■ J t i S t F l Z v M _ ~l ...... ............................................................................. Cood mot'fimfj!iugHi^CSwiilliY. Nor. 11, _, : - •• • -------- ---- ^-------- !-------- r— --------— ---- - / '.’ X \ • \V “ 0 ‘" > y ' ^ — Mnaic I alloy's llonU; !Sewspaper 25' 71st yoar, 65th lssuo_ TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Cool^^uMWr^dwm tape,” he said. -Uiis would have to' Pre.sident in not rclenslnu tlie — ny MAWfcYN-EIJ:IOTT-— -fijttiH'dnyr-nighlr -at—Uio-4QtH- — "Rcfgrring trr ; “ thr!r~;litt><~-^ annual Cabaret Internationale saiii'-'l would bo the first one tom e from the President,, ' tapes that Involve WntcrKatc.T TImcB'Ncws Writer problem alxujt Mr. (.'ox ond. iund *raislnR dinner for the to ask for his rfslgnntion." Goldwater siii<l. and if there believf he was wrong In that Mr.- lUchardson," Goldwatcf .Snake River Area Council ,of ‘■rm only one American and w^re some concrete reason to and many things," ho said. • .bURLEY - Sen, Barry Siiid, "Cox’s treatnu*nt of his the Boy Scout.s of America. thore woro over 40 million.who resign he would, in . order to The President was wrong in in brief Goldwater. R-Ariz.. oaked’ tlie responsibility all along was a _^liuiro-iiuno- w uyaiiutU hc__vuledJar-titiSldcnL tlix on.lhc,. save the country-frou) further standing on privilege In regard AHierifanrpeopU^-to-^'plny-it- litllo-lacklng-Ho-wus-tha^only— Senate would ever Impeach ' said. Goldwater said he did not divisiiin. , ‘ In the rtMca^~Qnhc~tnpPF cool’; in their c rits for one who disagreed on- how to ii-ithauL-SQmL-. fjud. - " ■ • f»r' . ■ :•‘I 1'jiuicair.ilailJLalefcnill>)c 'm po ttryim; todefendthe___ bcga^sgbccause "there‘'there is no auchauchthini thing i^Hwiiiaw»yalu>>i»tlal-lM>iiilMul;. _______ GoldwafeTspol ^•(ui'cl'etu i-'iti _____________________ SAIGON (UPD—Dozens of. South Vlelnninese »ir forcc Jet just as parUsnn -Mujdc- ■ Valley— -realdenla. .■uiid..‘ and thereD is none” at ' -T<,ot period of cfoHe personal •- b— ut................ 1 want the , American. , llje... Residenti • wasi "onu ,weak 'fi]niters*l>6mbeiPan(I strnTeB a~liospilin fdi^reloflscd ’war peopli!'to play it cool and let's ground in pleading Democrat 'as I am ,Ropul)lican." lu* said. prisoners Saturilny, the Viet Cong ,chnr«cd. niousands of wait and see,” ‘ c o n f id e n t ia lit y “ when iContiaiipd on p. 17) former POWs were killed or injured, the CommunisLs said. i didn't aj'ree with the ‘ everything in Ills office is on -------South— Viet'nflmcae— govcrnm 0n^6ft0lt06m on— u;flca— nQL MM ‘Immediutcly available for comment. C5.\ hiic*li io viprk . WASINGTON (UPD - H'? ack tu work~Mondny-f< i ____ Ernest -FitzRerald. the-man who eJHWsed the C5A cost / j overruns which amounted to millions of dollars. Fitzfjerald was ordered reinstated by a federal panel aft^i7ou7-ycar'h«ttIe. lie win return to tlic Penlaf^on as deputy for productivity manaHement in the U. S. Air Force. By DAVroESPO Tlie report includps plans to eliminate some_of---- - Tlmes-News CapUot Bureau ifiroiincio nirnek flifiliiiH llf«‘ BOISE - Twin FallDiasTHcTif^igst prlbTIty Te'deraTWfllcfPolluilorrControrAct PH N OM PEN ll governm(}ritsoldlje> w a^illed'atld' funds in tlie Upper Snake River Basin, facility funding is Uie result of a ranking system seven other persons were wounded Saturday night when a according to an official state publication -approved by the Board of Environmental and tc^rrocist hurled a grenade onto a crowded street, police said. U Community Services that takes into released Friday. was the-fligiith grenade attack in 13 days In the Cambodian Tlie report. Water Qwility Management Plan consideration user costs, public Interest and . capital. for the basin, was compiled in draft form In public benefits to be drived by the projcct. ■ October by Uie Department of Environmental Also included as criteria, according to the and Community Services I DECS). It contains a report, are Uie applicant’s financial need and I alh'V fHill slinirs ajtlil management plan for the 28,400 square miles of readiness to begin construcUon. Of Uie nine facilities at the top of the funding . (HI \i.\im ’s tu pinh irl. jh .> tlie river basin, running from the headwaters of Uie Snake River in eastern Idaho to Uie King Hill list, CasUeford alone has no exisUng treatment area in the Magic Valley. facility According to Orlando Dalke. Uie municipal Ciiiiin Sovlol nc*c*oril According to Uie report, DECS phins to fund nme separate municipal sewage treatment coordinator at DECS. Twin Falls should got Its MOSCOW (UPD-China told the Soviet Union, in-a telegram facilities during tiie fiscal year, that began In last pliasc grant sometime in the third quorter published Saturday, that -friendly and good neighborly July. Aside from Twin Falls, the cltics Include of fi.scal year or early In 1974. Dalke said the relationsv between tho two Communist, gianlii .should be Wendell, Rupert, Castleford, Hazellon, Albion, Twin Falls project Is expcclcd to coal .14-6 restored despite border and oUier disputes. Heyburn, Kimberly ^nd Jerome. million and be operaUonal by the summer of 'nie municipal treatment projects are port of 1975. It is designed for a "population ia : i’nm :icA N "Si-n. ■iiutry cutrtumiT -ot- U ie'departine^s proposals to’dean up ’ ’point equivalent^’ of 28fl,000. people, Dalke-said,.-- llo lirow lonilor tilt's n< 7 I Sena i or Arizona is wclconied at (he Burley airport sources” pollution of water resources in the because of Uie industrial connections Uiat arc Saturday afternoon as he arrives prior to NEW YORK (UPI) - Rabbi river basin. It lists major point sources of being made. nddressliiR the Boy Scout Cabaret (Continued on p. 8) Maurice N, Eisendrath, 71. greeted pollutidn as municipal and industrial wastes. Interimtlonale.. leader of Reform Judaism in Uie United States, died- of a heart attack late Friday. ^ --- Eisendrut-e-deathr-ooourr^d- as n,500 members of 1he Union si»> flig h ts ' ohai'ffp*! N xrrTirTctl^elatio^ns-goetly of Am erican Hebrew Accident SAIG ON 'tU Pi) — Hanoi clmrgcd Soturdoy^ ConRregations. which he porsoiilc SR71—mode at IcaitT0~8py'~fllghts f X A meeting at a Now York hotel. outbrea^ir over North Vietnam In the past foi\r months In ^Kissinger telh Ghtrm -v}olntiwn -bl Ox?■ pcwcf-iigpc«gg-iigreemet»tr-The-UnH»‘ re taiten to upgrade relations beyond Uie quasi* Piirl.v lionorN lU nm lc^l'K oiiliow or ---- ---States denied Uie charge. (c) New York Times Service PEKING - Secretary of State Kiaain^ger diplomaUc Unison offices set up Uiis year In CAMP DAVID,-Md.-(UPI-)— Proeidont-and-Mrs,-Nixon- i n j u r e s 4 _______ Tht!_rQnununlsta„ioliL^8pnie_. i!ie_ ___________ reconnolsHance m issions w^re made by the turned his attenUon owoy from Uie M iddleEast cn'ciroOicrTli'apllal^ ■ arranged a smiill family dinner Saturday nlghtrto-hrnior Mamie Sn7l— succesKor to'the DZ'spy planes ^ B loRT” “Ti5-he-arrived-in Peking Saturday,- ............. Full relations have bcen blocked so far by Elsenhower, who will observe her 77Ui, birUiday. next Wednes­ TWIN, FALKS. - Three as last Thursday over the North’v two mi.jor He pledged to Premier Chou En-Lai publicly Washington's contlnued~dlplgmatlc tlcfl to' the accidents oc't;fjrred almost day.. ____ —I ' ________ cities of Hanoi -and. Haiphong. Uie United SUites was delcrmined.‘’to complfite Nationalist Chinese government on Tolwan. But siinullancouFly Saturday Mrs. Eisenhower, who lives about'T 20 miles awoy at A U.S. government spokesman In Saigon said: Uie process'-l of normalltlng -rolallons wlUi Uicrc are other possibiliUos such os sotting up • cvuiung. itijuriiig fi)ur persons. Or-ttysburg, Pa,, was driven to Uic Presidential retreat during . China as rapidly as fMssible. consular officcs, trade missions, or Informotlon None of the four were in ••We do not conduct reconnaissance flights over Uie day. Twice iJurlng a short banquet toast, Kissinger bureaus which could wjden the conUicts but still serioiiK---condition-. late__ North Vietnom.” -aeemod-to be hlntlngJitJin-intcnslfied American fall short of complete normalizaUon.___________ Saturday, The flurry of e ffo rt the three days of tnlkB hero to surmount five-hour flight from Raw alpindi, G roiit*lini KiioN t n lin ll liooU accidents t)ccurred ab«)ut 7:30 p.m, the Obstadcs still blocking fd l dipbmnllc ■ („ Peking nbonrd the blue nnd white , ___ NF.W Y O RK ( l lPIl,.--^-.- --Stale..natnolinan-Iivorotl rdaUona ktw ccrt Peking and WashlnElgn ---- Air Force Jet-marked Ihc-start-of tho For ^ Lawyers for comedian Waddell said Donald K, B 1 ue Top daiil age ; . ■■MypUeagucsnrehcrejv thon opcnheartto Eustern.phase oLiOsalncer'sjiround-the-world , Groucho Marx, Kl, sued Friday Eckley, 10, Route 2, Hansen.' speed the progress of norroalltaUon of relatlonj m Moroco. It hos wlUi Ciiina," Kissinger said from the stage of to halt publicatiofi of _”Tlie -Wfi.s fijightiy injure(l whtvi the carried him to Uic capiUiIs of Tunlsip, Egypt, Marx Bros, Scrapbook.” vehicle he was driving crasWd from blaze he«rvy UitJ Great Hall of Uie People. After citing tht Jordan. Saudi Arnbin. Iran and Pakiston, and progress already made In develplng ties, he charging portion's,.of the Umk into the re^r^ end of another will conclude In Tokyo. are "scandalous” Tind vehicle at the Jackson Corner, TWIN FA1.1.S - The Blue Top Hounge, 701 2nd Ave. S„ was said: ’’But we are determined to do much more and to complete Uie process we storted two Wliile in the Middle East, he had Intensive "defamatory.” two miles west of Twin Falls on extensively damaged by fire Saturday nif^ht. • , discussions • with leaders there, and ho A temporary restraining U.
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