DIRECTORY.] EAST RIDING YORKSHIRE. KIRBY UNDERDALE. 453 ia 1871: there are 250 sittings. The register dates from the from Hull, at 9.15 a. m.; dispatched at 4.40 p,m, Middle• ylll\r1563. The living is a. vicarage annexed to that of Lund, ton-on-the-Wolds is the nearest money order office & tithe rent-charge £xg, joint net yearly value £270, including Driffield the nearest telegraph office ~II &eres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Rev. Alex- National School (mixed), for 6o children; average attend- ander Grimston M.A.. vicar of Stillingfleet, and held since 1890 ance, 24; Mrs. Carolina Ford, mistress by the Rev. Charles Smith Sundius M. A. of Trinity College, Wilfholme, 2 .1. miles east, is a place in this township. Oxford, who resides at Lund. Here is a small Primitive ~ :Methodist chapel, formerly used as a school room. Kiln wick Bracken is a hamlet and township in the parish of and Hall, the property of the Hon. Lady Du Cane, and now the x mile west from Kiln wick and 61 south-west from Driffield, residence of Albert Carter Spence esq. is a mansion in the in the union and county court d1strict of Driffield. The Elaabethan style, and stanlls in a well-wooded park of about tithe goes to the perpetual curate of Kiln wick. Lady Du 40 acres. The Hon Lady Du Cane, of Queen's Gate gardens, Cane is lady of the manor and principal landowner. l1; London s w, is lady of the manor and chief landowner. The consists ot one farm of 677 acres ; rateable value, £817; the soil is clayey and peaty; subsoil, gravel, clay and chalk. population in 1891 was 25. "The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley, The area of the LOCKINGTON township is partly in this parish, and will township is r,698 acres; rateable value, £ 1,852 ; the popu- be found under a separate headmg. lation in x88x was 241. CARRIERS.-Mrs. Harriet Harrison1 to Beverley, sat. ; Cbas. Parish Clerk, John Carter. Osborne, to Driffield, thurs. ; Thomas Kemp, to Hull, on PosT 0FFICB.-William Robson, l'eceiver. Letters received tues.; Beverley on sat Kilnwick. Holden Amos, thrashing machine owner Swift Robert, fal'mer Spence Albert Carter, Kilnwick hall Jenkinson Jame!'l, shoe maker Thurlow Geo. cottager, Kilnwick lodges Kemp Thomas, shopkeeper & carrier Usher George, wheelwright COKHRRCU.L. Melton Robinson, farmer, Glebe farm Barrett John, fal'mer, Carr farm Newlove William, farmer & cattle Wilfholme. 13entley Thomas, head gardener to Albert dealer, Town farm Dnnn J onathan, farmer C. Spence esq Oldroyd Jsph.farmer,LittleF'onntain fm Ellerker James, farmer ' .Bentley Thos. tailor, Kilnwi8k lodges Osborne Charles, market gardener Hopper-, innkeeper & farmer :Urigham Richd. farmet, Kilnwick corn Pinder John, market gardener Watson Mary (Mrs.), farmer Clark F'rancis, farmer, New farm Robson \Villiam, farmer, Post office Davis Ttwmas, farmer, Moor farm Roger3 John, farmer, Kilnwick lodges Duggleby Charles Hy.farmer, Horn hill Sanderson Richard, market gardener Bracken. Harrisoa Ha.rriet (Mnt. ), carrier Silverside Robert, blacksmith Ousten Henry, farmer XIRBY GRINDAI.Y'.rHE is a t-ownship, parish and PosT OFFICE.-Mrs. Mary Ringrose, receiver. Letter3 village, 9 miles south-east from Malton, 11 north-west from through York, via Wharram-le-Street, arrive at 10 a.m. ; Driffield, and about 3t north-east from Wharram station on box cleared at 5 -p.m. The nearest money order office the Malton and Dritfield branch of the North Eastern rail­ is at West Luttou & telegraph office at Rillington way, in the Buckrose division of the Riding, wapentake and School, erected in 1878, for 6o children ; average attendance, petty sessional division of Buck rose, MaltoiJ union and county 35 ; .Mit>li WalkBr, mistress · court district, rural dP..anery of Buck rose, archdeaconry of the CARRIERS TO:- East Riding and diocese of York. The church of St. Andrew DRIFFIELD--Mrs. RingroSB & George Robinson, thurs ia an edifice of stone in the .N onnan and Early English styles, .M.&LTON-Mrs. Ringrose & George Robinson, sat consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and an embattled Duggleby is a township and village,:~ miles north-east western tower of Norman date, with spire erected in the from Wharram station, in the parish of and 2 miles south­ I~th century and containing 3 bells; the chancel retains its west from Kirby Grindalythe. The appropriate great or original sedilia with shafts and carved capitals and a piscina: rectorial tithe, amounting to £4o1 belongs to the canonry of the reredos of marble and alabaster is exquisitely sculptured Stillington in York cathedral. The impropriate tithe amounts there is fine rood-screen of oak, surmounted by a 11t1d a. to £74· The Wesleyan chapel, a building in the Gothic Calvary group~ the font of stone is an exact reproduction of style, stands on an eminence in the village and there is als(}­ that now preserved in the tower : the church, with th6 ex­ a Primitive Methodist chapeL Tl.le trustees of thB late. ception of the tower, was rebuilt in 1878 from the designs Thomas William Rivis esq. are lords of the manor and prin­ of the late G. E. Street esq. R.A. at the expense of Sir Tat ton cipal landowners. The area is 1,714 aeres ; rateable value, Sykes bart. and affords sittings for 350 persons. Adjoining £1,520; the population in 1891 was 183. the church are the remains of an ancient building, supposed to have been monastic and now nsed for fa1'Ill purposes. The PosT 0FFICE.-Mark Wm. 'Bogg, sub-postmaster. LetteiS register dates from the year 1689. The living is a vicarage, arrive through York & Wharram-le-Street rail way station formerly belonging to the Augustinian Abbey at Kirkham, at 9· 35 a.m. ; dispatched at 5·55 p.m, ; sundays, arrive average tithe rent-charge £64, net yearly value £128, in­ 9.30 a.m. in summer months & 7.30 a.m. in winter cluding 56 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Sir months; sundays, dispatched 5.30 p.m Tatton Sykes hart. and held since 1890 by the Rev. Henry School (mixed), erected in 1838, for 6o children; average Percy Atkinson M.A.. of Hertford College, Oxford. The im­ attendance, 45; Richard Johnson, master propriate tithe of the township amounts to £24- . Sir Ta.tton CARRIERS TO :- Sykes hart. D. L. of Sledmere, who is lord of the manor, thB MAL TON-Smith Clark, wed. & sat. ; Simpson, tues. & sat trllStees of the late Thomas W1lliam Rivis esq. and Sir Charles DRIFFIKLD--Simpson, thurs William Strickland hart. M. A., n.L., J.P. of Boynton Hall, are MowTHORPE is a hamlet, consisting of two farms. the principal landowners. The soil is light, with chalk and Thirkleby is a township. Sir Tatton Sykes D.L. bart. gravel, resting upon chalk wold ; subsoil, val'ious. The is lord of the manor and principal landowner. The impro­ chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and turnips. The area priate tithe amounts to £xoo, and tithe of £55 goes to St. of the township is 4,524 acres ; rateable value, £3,966; the John'» Hospital, Kirby Ravensworth. The area is 1,345 population in 189r was 225. acres; rateable value, .£1,339; the population in x891, Parish Clerk, Francis Ellis. was 41. Kirby Grindalythe. '.Vard Robert, farmer Rawling Robert, shopkeeper Simpson Robert, blacksmith AtldiL9on Rev.HenryPercy M . .&.. Vicarage Duggleby. Wa.rt.ers Luke, farmer J.braham John, farmer Andrew John, tailor Campion Samuel, farmer Bogg John, tailor & grocer Mowthorpe. Cl k J h Byass Wm. farmer, Lower Mowthorpe ar e o n, farmer Bog-g Mark William, wheelwright & Danbv. Fras. farmer, High Mowthorpe Manhall William, farmer joiner, Post office Ringrose Mary (Mrs.), grocer & carrier, Cawood Charles John, farmer Thirkleby. Post office Gypson \Villiam, farmer Buttle Francis William, farmer Robinson George, grocer & carrier Reward William, boot & shoe maker Huttle John, farmer . XIRBY UNDERDALE is a township, parish and f Wolds. One of the highest hills is about Boo feet above .t~mall village, 5 miles south-west from Burdale station on I the level of the sea, and descends gradually to the plain the Malton and Dritfield branch, 5 sonth-east from l<'angfoss of York. The c):mrch of All Saints is a building of stone .station on the York and Heverley branch, of the ~orth in the Norman style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, Eastern rail way, and 7 north from Pocklington, and is in porch and an embattled western tower containing one bell: theHowdenshira division of the Riding, wapentake of Buck- it was thoroughly restored and a new chancel built in x87r, 1'086., Wilton Beacon petty sessional division, Pocklington under the direction of the late G. E. Street esq. R.A. at the union and county court district, and in the rural deanery expense of the Rev. T. J. Monson, then rector, aud Viscount oOf Pocklington, archdeaconry of the East Riding and Halifax: a stained window, the gift of the Hon. Charles dioeesc of York, situated near a steep declivity of the Wood, has been placed in the chancel: the font was presented .
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