qmrnmaammsmtupamQ,' '••• - x. UWM student lives with Virginia Tech shootings: campus terminal cancer community remembers tragedy POST SPORTS PAGE 7 PAGES 7,8,23 NFL DRAFT ^ee U, & & The UWM April 23,2007 The student-run independent news weekly • Since 1956 Volume 51f issue 28 S A vice president resigns 8 landlords cited He cites political corruption, bias in in city sting SFC in letter By Ryan Cardarella Campus Government Editor University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee Student Associa­ tion (SA) Vice President Jon Tingley resigned from his ex­ ecutive position at Sunday's Senate meeting,, citing dis­ comfort with the direction the SA has taken during his term in office. In a letter to the Senate, Tingley said that bias within the Senate Finance Commit­ tee (SFC) and possible party improprieties for the upcom­ ing SA presidential elections demanded his resignation. "The SFC trampled on stu­ dents while under the guise of protecting their rights. The "The amount of corruption in this year's senators may have been sav­ ing student's money, but they election is more than anyone could have were also robbing them of es­ imagined. There is a prominent member sential services and a well- rounded college experience," of one party dating the independent Tingley wrote in his resigna­ tion. election commissioner, yet we still call her The issue of corruption in independent." the election process was also - Jon Tingley, who resigned Sunday See RESIGNATION page 16 as Student Association vice president The owner of this house on 2744 N. Murray Ave. was one of eight landlords ticketed during a recent sting for his willingness to rent to more than three Obama kicks off unrelated people. Post photo by Kyle Stevens Wisconsin campaign Owners lax on ordinance prohibiting more than 3 unrelated people living together Rally somber after Then Obama emerged .from backstage and began By Stephanie Brien his speech. He spoke in a City Editor Landlord Past Va Tech tragedy quiet and reverent voice. By Carl Engelking "This is a time for us to re­ After a recent East Side sting Housing Record: flect," Obama said, "on how Staff Writer operation, Milwaukee city of­ http://isdweb1 .ci.mil.wi.us/ we accept different forms of ficials cited eight landlords on citygov/dns/main/property- violence in our society to­ allegations of renting houses to A sold-out crowd of data/nss/bistart. html 4,000 at the Milwaukee The­ day." more tenants than are legally atre welcomed Democratic allowed. presidential candidate Sen. "We are not together According to a Milwaukee or­ interested renters such as yard Barack Obama as he kicked dinance, no more than three un­ signs and advertisements. Then off his Wisconsin campaign as a people. We are all related people can live together they contacted the landlord or April 16 in Milwaukee. worthy of respect and unless the building is properly leasing agency. The rally, which was set zoned. However, since the investi­ to be a high-energy affair, dignity." Throughout the past six gation is still underway, Weiler months, the city hired some­ would not disclose the type of was altered at the last min­ - Barack Obama ute in light of the events at one to go out posing as an in­ questions the landlords were Virginia Tech to a more sol­ terested tenant wanting to live asked. emn tone. Mayor Tom Bar­ Obama touched on the is­ with more than three people in The citations were sent over rett introduced the senator sue of violence that persists one house. the last two weeks and land­ from Illinois and offered full in America. He addressed "Pretty much 25-35 per­ lords were given summonses to support for his campaign. forms of physical violence cent (of landlords approached) go to court. They typically face "We need a leader who can such as the spike in violent took the bait," said Todd Wei- a $408 fine and the violation bring this country together," crime near Milwaukee, and ler, Milwaukee Department of goes on their criminal record. Barrett said. "He under­ the recent comments made Neighborhood Services spokes­ If they receive a second offense, stands both power brokers by radio host Don Imus, person. they can face up to a $5,000 and single mothers strug­ which he said propagate ver- Obama brings message of hope to The posing tenants looked gling to get by." Milwaukee. at all resources available to all See LANDLORDS page 3 See OBAMA page 5 Post photo by Erin Lennon 2 April 23,2007 News The UWM Post The UWM Post Staff news briefs Common Council April 25. Lifeguards were last on the beach News & Editorial The event will be held in Merrill, in 2001, and since then Roszak said approves Doyle initiative Room 131, and will focus in part he has heard a lot of people com­ Editor-in-Chief The Milwaukee Common Council on the subject of suspects' descrip­ plain about safety. Dan Polley yesterday approved an initiative 10- tions. "That's where lifeguards come City Editor 5 that supports Gov. Jim Doyle's ef­ The recent Don Imus con­ in," Roszak said. Stephanie Brien forts to make the state smoke-free. troversy also will be discussed Despite the absence of lifeguards The measure instructs the Mil­ at the panel of media and this summer, Bradford Beach has Campus Life Editor campus professionals. Tyler Casey waukee Department of Administra­ events planned such as volleyball tion Intergovernmental Relations The panel includes UWM spokes­ tournaments and a movie night on Campus Government Editor Division to support passage of state man Tom Luljak, Milwaukee Journal the beach. Ryan Cardarella legislation that would implement a Sentinel Columnist Pat Mcllheran, El Features Editor' • statewide smoking ban. Conquistador Editor Victor Huyke Milwaukee pools open Melissa Campbell The state initiative would ban and others. Asst. Features Editor smoking in all public buildings, extended hours for summer Miranda Agee workplaces, restaurants and tav­ Bradford lifeguards After plans to close half the Mil­ Arts & Entertainment Editor erns. It could also increase the ciga­ waukee County pools failed, all but Tyler Gaskill rette tax by $1.25 per pack, from 11 hopeful for summer '08 one Milwaukee County pool will be cents per pack to $2.02 per pack, Asst. Arts & Entertainment Editor. Bradford Beach could be getting reopening this summer with ex­ Sean Quast and provide money for new stop lifeguards for summer 2008, if cor­ tended hours. smoking programs. porations help support the project. Last year the pools were open Sports Editor The bill now heads to Milwaukee Jimmy Lemke Joe Roszak, a Milwaukee County from 1 to 5 p.m. This year they will Mayor Tom Barrett's desk, where it Park System representative, said he be open 11:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Asst. Sports Editor awaits approval or veto. is "fairly confident" they will get the The only pool with an uncertain Mary Franzen Minority association to monetary support they need. future is the Hales Corner pool on Editorial Editor Through the Adopt a Beach pro­ New Berlin Road, just west of 116th Chris Walker host crime coverage panel gram, companies are asked to do­ Street, within Hales Corners Park. Production Editor The Minority Media Association nate money to the beach. They then The Friends of Hales Corner Pool are Isral DeBruin of UWM is sponsoring a panel dis­ get a plaque, placed near the beach, still working on gaining community cussion of race and crime coverage that acknowledges their support, financial support after the County Photo Editor Roszak said. Board denied its funding. Kyle Stevens from 1 to 2 p.m. on Wednesday, Asst. Photo Editor Erin Lennon Illustrator Sean Quast Drugs/Alcohol Goldschlager, one bottle of Bacardi 151, one Twenty-four students and six non-students were bottle of Bacardi Razz, one bottle of Bacardi issued citations on allegations of underage pos­ Puzzle Editor - A 19-year-old male who is not a student was Grand Melon and a bottle of Root Beer Li­ session of alcohol at 1:10 a.m. on Sunday, April Jonas Wittke cited on allegations of underage possession of queur, as well as a Wisconsin driver's license 15. The citations were issued at a house part on Online Editor alcohol at 4:37 p.m. on Friday, April 13. The that he claimed belonged to his older brother. the 3000 block of N. Downer Ave. One of the Miles Fabishak man was stopped by security in the Sandburg male students was also arrested for violating his Commons area and found with 12 unopened A 19-year-old male who is not a student was probation. Chief Copy Editor Gemma Guenther cans of Miller High Life, 18 unopened cans cited on allegations of underage possession of Miller Lite, a bottle of Everclear, a bottle of alcohol, possession of marijuana and pos­ Copy Editors of Southern Comfort and a bottle of Johnnie session of a fake ID at 5:59 p.m. on Friday, Theft Maureen Falkner Walker Red. April 13. The man was stopped by security A female student reported her iPod stolen from Kate Hofmeister in the-Sandburg Commons area, where a her purse at 6:41 p.m. on Monday, April 16. The Alecka Patt A 19-year-old male student was cited on al­ search uncovered eight unopened cans of Dan Polley woman told UWM police she left her purse unat- . legations of underage possession of alcohol and Miller High Life, two small plastic baggies Amanda Throm tended in the Union for about three hours and 45 another 19-year-old male student was cited on containing marijuana, a hand-rolled marijuana minutes before returning to find her iPod missing.
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