Digital Commons @ George Fox University Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Church Friendly Endeavor (Quakers) 9-1937 Friendly Endeavor, September 1937 George Fox University Archives Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/nwym_endeavor Recommended Citation George Fox University Archives, "Friendly Endeavor, September 1937" (1937). Friendly Endeavor. 186. https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/nwym_endeavor/186 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Church (Quakers) at Digital Commons @ George Fox University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Friendly Endeavor by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ George Fox University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ) ( THE FRIENDLY ENDEAVOR JOURNAL. FOR FRIENDS IN THE NORTHWEST Volume 16, No. 9 PORTLAND, OREGON September, 1937 NEW CHART BIDS HIGH IN ALONE H I - L i G H T S O F INTEREST FOR 1937-38 B y PA U L C A M M A C K The new chart entitled "Circling the Globe You admire the one who has grit to do things alone; you like him because he TWIN ROCKS with Christian Endeavor" created much in terest at the semi-armual business meeting first flew the Atlantic and alone. You held during Twin Rocks Conference when admire Jesus because He, though forsaken CONFERENCE presented by Miss Ruth Gulley. of friends and Father, T'his year's chart was revealed to be a trip went alone to bear your around the world visiting enroute our Bolivian contemptible guilt. TOLD missionaries, the Chilsons and Choate in Both man and God Africa, Carrie Wood in India, Esther Gulley will admire you, if you and John and Laura Trachsel in China. choose to go alone—to Registration Record of Recent Years Broken; M i l e a g e f o r t h e t r i p i s g a i n e d b y p o i n t s be contented "differ Mountain Climbing Becomes Popular Sport; earned on the following emphasis: finance, e n t " — r a t h e r t h a n i n Star C. E. Society Wins Plaque missionary, gospel bands, temperance, and dulge in the doubtful membership. One point equals one mile of s p o r t s a n d p r a c t i c e s t h e i r j o u r n e y . which oppose your Prom the first meal served on Monday even A society may indicate their progress upon convictions. ing until the closing of this year's conference the map-chart from time to time, following H e r e i s t h e B i b l e expectation was high for the very best in every b a s i s f o r g o i n g a l o n e : the route marked by small arrows. If a respect from food to fun and then to spiritual "Come ye out from society reports quarterly to the superinten blessing and none were disappointed. Regis among them and be ye trar, Ava Brown, thrilled the audience on dent of their Quarterly Meeting so it may be published in the Friendly Endeavor points can sepaa-ate . .; If sin Tuesday evening with the report that up to ners entice thee, consent thou not; abstain be earned. These reports must be in the that time 290 people had registered as official from all appearances of evil; Be not thou members of the conference. From that time hands of the superintendents by the 15th of envious against evil men neither desire to on the number kept climbing until on Sunday December, March, and June to count for be with them." 406 were wearing the official conference mileage. How many miles will your society Whoa, hold back, young people. What badge, the largest number since 1928. travel by December 15th? right do you have to "go with" that non- Not only did the registration keep climbing Following are some questions asked about Christian? Absolutely, Companionship the chart:— from day to day but also did the various con- with the world is enmity toward God. ferencites who were members of the parties 1. Finance: a. Tenth Legion—Can a society have as Every Christian must in a sense be to climb Mount Illimani, Matterhorn, Fujiya a lone star at times, but God will honor (Continued on Page 3) ma ,and Everest. Miles were added to miles your decision to lead a separated life. He by participation in various sports; hiking, says: "I will not leave you comfortless; I swimming, ball games, the scavenger hunt will come unto you." Would I ever forfeit and stunts by the teams. Esther Cammack as P A Y E T T E L A K E S C O N - the tender presence of God for any earthly the efficient director of all the fun presented a friendship? very attractive trophy to the captain of the FERENCE, 1937 "Man enters the world alone, he leaves winning team, Fujiyama, at the vesper ser it alone, so God emphasizes individuality." vice Saturday evening. By Lois Roberts. Should you quit some of your shady-side T h e t h e m e " S h a p i n g M y L i f e " w a s c a i Ti e d 'Called to service for Jesus, 'for such a time companions? Will you? out in all of the classes by the, teachers. High as this' "—was the challenge presented to the school students found that shaping my life in young people as well as older ones of Boise school was based upon the essentials of a Valley Quarterly Meeting at Payette Lakes S U R P R I S E L A K E C O N F E R E N C E Christian character. In Chester Hadley's this year. The theme could be traced through c l a s s i t w a s f o u n d t o b e i n H i s L i k e n e s s t h a t the conference in classes, discussion groups, B R I N G S B L E S S I N G T O one must be saved from sin, and the heart the inspirational hour and evangelistic serv YOUNG PEOPLE made pure by sanctification. Practical in ices. In a class conducted by Harold Mills of struction to become efficient church members Portland, the necessity of individual prepar was given by Edward Harmon. To win others edness among Quakers, in case of war, was is the desire of every real Christian and stressed. The young people's discussion group B y M I G N O N M A C Y h e l p f u l s u g g e s t i o n s f o r t h i s w o r k w e r e g i v e n emphasized building clean lives, and finding Surprise Lake Conference of 1937 was one b y Wa l t e r a n d G l a d y s C o o k . A s t u d y o f t h e the Will of God in the schools which we at of rather small number, but was blessed large minor prophets by those in Frederick Baker's tend, the friends we choose and in choosing ly in spii-itual ways. The enthusiastic testi class was both interesting and profitable. o u r l i f e ' s v o c a t i o n s . monies of the Conference young people were The class on vocations enjoyed different The conference was especially blessed this good to hear. Many children and young peo spsakers every day. year by the presence of Helen Cammack. Her ple of intermediate age found the Lord at Every speaker emphasized the fact that messages at the morning inspirational horn- the altar in the evening services with Herman there is a place for each one to serve and our brought out the thought that we are called Macy as evangelist. Registration at its high duty and privilege is to find that place for to complete consecration, to prayer and to est was sixty-seven; however evening services ourselves. The general class "For Foreign giving as well as to service, in such a time as were swelled perceptibly by numbers of people Service" conducted by Helen Cammack was this. Several young people definitely answered who could not come in the day time because filled with interesting and inspiring messages. the call of God in these meetings. of work, but drove out at night. Five of our missionaries, Emily Moore, Carrie The evangelistic services, conducted by Hu- Afternoon recreation, directed by Paul Mills, (Continued on Page 3) (Continued on Page 3) (Continued on Page 5) < s ) « Page Two THE FRIENDLT ENDEAVOR September, 1937 September, 1937 THE FRIENDLT ENDEAVOR Page Three WOODLAND P R U N E H I L L N E W S Miss Burden Knobel is visiting Yakima for NEW CHART BIDS HIGH IN INTEREST PAYETTE LAKES CONFERENCE, 1937 CORNILS-VOGET The Friendly Endeavor j Mr. and Mrs. Vaden Craven are the par a s h o r t t i m e . ents of a nine pound baby girl. Miss Bernice Steele is now wearing a spark (Continued from Page 1) (Continued from Page 1) Published Monthly at 5327 S. E. Morrison St.
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