Feline-focused practice puts cats at LGBTQ+ celebrates new rainbow Young running backs, talented the forefront crosswalk defense leads NC state against WVU p. 3 p. 4 p. 10 @DailyAthenaeum Th e Daily Athenaeum dailyathenaeum [email protected] WVU’s Independent Student Newspaper THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2019 www.thedaonline.com Then and now: Mountaineers’ response to 9/11 “Wow.” lost on Sept. 11, 2001. BY ALAYNA FULLER, GABRIELLA “My roommate’s family is from “We’re planting the fl ags so BROWN AND JHARAD LESTER New York, so I tried to get a hold they’ll be up all day tomorrow, NEWS EDITOR, ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR AND of them for him, but all the phone so as people walk by they’ll re- lines were busy,” said Randy Hill, member the lives that were taken CORRESPONDENT the student. in the 9/11 attacks,” said Kathryn While thousands of Mountain- Brooks, founder and vice chair of On Sept. 11, 2001, WVU stu- eers were left shocked and con- WVU YAF. dents gathered around televisions fused, not all were safe at home. Jaron Bragg, YAF’s chair, said in the Mountainlair to witness the Tom Witt, WVU associate dean, not enough people remember the horrifi c events that unfolded. found himself in Manhattan on impact of 9/11. As tragedy struck, dormito- the day the towers collapsed. “It’s crazy that 18 years ago, we ries throughout WVU’s campus Witt was at a breakfast meet- lost 2,977 people and many peo- heightened security, counseling ing with colleagues in a Marriott ple seem to forget about that,” he areas were pitched and students hotel located between towers one said. “Th is is to remember the vic- rushed to aid victims of the attack and two of the World Trade Cen- tims and the lives they gave for in any way possible. ter complex when the planes hit. our country.” “I walked into the Mountain- “We saw one tower go down “It would be nice to see more lair after class, and I saw every- to the street and then the second things like this,” he said. “It’s very one gathered around the infor- tower,” Witt said in the Sept. 12, nonpartisan. We are just out here mation desk television set,” said 2001, Daily Athenaeum. “We im- remembering Americans who student Stacy Stewart in the Sept. mediately knew the World Trade lost their lives, and, to me, there 12, 2001, Daily Athenaeum publi- Center Marriott Hotel where we cation. “I could not believe what were having our conference was is nothing political about it.” was happening.” probably no longer there.” Alongside many YAF members Despite fear and despair loom- After 9/11, the Carruth Center were members of the WVU Col- ing over campus, students lined off ered counseling for students to lege Republicans. up outside Boreman Hall to join express their feelings; it even of- “I don’t think this boils down a line that moved for more than fered its services in the Mountain- to left versus right,” said Jil- four hours to donate blood to lair and Lyon Tower. lian Kinder, a senior and former contribute to those who fell vic- Eighteen years later, stu- WVUCR chairperson. “It boils tim to the attacks. dents banded together again in down to patriotism, the love for “We obviously weren’t pre- remembrance. our country and being proud of pared for this,” said Suzan Clem- On Tuesday night, the WVU our country.” ens, fi eld representative for Amer- Young Americans for Freedom On Wednesday, WVU ROTC ican Red Cross, in the Sept. 12, organization and the WVU Col- cadets stood guard over a 9/11 2001, publication. “Th e Univer- lege Republicans held the “9/11 memorial wreath outside of the sity really jumped in.” Never Forget Project” at Wood- downtown campus library. Every One student, hearing the news burn Circle. Members planted year on 9/11, cadets rotate shifts, about 9/11 for the fi rst time, said, American fl ags to honor the lives guarding the wreath for 24 hours. PHOTO BY DUNCAN SLADE COVER DESIGN BY HALEIGH HOLDEN Sarah Runyon, a freshman at West Virginia University, plants fl ags on Woodburn Circle as a part of the 9/11 Never Forget Project. Prospect and Price Creative is a student-run creative services agency. Located at the intersection AD DESIGN ADVERTISING BRANDING & LOGOS of Prospect and Price Streets in Morgantown, our mission is to provide a hands-on learning environment where our students PHOTOGRAPHY VIDEO PRODUCTION TABLE PROMOTIONS work with local businesses to meet their marketing needs. ǁǁǁ͘ƉƌŽƐƉĞĐƚĂŶĚƉƌŝĐĞĐƌĞĂƟǀĞ͘ĐŽŵ• 304-293-4141 2 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2019 WEEKEND WEATHER FORECAST SOCIAL MEDIA MOMENTS dailyathenaeum THURSDAY 9/12 Staff PARTLY CLOUDY WVU’s INDEPENDENT HIGH 88° LOW 66° STUDENT NEWSPAPER FRIDAY 9/13 NEWS Douglas Soule Editor-in-Chief PARTLY CLOUDY Hannah Williams Managing Editor HIGH 84° LOW 66° Jordyn Johnson Digital Editor Haleigh Holden SATURDAY 9/14 Art Director Avery Lyons PM THUNDERSTORMS Page Designer Alayna Fuller HIGH 83° LOW 58° News Editor Gabriella Brown Assistant News Editor Jared Serre Sports Editor Cody Nespor CRIME REPORT Assistant Sports Editor SeVohn Hunter Podcast Editor Kayla Gagnon Sept. 09 WVU University Place North Video Editor 12:26 P.M. | CLOSED Welfare check. Caylie Silveira Evansdale Drive Photo Editor Sept. 08 Vehicle accident. 2:14 A.M. | CLOSED ADVERTISING Sept. 09 Sunnyside Sheetz Gianna Onorato 9:46 A.M. |IMPOUNDED Shoplifting. Student Business Manger WVU Area 40 Derek Reh Sept. 08 Media Consultant Back ticket tow. 12:32 A.M. | CLEAR Devyn Osborne Sept. 09 WVU Braxton Tower Media Consultant 2:38 A.M. | UNFOUNDED Emma Hershman ABCC violation. Media Consultant WVU Lyon Tower Sept. 08 Andrew Green Drug incident. Public Relations 12:16 A.M. | CLOSED Sept. 08 Dadisman Hall PUBLIC RELATIONS 10:27 P.M. | UNFOUNDED Destruction of property Dadisman Hall Sarah Stanford Sept. 07 Public Relations Booth Leader Drug incident. 2:10 A.M. | UNFOUNDED Hope Boone Public Relations Sept. 08 WVU Boreman South Kenzie Bostick 8:54 P.M. | CLOSED Loud party. Public Relations Tiff any Bunn Public Relations Jordan Coddington Th e DA is student-run and editorially Public Relations Abi Enos independent from West Virginia University. Public Relations All content decisions in the DA are made by Andrew Green Public Relations students without prior review by the Emma Hershman Public Relations University. Desirae Lindow Public Relations Rita Okonji THE DAILY ATHENAEUM Public Relations Amanda Reh 284 Prospect Street Public Relations BARON’S BUS LINES Morgantown, WV 26506 Oceanna Seebaugh • Wifi • Power Outlets • Seatbelts • 2017 or newer buses $15 304-293-4141 Public Relations Morgantown to Charleston Advertising Opportunities GRAPHICS Daily Bus Service Between Contact our advertising team Hannah Williams at 304-293-4141 Ad Foreman Morgantown & Charleston [email protected] PROSPECT & Morgantown Breaking News PRICE CREATIVE BARONSBUS.COM [email protected] Savannah Th omas Public Relations Manager Corrections Maggie McLister Graphics Specialist 888-378-3823 [email protected] Kayla Stewart The Daily Athenaeum strives Videographer for accuracy and fairness in Shelby Th oburn the reporting of news. If a re- Videographer port is wrong or misleading a request for a correction or Charleston a clarifi cation may be made. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2019 3 Editor: Assistant Editor: Alayna Fuller NEWS Gabriella Brown [email protected] [email protected] Feline-focused practice puts cats at the forefront BY HANNAH HEBEL CORRESPONDENT Feline Veterinary Care of Morgantown is the fi rst and only feline-focused practice in West Virginia and off ers a range of specialized tech- niques to eliminate anxiety for cats in the clinic. “In general, most small an- imal clinics practice on both cats and dogs, and a lot of vet- erinary medicine is dog-fo- PHOTO BY HANNAH HEBEL cused fi rst and cat second,” Dr. Bryce Gilson, a veterinarian at Feline said Dr. Bryce Gilson, a vet- Veterinary Care of Morgantown. erinarian at the clinic. “I am the only doctor right now that “It is about minimal re- is here full time, so I don’t see straint and a lot of times we dogs at all. Th is allows me are just placing our hands to give a deeper, more con- gently on the back of their ditioned practice towards neck,” Gilson said. “When I felines.” am examining them, I will tell The clinic is currently my technicians, ‘You don’t working on becoming fe- need to hold them still, let line-friendly certified, them walk. I can move with which is a program through them.’” the American Associa- However, with feline prac- tion of Feline Practitioners. tice, not only is it about han- Th e Feline Association has dling or knowledge base, but feline-friendly handling tech- it’s also important to keep the niques that all of the techni- environment in mind, said cians at the clinic are trained Gilson. PHOTO BY HANNAH HEBEL in. “In our waiting room, it is “The staff here are very peaceful and quiet,” said Dr. Feline Veterinary Care of Morgantown. used to cats, we get plenty Jesse Fallon, veterinarian of nice kitties, but plenty of at Feline Veterinary Care of exam room to play piano mu- more diffi cult patients that Morgantown. sic to lower stress in the cats. they are used to handling,” One of the main contribu- “Th ey have done studies Gilson said. “I feel we are able tors to a cat’s anxiety at the vet with animals and pastels are to do more with those [more is barking dogs and dog smell, more appealing; they are less diffi cult] cats in general, than said both Gilson and Fallon.
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