IMPROVING STUDENTS' ACHIEVEMENT THROUGH ENGLISH DA Y PROGRAM (A Case Study at the Second Year Students of S:\IF\ 112 ,Iakllrta Bani!) A Skripsi Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah lind !,'aeh","s' Irllining In Partial Fulfillment of the l~elJuircment~ For the I)l'grt't' of Sarjana Slrata I By: ABDUL HOSYIIl 99140 ISW! THE ENGLISH DEPARTEMENT TIlE FACULTY OF TARBlY,\1I .\\'1> TE·\CIIER'S TRU\I\,(; STATE JSLAJVllC LJNIVEI~SJTY SYARJF HIJ)A YATULLAII JAKARTA J424 11/2004 ,VI IMPROVING STUDENTS' ACHmVEMENT THROUGH ENGLISH DAY PROGRAM (A Case Study at the Second Yeur Students ofSMUN 112 .JalUlrlu Bural) A Skripsi Presented to the Fuculty ofTurhiyuh and Teu('hers' Truining In Purtiul Fulfilhnent of the I~equiremellts For the Degn't' of Sa rjllnll Strum I By: ABDUL ROSY/D 9914015768 Approved By Advisor: Drs. ItA Munir Sonhlldii. ,\I.Ed NIP. 1500506112 THE ENGLISH DEPARTEMENT THE FACULTY OF TARBIYAH ANI> TEACHER'S TRAINING STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY SYARIF HmAYATULLAH JAKARTA 1424 H/ 2004 Legalization of Examination Committee A "skripsi" lilled " IMPROVING STUDENTS' ACHIEVEMENT THROUGH ENGLISH DAY PROGRAM" (A Case Study at the Second Year of Students of SlVIUN 112 Jakarta Barat) was examined at examination session of the Faculty of Tarbiyah of Syarif I-lielayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta on Saturelay. February 7. 2004. This "skripsi" has fulfilleel the requirement for the Degree of Strata-I (S-I) at the English Department. Jakarta, February 7, 2004 Examination Committee 1'11' ·leac )1' Committee The Secretary of Committee Pn2,L_Dr. I-l. Salman I· run NIP. ISO 062 568 Committee Examiner I Examiner II Drs. Nasrun Mahmuel. M.pel. Drs, I-I. A Munir S nhaelji. M.Eel. NIP. ISO 041 70 NIP. ISO 050 682 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In the name ofAllah, the beneficent and the merciful All praisebeto Allah for the health and the strength that He has given to the writer 111 completing this skripsi. Peace and blessing be upon the Prophet Muhammad, his family, his companions and his followers. The writer is absolutely conscious that he could not carry out this work without helping of others, either spiritual and material. The writer would like to say his beloved parents (H. Abdul Rojak Aim. and Mrs. Hj. Zenab). And all family of the writer who always give motivation, support and moral encouragement to fmish his study and also to Drs.H.A Munir Sonhadji, M.Ed. as the advisor for his patient and sincerity in guiding the writer to carty but this skripsi from beginning to the end. His gratitude also goes to I. Prof.DR. H. Salman HarLIn as a Dean ofThe Faculty ofTarbiyah and Teachers'Training 2 Drs. Nasrun Mahmud, M.Pd. The Head ofEnglish Department 3. Drs. Syauki M.Pd .The Secretaly ofEnglish Department 4. All teachers of English Department who have taught and educated the writer during his study at UIN SyarifHidayatullah Jakarta. 5. Mr. Munir S.Pd. The English Teacher of SMUN 112 Jakarta Barat . 6. His Best Friend: Aly FiklY, Alul1ad Nasmlloh, Fida Dzulfahmi, Nina Rosdiyanah, Udin Syahrudin, Dudi Almunadi, KhoilUnnisa , Nurahmawati, Siti Chaeroniyah, Aini Ainurohmah and Fitriyah (Ehm). I will never forget you all. You are my best friend May Allah the Almighty bless them all, Amien. And finally, The writer realizes that this skripsi is far from perfect. Therefore, the writer would like to accept any constructive suggestion to make this skripsi better. Jakarta, 15 January 2004 The writer A.H.. TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...................... .. ..1 TABLE OF CONTENTS .. 111 CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Background ofthe Study 1 , B. The Coverage and Formulation ofthe Problem........ ............ j C. Method ofthe Study ....3 D. Organization ofthe Study... ..3 CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A. English Day Program . 5 a. The Meaning ofEnglish Day Program ... 5 b. The Activities ofEnglish Day Program..... ....6 a. Reinforcement Material ...... 6 b. English Discussion ... ....7 B. The Students' Achievements.... .....8 a. The Meaning of Students' Achievements . ...8 a. The Teacher. .... ..9 b. The Material . .I 1 c. The Method . .12 d. The Facilities or Aids. ••••• I •••••• ... 12 e. The Environment . ..................... 13 CHAPTER III: RESEACI-I METHODOLOGY A. Purpose ofthe Study . .15 B. Place and Time ofResearch . .I5 C. Population and Sample ,. .. 16 D. The Technique ofData Collecting. ............. 16 E. The Technique ofData Analysis ... ............ ... 17 CHAPTER IV: RESEACI-I FINDING A. The Description ofData 18 B. The Analysis ofData . 18 C. The Test ofI-Iypothesis . 24 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion ... ... 26 B. Suggestion .. ... 26 BlBLIOGRAPY... .. .. 27 APPENDICES . 29 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background ofthe Study English has become an international language. Almost everyone uses English to communicate with other people, in terms of economics, politic, scientific, culturefield. As stated by Robert Claiborne, " language as communicative is the prime mean for organizing the cooperative activities that enable us to accomplish as groups things we could not possibly do as individual"] English has become one ofthe most important aspects to be learned to enrich our knowledge about technology at international level. Realizing how important English is, Indonesia government makes English as the first foreign language that taught in Indonesian. It is stated in the 1996 GBPP: " Bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa asing pertama yang dianggap penting untuk tujuan penyerapan dan pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan pembinaan hubungan dengan bangsa lain "(English is the first foreign language considered as an important language to gain and develop science and technology to make a good relationship with the other nationsi English learned as a subject matter in every school level, beginning at elementary school up to university. Although English has been taught in every school 1 Robert Claiborne, The life and time of English language, (London: Bloomsbury Publishing. Ltd, 1990) p.6 2 Departemen pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Kurikulum, GBPP Mata PelajaraJl Bahasa Inggris (Jakarta: depdikbud, 1993) p.l level, students still have some difficulties in learning and the usage of the language orally and written. This incapability caused by some weakness such as lack of vocabulary, difficult to express ideas in English, the cultural difference, and mostly they reluctant to read English text. Realizing these problems the school must be carefully managed to solve the problem of English teaching, because learning English is different from learning other disciplines of knowledge. In learning English the students have to practice their English very often. In addition teaching of a language must be combined between theory and practice, depending on the situation ofthe classroom, the condition ofthe students, and the level of subject matter difficulties. The teacher should use an appropriate methodology, which is suitable for the situation and condition of the students The success of English teaching can be achieved, if it is supported by the method of teaching, professional teacher, Facility or aids, suitable books, and conducive environment. There are many ways to overcome the problem of English teaching and to improve the quality of school as well as attract the people's interest. The program, which are provided by the school are not the same, One ofthe program offered by the school is English Day Program, this program aimed to increase the students skills such as: listening speaking, reading, and writing. B. The Coverage and Formulation ofthe Problem The Coverage ofthe problem in this study the writer wants to analyze English Day Program as a way to improve students' achievement. And the formulation ofthe problem Is that English Day Program effective in improving students' achievement? C. Method ofthe study To support the study the writer uses a library and field research, in the library research the writer goes to some libraries to get some books, magazines, newspapers and the other source which is related to the subject, and in the field research, the writer visits a school that apply English Day Program and do some interview to the English teacher to know more about the English Day Program activities. In addition the writer will apply some tests to the students to know the students' knowledge and the test are divided into two parts. At first the students are given pre test then after two months the writer gives the students post test to know their progress ofEnglish D. Organization ofThe Study This skripsi is divided into five chapters as follows: First chapter is the introduction consists of five parts, they are: Background of Study, Coverage and Formulation ofthe Problem, Method ofthe Study, and Organization ofthe Study Second chapter is discussing about the development ofEnglish day program and the student's achievement, they are: the Meaning of English Day Program, English Day Program activities, and the Meaning ofEnglish learning Achievement, Third chapter deals with Research Methodology with consists ofThe Purpose ofthe Study, Place and Time ofResearch, Population and Sample, Technique ofData Collecting, And The Technique ofData Analysis. Four chapter will describe on research finding including The Description of Data the Analysis ofData and the Test ofHypothesis. The last chapter consists oftwo parts they are Conclusions and Suggestion. CHAPTERll THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A. English Day Program 1. The Meaning ofEnglish Day Program English Day Program is an activity, which is established by the SMUN 112. Not all schools have the special program,
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