Magic Valley’^io m e I\ewspaper 71st yoar, 71 si Issuo : . -:.TWIN.I=ALLS;iDAHO- . _ 7 : offers nninMkilllZ BOGpTA, Colombln (UPI) — Continuing lorrcntlnl rains left defense nl least 12 persona dead In Colombia and Venezuela Saturday, drove thousands from their homes and caused millions of dollars' ' ORLANDO. Flo. (UPl) ^.Presldem Nixon, In losses to crops and livestock. responding to more' thaM U i^tot'of questioning Tlie Colombian national emergency council mot In Bogota by newspaper editors, de?Ihrtd Saturday night Saturday to coordinate relief for Uie victims but that " I ’m rio crook" and .he would prove 'lt by communications In Uie stricken areas were difficult bccause of publisliing evidence of his innocence in the road washouts. The Colombian weather bureau predicted no wideranging Watergate scandal. letup In the rnlns until nejt month. In a nervous but self-assured defense of his. conduct before national television cameras and 400 Associated Press managing editors In a TnlkN resume (odny hotel ballroom at Disney.World, Nbton said: " I want the facts out because the facts will PEORIAi 111. (UPI) — Contract talks between negotiators lor prove that tho President Is telling the truth." • Caterpillar Tractor Co. and the striking United Auto Workers Nixon flew* to the 27.00Q-acre entertainment union were scheduled to resume Sunday, a Caterpillar resort from his home in Key Blscayne and tmrtVffnmnn anlri RntiirHny. submitted to an hour' and six minutes of Caterpillar's 33,000 UAW employes In five states went on questions by members of the Associated Press strike at noon Thursday a day after talks recessed on, a new Majiaglng Editors Association, the subjects work contract. Sunday's talks will be the first on a national ranging from tlw Watergate tapes to his contract since the strike began. personal finances, the energy crisis, the new ■sp-oclal-WaTcrgatc—proSBcutor-und—the— acknowledged biigging of his brother, Donald. Ford no rubber N t n m p During the news conference, Nixon said: —He would make available his own notes to WASHINGTON (UPI) - Gerald R. Ford puffs on his pipe as U.S. District Judge John J. Sirica of his he testifies at the second day hearings by the House Judiciary conversations with former White House counsel Committee Friday on his nomination to bo vice prosldont. Ford John W. Dean n r to e slapsh J h a t ^ e said he would not be a ‘frubbcr stjimp" vice president and would nothing of the Watergate cover-up before last press his position cii administration program^no matter If they March 21. He said It was o "very great conflicted with President NUon's view. , ByDAVIDESPO v The featured speaker at a fund raising dinner He predicted the country would be the first to disappointment” some conversoUons were not TimcB-NewB Capitol Bureau for Rep; Orvol Hansen, R*Idaho, Baker told a have operational a nuclear fost breeder reactor, recorded because of what he said was a faulty, TWIN FALLS - Sen. Howard Baker. R- press conference earlier in the day the president to be located In Tennessee. He predictod the unsophisticated White House taping system. IHuMklc nsks cnil Tenn., said in Twin Falla Friday ho had put "should not resign. I don’t think ho wlU be National Reactor Testing Station (NRTS) In -The new special Wfltfirgoto prosecutor, aside his doubta of two or three weeks ago that impeochod, and I think he's got to do more than Idaho has a "long and assured future in the field U o n Javcorskl, would be fully Independent and LAS VEGAS. Nev. (U P I) - he has” in making a disclosure. of aton\lc onorgy and inlho field of safety." Sen. Edmund Muskic, D- President Nixon might not "make It" to the end Immune to dismissal without the ogreement of of his term. Baker sold the President was mavlng toward ^ k o r and t o s o n toured the NRTS site in tho House and Senate leadership of both parties. Malnc. said Frldoy the his "natural power base’* In " meeting wltlT eastern Idaho before flying to Twin Falls. U was American people “demand ond But the vice chairman of tlie Senate -H is brother, Donald, an executive of the Wotcrgate Committee said the President still Republicans and congressmen In the past week. the first visit the sector, a mcmbeV with Marriott Corp., "knew ai)d approved of” the deacrve” on end. to the He discounted the meetings as a posslblo form Hansen of Uie Joint Atdnnlc Energy Committee, Watergate dramo and thot needed to make a "full disclosure of evory facct government's electronic monitoring of his - nnd oipect-not only of Watergatef" bul-also-of- of vjury.tampering" thn r ■ f—mlght- Impcachmonrwaa a mcopS or convened as a court In an Impeachmcnt trial. ' In response to o question, Baker also said he resolving it. H ie former vlco related matters. hnve involved ‘‘others ,who might be trying to For the S05 g'uesb at the ISO o plate dinner for thought it was “not appropriate and presldentlol candidate stopped get him to use improper influence" In behalf of Hansen, Baker predictod tho Republican Party productive” to discuss any presidontlol ■ short of calling for foreign interests. would recover from Watergate to win ambitions ho might have as long as tho impeachment in a speech at significant victories in the 1974 off*year Watergate committee was meeting. Ho said ho ( C o n tin u e d OB P .-1 0 ) . the University of Nevada In DECS gives elections. "The Republican Party is alive and didn’t have the "compelling desire, the Las Vogas, following o news well and riding in the catbird seat," declared consuming urgo” to be president, but also said ■ conforenco at the Tropicflno the first Republican senator ever popularly he wasn’t "afraid’' of the job. ^ o l e l ................. ............. elected in T^nessee. _ ^______ ■ ■ -Speaking ot the dlnner-for Hanson ho praisod contract ---- _.^Bak£Lli)Mfl'pr£ffl3-CQnfcrfinciial;the College of NFOaide the third-term congressman as the "hardest Southern Idaho he still hoped to arrange a v; ByDAVIDESPO working, and nriost diligent, best informed and -e-fctnPoil-doad-oii-lrelKli Tlwofl«NwniCapltainurna»^,-T.^ .,a = ^ BOISE — Tlie Department of Environmental the President, either In Uie Capitol or the White Committee on Atomic Energy. DOVER, England,(U PI) — Six persons were feared dead and Community Services (DECS) awarded a House! He called once again upon the President He told the audience Watergate was only a Saturdoy-in a fire aboard a West Gorman-frcignteHUn-lhc— lltr.800 contract for janitorial sen/ices-at the^ to put^watcrgfltc" tnpcs nt the conamlttee’s "preamble" for the Republlc«n-Porty“ *‘for disposal, and said the full disclosure the English Cliahnel.' former tuberculosis hospital in Gooding earlier somethlng much greater than we’ve ever knowh-- Firemen boarded Uie lO.OOO^ton Cap San Antonio, registered in this month without competitive bidding President needed'to'mokewaoccciaarv” 'not' JBy MARILYN ELLIOTT------ -beforc.’- • • ...................... Tlmei*Newi writer----------------- Hamburg, after it was towed to Dover Imrbor but the ship was procedures. only to tho courts and the Congress but also to BURLEY - “Unorganlied groups cannot still on fire Soturday afternoon, making a search oboord tlie The contract was signed Nov. 8 by the country.” I'Those of us who are Republicans are proud to have undertaken a difficult task and if the compete «or survive In todoy’s economy,” Oi;en vessel difficijU. representatives of DECS and Magic Valley .He also predicted the' nation would be Rehabilitation Services -Inc., according, to "energy-independent” by the t)eginning of the Democrats had done the same thing we’d have Staley, president of the Notlonol Fanners records on file with DECS. It calls for next decade, that it would be "a little chllly" been a lot better off a long time ogo,” he said of OrganiiaUon (NFO) said Saturday’ night In "complete Janitorial services” for portions of before the combination of increased domestic the Watergflte investigation. His remark was a Burley. Y o uth HiiKpoi*! ill firo Speaking to about 200 members of the Idaho ' the former hospital through tho-cnd of June, oil production-and geothermal ond nuclear reference of the Investigation a decade ago of NFO at its annual state convention tho LOS ANGELES (UPI) — An Arizona youth witli a record of 1074. The cost to the stiite is $2,476 a month. energy made it so. Bobby Baker, d protege of then vice president Ponderosa Inn Staley said, "Capital is arson In his liomo s'tato became the "prime suspect” Saturday in .Two top DECS officials sold the contract was mode. It so. Lyndon Jolinson. organized through the merger of big money Into , the tragic Stratford Hotel fire which claimed a record 24 lives awarded without competitive bidding because large corporations. This means fewer and fewer and Injured 52 persons early Friday. such practices are not required In service buyers." Hours after flames swept through the GG-year-old hotel in contracts. "Workers are organiied and this means they central Angeles police picked up la-year-old Michael Robert Bushnell, general counsel at DECS, W itlilioldiiig new s crkicizcci have the ability to increase wages. Hiis Altenburg while he slept on a bus bench near a freeway onromp said in Boise tliere was "no roquirement" that service contracts be bid before they are HOUSTON (U W ) - Mission Control sharply criticized the-Skylab 3 increases the cost of production," he said. on the city’s west side.' "Theonly way they (fanViers) can compete Is awarded.
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