± .4 :. The Herald Wishes One and All a Very Happy New Year K. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 29.1961 ■'►s' /■ S ofttin s If^raUt Arerpge Daily Net Prem Run ional, Oreanwlcli Tima, Beoop, For thfi Week Eadtag Tha WoallMr Bhafeat, North Star, Bouthara At Fort Dix Thaw, Freeze DMMaher 80 e( D. a. Weaflhii m ' . 1 • ■■rtTown Croat, Oar, Viking, Naw T orkv, r Heard Along Main Btreet OoamopollU, PanMnm, Calendar, ate. t Open^kating 1 0 , 4 « 3 : Ctoady toaigM Y JM •* th* Owter Evary coUaetar haa a faw Itatna iianrljpatpr Inrnittg llrralJi dariag ISe early iS et at «:ao tomor* */HieAaeis Mriahrr af the Audit ‘ 4 f u l Oft Some of Manchester** Side StreeU, Tory of spacial prida and Mr. Dougharty Bar*aa ef arrulattoa* '< Taeaday eteady, tflM auppar, for la no axcaptlon. Among hla la a Supervised Skating Is JEWELERS MancheMar ...A City of ViUaga Charm win bo cbargod. copy of tha drat nawapapar avar M« boyi ud gim art Oeed SamariUM '* police department. Joa A inaon, cuatotllan at the armory lithelerlted to racalva Ita nawa and bo printed Availalile at 3 Flood­ MMIM 1* attMld. Natural phenomena have a facil while flying on a eonmarclal air ity for bringing out the friendly and tha coveted concrete block that F IL L BE a O S E D ALL DAY VOL. LXXI, NO. 77 (CtaaatfM AdverMiriag aa Page 0) MANCHESTER, CONN. MONDAY. DECEMBER 31, 1951 (FOURTEEN PAGES) night when Anaaldi left after the trip. A latter, algnad by tha pilot lighted Locations PRICE FIVE CBII1S helpful oualitiea of people. Man- and co-pllot, attaat to It -' MBile far tha New Taar'i Cve c h ^ r waa "iced in" a week ago ahow, leaving hla treaaured preaent MONDAY, DECEMBER 31, iM ea « t lha Cyp Chib of Uia Om< alttlng on the floor underneath the Urn paper. Up-Ta-flm-Mla- Supervised akating got tmdar- Thuraday night and alnce then we ■te Mi^ waa dtstrtbated to tha way at Center Springs pond aoon- t v O aiingallm ul Church, from have been picking up .aeporta of bleachera. It remained in tha TO GIVE OUR EMPLOYES •:W a. m. to 1 a. m., win be pro- proml armory for aome time before Ben- paaaengera. ar than expected laat night after iJberated Fliers T«il of Red (^estioning many good d«eda. The moat Another ia a copy of tha pub­ a thaw and a quick freeae over tMM by Lou Joubert and hie nent'^example waa that of Cheater non depoaited it in the police emer­ v cbeatra. Iherp wlU aleo be re- gency truck one day and it then lication from tha U88 Missouri, the tong weekend eliminated the A LONG HOUDAY WEEKEND Brunner. _ . tha Isaue which covered tha sign­ sand-covered Ice which had made fiMHtbMttttM uid •fitcrtiinincnt Chet waa driving down Eaat felt into the handa of the police aad a queea win be choaen. again. Somehow the C. W. B. com­ ing Af tha peace with Japan. A akating impossible. Center atreet in one of hie. panel bit later la tha extra edition of The sand brought dowii from Three Planes, 69 pany waa able to aecure It from Irucka. He peaaed the Center and The Atomic Blast, printed on A Bigelow brook during a rain and Mr. and Mra. J. F. Baretow and turned aouth to Main atreet. At the police laet week and how it ia Lee who finda the oft-wiahed-upon plua one day and covering tha A- sleet storm eariler in the month A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL daughter Joann of 460 Main the Center he aaw a crowd of about bomb teat at Bikini. Tha paper absorbed the sun's heat and melt­ Btreet ara vtalUng relatlvea in SO women waiting for tranapor- gift cluttering up hia aervice ata- tion. wax published at tha base on ed downward into the Ice, maMwg Plainfield and Flemington, N. J., tatlon, all of which had been atalled Kwajeleln Island. it Mrous. by the icy roada. Chet turned The only hitter thing about the aver the w e * end. aituation ia that Lee waa the flrat To avoid confusion, I>r. Dough­ 'The unexpected change brought around and returned to the Center. erty haa devlaed a c a ^ Index sys­ hundreds of enthusiasts to the He loaded the back of hla truck one who had to ahell out any dough Mlea Frieda Markert of Flem- for the block. Maybe It ia the luii tem for his papers. Tha papers pond where the two-acre skating Disappear on IJ. S with the women, and. aaklng thetr Ington. N. J.. who bat been vieit- themselves ara kept in shallow area waa covered with Ice seven deatinatlona. proceeded to deliver before .the etorm. but thinga are Inches thick, according to Park Ing Mr. and Mra. J. F, Baretow of pretty quiet at l..ee'a now. Pre- boxes, with the more Important them to their homea. l!arh time ones In transparent envalopes. Pvt. Joseph J. Superintendent Horace F, Mur- 460 Main etreet the paat month, hla truck emptied he returned for aumably he la figuring out aome phey. la returning to her home today. another load. plana of hla own for the cinder Pvt. Joseph J. Pasek of this Supecvlaed skating will be held block and It la likely to wind up Banquet Blntha We underatand that Oood Sa­ Speaker before members of the town has arrived at'F ort Dix, N. every day from 1:30 to 5 p. m. and Gala Search PlaiicH maritan Brunner crawled into bed in aomehody elae'a handa before from 6:30 to 10 p. m„ Murphey Indicate 19 Hunt Liner, long. Manchester High School football J., for basic training with the 0th Captain All Alone at hia home on Avery atreet at said. The area ia floodlighted for team. "It is indeed gratifying to Infantry Division and has been about 2 o'clock in the morning. look out Into the audience here to­ evening skating. A loudspeaker Hunt East* Wegt We alao underatand that he got Happy Hobby assigned to Co. A, 47th Inf. Reg. system broadcasts recorded mu­ Walter Dougherty of Glen Rock, night and see such fine young men New Year's Eve Party C adets on 40 Persons atuck more than a few timea on hia who have played football for dear for 16 weeks of basic training. He sic. ALDAN aelf-appolnfed rotinda. N. J., haa a hobby of collecting Skating under supervision con­ On Sinking Vessel fly THE A8HCNTATr,D PRRHM old Hartford High.” . Coops! will receive Instruction in general We think that he and olhera tike nameplatea of newapapera from all tinues at two other locations in Rearrh planes roared PH0TD8RAPHERS over the world. Rome of the Toastmaster at another func­ military subjects, infantry weap­ through murky, sklea In the him deaerve a rouaing cheer for tion spent several minutes In a town, the tennis courts at the rear Army Craft Over Lakes their work that cold evening. moat colorful are printed in the ons and tactics. VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS Fjwt and Weat today hunling flowery Introduction of one of th.e of the Community T on North Loodon, Dec. .11—(/P)—Two U. S. N «^’ venaela raced today charactera of many languagea and Pvt. Pasek Is the husband of Main street and the West Side MANCHESTER GREEN three alrrrafl which vanished Candid finder Block Bluen have a wide geographic intereat. guest speakers and when he final­ the In filial over the weekend ly got around to mentioning the Mrs. Mary A. Pasek of 84 Durant Oval. Both areas are floodlighted toward American steamer Flying Enterpriae, lying dis­ Phoenix. Ariz„ Dec. 11— PittsburKh, Dec. 31— </P) Button, button, whoae got the The nameplatea are often Infor­ street. He attended Manchester until 9 p. m. abled with only her captain alioard in atorm-hlown waters 260 with a total of 69 person* mative. carrying alogana. ntnttoea man's name he waa all mixed up. (/P)— Nineteen cadets from aboard. — Miirlty weather hindered a Weddings . In thla caae. the cinder block. It went something like this " . '. High school, graduating in 1947, Dancing 9 P. M. to 3 A. M. mile.* southwest of Ireland. Four rescue ships reported they Dog Warden Lee Fracchla re­ or publicizing the local commun- and was graduated this year from hsrt removed all of the other .50.— — ----------------- --------- ---- ------ L the U. S. Military Academy The birarre sequence of great land-alr-wnter aearch Ity. (long, drawn out introduction)' the TEL S337 ceived a apeclal Chriatmaa preaent very capable baaketball coach at Hillyer College. Elect Mrs. Krause Fonh Amrrtran flirr* whiMie llbrnttlnn from a Hungarian prlwm root the U. S. OlZe.OOO are ahnwn person.*, including a dead' seaman, fit West Point were among aerial disappearances sent iotlay for a miaaing tranaport laat Tueaday that waa delivered Following la an excerpt on the during newa conference Dee. 89 nt Krding, Oertnnn,v. following their arrivni from Hungar.v. left to from the ship since she was crip­ (he 28 jicraons on a military scores of military planes, from Dougherty nameplatea clipped Yale, Mr. Howard Odell." Cage plane with 40 occupant* 4:30 to 9 M. C. O. D. It coat him $2.60 to un­ mentor at Yale la Howard Hobson. Sunset’s Leader Favors — Noisemakers rigtrt are: Rgt. Jnmea A. Elam, Klng.tland, Ark.; Cnpt. John J. Swift of Glen* Fall*. N. V., who ntand* pled hy towering seas Isst Friday. transport plane missing 18 this country and Canada, Into which disappeared Saturday P.
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