Vol 11 / No 22 1 November 2019 Fortnightly by Subscription calendar GBGB Awards 2019 – Save the Date Golf Fundraiser for Great Ormond Street Hospital ROMEO RUMBLE, owned by David Firmager and trained by John Mullins, leads home Down To The Felt (t4) in the BGBF/Nottingham British Breeders Stakes Photo: Steve Nash Final. FOR ALL THE LATEST NEWS - WWW.GBGB.ORG.UK -VSSV^.).)VU;^P[[LY'NYL`OV\UKIVHYK'NINIZ[HɈHUK0UZ[HNYHTHUK-HJLIVVR CATEGORY ONE FINALS Date Distance Track Event Sat 02 Nov 540m Crayford Ladbrokes Gold Collar Sat 16 Nov 710m Perry Barr RPGTV St Leger Mon 18 Nov 500m Nottingham The Carling Eclipse Fri 06 Dec 575m Romford Coral Essex Vase 7XH'HF P%ULWLVK%UHG 6KHIÀHOG %*%)%ULWLVK%UHG'HUE\ Sat 14 Dec 476m Bitches Swindon The English Oaks 2019 Thu 19 Dec 480m Puppies Newcastle Alconex Northern Puppy Derby Sat 28 Dec 515m Brighton & Hove Coral Olympic )XUWKHUFRPSHWLWLRQVWREHFRQÀUPHG$ERYHGDWHVPD\EHVXEMHFWWRFKDQJH CATEGORY TWO FINALS Date Distance Track Event Thu 07 Nov 515m Bitches Brighton & Hove Coral Brighton Belle Wed 13 Nov 238m British Bred Harlow BGBF Sprint Fri 22 Nov 400m British Bred Romford BGBF British Bred Puppy Oaks Sat 30 Nov 480m Puppies Monmore Green Ladbrokes Trafalgar Cup Mon 23 Dec 305m Flat Nottingham National Sprint Thu 26 Dec 874m Flat Crayford Boxing Day Marathon )XUWKHUFRPSHWLWLRQVWREHFRQÀUPHG$ERYHGDWHVPD\EHVXEMHFWWRFKDQJH 6DYHWKH'DWH 6XQGD\WK-DQXDU\ )XUWKHUGHWDLOVWRIROORZ« GOLF FUNDRAISER FOR GREAT ORMOND STREET HOSPITAL GBGB would like to congratulate all owners, trainers and kennelhands who attended the fundraising event in aid of Great Ormond Street Hospital organised by trainer Maurice Newman earlier this month. The event was held at Stapleford Abbotts Golf Club in Romford and the guest of honour was former world boxing champion John Conteh MBE. Over 60 people attended the golf day and auction, which raised over £7,000 for Great Ormond Street. This is the most recent event in many decades of fundraising work that Maurice, alongside friends and colleagues, have undertaken to support the vital work the charity undertakes. Commenting on the day, Maurice said: ´,ZRXOGOLNHWRVD\DELJKHDUWIHOWWKDQNVWR-RKQ&RQWHKZKRVHFDUEURNHGRZQEXWVWLOO PDQDJHGWRJHWWRWKHJROIFRXUVHDQGWRDOOWKHRZQHUVWUDLQHUVDQGNHQQHOKDQGVZKR DWWHQGHG7KHVHSHRSOHDUHH[WUHPHO\EXV\EXWVWLOOPDQDJHGWRILQGWKHWLPHWRVXSSRUW VXFKDZRUWKZKLOHFDXVHDQGUDLVHRYHU µ Beth Walpole, Sales and Events Manager at the Golf Club said: ´7KHZKROHGD\ZDVIDQWDVWLFHYHU\RQHZDVVRORYHO\DQGDOOKHUHWRVXSSRUWWKHIDQWDVWLF FKDULW\WKDW0DXULFHGRHVVRPXFKZRUNIRU$OORIXVDW6WDSOHIRUG$EERWWVZHUHSULYLOHJHG WRSDUWRIVXFKDQDPD]LQJGD\µ GBGB Registrar Dave Levy said: ´0DXULFHKDVGRQHGHFDGHV RILQFUHGLEOHIXQGUDLVLQJ IRU*UHDW2UPRQG6WUHHW LQFOXGLQJUXQQLQJWKLV DQQXDOJROIHYHQW²ZH·G OLNHWRWKDQNKLPIRUKLV FRQWLQXHGKDUGZRUNDVZHOO DVDOOWKHRZQHUVWUDLQHUV DQGNHQQHOKDQGVZKR DWWHQGHGWKLV\HDU·VHYHQW ZKRVKRZFDVHGZKDWD FKDULWDEOHKHDUWRXUVSRUW KDVµ 2UJDQLVHU0DXULFH1HZPDQVSDUVZLWKbR[LQJOHJHQG-RKQ&RQWHK0%( CALENDAR 1 IMPORTANT NOTICES Complaints 7KH*UH\KRXQG%RDUGRI*UHDW%ULWDLQZLOOUHFHLYHFRPSODLQWVLQFRQÀGHQFHIURPDQ\RQHFRQFHUQHGDERXWDSRVVLEOHEUHDFKRIWKH5XOHVRI5DFLQJ Send emails to [email protected]*%*%RIÀFHRQ020 7822 0900. Alternatively, write to: The Greyhound Board of Great Britain Ltd, Genesis House, 17 Godliman Street, London EC4V 5BD Welfare Hotline ,I\RXDUHFRQFHUQHGDERXWWKHZHOIDUHRIDQ\UHJLVWHUHGUDFLQJJUH\KRXQGVSOHDVHFDOORXUFRQÀGHQWLDO:HOIDUH+RWOLQHRQ020 7822 0917. The line is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You will be prompted to leave a voicemail message giving as much information as you can so that our team can investigate your concerns fully and ensure appropriate action is taken. DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE INQUIRIES were Area Stipendiary Steward Miss positive analysis, namely drug abuse, Meriel France and independent medicinal use of the drug or that the The Disciplinary Committee of the scientific adviser Professor Tim dog was fed contaminated meat. GBGB were in attendance at a Morris. He said that drug abuse was less meeting held on 15 October 2019:- Mr Bird proposed that the Committee likely. If it had been administered Mr M Elks (in the chair) hear the two cases together. Mr in the period immediately prior to Mr H Starte Jeans confirmed that the procedure the race (which would have been Mr A Hunt had been explained to him by Mr necessary if the objective was to Bird and he had no objection to this. affect the performance of the dog) 1 Swindon Stadium – WESTWELL LAUREN – To avoid any possible prejudice of ketamine and/or other metabolites Professional Trainer one case influencing the other, Mr of ketamine would almost certainly Mr D Jeans Bird advised the Committee to hear have also been found in the sample evidence relating to each inquiry in addition to hydroynorketamine. Professional Trainer Mr David separately and reach decisions on They were not. Also, the level of Jeans was found in breach of rules each. hydroxynorketamine found in the 152 (i), 174 (i)(b), 214 and 217 of sample was small. the GBGB Rules of Racing in that WESTWELL LAUREN There was no evidence in the a pre-race urine sample taken treatment book of any medicinal use. from the greyhound WESTWELL Sampling Steward Gary Matthews LAUREN at Swindon Stadium on attended Swindon Stadium on 8 The most likely explanation is 8 April 2019 was analysed by LGC April 2019 and took a number of therefore that the meat fed to the dog Health Sciences as containing random urine samples. The sample was contaminated by the addition hydroxynorketamine, a metabolite of taken from WESTWELL LAUREN of horsemeat to the beef and that norketamine; and that he had in his was analysed by LGC and found the horsemeat contained residues of charge a greyhound that showed the to contain hydroxynorketamine, a ketamine as a result of its use as a presence of a substance which by its metabolite of ketamine. Professor pre-euthanasia sedative. It is highly nature could affect the performance Morris stated that ketamine is unlikely that ketamine would have of a greyhound or prejudice its well- available as a veterinary medicine, been used to sedate cows as that being. being used as a sedative and would have destroyed the value of anaesthetic agent. It has similar uses the meat. Professor Morris stated in people and is also a recognised 2 Hove Stadium – MAGICAL that an extended supply chain, such ICARUS – Professional drug of abuse. It is used as a pre- as existed in this case, had been Trainer Mr D Jeans euthanasia sedative for horses, but a feature of previous instances of not cattle or sheep. The Committee contamination of beef by horsemeat Professional Trainer Mr David Jeans accepted the opinion of Professor with drug residues. was found in breach of rules 152 Morris that ketamine is a depressant (i), 174 (i)(b), 214 and 217 of the of the nervous system and therefore The Area Stipendiary Steward GBGB Rules of Racing in that a a substance which by its nature told the Committee that Mr Jeans’ pre-race urine sample taken from could affect the performance of a kennels are of a very high standard, the greyhound MAGICAL ICARUS at greyhound or prejudice its well-being. and his commitment to animal welfare is also very high. Hove Stadium on 25 April 2019 was At the local inquiry Mr Jeans stated analysed by LGC Health Sciences that “an educated guess” as to the Mr Bird said that the GBGB invited as containing hydroxynorketamine, a cause of the positive sample would the Committee to treat this case as a metabolite of norketamine; and that be the meat he fed to the dogs in strict liability breach only. Mr Jeans he had in his charge a greyhound his care. He produced invoices from had already admitted such a breach. that showed the presence of a his then meat supplier which was Mr Bird said that the GBGB had not substance which by its nature also a pet food supplier. Professor proved intentional administration. The could affect the performance of a Morris gave evidence that if a horse Committee unhesitatingly adopted greyhound or prejudice its well-being. is given ketamine as a pre-euthanasia Mr Bird’s suggestion and accordingly The Above Inquiries sedative, residues of it will be present found Mr Jeans to be in breach of in the meat. Rules 152(i), 174(i)(b), 214 and 217 of Mr Jeans was in attendance, the GBGB Rules of Racing. accompanied by kennelhand Mr Professor Morris stated that there Malcolm Dagger. Also in attendance were 3 possible explanations for the 2 VOL 11 NO 22 1 NOVEMBER 2019 In the circumstances of the case, the the horsemeat contained residues of contaminated after it was obtained Committee ordered that no further ketamine as a result of its use as a from SLANAN CHARM. Professor action be taken against Mr Jeans. pre-euthanasia sedative. It is highly Morris was of the view that this was unlikely that ketamine would have the most likely explanation for the MAGICAL ICARUS been used to sedate cows as that positive analysis. Sampling Steward Gary Matthews would have destroyed the value of In the circumstances, Mr Bird on attended the Coral Regency race the meat. Professor Morris stated behalf of the GBGB stated that it meeting at Hove Stadium on 25 that an extended supply chain, such wished to withdraw the allegations of April 2019 and took samples from as existed in this case, had been breach of the Rules of Racing against all six finalists. The pre-race sample a feature of previous instances of Mr Black. In all the circumstances, taken from MAGICAL ICARUS contamination of beef by horsemeat the Committee agreed that it should was analysed by LGC and found with drug residues. do so and found there was no fault to contain hydroxynorketamine, a The Area Stipendiary Steward finding. metabolite of ketamine. Professor told the Committee that Mr Jeans’ Morris stated that ketamine is kennels are of a very high standard, 4 Yarmouth stadium – SLIPPY available as a veterinary medicine, and his commitment to animal MAGGIE – Professional being used as a sedative and welfare is also very high. Trainer Mrs M Brown anaesthetic agent. It has similar uses Mr Bird said that the GBGB invited Professional Trainer Mrs Michelle in people and is also a recognised the Committee to treat this case as a Brown was found in breach of rules drug of abuse.
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