The Rebbetzin Jana Gottshall Memorial Library Catalogue February 2016 Author Title Abdo, Nahla Women in Israel: Race, Gender and Citizenship Abrahams, Louis B. A Manual of Scripture History for Use in Jewish Schools and Families Abrams, Jeanne Jewish Women Pioneering the Frontier Trail Abrams, Judith Z. The Women of the Talmud Ackerman, Susan Warrior, Dancer, Seductress, Queen ncjwa nsw Praise Her Works Adelman, Penina V. Miram's Well: Rituals for Jewish Women Around the Year (2 copies) Agosin, Marjorie (ed) Passion, Memory and Identity Agosin, Marjorie (ed) A Sea of Voices Agosin, Marjorie (ed) The House of Memory Aguilar, Grace The Women of Israel, Vol.1 Aguilar, Grace The Women of Israel, Vol.2 Aguilar, Grace The Women of Israel or Characters and Sketches from the Holy Scriptures (2 copies) Aiken, Lisa To Be a Jewish Woman AleXy, Trudi The Mezuzah in the Madonna's Foot: Marranos and the other Secret Jews Alpert, Rebecca Like Bread on the Seder Plate: Jewish Lesbians & the transformation of Tradition Alteras, Lea Three Generations of Jewish Women Andgel, Anne Fifty Years of Caring - History of the Aust. Jewish Welfare Society 1936- 1986 (2 copies) Antler, Joyce You NeVer Call! You NeVer Write!: A History fo the Jewish Mother Anton, Maggie Enchantress: A NoVel Anton, Maggie RaV Hisda's Daughter: a Novel: Book 1: Apprentice Antonelli, Judith S. In the Image of God: a Feminist Commentary on the Torah Appel, Allen To Life: 36 Stories of Memory and Hope Armstrong, Diane Mosaic Rebbetzin Jana Gottshall Memorial Library Catalogue February 2016 1 Armstrong, Diane Voyage of their Life Auerbach, Karen The House at Ujazdowskie16 Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal: Vol XIV Part 2: Tribute to Dr Fanny Reading, Founder of NCJW Azmon and Izraeli (eds) Women in Israel Baskin, Judith Women of the Word Baskin, Judith R. Midrashic Women: Formations of the Feminine in Rabbinic Literature Baskin,Judith Jewish Women in Historical PerspectiVe Belzer and Pelc (eds) Joining the Sisterhood Benson, EVelyn As We See OurselVes Berkovits, Eliezer Jewish Women in Time and Torah Berrin, Susan Celebrating the New Moon: a Rosh Chodesh Anthology Biale, Rachel Women and Jewish law (2 copies) Bilski and Braun (eds) Jewish Women and their Salons Birmingham, Stephen "Our Crowd" - The great Jewish families of New York Boehling and Larkey Life and Loss in the Shadow of the Holocaust Bonyhady, Tim Good LiVing Street - Portrait of a Patron Family, Vienna 1900 Boyarin, Itzkovitz and Pellegrini (eds) Queer Theory and the Jewish Question Boyarin, Jonathan Jewish Families Brayer, Menachem M. The Jewish Woman in Rabbinic Literature: a psychohistorical perspective Brayer, Menachem M. The Jewish Woman in Rabbinic Literature: a psychosocial perspectiVe Brett, Lily In Full View Brett, Lily Too Many Men Broner, E.M. Bringing Home the Light Broyde, Michael J. Marriage, DiVorce and the Abandoned Wife in Jewish Law Buxbaum, Yitzhak Jewish Tales of Holy Women (3 copies) Canfield, Jack; Hansen Mark; Peretz, Chicken Soup for the Jewish Soul: Stories to Open the Heart and Rekindle Rabbi Dov the Spirit Cantor, AviVa Jewish Women, Jewish Men Carasso, Lucienne Growing Up Jewish in AleXandria: The Story of a Sephardic Family's Exodus from Egypt Rebbetzin Jana Gottshall Memorial Library Catalogue February 2016 2 Card, Orson Scott Sarah: Women of Genesis Chayil, Eishes Hush Chessler and Haut (eds) Women of the Wall Cohen Anisfeld, Rabbi Sharon The Women's PassoVer Companion Cohen, Alice EVe The Year My Mother Came back Cohen, Debra Nussbaum Celebrating Your New Jewish Daughter: Creating Jewish Ways to Welcome Baby Girls into the CoVenant Cohen, Debra Nussbaum Celebrating Your New Jewish Daughter: Creating Jewish Ways to Welcome Baby Girls into the CoVenant Congregation Beth El Montgomery Grandparent's Memory Book for Jewish Families County Dame Enid, RiVlin Lilly, Wenkart Henny Which Lilith? Feminist Writers re-create the World's First Woman Dash, Joan Summoned to Jerusalem: The Life of Henrietta Szold DaVidsohn, Moritz Moral and Religious Guide, Based on the Principle of UniVersal Brotherhood Deutsch, Nathaniel The Jewish Dark Continent Deutsch, Sandra Crossing Borders, Claiming a Nation Diamant, Anita The New Jewish Baby Book Diamant, Anita The New Jewish Wedding Diament, Carol Jewish Women LiVing the Challenge Diament, Carol Moonbeams: A Hadassah Rosh Hodesh guide Diner, Kohn and Kranson (eds) A Jewish Feminine Mystique (2 copies) Donin, Rabbi Hayim HaleVy To Be a Jew Ebenor, Sarah The MazaltoV Eilenberg, Anna Sisters in the Storm Elior, Rachel Dybbuks and Jewish Women in Social History, Mysticism and Folklore Elon, Emuna If You Awaken LoVe: a NoVel Elper and Handelman (eds) Torah of the Mothers Falk, Marcia (translator) The Song of Songs Feinberg, Miriam P. & Shapiro, Miriam Hear Her Voice: TwelVe Jewish Women Who Changed the World Klein Rebbetzin Jana Gottshall Memorial Library Catalogue February 2016 3 Felder Deborah G. & Rosen Diana Fifty Jewish Women who Changed the World (2 copies) Feldman, Yael S. No Room of Their Own: Gender and Nation in Israeli Women's Fiction Fine, Irene Educating the New Jewish Woman: A dynamic approach Finkelstein, Norman G. The Holocaust Industry Fishman, SylVia Barack Double or Nothing? Fishman, SylVia Barack A Breath of Life: Feminism in the American Jewish Community Forman, Frieda, Raicus, Ethel et al Found Treasures: Stories by Yiddish women writers Frankiel, Tamar The Voice of Sarah - Feminine Spirituality & Traditional Judaism Freeze, Hyman and Polonsky (eds) Studies in Polish Jewry: Focusing on Jewish Women in Eastern Europe Freidenreich, Harriet Pass Female, Jewish and Educated Frontain, Raymond-Jean Old Testament Women in Western Literature Frymer-Kensky, TikVa In the Wake of the Goddesses: women, culture & the Biblical Transformation of Pagan Myth Fuchs, Rav Yitzchak YaacoV Halichos bas Yisrael: A woman's guide to Jewish obserVance Vol.1 Fuchs, Rav Yitzchak YaacoV Halichos bas Yisrael: A woman's guide to Jewish obserVance Vol.2 Gafney, Wilda C. Daughters of Miriam - Women Prophets in Ancient Israel Garnett & Stuart-Glennie The Women of Turkey and their Folklore Gilbert, Martin The Routledge Atlas of Jewish History Glass, James M. Jewish Resistance During the Holocaust Glas-Wiener, SheVa Children of the Ghetto Glatt, Aaron Eli Women in the Talmud Glatt, Rabbi Aaron Eli Women in the Talmud: Anthology of Talmud's stories about women, explained by classic commentatorsy Goldin, Farideh Wedding Song Goldstein, Rabbi Elyse (ed) Women's Torah Commentary Goldstein, Rabbi Elyse (ed) Women's Haftarah Commentary Gottlieb, Lynn She Who Dwells Within: A feminist Vision of a renewed Judaism (2 copies) Greenberg, Blu How to Run a Traditional Jewish Household Greenberg, Blu On Women and Judaism (2 copies) Greenberg, Simon et al The Ordination of Women and Rabbis: Studies and Responsa Rebbetzin Jana Gottshall Memorial Library Catalogue February 2016 4 Greene and Brodbar (eds) A Minyan of Women Greenspahn, Frederick (ed) Women and Judaism Grossman, AVraham Pious and Rebellious Grossman, Barbara W. Funny Woman: The Life and Times of Fanny Brice Grossman, Susan & Haut, RiVka Daughters of the King: Women and the Synagogue Gurewitsch, Brana, (ed) Mothers, Sister, Resisters - Oral Histories of Women SurViVors of Holocaust Gutterman, Bella A Narrow Bridge to Life Halpern, Micah & Chana Safrai Jewish Legal Writings by Women Halter, Marek Stories of DeliVerance Halter, Marek Sarah: a NoVel Halter, Marek Zipporah: Wife of Moses Hammer, Jill Sisters at Sinai (2 copies) Hartman, ToVa Feminism Encounters Traditional Judaism Hayes and Mandell The Jewish People in Classical Antiquity Hedgepeth and Saide (eds) Sexual Violence Against Jewish Women During the Holocaust (2 copies) Helfgott, Margaret & Gross, Tom Out of Tune: DaVid Helfgott & the Myth of Shine Henkin, J.H. Responsa on Contemporary Jewish Women's Issues Henry, May Dainty Dinners and Dishes for Jewish Families Henry, Sondra Written out of History Henry, Sondra & Emily Taitz Written out of History: Our Jewish Foremothers Heschel, Susannah On being a Jewish Feminist: A reader Hessel, Carolyn Starman Blessed Is the Daughter Hieronimus, J. Zohara Meyerhoff Kabbalistic Teachings of the Female Prophets Hyman, Naomi M. Biblical Women in the Midrash: a source book Hyman, Paula Gender and Assimilation in Modern Jewish History Idliby Ranya, OliVer Suzanne et al The Faith Club: Three women, a Muslim, a Christian & an Jew, search for Understanding Ilan, Tal Jewish women in Greco-Roman Palestine Jackson, Christal (ed) Women of Color Pray Rebbetzin Jana Gottshall Memorial Library Catalogue February 2016 5 Jacobs, Louis A Tree of Life Jacobs, SteVen Leonard The Jewish Experience Jacoby, Tami Amanda Women in Zones of Conflict - Power and Resistance in Israel Joseph, Anne Heritage of a Patriarch Jungreis, Esther Life is a Test Jungreis, Esther The Committed Marriage KaganoVitch, Albert The Long Life and Swift Death of Jewish Rechitsa Kamen, Wesler and Zarin Secrets of a Jewish Mother Kaplan, Aryeh Jewish Meditation Kaplan, Marion A. The Making of the Jewish Middle Class Kaplan, Marion A. Between Dignity and Despair Kaplan, Mitchell James By Fire, By Water: a NoVel Kark, Shilo & Hasan-Roken (eds) Jewish Women in Pre-state Israel Karpeles, Gustav Women in Jewish Literature Katch, Elise Edelson The Get: A spiritual memoir of diVorce Katzburg-Yungman, Mira Hadassah - American Women Zionists and the Rebirth of Israel Kaufman, Carol Goodman Sins of Omission: The Jewish community's reaction to domestic Violence Kaufman, Debra Renee Rachel's Daughters (3 copies) Kessel, Barbara Suddenly Jewish - Jews raised as gentiles discoVer their Jewish roots Kirsch, Jonathan kabbalistic Teachings of the Female Prophets Klapheck, Fraulein Rabbiner Jonas The Story of the First Woman Rabbi Klein, Hillel SurViVal and Trials of ReviVal (2 copies) Klepfisz, Irena Dreams of an Insomniac: Jewish Feminist Essays, Speeches and Diatribes Kluger, Ruth Still AliVe Kolatch, Alfred J. The Jewish Book of Why Koltun, Elizabeth et al The Jewish Woman: new perspectiVes Kurzmann, Antje The Changed Role of Jewish Immigrant Women from the USA 1840-WW1 Kushner, Harold S.
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