Thursday April 11,1985 Non-Prof it Org. U.S. Postage PAID trvnn Volume 67 Bronx, New York Number 10 Permit No. 7608 Locust ana Parking Lot Contests University, New York - see centerfold Newly elected USG President Shaun Mahoney is sworn in by outgoing President John Dennis. Mahoney Wins USG Commitment Sweeps the USG Executive Board Elections by Glenn Proto undergraduate population), an increase of ap- The Commitment Party, led by President proximately 15 percent from last year's elec- Shaun Mahoney and Vice President Lance tion. Heard, swept the United Student Government "There were two strong, serious can- Executive Board Elections March 29, beating didates who were aware of the issues," said Progress Party Candidates Neil Whitford and outgoing USG President John Dennis, CBA Patty Drasky by 23 votes. Mahoney, CBA '86, and Heard, FC '86, * * You are no longer ,| edged out Whitford, FC '86, and Drasky, £ CBA '86, for the offices of president and vice- Progress, you are no 's president by a vote count of 765 to 742. A longer Commitment. '.§ total of 1507 students voted (40 percent of the You are USG." - Josephine Ziaya Faculty Senate FC'86 '85. "The reasons why Commitment won are Discusses really only in the minds of the voters." Dennis also compared the Commitment victory "to perhaps the luck of the draw." Computers and The five other Commitment candidates on the Executive Board include:. Vice Women Faculty President for Finance David Varoli, CBA '86; Vice President for Academics Suzanne Bur- nell, FC '87; Vice President for Com- by Suzanne JvfcMonigle munications Marybeth Tattoni, FC '86; Vice Women are under-represented on the President for Operations Pai Dowliog, FC faculty and the administration, according to '86; and Vice President for Student Life Mary the Interim Report on the Status of Women McCullouch, FC '86. presented at last month's Faculty Senate The new USG Executive Board was meeting. sworn into office April I, during a ceremony The report, compiled by female members in the McGinley Center Ballroom attended by of the faculty and administration, found that students and administrators. women are under-represented in four faculties "You are no longer Progress, you are no of the University, including the largest of longer Commitment. You are USG," said these, the Administration. Women are entirely outgoing Vice President for Communications Progress Party members cheer on some of their winners. Josephine Ziaya, FC '86. "The students have put their faith in you, now put your faith in "We think this is each other." Mahoney thanked the people who helped important not only as him win, and said he is "looking forward to working with administration and other a matter of social Whitf ord Wins RH A organizations on campus." Continued on page Id justice, but as a by Matthew Bertron McLaughlin, FC '88, Treasurer Paul Pelis, FC After losing a bid for the United Student '86, and Program Coordinator Nancy Mar- matter of role Government Presidency, Neil Whitford boun- shall, FC'86. For complete election models..." ced back and was elected Resident Halls "I'm very happy," said outgoing RHA Association President last week. President Robin Donaldson, FC '85. "The - Prof. Margaret Lamb The four other officers, whose terms people elected were always people we could results see page 7. begin in September, include: Vice President count on." Jill Brande, FC '86, Secretary Mary Alice The board, which was established six absent from the higher administration and are years ago, was elected by 25 members of the especially under-represented in the Liberal Ar- RHA general board. The general board is ts faculty at Rose Hill and the graduate comprised of the presidents and secretaries schools of Business, Law, and Religion. from each dorm. The report stated that the percentage of According to Whitford, FC '86, the Inside: women on faculties ranged from 11 to 17 per- board has three major functions. It coor- cent, dinates all of the separate RHA governments "We think this is important not only as a representing each dorm, plans and promotes The Ram goes matter of social justice, but as a matter of role social activities, and most importantly, says models, because more than half of the studen- Whitford, it participates in student policy ts at the University are women," said Com- to the Top 12 decisions tlfal directly affect the resident mittee Chairperson Professor Margaret Lamb. student population. A few examples of the representation of "I think a few times this year RHA was page 7 women in certain departments at Rose Hill bypassed," said Whitford, using the A-House were given: Classics has no women in a five proposal and the Martyrs' Court alarms as member team; Economics has one woman examples. "In the future there has to be more Catholic faculty member and sixteen men; and cooperation between flic administration and Chemistry has two women on a staff of seven- RHrV teen. The College at Lincoln Center and the Vice President elect Brande is optimistic School schools of Education and Social Service have a about next year. higher representation of women on llieir "What is good about the board is that page 15 faculty. most of us have worked together," said 13ri.ni- Continued on pugc lh Neil Whitford Corilinued on [Mgv 16 2-THf RAV, TFIIKSDA•-. A.P?M'i'\. Wol ;#_yvv> 7 x\. * > A" *•«-*•{? . < * V THE GAB CALENDAR Friday, Thursday, April 12,1985 April 18,1985 Cinevents:2007 8 pm Keating 1st. Cinevents: Razors Edge 10:30 a.m., 8 and Mixer 9 p.rn Ramskellar 10:30 p.m Registration: run cards due Registration: Pick up second run schedule —Dean's offices. Saturday, Friday, April 13,1985 Cinevents: 2001 8p.m. Keating 1st. April 19,1985 Mixer 9 p.m. Ramskellar MixerSprn Ramskellar. RosecorvSci Fi Society: Gaming Convention 9 am Saturday, April 20,1985 Tuesday, Goldbar 5 Km Run: 10 a.m. Edwards Parade. Open to everyone, 33 trophies u ill April 16,1985 be awarded in all. There will be three categories: Ages 17-29, Ages 30-40, 40 and Cultural Affairs: Tickets on sale for over Each participant will be given a tree "Enemy of the People 12:30 p.m. T-shirt $5.00 entry fee required. McG in ley Center. Bill Murray stars in The Razor's Edge Sponsored by Ram Company-ausarmy Thursday, April 18. use this torm to list events in the GAB Calendar Sponsoring Group Address ._. t 4. J Description of Event Date _ . _Place . xm Time Admission Requirements Of interest To: n College fl CBA C General Public 0EADUIE:FRIDIYIT4PM Upon complstlon ol tnis lorm. please return lo: [J Grad Students fj Other Ctlindar Committee i Members of Fordham University Only Center Director's Office THE RAM/THURSDAY, APRIL 11,1-985/3: FOUR STUDENTS ARRESTED FOR DISINVESTMENT PROTEST byJohnLovito will not have much of an effect, but it is a way Four students from die Fordham of humanizing the> issue," he added. Coalition for Disinvestment were arrested last According to Philion, who founded the month during a protest against United States Coalition last semester the only way the corporate investments in South Africa. University will disinvest its money in South The- students, Joseph Etoll, FC '86, Africa is if students actively protest the issue. Stephen Philion, FC '86, Sara Cousins, FC "We want to make Fordham students '86, and Tina Marie Palmer, FC '86, were aware of the atrocity of apartheid. Many arrested on March 27, for crossing police barriers and demonstrating in the doorway of the South African Consulate at 53-54 Park ' 'By getting arrested Avenue in Manhattan. The students were j we are trying to make arrested when they ignored police requests to move. A court date is set for May I. a statement against "By getting arrested we are trying to make a statement against something that is [something that is evil," said Cousins. The Fordham Coalition for Disinvest- \evil." ment is against South Africa's policy of apar- theid, and the University's investments in cor- - Sara Cousins porations that have subsidiaries in South students feel that since they don't live in South Africa. South Africa is ruled by a white Africa, it doesn't concern them," said minority who have restricted civil rights of the Philion. "However, what is happening to the black majority. people of the South Bronx is similar to what is "Fordham is a Jesuit institution and in- happening in South Africa, except it's not as vesting in South Africa is a contradiction of blatant." Jesuit morality," said Etoll. "The issue of "We have to make students aware of apartheid is very important. Getting arrested what is happening; as they have to start asking Fordham students demonstrated at the South African Consulate. questions," said Etoll. Students at other universities are also The Fordham Coalition for Disinvest- protesting against their school's South African ment will meet with University President investments. A group of Columbia University Joseph O'Hare, S.J., on April 16. They plan students began a 13 day hunger strike last to present him with a petition of ap- week, putting pressure on Columbia to with- proximately 800 student signatures for disin- draw its investments. vestment. The Coalition has also been talking Philion said that renewed interest in the .to student leaders, the L.aw School, and divestment issue is in "response to the rising "faculty for help. On April 18, the group plans opposition in South Africa." In 1968 the For- to set up information booths on campus, and dham Society for Afro-American Advan- protest by presenting a political theater outside cement joined with the Students for a the McGinley Center and inside the cafeteria.
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