THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOLUME 40: ISSUE 68 TUESDAY, JANUARY 23,2007 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM Campus debates new Iraq policy Driver in Professors and students consider President Bush's plan from wide range of perspectives car crash two years, as 20 troops were killed By MARCELA BERRIOS and in Iraq. identified AMANDA MICHAELS Notre Dame political science News Writers professor Dan lindley said with instability in Iraq mounting and Man arrested for On Jan. 10, President George W the possibility of a civil war erup­ Bush gave one of the most antici­ tion .only increasing, the U.S. will Breathalyzer refusal pated and controversial addresses need at least 20 troops for every . of his presidency, admitting in 1,000 Iraqis to maintain order in primetime the mistakes and fail­ the region - a scenario that isn't By KAITLYNN RIELY ures of the American strategy in anywhere close to the current Assistant News Editor Iraq while ordering. a 20,000- ratio. strong troop surge into the war­ Past estimates said there were The man who struck six cars torn country. approximately six troops per thou­ in a parking lot in the Castle While the President has sand Iraqis, and the President's Point Apartment complex early remained firm in his decision, say­ recent troop increase will not Sunday morning was arrested ing the U.S. needed to "increase increase that figure substantially. for DUI refusal, police said support at this crucial moment to "The Iraq war is lost unless the Monday. help the Iraqis break the current military force on the ground is Carlos Q. Cedillo, 23, of South cycle of violence," the announce­ tripled," lindley said. "As this will Bend has not been officially ment sparked nationwide debate, not happen, and because the Iraqi charged, St. Joseph County from Capitol Hill to the classrooms forces being trained are as much Police spokesperson Jaimee AP at Notre Dame. or more sectarian fighters than Thirion said in an e-mail Iraqi doctors watch President George Bush's speech Jan. 10. Saturday marked the deadliest Monday. The preliminary Bush said he will send 21,500 additional troops to Iraq. day for American forces in the last see IRAQ/page 4 charge, declining a Breathalyzer test - which Cedillo did after driving his car into six unoccupied, legally parked vehicles early Sunday - is a misdemeanor offense. ND graduates etnbrace ACE opportunities Cedillo is listed as a student in Holy Cross College's 2006-07 'I Students use undergraduate skills to teach underprivileged students across the country telephone directory. In the ' 2005-06 telephone directory, Catholic high school in Mobile. Cedillo's address is listed as l By AARON STEINER "I think that people have a Basil Residence Hall. News Writer different idea of what teaching is Since Thirion provided infor­ until they get into it," she said. mation by e-mail and was I For Greene, an English major, unable for further comment, .l When Sarah Greene was ideas about 'what teaching is' go The Observer was unable to accepted to Notre Dame''s l beyond going over the material ask follow-up questions ; Alliance for Catholic Education in lesson plans, she said. regarding Cedillo's back­ I (ACE) program during her sen­ "Teaching encompasses so ground. ior year at Notre Dame, she much more than I ever imag­ Holy Cross Director of expected to spend two years on ined. I chose ACE because I felt Marketing and Public Relations assignment in Mobile, Ala. a call to teach," Greene said. "I Sara Kassen declined to com­ teaching high school freshmen love discussing literature with ment on whether Cedillo was a about famous works of literature my students and reading their student at the College. Holy and developing their writing writing." Cross issued a statement skills. After five months in the "However, I realize now that I regarding the incident: program, she says she's experi­ am called to teach them more "We have not received· any enced that, and much more. than English." report of an accident over the Greene moved to Mobile on Greene said 'teaching more weekend involving any of our Aug. 1 to begin teaching fresh­ Photo courtesy Chns Kowalski students. Holy Cross College man English at McGill-Tool en Sarah Green teaches high school freshman English at McGiii­ Catholic High School, the only see ACE/page 6 Toolen Catholic High School through the ACE program. see CRASH/page 4 Right to Life attends MSA students relish trips abroad tnarch in Washington By EILEEN DUFFY Assistant News Editor all the people [at the march] made By BECKY HOGAN us feel like we were making a dif­ When Bridget Meacham NewsWrite.r ference," Saenz said. • checked her e-mail last fall and The group arrived in learned there were three spots Students from Notre Dame/St. Washington, D.C. on Saturday in available for Notre Dame Master Mary's Right to Life Club marched three .charter buses. Another of Science in Accountancy (MSA) along Constitution Avenue in charter bus arrived on Sunday. students to travel to Asia - and Washington, D.C. Monday with While at the march, students they'd simply be granted to the other pro-life advocates in the heard from various senatorial first three people to apply - she 34th March for Life, an annual candidates on pro-life issues and didn't hesitate. event that memorializes Roe v. were also accompanied by Holy Meacham joined a group of 34 Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court Cross priests and seminarians, graduate business students on a decision on abortion. who led them in the rosary. two-week trip to Suzhou and Approximately 120 Notre Dame "People could tell Notre Dame. Shanghai, China, an experience students marched from the United cared for the pro-life message," she called "absolutely phenome- States Capitol building to the steps Saenz said. n al." of the Supreme Court building Many of the traveling group "Right now, China is the center carrying a Notre Dame banner members attended the 2007 Rally of innovation. It's revolutionizing and a U.S. flag, said Notre Dame for Life and the Youth Mass spon­ manufacturing. It has an impact Right to Life secretary Victor sored by the Archdiocese of on so many sectors that are either Photo courtesy of Matthew Schlosser Saenz. Thirty-four graduate students traveled to China last fall. The pic­ "The enthusiasm and support of see LIFE/ page 4 see ABROAD/page 6 ture was taken after a presentation on Air Products in Shanghai. page 2 The Observer+ PAGE 2 Tuesday, January 23, 2007 INSIDE COLUMN QUESTION OF THE DAY: PARIS HILTON HOT OR Nor? WHY? A house divided With the recent NFL playoff excite­ ment, I find myself thinking this Mark Skylling Ben Schultz Tim Rodts Kyle Lee Andrews Erin Gutbrod Meghan McDonough year's Super Bowl situation is win­ win. Since my home team - the sophomore sophomore senior sophomore junior junior Eagles - fell short for another year, it Keenan off-campus Sorin off-campus off-campus Pasquerilla West may as well be the Colts and the Katie Kohler Bears - the only "Not. Because "Not. Because "Not. She's a "Not. She's "Not- too "Hot. But please two other teams she's not as she has a HUGE . trashball. " over-exposed in skinny. " don't publish in the NFL that I News pretty as Emily nose, and it's more way than that." even remotely fol­ Production " low. Editor Voge. just not one. The reason I fol­ attractive. " low these teams is that my mom is from Indianapolis and my dad is from Chicago. Every time either team is playing, we, as a family, root for the Colts or Bears, which works out because they do not usually play each other ... until now. On Super Bowl Sunday, my parents will not trade their loyalties to favor IN BRIEF one team as a family. It will be full­ out war. A reading of Homer's Iliad My parents spent at least 20 years will take place today in the in their hometowns. before getting Oak Room of South Dining married and moving to Philadelphia. Hall at 6:10p.m. Naturally, each of them was brought up cheering for their home team and RecSports is sponsoring a no one else. blood drive today and Because of my split football · Thursday from 9 a.m. to 3:30 upbringing since I was born in p.m. and Wednesday from- 11 Chicago, but spent most of my life in a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at Rolfs. Philadelphia, this Super Bowl will be Registration is required. nothing more than an excuse to get together with friends and watch John French, associate funny commercials with a football professor of history at Duke game on the side. University and Kellogg At home, however, I can only imag­ Institute Visiting Fellow, is ine what state my house will be like speaking today at the Work during those four hours of football. in Progress Seminar: Hopefully, my parents will leave my "Brazil's President as little sisters to decide for themselves Working Class Raposa: who they want to win, even though Understanding Lula as they may be indifferent. Politician" from 12:30 - 2:00 My e-mail inbox has already been p.m. in Hesburgh Center flooded with hype from aunts and Room C-103. uncles rooting for the Colts with the JESSICA LEE/The Observer instant rebuttal from my dad, one of Steve Simeonidis, left, and Claude LeRose, both sophomores in Keough, took a Wednesday is the last day the few in-laws from Chicago.
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