VOLUMINA JURASSICA, 2020, XVIII (1): 37–46 DOI: 10.7306/VJ.18.3 Arietites solarium (Quenstedt, 1883) – a diagnostic ammonite species in the Lower Jurassic (Early Sinemurian, Bucklandi Zone) of SW Germany Armin SCHERZINGER1, Stefan GRÄBENSTEIN2, Günter SCHWEIGERT3 Key words: ammonites, Arietitidae, Early Sinemurian, biostratigraphy, correlation, Germany. Abstract. The coarse-ribbed and big-sized Arietites solarium (Quenstedt, 1883) is one of the largest-grown and most iconic ammonite taxa in the entire Swabian Lower Jurassic; however, despite previous revisions including the designation of a lectotype, there has been some confusion concerning its correct identification, and its type horizon within the Lower Sinemurian Arietenkalk Formation was not exactly known. Arietites solarium characterises the herein introduced solarium Biohorizon of the upper Bucklandi Zone of the Sinemu­ rian. For nomenclatorial stability, we designate a neotype based on the only surviving specimen of Quenstedtʼs original type series. In ad- dition, we provide a preliminary succession of recognized biohorizons in the Lower Sinemurian of Swabia, which will make correlations with other areas more reliable. INTRODUCTION However, the collecting of these impressive fossils has ne- ver focused on their exact stratigraphical horizons but most- The fossils from the Lower Jurassic deposits of southern ly on aesthetic criteria. Major attempts at providing detailed Germany have been studied since the earliest beginnings of biostratigraphic schemes for the Lower Sinemurian deposits scientific palaeontology (e.g., Reinecke, 1818; Stahl, 1824; were undertaken first by Fiege (1926, 1929) and later by Zieten, 1830–1833; Buch, 1839). The bulk of ammonite taxa Walliser (1956a). At that time, numerous small quarries occurring in this area were described in the monographs of were still active, where the limestone beds were exploited Quenstedt (1845–1849, 1856–1857, 1883–1885), Oppel (1856, for local building stones or road metal. Subsequently, all of 1862) and Reynès (1879), followed by a few early revisions these quarries were abandoned and filled in, and today the and studies (Hyatt, 1889; Pompeckj, 1893–1896, 1901; Dietz, Arietenkalk Formation is exposed only temporarily and in 1922; Schmidt, 1925; Jaworski, 1931). This long tradition a few natural outcrops along streams (Fig. 1). Only very few suggests that the biostratigraphic data of the described taxa further data have been published, mostly focussing on rare are available and that there should exist a well­known bio­ or newly recorded taxa (e.g., Hölder, 1936; Hoffmann, 1964; stratigraphic resolution of the lithostratigraphic succession. Schlatter, 1976, 1983, 1984, 1988; Gebhard, Schlatter, 1977; The Sinemurian Arietenkalk Formation – named after the Bloos, 1979, 1988, 2014; Schweigert et al., 2011). Further abundance of big-sized ammonites of the family Arietitidae publications have interjected nomenclatorial revisions with- – is partly very rich in ammonites and other invertebrates. out accompanying fieldwork (Blind, 1963; Hengsbach, 1 Maurenstraße 26, 78194 Immendingen­Hattingen, Germany; Armin.Scherzinger@t­online.de. 2 Landhausstraße 20, 72411 Bodelshausen, Germany; g.g.landhaus@t­online.de. 3 Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, Rosenstein 1, 70191 Stuttgart, Germany; guenter.schweigert@smns­bw.de. 38 Armin Scherzinger et al. 0 25 50 km Heidelberg Schwäbisch Gmünd Aalen Stuttgart (Gügling,Waldau) Bettringen Tübingen Kusterdingen-Jettenburg Ofterdingen Dußlingen Bodelshausen Weilheim Hechingen Ostdorf Rosenfeld Engstlatt Balingen Dautmergen Endingen Vaihinger Hof Zepfenhan Weigheim Wellendingen Frittlingen Mühlhausen Aldingen Trossingen Hochemmingen Freiburg Biesingen Heiden- hofen Pfohren Behla Mundelfingen Lake Rheinfelden-Degerfelden Constance Fig. 1. Studied localities in the Lower Jurassic of SW Germany 1986a, b) or have provided palaeoenvironmental interpreta- phism (at present microconchs of these genera are included tions without exact biostratigraphical data (Grüner, 1997). If in Arnioceras s.l.). we compare the biostratigraphical data of Swabia with those of the same time interval in France (Corna, 1985, 1987; Cor- na et al., 1997) or in England (Page, 2003, 2010), the state MATERIAL AND METHODS of the art is rather unsatisfactory. Step-by-step we try here to establish a higher biostratigraphical resolution of the Arie- Several sections of temporarily exposed outcrops and tenkalk Formation based on ammonite biohorizons. In addi- natural outcrops along streams were measured and ammo- tion, the natural systematic relationships of the Sinemurian nites were collected bed­by­bed, even taking account their ammonite genera Coroniceras, Arietites and Paraco roni­ position within a bed (Fig. 2). This is important since some ceras can be cleared up only when considering their dimor- beds are diagenetically merged in some sections, whereas Arietites solarium Bodelshausen Balingen Engstlatt Wellendinge n Aldingen 1 Aldingen 2 Hochemmingen Pfohren Behla (Quenstedt, 1883)–adiagnosticammonitespeciesin the Lower Jurassic (Early Sinemurian, Bucklandi Zone) of SW Germany the LowerJurassic(EarlySinemurian,BucklandiZone)ofSW 2 m Schneckenfels Dreispälter m1 pferfelsbKu ank Fig. 2. Studied sections of the Arietenkalk Formation and their lithostratigraphic correlation (for location see Fig. 1) Symbols: square = Arietites cf. pinguis (Quenstedt); spot = Arietites pinguis (Quenstedt); triangle = Arietites “solarium” Quenstedt, 1883, pl. 8: 3; asterisk = Arietites solarium (Quenstedt) 39 40 Armin Scherzinger et al. they are developed as individual beds in others. This makes the Dinkelberg area) and Coroniceras coronaries (Quen- previous lithological correlations lacking this biostrati­ stedt, 1883) (Trossingen) exist. Above follows a very dis- graphical control somewhat unreliable (e.g., Vollrath, 1924; tinct ammonite fauna, in which Vermiceras scylla (Reynès, Frank, 1930; Walliser, 1956b). Gaps in the sedimentological 1879) predominates by far, accompanied by rare Angulati­ record as well as reworking and condensation have to be ceras ventricosum (Sowerby, 1816) and the exotic Tethyan considered. Apart from lithological correlations, in addition Canavarites meisteri Schweigert, Kapitzke et Schreiber, the taphonomy of the fossil content was documented. By 2011. After Corna (1985), Page (2003, 2010) and Schwei­ means of the lithology of type specimens described from the gert et al. (2011), this scylla Biohorizon is characteristic for study area we try to identify their type horizons. In addition the basal Bucklandi Subzone. Hence, the boundary between to the newly collected material we have studied specimens the Rotiforme and Bucklandi subzones must be located in various public and private collections. within the “Dreispälter” limestone bed. The illustrated material is stored in the palaeontological The top of the Bucklandi Subzone is better traceable in collections of Tübingen University (GPIT) and in the collec- the southern Baar area (Pfohren, Behla) than in the foreland tion of the Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart of the western Swabian Alb. There, above a well-developed (SMNS). A few additional specimens studied for compari- “Schneckenfels” bed with abundant Arietites cf. pinguis son come from the private collections of Edmunt Bernt (Weis- (Quenstedt, 1883) at the base and a thinner limestone bed sach­Flacht), Stefan Gräbenstein (Bodelshausen), Magda­ with Arietites solarium (Quenstedt, 1883) follows a promi- lene and Manfred Piperek (Albstadt­Ebingen), and Patrick nent marlstone bed with some fragmentary Paracoroniceras Reger (Tuttlingen). ex gr. lyra Hyatt. Then follows a ca. 20 cm thick, light gray Abbreviations: [m] = microconch; [M] = macroconch. limestone with Paracoroniceras ex gr. charlesi Donovan. This bed and the underlying marlstone belong to the Semi- costatum Zone. At Behla, we recovered a few incomplete THE LOWER SINEMURIAN BUCKLANDI SUBZONE specimens of Paracoroniceras ex gr. lyra from the base of IN SOUTHWESTERN GERMANY this bed, but unfortunately, there is no record of Paracoroni­ ceras ex gr. charlesi in the top. Further sampling in the study area allowed us to distinguish six ammonite biohorizons The Arietenkalk Formation consists of an up to 22 me- within the Bucklandi Subzone (see Table 1). Compared with tres (in most sections between 2.5–6.0 metres) thick set of published data from the Bucklandi Subzone of France and biodetritic limestones with intercalated marly layers and oc- England (Corna, 1985; Page, 2003, 2010) it appears that in casional bituminous shales in its upper part. It overlies the these areas the sections are more complete at the base (scyl­ Angulatensandstein or Angulatenton formations and is fol- la Biohorizon) and in the top (three biohorizons) of this lowed by the predominantly clayey Obtususton Formation. Subzone. The biohorizons of the middle part of the Buck- The lower part of the Arietenkalk Formation is Early Sine- landi Zone, which are recorded in SW Germany, are missing murian in age; its higher parts are already Late Sinemurian in French and English references. Whether this non­record in age (Schlatter, 1976; Bloos, 1984; Bloos et al., 2005). points to a gap in the rock record or results from collecting Lithologically, the lower boundary of the Arietenkalk For- biases cannot be cleared up without further studies in Eng- mation is drawn with the base of the Kupferfelsbank, an iro- land and France. In this context it seems important to define noolithic limestone
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