• Carson-Wilson Post News VOL. 12 TULSA, OKLAHOMA • JANUARY 2, 1948 NO. 16 CAMPAIGN NOW FOR UMT IMPORTANCE. OF IMMEDIATE ACTION STRESSED Commander O'Neil BY TAYLOR Here January 15 National Legislative Director Outlines Strategy Which Should Be Followed in Order that UMT Get Prompt Attention in Congress LEGION LEADER WILL MAKE STATE TOUR, APPEARING ON By JOHN THOMAS TAYLOR, National Legislative Director PROGRAM AT TULSA. Under the priority legislative program of The American Legion, National Commander James F. our Universal Military Training Bill, H. R. 4278, will require im­ O'Neil will be guest of the Carson­ mediate attention insofar as The American Legion, throughout the Wilson Post on January 15, it has Departments, Areas, Districts and Posts, is concerned. Every mem­ been announced by Department ber should make this legislation a ma{ter of personal concern. Commander Brad M. Risinger. Petition forms have been mailed to every post of The American Le­ meetings of luncheon clubs, and Commander O'Neil will arrive in gion and unit of the American Le­ other societies for the dissemination Tulsa shortly before noon on Thurs­ gion Auxiliary through the post of information and knowledge to ad­ day, January 15. He will speak at commander and the unit president. vise the public on the 'provisions of a luncheon that will be held in the Additional quantities of these lorms H. R. 4278, The American Legion­ Chamber of Commerce hall in the can be obtained from the National endorsed legislation, is highly im­ Tulsa Building. This hall win ac­ Headquarters of The American Le­ portant. That legislation has been commodate approximately 300 for gion in Indianapolis. The Impor­ reported by the Committee of the the luncheon. The committee here tance of gaining millions of signa­ Armed Forces of the House of Rep­ will consist of the Executive Com­ tures to these petitions cannot be resentatives, with unanimous ap­ mittee and all Post Commanders. over-emphasized. Every member of proval and is now on the calendar Tickets are $1.00 each and may be our organization should not wait to of the House. obtained now from Eddie Shields be asked-they should seek the op­ All members of national commi'&­ or Frank Crawley at the Legion Hut portunity to sign. tees, department commanders, de­ 1120 E. 8th St. Contact Organizations partment adjutants, of The Ameri­ When the Commander speaks, the Post, district, and department can Legion, department unit presi­ doors will be thrown open so that committees in every town, city, dents and secretaries of the Ameri­ those who had not arrived in time county, district, area and depart­ can Legion Auxiliary, members of for the luncheon may hear him. ment should contact patriotic, fra­ department legislative and defense Legionnaires, in northeastern Okla­ ternal, business, and civic organ­ committees, and post commanders, homa, in large numbers, are expect­ izations, especially those whose na­ and unit presidents should immedi­ ed to converge on Tulsa to hear the tional groups are participating mem­ ately initiate movements to organ­ National Commander on that date. bers in the National Security Com­ ize and hold such meetings. From Tulsa, Commander O'Neil mittee, and secure and offer full The drive is now on to have Con­ will go to Muskogee, arriving there cooperation in the necessary activit­ gress fully informed that 76 per cent at about 3:00 o'clock in the after­ ies to secure the signatures to those of the American people favor the noon. He will be guest at a recep­ petitions which, when completed, enactment of UMT legislation and tion from 3:00 until 3:30. This re­ should be immediately sent direct­ demand that such enactment be im­ ception will be open to all Legion­ ly to the Congressman from the dis­ mediate. naires who care to meet the Com­ trict in which they are signed. Let­ From now until Congress con­ mander. At 3:30, he will visit the ters should be addressed to the sen­ venes in regular session, January 6; veterans in the Veterans Adminis­ ators from the respective state, tell­ 1948, this drive must be intensified, tration hospital and make a talk at ing them of the petitions sent in reaching its ultimate during Uni­ the close of his tour of the facility. and advising of the number of sig­ versal Military Training Week, To Visit Hospital natures thereon. which is being proclaimed in most Immediately following his visit at The holding of meetings and the of our states for January 5 to 12, (Continued on Page 4) furnishing of speakers for regular 1948. CARSON-WILSON POST NEWS JANUARY 2, 1948 CARSON-WILSON POST NEWS would be authorized to issue federal Published every Friday by Carson-Wtlson Po•t No. 1, American charters to non-profit corporations Legion, Tulsa, Oklahoma. to be known as Veterans Homestead Flash 1 Associations, upon applications of ALL MEMBERS who have paid DEXTER MOSS, JR. -------Editor five (or more) honorably discharged their 1948 dues by January 16, GREGG CHANCELLOR-Editorial St&tt veterans of World War II of good EDNA ALLEN ________ Editorial Staff will be admitted FREE to a Soon­ JACOB STERNBACH--Editorlal Sta.ft character and responsibility. CHARLIE CLARK ____Advertlslns Mgr, er Membership Party. Details ADVERTISING OFFICE (2) Such Veterans Homestead As­ later. 818 South Chyenne sociations would construct and pur­ Phone 2-9196 ADDRESS ALL CORRESPONDENCE chase housing to be sold to veterans P. O. Box 2480 Tulsa 1, Oklahoma for occupancy by themselves, per­ Member sonally, together with their famil­ grants-in-aid to states, cities, coun­ AMERICAN LEGION PRESS ASSOCIATION ies and dependents; construct, pur­ ties or other political subdivisions H �20 chase, maintain and operate housing or associations for provisions of to be rented to veterans; make loans streets, sidewalks, utilities, fire pro­ The Carson-Wilson Post News ls en• to veterans for the purchase of terd as second class mall matter at the housing. Veterans participating as tectio·n, street lighting, schools, rec­ Post Office at Tulsa, Oklahoma, under the Act or March a, 1879. members in the Associations would reational facilities, etc. 8ub•crfptlon Price 1 be required to post $100. Housing With Legion Dues, per year___ 50c Summary - By the non-profit units provided by this program method, by mass buying and con­ POST OFFICERS could not cost more than $10,000. HARRY L. S. HAhLIDY struction, by the lower interest rate Commander (3) The VA would completely and by the federal contribution to Clinton Bohannon ___ lst Vice Commander guide and supervise the program. Guy Belford, Jr, ___0 2nd Vice Commander land development (6 above) experts John A. Cochran ___ 3rd Vice Commander (4) The permanent financing of who have studied the bill believe it ' Clement O. Glttlnger____ Finance Officer property acquired or loans made by Mrs. Pat Rupe__________________ Hlstorlan will reduce the monthly payments c. M. Johnston. ____________________ Chaplaln the Associations would be done by Harry Pope_ ____________________ Sgt.-at-Arms by veterans on their private homes the medium of bonds sold by the s Jas. H. Neal, M. D, ___ Post Surgeon or for rental quarters, from 20 to 25 VA (up to a total of 2 billion dol­ EXECUTIVE COMMl'l'TEE per cent over current levels. With­ Glenn H. Coddington lars) as the fiscal agent of these Hess Crossland C. C. Johnston out the benefit of the lower interest Associations and with the guaranty Joe Herman Sam Craig rate or the federal grants-in-akl. N. H. Davis Irene Gaddis of payment by the U. S. govern­ ALLEN E. BARROw:i, Adjutant Legion posts have sponsored a num­ EDDIE J. SHI.l!JLDS, �ent. The income derived by the :Asst. Adjutant ber of cooperative housing projects. purchasers of these bonds would be Office Hours: 9 :00 a.m. to 5 :00 p.m. More than 3,000 units have been LEGION HUT, 1120 Ee.at 8th St. tax free, an incentive for \)rivate fi­ Phone 8-o'l:13 erected. Average cost was between FRANK CRAWLEY,. Service Officer nancial institutions to bid for and Office Hours: 9 :00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. $6,500 and $7,500. LEGION HUT, 1120 East 8th St. buy the bonds at low interest rates. Phone CS-'1898 This would permit the Associations to bQrrow money at from 2 to 3 per Mrs. J. B. Allred, Unit President Night Emergency Calls Ph. 6-0366 P••t meet• every Tuesday evening at cent interest, about half the cost of of the Auxiliary to Carson-Wlison 8 p. m. Vl•ltlng Leslonnalrea Welcome current financing. As an example, Post No. 1, announces that hte next .. interest at 4½ per cent on a $10,000 regular meeting will be held in The home is $450 per annum. Interest at American Legion Hut on Tuesday, EXPLANATION OF THE 2.5 per cent on a $10,000 home January 6 at 8:00 p. m. All member, would be $250 per annum. In carry­ are urged to attend this first meet­ VETERAN HOMESTEAD ing charges, this would reduce the ing of the New Year. ACTOF1948 monthly payments for veterans by about $16. Introduced in the House by Rep. The Appellate Division of the Edith Nourse Rogers (R., Mass.) (5) Interim financing for such as­ State of New York has affil:med the 1502 as H. R. 4488 (and similarly spon­ sociations, pending the issuance of ruling of Supreme Court Justi� sored by other members of con­ bonds, would be provided by loans Benjamin F. Schreiber who refused gress) and posted in the Senate from the VA. Such loans would be to issue an injunction to Sidney by Sen.
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