THE COVER To the Citizens of West Newbury: Pictured on the cover are the subjects of several projects under­ taken or completed during 1983: improvements have been made to schools, water projects, recreation facilities, elderly housing, and highway department buildings. These efforts reflect the cooperative and productive environment which existed among departments and town committees in 1983. Broad based committees with representatives from our schools, the Board of Selectmen, Finance Committee, and interested towns­ people have undertaken reviews of school facilities. Major ex­ terior repairs have been defined for the Page School. Now educa­ tional programs are being assessed in terms of renovations to the Page and Central Schools. The town may be asked this spring to place all our elementary educational programs in the Page School. 1983 also marked the completion of the new water tank, pumping station and meter pit by the Water Department. A new long-term contract for water has been agreed to in principle with Newbury­ port, at reduced rates for West Newbury citizens. In the foreground of the picture are two professional quality horse rings and a new Highway Department salt shed. The horse rings were built with a lot of help by the Riding and Driving Club. We now have outstanding equistrian facilities which are used by townspeople and are rented to groups to help pay for further improvements to the area. The salt shed was built with a grant from the Commonwealth and will help pnotect the environ­ ment and highway department equipment. The Mill Pond Committee is working hard with the help of several townspeople and the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission to clean up the pond. New cross-country ski trails have been cut and night skating is available. These efforts should have very positive benefits to our recreational programs, at little cost to the taxpayers. ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1983 T 0 W N 0 F W E S T N E W B U R Y Together with the Reports of the School Committee, Board of Fire Engineers, Board of Water Commissioners, Trustees of the Public Librarv, Assessors, Treasurer, Collector, Town Clerk, and other various Departments and Committees ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BOARD OF SELECTMEN To the Citizens of West Newbury: This era of Proposition 2 1/2 has mandated that even stricter vigilance be exercised ~n the management of the Town's affairs - particularly the financial ones. Among the steps taken to achieve this goal is the requirement of monthly expenditure statements by department heads to show whether or not appropriations are being exceeded. Furthermore, the town's budget has been balanced, has been set up to establish one account for each line item, and, where possible, departmental budgets have been limited chiefly to salaries and expenses. Additionally, revenue-sharing funds have been set aside for insurance and bonds, unemployment compensation has been put on a reimbursable basis, and insurance has been placed out to bid at a saving to the town of $25,000, unnecessary street lights have been eliminated, a new schedule of fees has been created, and the taxes are being levied at one rate. During the period a maintenance custodian, under the supervision of the Building Inspector, has been hired for all the Town buildings except the Library, Newburyport Cablesystems has installed cable TV in the more populous areas, increased use has been made of the Pipestave area with the installation of a riding ring, the Merri­ mack watershed Council has rented a portion of the Civil Defense Building, an annual clean-up day has been set aside, a 350th Anniversary and a Road-Naming Committee have been appointed, a new heating system has been installed in the main part of the Town HaJl, a new police station has been constructed for less than $17,000. in the basement of the 1910 Building, a $10,000. life insurance policy has been assigned to both police and firemen, and, as of this writing, a contract has been signed between the Select­ men and the Policemen's Association, and around-the-clock police coverage is now being provided for the first time in the town's history. Among the items on which further action is still pending are the re-acceptance of Moulton Street, the search for an independent Town water supply, the clearing of the Mill Pond area and trails, as well as the Pond itself, the development of elderly housinq, the discontinuance of unused streets (being carried out by the County at no extra cost), and the approval of a Civil Defense Emergency Plan. All in all, 1983 was a year of progress and cooperation amonq Town departments. We should be pleased with our past accomplish­ ments and look forward to further progress in 1984. For helping us effect these achievements, we wish to thank all those citizens who gave generously of their advice and time. Respectfully submitted, Merton E. Chute,Chairman Frank E. Hobson, Jr. Thomas E. Pulkkinen 1 DIRECTORY OF TOWN OFFICERS BOARD OF SELECTMEN Merton Chute, Chairman, 1984 Frank E. Hobson, Jr., 1986 Thomas E. Pulkkinen, 1985 BOARD OF PUBLIC HEALTH Philip G. Christiansen, Chairman, 1984 Bruce S. Taylor, 1985 Bruce w. Pankauski, 1986 BOARD OF ASSESSORS Deborah P. Cashman, Chairman, 1986 Mary F. Hendriksen, 1984 George E.· Schofield, 1985 Dorothea B. Crowley* MODERATOR Steven Pearlstein, 1985 TOWN TREASURER AND TAX COLLECTOR Norman H. Hobson, 1985 TOWN CLERK Norman H. Hobson, 1986 SCHOOL COMMITTEE Charles H. Goldstein, Chairman, 1986 Arthur DiMauro, 1985 Mary Harada, 1984 Phillip s. Carletti, 1985 Catherine Sanderson, 1986 BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS Charles D. Courtemanche, Chairman, 1985 Raymond s. Dower, III, 1984 David Jennell, 1986 CONSTABLES Charles D. Courtemanche, 1986 Jonathon Dennis, 1986 Eugene M. Willis, Jr., 1986 BOARD OF TRUSTEES G.A.R. MEMORIAL LIBRARY Alexandra Guralnick, Chairman, 1984 Leah Mingo, Recording Secretary, 1986 J. Jackson George, 1985 Richard Thurlow, 1985 Beatrice Downey, 1984 Jean Anderson, 1986 Jean A. Berkenbush, 1984 Hugh F. Cawley, 1984 David D. Hindle, 1985 PLANNING BOARD Lawrence G. Hogan, Chairman, 1985 James E. Brackbill, 1987 Albert H. Knowles, Jr., 1986 Jeremiah F. Mahoney, 1984 June P. Cook, 1986* Richard Thurlow, 1984 BOARD OF PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSIONERS Patricia Knowles, 1984 Anthony J. Fusco, 1985* Eugene M. Willis, Jr., 1986 Joseph J. Derro, Jr., 1984 HOUSING AUTHORITY Mary McDermott** Peter Haack, 1~85 John T. Lavin, 1984 Heather Beaucher, 1984 Nancy Barry, 1984 *Resigned **State Appointment 2 APPOINTED OFFICERS TOWN ACCOUNTANT Lincoln R. Walker, 1986 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT TO SELECTMEN Marjorie A. Peterson BOARD OF FIRE ENGINEERS Richard Berkenbush, Chief Raymond S. Dower, III, Asst. Chief Stephen N. Arnold, Deputy Chief CHIEF OF POLICE Richard Berkenbush POLICE OFFICERS Jonathon Dennis, Sergeant Richard B. Merrill, Jr. Lisa A. Holmes Daniel L. Brodie Edvil G. Hurn Richard J. Connolly Patrick L. Marsh Walter L. Corcoran Wilbert H. Thompson, Sergeant Charles D. Courtemanche Paul Weiner SPECIAL POLICE OFFICERS Milton Otis, Dr. Page and Edward Vansickle, Central School Central Schools and Crossing Guard FrQderick O'Brien, water Dept. Richard N. Cunningham Prescott L. Spalding, Jr., Town Dump Clifford Wallace CARETAKER - REFUSE DISPOSAL AREA Prescott L. Spalding, Jr. FIELD DRIVER AND FENCE VIEWER Charles D. Courtemanche Eugene M. Willis, Jr. DOG OFFICER Richard Cunningham CIVIL DEFENSE Clifford A. Wallace, Director Terry Gemmel, Deputy Director William Rowe, Deputy Director Charles P. susen, Communications Officer Fred W. Taylor, Engineering & Shelter Officer Janice Pisano, Medical Officer Charles Shupe, snowmobile Rescue Officer* and Radiological Officer Buel R. Curry, Resource Officer* Raymond s. Dower, III, Asst. Radiological Officer AUXILIARY POLICE OFFICERS Buel R. Curry, Sergeant* Terry Gemmel William M. Rowe Fred w. Taylor Charles M. Shupe* Raymond S. Dower, III Charles P. Susen *Resigned 3 APPOINTED OFFICERS (CONTINUED) FINANCE COMMITTEE Chandler R. Grinnell, Chairman, 1986 Randal Newton, 1984 Paul Raiche, 1985 Sarkis M. Kurkjian, 1984 James Chartrand, 1986 Michael Rowan, 1985 SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS TREE WARDEN MOTH SUPERINTENDENT Albert H. Knowles, Jr. INSPECTOR OF ANIMALS Eugene M. Willis, Jr. GRAVES REGISTRATION OFFICER Malcolm B. Poor, Walnut Hill cemetery Joseph W. Leary, Bridge Street Cemetery Thomas F. Downey, Rural cemetery Hayden Poor, Merrimack cemetery REGISTRARS OF VOTERS Mary Leary, chairman, 1984 Leonard R. Burrill, 1985 Eleanor Hugo, 1986 N. H. Hobson, Town Clerk, Ex Officio INSPECTOR OF WIRING Guy L. Raiti INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS Richard Hemingway GAS INSPECTOR Louis Grieco PLUMBING INSPECTOR Louis Grieco TOWN COUNSEL Lagoulis and Clark BOARD OF APPEALS Raymond J. Tolosko, Chairman, 1986 Carol A. Derro, 1984 Norman Ringuette, 1985 Jeffrey A. Gerrish, 1984* Edward Bartlett, 1985 BOARD OF APPEALS - ASSOCIATE MEMBERS Lawrence Snell, 1984 David B. Casavant, 1986 TOWN BUILDINGS CUSTODIAN Joseph Colby *Resigned 4 TOWN COMMITTEES CONSERVATION COMMISSION (S) Shirley Griffin, Chairman, 1985 Ralph Rockwood, 1984 Leah M. Mingo, 1985 John F. Rooney, 1984 Joan Blake, 1986 Wayne A. Sanborn, 1985 Frank Vetere, 1986 HISTORICAL COMMISSION (S) Gregory H. Laing, Chairman, 1986 Marjorie Carlsen, 1985 Esther Osman, 1984 Clark Gowan, 1986 M. Elizabeth Thompson, 1985 COUNCIL ON AGING (S) Wayne Maglione, Chairman, 1985 John Jennell, 1986** Lionel Brunault, 1985 Evenie Brunault, 1986 Charles Thompson, 1985 ~hirley Burrill, 1986 M. Elizabeth Thompson, 1985 Chester L. Fowler, 1984 Frank Hobson, Jr. 1984 Evelyn M. Fowler, 1984 Heather Beaucher, 1984 CENTRAL MERRIMACK VALLEY REGIONAL PLANNING DISTRICT (S) June p, Cook* Woodbury Cammett, Alternate WHITTIER REGIONAL VOCATIONAL TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOL COMMITTEE (SC) Louis A. Porcelli TREE COMMITTEE (M) John D. Thurlow TOWN FOREST COMMITTEE (S) Prescott L. Spalding, Jr. William J. Vynorius MILL POND COMMITTEE Patricia Knowles Joseph J. Derro, Jr. Gary Dunbar Eugene M. Willis, Jr. Robert E. Knights William Rowe HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION Beatrice Downey, Chairman, 1986 Gary Dunbar, 1984 J.
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