ISSN 2313 -2159 (print) Geology • Geography ISSN 2409-9864(online) Dnipro university bulletin Dniprop. Univer.bulletin. Geology, geography., 26(1), 41-49. Journal home page: geology-dnu-dp.ua doi: 10.15421/111805 Natalia A. Horozhankina, Viktor V.Hrushka Dniprop. Univer. bulletin, Geology, geography., 26(1), 41-49. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Typization of administrative districts of Dnipropetrovsk region on the level of development of pre-school education (by methods of modeling of the trajectory of motion of sociogeosystems and cluster analysis) N. A. Horozhankina, V. V. Hrushka Dniprovs’k National University named after Oles Honchar, e-mail: [email protected] , [email protected] Abstract . The simulation of the trajectory of the development of the educational Received 31 .01 .201 8 component of district sociogeosystems in a multidimensional normalized space on Received in revised form 12.02.2018 the example of the subsystem of preschool education (in six indicators) was con- Accepted 17.02.2018 ducted on average for 2008-2017. According to the results of simulation of the de- velopment trajectory of the subsystem of pre-school education of district socioge- osystems based on the analysis of the coherence of their development trajectories with the optimal trajectory and the coherence of the development trajectory between the district sociogeosystems, it was established that the trajectories of the movement of the Apostolov- sky, Solonyansky and Verkhnodniprovsky districts were closest to the point of maximal development. The most distant from it were the trajectories of development of Vasylkivsky, Pavlogradsky, Petrykivskyi districts. The average indicators of the rejection of the path through the sociogeosystems of the districts of the Dnipropetrovsk region have been calculated, and it has been established that only nine districts of the region (Vasylkivsky, Dnipropetrovsk, Krynichansky, Nikopolsky, Novomoskovsk, Pavlohradsky, Pokrovsky, Synelnikovsky, Tomakivsky) have positive meanings, the other thirteen districts are negative, indicating the inconsistency in the edu- cational component of district sociogeosystems of the Dnipropetrovsk region. The highest index of distance from the origin of the specified time interval has the Apostolovsky district. High rates are characteristic for Pokrovsky, Krivoy Rog, Solonyansky districts. Low rates have Vasylkivsky, Petrykivsky, Pavlogradsky areas that lag behind in the development of the educational system of pre- school education from other administrative units of the region. It was clarified that the districts of the Dnipropetrovsk region have been unevenly developed. Most progressed in the Vasylkivsky district, a little behind him trajectories of growth of Petrikivsky, Tomakivsky and Yurievsky districts. The grouping of administrative regions of the Dnipropetrovsk region on the basis of cluster analysis allowed allocating five groups (clusters) of subsystems of pre-school education according to the similarity of their territorial organization. Keywords: pre-school education, modeling of the trajectory of motion of sociogeosystems, cluster analysis. Типізація адміністративних районів Дніпропетровської області за рівнем розвитку до- шкільної освіти (за методами моделювання траєкторії руху соціогеосистем та кластер- ного аналізу) Н.А. Горожанкіна, В.В. Грушка Дніпровський національний університет імені Олеся Гончара, Дніпро, Україна, e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Анотація. Проведено моделювання траєкторії розвитку освітньої складової районних соціогеосистем у багатовимірному но- рмованому просторі на прикладі підсистеми дошкільної освіти (за шістьма показниками) в середньому за 2008 - 2017 року. За результатами моделювання траєкторії розвитку підсистеми дошкільної освіти районних соціогеосистем на основі аналізу узгодженості їх траєкторій розвитку з оптимальною траєкторією та узгодженості траєкторії розвитку між районними соціо- геосистемами встановлено, що найближче до точки максимального розвитку опинились траєкторії руху Апостолівського, Солонянського та Верхньодніпровського районів. З’ясовано, що райони Дніпропетровського регіону пройшли неоднаковий шлях розвитку. Найбільше просунувся у прогресі Васильківський район, від нього дещо відстають траєкторії росту Петриків- ського, Томаківського та Юр’ївського районів. Групування адміністративних районів Дніпропетровської області на основі кластерного аналізу дозволило виділити п’ять груп (кластерів) підсистеми дошкільної освіти за подібністю їх територіальної організації. Ключові слова: дошкільна освіта, моделювання траєкторії руху соціогеосистем, кластерний аналіз. 41 Natalia A. Horozhankina, Viktor V.Hrushka Dniprop. Univer. bulletin, Geology, geography., 26(1), 41-49. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Introduction. Pre-school education is a compulsory In order to model the trajectory of develop- primary component of the system of continuing ed- ment of the educational component of district socio- ucation in Ukraine and represents a holistic process geosystems of the Dnipropetrovsk region, we have aimed at ensuring the diverse development of a child chosen such a subsystem of the regional educational of preschool age in accordance with her abilities, in- system as pre-school education. dividual, mental and physical characteristics; the for- K. Njemec' (2009) notes that the trajectory of mation of a child's preschool age moral standards, motion of any object is determined by two sets of the acquisition of her social life's experience. indicators - the direction of motion and the linear The subsystem of pre-school education is reg- characteristics of the object traveled over a certain ulated by the Ukrainian legislation, which is based period of time. The first set of trajectory indicators on the Constitution of Ukraine, the Laws of Ukraine includes the cosines of the angles formed by the seg- "on Education", "on Pre-School Education", "on ment of the trajectory of the given object with the Child Protection", the Convention "on the Rights of trajectories of other objects, or certain specific direc- the Child", the resolution on the state national pro- tions. The second set of indicators is represented by gram "Education (Ukraine XXI Century)", taking various linear characteristics of the trajectory - the into account the norms of the Family Code of distances in the multidimensional space that charac- Ukraine. terize the path traversed by the object for a certain The subsystem of pre-school education in period of time, or the removal of the current point of Ukraine is: pre-school educational institutions re- the trajectory (at the given time) from the character- gardless of subordination, types and ownership; sci- istic points of the space - the origin of the coordi- entific and methodological institutions; educational nates, the middle point of the sociogeosystem or the authorities; education and upbringing in the family. point of maximum development. Depending on the Preschools include nurseries, nurseries, kindergar- purpose of our study, the following linear values of tens of the family, combined, compensating type the trajectory were determined (K. Njemec', (special and sanatorium), educational complexes, o.Njemec', 2008; K. Njemec', 2009; L. Njemec', children's homes, orphanages of family and board- 2005; L. Njemec', olijnyk & K. Njemec', 2003.): ing, children's development centers, etc. - the way passed by the sociogeosystem in a For a full-fledged development of the younger multidimensional space (∆L), - is defined as the Eu- generation in Dnipropetrovsk region a wide network clidean distance between the points of the trajectory of pre-school educational institutions of various at adjacent points of time and is a dynamic charac- types, profiles and forms of ownership functions. teristic of the trajectory, because its length indicates Studies of the regional educational complex in the intensity of the movement of the sociogeosys- Ukraine appeared at the turn of the XX-XXI centu- tem; ries and represented by the works of Stec'kyj (1999), - distance from the current point trajectory of Shuba (1999), Flinta (2005), Mel'nychenko (2005), the zero point (L0), which is a measure of the effi- Trusij, (2008), Virchenko (2010), Zajachuk (2011), ciency of motion sociogeosystem - more effective Horozhankina (2011), Pankrat'jeva (2014) and oth- sociogeosystem for equal period of time more far re- ers. However, existing research on the development moved from the starting position; performance com- of pre-school education is highly specialized; there- puting trajectories current point distance from the fore the actual issues of the Dnipropetrovsk region origin (L0) reflect summarized sociogeosystem today are typifying its administrative districts by the move relative starting positions and characterize the level of development of this subsystem of education. effectiveness of its cumulative traffic for each settle- In accordance with the definite topicality of ment time; in the ideal case, when the sociogeosys- the problem, the purpose of this work is to study the tem develops progressively and stably, the distance relationship between the components of the pre- L0 must increase over time; the absolute value of L0 school educational system and the
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