The Astrophysical Journal, 675:644Y669, 2008 March 1 A # 2008. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. USING QUANTITATIVE SPECTROSCOPIC ANALYSIS TO DETERMINE THE PROPERTIES AND DISTANCES OF TYPE II PLATEAU SUPERNOVAE: SN 2005cs AND SN 2006bp Luc Dessart,1 Ste´phane Blondin,2 Peter J. Brown,3 Malcolm Hicken,2 D. John Hillier,4 Stephen T. Holland,5, 6 Stefan Immler,5, 6 Robert P. Kirshner,2 Peter Milne,1 Maryam Modjaz,2 and Peter W. A. Roming3 Received 2007 July 12; accepted 2007 November 12 ABSTRACT We analyze the Type II plateau supernovae (SNe IIP) SN 2005cs and SN 2006bp with the non-LTE model atmo- sphere code CMFGEN. We fit 13 spectra in the first month for SN 2005cs and 18 for SN 2006bp. Swift ultraviolet photometry and ground-based optical photometry calibrate each spectrum. Our analysis shows that both objects were discovered less than 3 days after they exploded, making these the earliest SN IIP spectra ever studied. They reveal broad and very weak lines from highly ionized fast ejecta with an extremely steep density profile. We identify He ii k4686 emission in the SN 2006bp ejecta. Days later, the spectra resemble the prototypical Type IIP SN 1999em, which had a supergiant-like photospheric composition. Despite the association of SN 2005cs with possible X-ray emission, the emergent UVand optical light comes from the photosphere, not from circumstellar emission. We surmise that the very steep density falloff we infer at early times may be a fossil of the combined actions of the shock wave passage and ra- diation driving at shock breakout. Based on tailored CMFGEN models, the direct fitting technique and the expanding photosphere method both yield distances and explosion times that agree within a few percent. We derive a distance to NGC 5194, the host of SN 2005cs, of 8:9 Æ 0:5 Mpc and 17:5 Æ 0:8 Mpc for SN 2006bp in NGC 3953. The lumi- nosity of SN 2006bp is 1.5 times that of SN 1999em and 6 times that of SN 2005cs. Reliable distances to SNe IIP that do not depend on a small range in luminosity provide an independent route to the Hubble constant and improved con- straints on other cosmological parameters. Subject headinggs: radiative transfer — stars: atmospheres — stars: distances — stars: evolution — supernovae: individual (2005cs, 2006bp) Online material: color figures <![%ONLINE; [toctitlegrptitleOnline Material/title/titlegrplabelColor Figures/ labelentrytitlegrptitlefigref rid="fg1" place="NO"Figure 1/figref/title/titlegrp/ entryentrytitlegrptitlefigref rid="fg2" place="NO"Figure 2/figref/title/titlegrp/ 1.entryentrytitlegrptitlefigref INTRODUCTION rid="fg3"Ensman place="NO"Figure & Burrows 1992; Matzner 3/figref/title/titlegrp/ & McKee 1999; Blinnikov entryentrytitlegrptitlefigref rid="fg4" place="NO"Figure 4/figref/title/titlegrp/ Although radiation represents a negligible fraction of the en- et al. 2000). Cooling, due to adiabatic expansion and radiative entryentrytitlegrptitlefigref rid="fg5"losses, place="NO"Figure is moderated as time 5/figref/title/titlegrp/ progresses by recombination of hy- ergy in core-collapse supernova (SN) explosions, most of what entryentrytitlegrptitlefigref rid="fg6"drogen place="NO"Figure during the photospheric 6/figref/title/titlegrp/ phase of SNe II and by nonthermal we know about these events is inferred from the analysis of spec- entryentrytitlegrptitlefigref rid="fg7"excitation place="NO"Figure by unstable isotopes. 7/figref/title/titlegrp/ Although UVemission is signifi- tra and light curves. The gravitational binding energy of the newly entryentrytitlegrptitlefigref rid="fg8"cant place="NO"Figure for the first few days after 8/figref/title/titlegrp/ shock breakout, the spectral en- formed protoYneutron star is on the order of 1053 ergs. Within entryentrytitlegrptitlefigref rid="fg9"ergy place="NO"Figure distribution (SED) subsequently 9/figref/title/titlegrp/ peaks further and further milliseconds after core bounce, a few times 1052 ergs of this en- entryentrytitlegrptitlefigref rid="fg10"into place="NO" the red, first inFigure the visual 10/figref/title/titlegrp/ and then in the near-IR, a few months ergy is used to photodissociate the infalling outer iron core. Start- entryentrytitlegrptitlefigref rid="fg11"after place="NO"Figure explosion (Kirshner et 11/figref/title/titlegrp/ al. 1973; Kirshner & Kwan 1975; ing with an electron-neutrino burst when the core reaches nuclear entryentrytitlegrptitlefigref rid="fg12"Mitchell place="NO" et al. 2002;Figure Leonard 12/figref/title/titlegrp/ et al. 2002b; Brown et al. 2007). densities, the radiation of neutrinos of all flavors operates over entryentrytitlegrptitlefigref rid="fg13" place="NO"Core-collapse SNFigure explosions 13/figref/title/titlegrp/ constitute an excellent laboratory a few tens of seconds after the bounce as the protoYneutron star entryentrytitlegrptitlefigref rid="fg14" place="NO"Figure 14/figref/title/titlegrp/ cools and carries away a few times 1052 ergs. These neutrinos are for inferring the properties of massive stars at the end of their entryentrytitlegrptitlefigref rid="fg15"lives place="NO" and, indirectly,Figure their pre-SN 15/figref/title/titlegrp/ evolution. As the material ex- believed to deposit 1051 ergs (1% of the total) into the infalling entryentrytitlegrptitlefigref rid="fg16" place="NO"Figurepands, the 16/figref/title/titlegrp/entry/toc]]> photosphere recedes to deeper and deeper layers of progenitor mantle, reversing the accretion, and to provide the in- ternal and kinetic energy for the SN ejecta (Woosley & Janka 2005). the star’s former envelope, allowing the observer to probe all the way from the surface at shock breakout to the innermost layers Only 1049 ergs (0.01% of the total) is eventually processed into just outside the compact remnant. The nebular phase, the epoch light, which gets radiated with a rate equivalent to a few times when the ejecta become optically thin throughout ( 3Y4 months 108 L sustained for 3 months. after explosion for SNe II), permits the inspection of the regions Depending on the progenitor radius, the shock emerges at the where the blast originated, offering a means to constrain the mech- surface between a few hours and a day after core bounce, with anism and the morphology of the explosion, as well as the nucleo- a radiative precursor that is expected to heat and accelerate the synthetic yields. surface layers, producing a soft X-ray flash (Chevalier 1982; Detailed quantitative analyses focus on the early, photospheric 1 evolution (Hoe¨flich 1988; Eastman & Kirshner 1989; Schmutz Department of Astronomy and Steward Observatory, University of Arizona, et al. 1990; Baron et al. 1996, 2000, 2003, 2004, 2007; Mitchell Tucson, AZ 85721; [email protected]. 2 Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, MA 01238. et al. 2002; Dessart & Hillier 2005a, 2006, 2007, 2008) because 3 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pennsylvania State Univer- the ejecta are best suited for ‘‘standard’’ model atmosphere com- sity, University Park, PA 16802. putations: there is an optically thick base where the radiation ther- 4 Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, malizes; there is no contribution from nonthermal excitation by PA 15260. 56 56 5 Astrophysics Science Division, X-Ray Astrophysics Branch, Code 662, isotopes like Ni and its daughter product Co; electron scat- NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771. tering dominates the opacity; and line and continuum formation 6 Universities Space Research Association, Columbia, MD 21044. is spatially confined. Advances in computer technology permit 644 PROPERTIES AND DISTANCES OF TYPE II PLATEAU SNe 645 Fig. 1.—Observed light curves for SN 2005cs (left; optical data include the observations of T06, P06, and the CfA) and SN 2006bp (right). Besides optical magnitudes in UBVRI (i 0 is shown instead of I for SN 2006bp), we also include the Swift UVOT magnitudes in the filters uvw2, uwm2, and uvw1 (corresponding values and photometric errors are given in Tables 1 and 4 for SN 2005cs and Tables 2 and 5 for SN 2006bp, for each filter and date). [See the electronic edition of the Journal for a color version of this figure.] better handling of non-LTE effects, and the critical role played by curacy on H0 has on w see Macri et al. 2006). A small improve- metals is now systematically accounted for (Baron et al. 2004; ment in our knowledge of H0 will lead to a significant improve- Dessart & Hillier 2005a). Non-LTE effects are important even at ment in the understanding of the energy content of the universe. early times, for example, to reproduce the He i lines observed in This paper is structured as follows. In the next section we pre- optical spectra. sent the photometric and spectroscopic data sets. In x 3wepresent Here we present a quantitative spectroscopic analysis of the the model atmosphere code CMFGEN and describe our methods. early photospheric phase evolution of the SNe II SN 2005cs in In x 4 we present a quantitative spectroscopic analysis at 13 photo- NGC 5194 and SN 2006bp in NGC 3953, both with plateau-type spheric phase epochs for SN 2005cs, and in x 5 we analyze 18 epochs light curves as shown in Figure 1. We employ the non-LTE model for SN 2006bp. In x 6 we apply the expanding photosphere method atmosphere code CMFGEN (Hillier & Miller 1998; Dessart & (EPM), as well as a direct fitting method (in the spirit of the spec- Hillier 2005a), in its steady state configuration, following a sim- tral fitting expanding atmosphere method, SEAM, of Baron et al. ilar approach to Dessart & Hillier (2006, hereafter DH06) and their 2000), to infer the distance and the explosion date for both SN analysis of SN 1999em. A novel component of our study is the events. In x 7 we discuss the implications of our results, and in x 8 use of Swift (Gehrels et al. 2004) Ultra-Violet/Optical Telescope we conclude. (UVOT; Roming et al. 2005) ultraviolet photometry that places 2.
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