Table of Contents Congratulatory Letter from NAPABA . .5 APALA/NJ Past Presidents & Founding Board Members . .8 "Looking Back...". .9 Gibbons P.C. is a proud supporter of the Letter from APALA Outgoing President Aney Chandy Asian Pacific American Lawyers Association "Looking Forward..." . .9 of New Jersey Letter from APALA Incoming President Sapana Shah Congratulations to the 2010/2011 APALA Executive Board . .10 2011 Annual Dinner Honorees! 2011/2012 APALA Executive Board . .11 APALA/NJ 14th Annual Dinner & Installation of Officers Program . .15 Trailblazer Award Kevin O'Toole Installation of Officers . .17 NJ State Senator Dinner Speakers . .18 Corporate Leadership Award Michael Yap Honorees . .19-20 Chief Legal Officer of International Investments, Prudential APALA/NJ Charitable Foundation . .24 Professional Achievement Awards (Tribute to Small Firms & Solo Practitioners) Linda Wong, Esq. Scholarship Award Recipients . .27 Moly Hung, Esq. APALA Lifetime & Gold Members . .31 Parag Patel, Esq. Gala Dinner Committee Acknowledgements . .33 Gibbons is a 2009 winner of the prestigious Catalyst Award and is recognized among the leading law firms nationwide for diversity by the Minority Law Journal and MultiCultural Law. Sponsor Acknowledgements . .Back Cover ZYZYZYZYZYZYZYZYZY Gibbons is headquartered at: One Gateway Center y Newark, New Jersey 07102 y 973-596-4500 www.gibbonslaw.com #1608759 v1 Newark New York Trenton Philadelphia 099998-00044 Wilmington 2 Congratulations to Aney K. Chandy on a Successful Year as President O’Toole Fernandez Weiner Van Lieu, LLC inc. 60 Pompton Avenue * Verona, NJ 07044 973.239.5700 We are proud OFWVLaw.com to support the Congratulations & Best Wishes to the Asian Pacific American 2011 APALA/NJ Honorees and Newly Elected Officers. Kevin O’Toole Michael Yap Trail Blazer Corporate Leadership Lawyers Association Linda Wong Moly Hung Parag Patel Professional Achievement of New Jersey Sapana S. Shah Paul Yoon One Washington Park Suite 1401-CC President President-Elect Newark, NJ 07102 Moly Hung Jhanice Domingo Vice President Treasurer 973-718-7347 (x121) Florelee Wan www.apalanj.com Secretary Camden County Bar Association 1040 N. Kings Highway, Suite 201 Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 camdencountybar.org Camden County Bar Association Join us at www.kalagny.org KALAGNY is proud to support APALA/NJ’s Annual Dinner Congratulations to the Keynote Speaker: Paul Fishman the Honorees: Kevin O’Toole, Michael Yap, Linda Wong, Moly Hung and Parag Patel Day Pitney LLP is a proud sponsor of the $VLDQ3DFLoF$PHULFDQ/DZ\HUV$VVRFLDWLRQ RI1HZ-HUVH\$QQXDO'LQQHU 'LYHUVLW\LVDFRUHoUPYDOXHDW'D\3LWQH\:HHPEUDFHGLYHUVLW\ EHFDXVHZHXQGHUVWDQGWKDWWKHLQSXWRISURIHVVLRQDOVZLWKYDU\LQJ SHUVSHFWLYHVLQYLWHVLQQRYDWLRQDQGFUHDWLYLW\ZKLFKLQWXUQEHWWHU HTXLSVXVWRVHUYHRXUFOLHQWV:HDUHGHGLFDWHGWRPDLQWDLQLQJRXU IRFXVWRDFKLHYHPHDQLQJIXODQGODVWLQJUHVXOWV:HDUHSURXGRI ZKDWZHKDYHDFKLHYHGVRIDUEXWUHDOL]HWKDWWKHUHLVVWLOOPXFK WRGR:HUHPDLQFRPPLWWHGWRVXSSRUWLQJGLYHUVLW\ZLWKLQRXUoUP DQGLQWKHFRPPXQLWLHVLQZKLFKZHSUDFWLFH %26721&211(&7,&871(:-(56(<1(:<25.:$6+,1*721 '&_ZZZGD\SLWQH\FRP 5 Applause K&L Gates is pleased to support the Asian Pacific American Lawyers Association of New Jersey and their Annual Dinner and Installation of Officers, honoring: Kevin O’Toole, New Jersey State Senator Trailblazer Award Michael Yap, Chief Legal Officer of International Investments, Prudential Corporate Leadership Award Congratulations To Linda Wong, Moly Hung, and Parag Patel Professional Achievement Award: Tribute to Small APALA/NJ’s 2 011 Honorees Firms and Solo Practitioners Kevin O’Toole Michael Yap Linda Wong K&L Gates LLP. Global legal counsel in Moly Hung Parag Patel 37 cities on three continents. Learn more at klgates.com 㻯㼛㼙㼜㼘㼑㼠㼑㻌㻯㼛㼡㼞㼠㻌㻾㼑㼜㼛㼞㼠㼕㼚 㼓㻌㻒㻌㻸㼕㼠㼕㼓㼍㼠㼕㼛㼚㻌㻿㼑㼞㼢㼕㼏㼑㼟㻌 David S. Kwon 㻌 Partner New York New Jersey Nationwide 212.273.9911 732.906.2078 800.310.1769 One Newark Center www.HudsonReporting.com Newark, NJ 07102 973.848.4025 㻿㼑㼞㼢㼕㼏㼑㻌㻻㼞㼕㼑㼚㼠㼑㼐㻌㻌䍐㻌㻌㼀㼑㼏㼔㼚㼛㼘㼛㼓㼥㻌㻰㼞㼕㼢㼑㼚㻌㻌䍐㻌㻌㻽㼡㼍㼘㼕㼠㼥㻌㻾㼑㼟㼡㼘㼠㼟㻌 [email protected] 6 7 "Looking Back..." Letter from APALA Outgoing President Aney Chandy APALA/NJ PAST PRESIDENTS I am so grateful to our membership for giving me the Interview Workshop, Corporate Counsel event, and other opportunity to serve on the Executive Board of APALA/NJ seminars and networking events. We also began a terrific, & FOUNDING BOARD MEMBERS over the last 2 years. Over the last 2 years, through the new tradition of collaborating with our sister specialty collective efforts of our exceptional executive board teams bars, including the NJSBA Diversity Committee, the GSBA, and the strength of our membership, we were able to achieve the HBA, the ABWL and SABA-NJ, on a number of events. a number of significant goals: ¥ Continued our efforts to support important policy issues. ¥ Opened the APALA/NJ Office located at One Washington We worked with the Governor's Office and Legislature to Park, Suite 1401-CC, Newark, NJ 07102. advocate for greater representation in our State's judiciary PAST PRESIDENTS: and in other government positions. We also weighed in on ¥ Launched the APALA/NJ Foundation, a 501c3 charitable a number of important issues in the legal community. 1985-1986 Hon. Sue Pai Yang, J.W.C. organization. ¥ Engaged in numerous community service activities. ¥ Started our Annual Scholarship Program for deserving 1986-1987 Hon. Patricia Medina Talbert, J.S.C. (2000-2007) Continuing our strong tradition of supporting the broader APA law students. APA communities, APALA/NJ honored AALDEF at our 1987-1988 Hon. Sue Pai Yang, J.W.C. ¥ Completely remodeled our website (www.apalanj.com). Golf Outing and presented a significant donation to ¥ Established our "voice" by creating the APALA/NJ support its important mission. APALA/NJ also participated 1993-1994 Linda Wong Newsletter to highlight issues of import to the APA in other charitable endeavors over the course of the last 2 legal community and to recognize the tremendous talent years, such as food drives, soup kitchens and hosted a 1996-1997 Hon. Patricia Medina Talbert, J.S.C. (2000-2007) in APALA/NJ. charity casino night. 1997-1998 Donna Chin ¥ Created an Attorney Referral Directory and Membership As always, APALA/NJ is successful in achieving its goals Directory. and furthering its mission, only because of the support of its 1998-1999 Tommy Shi ¥ Hit record numbers of active members and gold members. collective membership. On behalf of the 2010-2011 Executive ¥ Hit record numbers of law student participation in the Board, thank you for your support! 1999-2000 Calvin Wong organization. I would also especially like to thank the 2010-2011 Executive 2000-2001 Amrita Master Dalal ¥ Cultivated relationships and programs for the greater Board: Sapana Shah (President Elect), Eric Fikry (Vice APA community in NJ. President), Paul Yoon (Treasurer) and Eric Wong (Secretary). The 2010-2011 Executive Board was an exceptional team and I 2001-2002 Alexander Lee ¥ Hosted an incredibly successful Northeast Regional am grateful to have had the opportunity to work with all of them. Conference (June 2010). 2002-2003 Lora Fong I have been honored to serve our members and the legal ¥ Partnered with the other specialty bar associations in community over the last two years and I look forward to the state to create the Specialty Bar Association Coalition 2003-2004 Jae Im continuing to support the organization under the capable to establish a collective, unified voice on issues of import and passionate leadership of our incoming President, Sapana to all of our organizations. 2004-2005 Vimal Shah Shah, and the 2011-2012 Executive Board. ¥ Established our presence at the upcoming NJ State Bar 2005-2006 Hon. Terry Yang, J.W.C. Association Convention by hosting 2 panel discussions. ANEY CHANDY ¥ Continued the tradition of successful programs Ñ such 2006-2007 Eugene Huang APALA/NJ President 2010-2011 as our Lunar Banquet, Golf Outing, Annual Dinner, Mock 2007-2008 Michael Angulo 2008-2009 Sudha Kantor 2009-2010 David Kwon "Looking Forward..." Letter from APALA Incoming President Sapana Shah It is going to be an incredible year! We have so much planned greater representation in our State's judiciary and in for the upcoming year... other government positions. FOUNDING MEMBERS: ¥ Programming: We intend on continuing the tradition of ¥ Voting: The Census records indicate that Asian Americans make up approximately 8% of New Jersey's population, Hon. Sui Pai Yang successful programs such as the Lunar Banquet, Golf Outing, Annual Dinner, CLE's, Corporate Counsel events, but you wouldn't think that if you saw our voting records. Hon. Patricia Talbert seminars, and networking events with our sister specialty Understandably, there have not been many opportunities bars, including the NJSBA, GSBA, HBA, ABWL, MUBANY, where APA's could learn about the importance of civic Father John Chang and SABA-NJ. engagement. APALA-NJ with the assistance of community leaders, intends on educating APA's on the importance of ¥ Community Outreach: As we look ahead, it is important voting in every election. Sylvia Chin that APALA-NJ maintain a relationship with the various ethnic communities we represent. We intend on hosting ¥ Member Benefits: For many of our members, we intend multiple legal seminars throughout the state with the on offering valuable benefits in the areas of banking, assistance of Chambers of Commerce, religious insurance, and business. organizations, and civic groups. ¥ Advocating for Diversity: We will continue to work with SAPANA SHAH, ESQ the Governor's Office
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