stephanie Tubbs Jones, Walter B. Jones, C.W. Bill Young, Don Young. received March 15, 2001, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Paul E. Kanjorski, Marcy Kaptur, Ric Keller, 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Energy and Sue W. Kelly, Mark R. Kennedy, Patrick J. f Commerce. Kennedy, Brian D. Kerns, Dale E. Kildee, EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, 1315. A letter from the Deputy Chief, Ac- Carolyn C. Kilpatrick, Ron Kind, Peter T. ETC. counting Policy Division, Common Carrier King, Jack Kingston, Mark Steven Kirk, Bureau, Federal Communications Commis- Gerald D. Kleczka, Joe Knollenberg, Jim Under clause 8 of rule XII, executive sion, transmitting the Commission’s final Kolbe, Dennis J. Kucinich, John J. LaFalce, communications were taken from the rule—Federal-State Joint Board on Uni- Ray LaHood, Nick Lampson, James R. Speaker’s table and referred as follows: versal Service [CC Docket No. 96–45] Petition Langevin, Tom Lantos, Steve Largent, Rick for Reconsideration filed by AT&T—received 1307. A letter from the Director, Office of Larsen, John B. Larson, Tom Latham, Ste- March 19, 2001, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Legislative Affairs, Federal Deposit Insur- ven C. LaTourette, James A. Leach, Barbara 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Energy and ance Corporation, transmitting the Corpora- Lee, Sander M. Levin, Jerry Lewis, John Commerce. Lewis, Ron Lewis, John Linder, William O. tion’s final rule—Disclosure and Reporting of 1316. A letter from the Director, Inter- Lipinski, Frank A. LoBiondo, Zoe Lofgren, CRA-Related Agreements; Correction (RIN: national Cooperation, Office of the Under Nita M. Lowey, Frank D. Lucas, Ken Lucas, 3064–AC33) received March 14, 2001, pursuant Secretary of Defense, Department of De- Bill Luther, Carolyn B. Maloney, James H. to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on fense, transmitting Certification for the Maloney, Donald A. Manzullo, Edward J. Financial Services. Memorandum of Agreement Between the Markey, Frank Mascara, Jim Matheson, 1308. A letter from the Acting Assistant Ministry of Defence of the Kingdom of Nor- Robert T. Matsui, Carolyn McCarthy, Betty Secretary, Occupational Safety and Health way and the Department of Defense of the McCollum, Jim McCrery, John McHugh, Administration, Department of Labor, trans- United States of America for Technology Scott McInnis, Mike McIntyre, Howard P. mitting the Department’s final rule—Notice Demonstration and System Prototype McKeon, Cynthia A. McKinney, Michael R. of Initial Approval Determination; New Jer- Projects, pursuant to 22 U.S.C. 2767(f); to the McNulty, Martin T. Meehan, Carrie P. Meek, sey Public Employee Only State Plan (RIN: Committee on International Relations. Gregory W. Meeks, Robert Menendez, John 1218–AB98) received March 15, 2001, pursuant 1317. A letter from the Assistant Legal Ad- L. Mica, Juanita Millender-McDonald, Dan to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on viser for Treaty Affairs, Department of Miller, Gary G. Miller, Patsy T. Mink, John Education and the Workforce. State, transmitting Copies of international Joseph Moakley, Alan B. Mollohan, Dennis 1309. A letter from the Special Assistant to agreements, other than treaties, entered into Moore, James P. Moran, Jerry Moran, Con- the Bureau Chief, Mass Media Bureau, Fed- by the United States, pursuant to 1 U.S.C. stance A. Morella, John P. Murtha, Sue Wil- eral Communications Commission, transmit- 112b(a); to the Committee on International kins Myrick, Jerrold Nadler, Grace F. ting the Commission’s final rule—Amend- Relations. Napolitano, Richard E. Neal, George R. ment of Section 73.622(b), Table of Allot- 1318. A letter from the Acting Deputy As- Nethercutt, Jr., Robert W. Ney, Anne M. ments, Digital Television Broadcast Stations sistant Administrator, Bureau for Legisla- Northup, Eleanor Holmes Norton, Charlie (Chattanooga, Tennessee) [MM Docket No. tive and Public Affairs, Agency for Inter- Norwood, Jim Nussle, James L. Oberstar, 99–268; RM–9691] received March 15, 2001, pur- national Development, transmitting a report David R. Obey, John W. Olver, Solomon P. suant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- on economic conditions in Egypt 1999 Ortiz, Tom Osborne, Doug Ose, C. L. Otter, mittee on Energy and Commerce. through 2000, pursuant to 22 U.S.C. 2346 nt.; Major R. Owens, Michael G. Oxley, Frank 1310. A letter from the Special Assistant to to the Committee on International Rela- Pallone, Jr., Bill Pascrell, Jr., Ed Pastor, the Bureau Chief, Mass Media Bureau, Fed- tions. Ron Paul, Nancy Pelosi, Mike Pence, Collin eral Communications Commission, transmit- 1319. A letter from the Acting Assistant C. Peterson, John E. Peterson, Thomas E. ting the Commission’s final rule—Amend- Secretary for Legislative Affairs, Depart- Petri, David D. Phelps, Charles W. Pickering, ment of Section 73.622(b), Table of Allot- ment of State, transmitting the FY 2000 An- Joseph R. Pitts, Todd Russell Platts, Rich- ments, Digital Television Broadcast Stations nual Report on U.S. Government Assistance ard W. Pombo, Rob Portman, David E. Price, (Lexington, Kentucky) [MM Docket No. 00– to and Cooperative Activities with the New Deborah Pryce, Adam H. Putnam, Jack 118; RM–9757] received March 15, 2001, pursu- Independent States of the Former Soviet Quinn, George Radanovich, Nick J. Rahall, ant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee Union; to the Committee on International II, Jim Ramstad, Charles B. Rangel, Ralph on Energy and Commerce. Relations. Regula, Dennis R. Rehberg, Silvestre Reyes, 1311. A letter from the Special Assistant to 1320. A letter from the Acting Assistant Thomas M. Reynolds, Bob Riley, Lynn N. the Bureau Chief, Mass Media Bureau, Fed- Attorney General, Office of Legislative Af- Rivers, Ciro D. Rodriguez, Tim Roemer, Har- eral Communications Commission, transmit- fairs, Department of Justice, transmitting old Rogers, Mike Rogers, Dana Rohrabacher, ting the Commission’s final rule—Amend- the Department of Justice’s prison impact Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Mike Ross, Steven R. ment of Section 73.622(b), Table of Allot- assessment (PIA) annual report for 2000; to Rothman, Marge Roukema, Edward R. ments, Digital Television Broadcast Stations the Committee on the Judiciary. Royce, Bobby L. Rush, Paul Ryan, Jim (Sumter, South Carolina) [MM Docket No. 1321. A letter from the Deputy Executive Ryun, Martin Olav Sabo, Loretta Sanchez, 00–182; RM–9957] received March 15, 2001, pur- Secretary to the Department, Health Care Bernard Sanders, Max Sandlin, Tom Sawyer, suant to 5 U.S.C.
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