Volume 1988 Issue 7 Article 15 June 2020 The Tobacco Seekers Douglas A. Rossman Follow this and additional works at: https://dc.swosu.edu/mcircle Part of the Children's and Young Adult Literature Commons Recommended Citation Rossman, Douglas A. (2020) "The Tobacco Seekers," The Mythic Circle: Vol. 1988 : Iss. 7 , Article 15. Available at: https://dc.swosu.edu/mcircle/vol1988/iss7/15 This Fiction is brought to you for free and open access by the Mythopoeic Society at SWOSU Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Mythic Circle by an authorized editor of SWOSU Digital Commons. An ADA compliant document is available upon request. For more information, please contact [email protected]. To join the Mythopoeic Society go to: http://www.mythsoc.org/join.htm Mythcon 51: A VIRTUAL “HALFLING” MYTHCON July 31 - August 1, 2021 (Saturday and Sunday) http://www.mythsoc.org/mythcon/mythcon-51.htm Mythcon 52: The Mythic, the Fantastic, and the Alien Albuquerque, New Mexico; July 29 - August 1, 2022 http://www.mythsoc.org/mythcon/mythcon-52.htm This fiction is available in The Mythic Circle: https://dc.swosu.edu/mcircle/vol1988/iss7/15 THE TOBACCO SEEKERS. Another Cherokee Tale Retold by Douglas A. Rossman The fire burned low in the center of •rt they even got that far,· mused One the low, earth-domed sweat lodge, but still Antler of the Deer Clan. •itemember that the the seven clan leaders had not determined the Little People who live in the gorge hate us, best way to deal with the awful threat that too. I would not be surprised if they were loomed like an ever-growing thundercloud over the ones who stole our tobacco plant. Who the heads of the Tsalagi people. The sacred else could have taken it from the middle of a tobacco, which had served such a vital role stockaded village and not left so much as a in their healing ceremonies, was gone. Their footprint? .. only plant had been carefully tended in a Muttered agreement and nodding heads small but special garden plot outside the followed this statement. lodge of their spiritual leader, the Uku, but ·Perhaps,· offered White Wolf, .. where a three nights earlier it had disappeared-• var party cannot go unnoticed, a single man roots, stem, leaves, and seeds--and the can. I will send a messenger to my adopted tribe's supply of dried leaves was used up. clansman, the great conjuror Groundhogs' The conjurors were helpless and their fellow Mother, who is seeking visions on the Shining tribesmen, who depended on them in times of Rock. If anyone can succeed, it is he ... illness, were on the edge of panic. Indeed, •Groundhogs' Mother would be best• Night Wing, an elderly member of the Bird agreed Fish Hawk. ·aut if we must wait for Clan, lay near death, yet seemingly nothing him to return from the Shining Rock, I fear could be done to save him. it may be too late to save my clansman Night "We know that the tobacco grows Wing.• somewhere east of the mountains, .. crie~ Fish Just then the deerskin that covered the Hawk, •tor it was through Hickorynut Gorge entrance of the sweat lodge was thrust aside, that the wandering Tagva brought the first and a young warrior entered. leaves and seeds to our people many winters ·1 apologize to the elders for ago ... intruding on their council, but I have been ·aut the Tagva and the Taalagi are waiting butside all night for thea to decide sworn enemies now, .. growled White Wolf, .. and how to get the tobacco that will save the the Tagva are so strong and keep such a close life of •Y aother's brother--and it seems all watch on the lover end of that gorge that ve they can do is say 'Wait for Groundhogs' could never hope to send a var party through. Mother.' Fish Hawk is right; Groundhogs' Our warriors would be slaughtered as they Mother might not get back in time. I ayself came out of the gorge.• will go ••• now, at once. It is my THE MYTHIC CIRCLE #7, pg 22 right~and my duty~as Night Wing's nephew.· wrappings the magic crystal he had taken from Amidst the ·uproar that followed this the Uktena, the great antlered serpent. declaration, Fish Hawk's voice had a calming Holding the crystal before him, he 1tared effect. •you do well to apologize for into its depths while focusing all his interrupting our council, Brown Bat, but vho thoughts on the image of his friend Brown among us has so cold a heart that he vould Bat. For a moment nothing happened, then a de11&nd the rules of courtesy be followe4 at a streak of red appeared in the crystal, a time like this. Your uncle ia my kinaman, streak that grew and spread until the entire too, and my fear for him can be little less crystal gloved like a ruby. than yours. And yet ••• my heart tells me A groan escaped from Groundhogs' that if you enter Hickorynut Gorge, I will Mother. ·ue is dead, he is dead! The Little never 1et eyes on you again. It would be a People have killed him·· His body shook with bitter thing for the clan to lose you both. grief for several minutes, then anger filled I beg you stay, be patient, wait.• him. ·1 will finish the task Brown Bat ·1 respect and admire Fish Hawk, as do began. And after I have done this, I will all members of the Bird Clan, but this is teach the Little People what it means to har~ something I have to do. Pray to the 'nlunders a Tsalagi." for my success ••• but if I don't come * * * back, ask Groundhogs' Mother to seek ay Seated in the shelter of a small grove bones." _ of trees just to the west of Hickorynut Gap, Having said this, Brown Bat emerged Groundhogs' Mother extracted the skin of a from the sweat lodge into the grey light of mole from his medicine pouch and placed it on dawn, took a deep breath of the misty air, the ground in front of him. Unwrapping and then trotted briskly eastward to meet his the Uluhsati, he held it up toward the sun destiny. and began to chant a power song. As he * * * finished the fourth verse, the conjuror •you should never have let him go," sensed that his body was beginning to shrink. exclaimed an agitated Groundhogs' ,Mother. At the end of the seventh verse, he found •Brown Bat ls a fine warrior and probably that he had taken on the form of a large could slip past the Tagwa, but only a mole. conjuror could hope to pass unseen by the Blinking in the glare of the sunlight, Little People in the gorge. And they are not the mole that was also a man burrowed swiftly like the Little People who live here in our out of sight beneath Hickorynut Gap and mountalns--pranksters who mean no real harm. toward the gorge walls that lay beyond. Tho1e who live in Rickorynut Gorge are Although Groundhogs' Mother could burrow many twi1ted, evil. They will kill Brown Bat if times faster than an ordinary mole, the they find him.· journey was a long one and after many hours ·1 a1ked him not to go,• replied Fish had passed he headed toward the surface to Hawk 1adly, •but his mind was made up. And take his bearings and see how much farther he can you really blame him? Night Wing is his had to go. Huch to his dis11&y, he emerged in uncle, the one who taught him everything he a cavern filled with Little People; upon knows about hunting and fighting ••• about seeing him they screamed fiercely and what it is to be a man. None of u1 could be attacked him with clubs and sharp stones. Be sure that Night Wing would live until your plunged back into his tunnel and retreated return~it is a wonder that he still does. rapidly the way he had come with the Little Brown Bat felt he had no choice but to seek People in pursuit. Any attempt to burrow a the tobacco.· new tunnel to the east would have slowed him Groundhogs' Mother held up his right down enough that his capture would have been hand. •peace, Fish Hawk. I am not ao much certain. Gr~undhogs' Mother finally angry at you and the other elders as I am outdistanced his pursuers and, panting, ,he feeling guilty about not being here when I emerged from the tunnel. Resuming his was aost needed. But feeling guilty does not natural form, he collapsed the tunnel help either. Let me go into the sweat lodge entrance and sat back to consider an and look into the Uluhsati to see what has alternative plan. happened to Brown Bat. Then ve will know •clearly I cannot try to go underground vhat aust be done.· again. 'nle Little People will be expecting nte conjuror bent down and, entering me and I would never get through. Perhaps the sweat lodge, seated himself cross-legged through the air? Yea. But it will need to by the small fire that burned in the center be something small enough and quick enough of the lodae. He stared into the fire·for a not to draw their attention or that of the long time, relaxing his body and driving out Tagva who guard the tobacco.· the tangle of thoughts and emotions that Groundhogs' Mother reached once more assailed his mind.
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