Highlander Center Summary of Activities, April 15, 1964-May 15, 1965

Highlander Center Summary of Activities, April 15, 1964-May 15, 1965

KIGKLANDER CENTER SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES April 15, 1964 - ~lay 15, 1965 April 25-29 Hig,h1ander Center - Windsor M.ountain School Student Discussion. Kimber Wheelock, of \Hndsor Mountain School, set up this program. ll students participated. The film "People of the Cumberlands" introduced a ser ies of staff led discussions about Appalachia. 1- 2 Annual mee.ting of the Highlander Board of Directors. 7-10 Highlander Sing !2! Freedom Workshop ~ Fest ival in Atlanta, Georgia co-sponsored by Newport Foundation, Southern Christian Leadership Confer­ ence and Student Nonviolent Co-ordinating Committee. Staff member Guy Carawan was director. 39 students registered for the workshop. 9-10 Southern Student Organizing Committee planning meeting i n Atlant a, Georgia. 40 students attended. Among resource persons were Highlander Board Mem­ bers Bob Moses end Hyles Horton. 11-15 Council of Federated Organizations l~orkshop in Greenville, Mississippi. Highlander Board HE!jl\b'er Bob Hoses wes Director. 65 COFO workers partici­ pated. Myles Horton and several Highlender students served ns r esource persons. 28 Highlander Center Dinner-Discussion - Two members of the Tennessee Governor: • s Commission on HU1114n Relations discussed the progYess of the Commission. 48 Knoxville oren people attended. 29 tlrs. 'Rosalind F. Solomon of the U.S . State Department at Highl ander to explain nims and work of the Agency for [nternetional Development. 10 Local educetors, businessmen and Highlander staff attended. l-Sept. l Two Kighlander Citizenship Schools open in Charleston, South Carolina erea, 42 people enrolled. Five Highlande.r Voter Education Schools open in Cher leston area with 300 people attending. These ere demonstr~tion schools for t he Southwide Voter Education [nternship Workshop. 8- 10 Stoff member speaks at Moss Meeti ngs in Albeny, Fitzgerald and Ocilla, Georgie. 10 Students for n Democretic Society Institute for Pr oject Wor kers et Pine Hill, New York. Myles Korton spoke to assembl y and served as resource person. 12 Representative from Tennessee State Archives consults with steff on cata­ loguing and microfilming Highlander Folk School records. - 2 - ~ (cont'd) 15- 17 ~l issi.s .s i pp i Summe r Project Orient.:\tion t1 t Western womcm ' s College, Oxf ord , Ohio. Bruce Hanson of the Na t ion :> ! Council of Churches of Christ Commission on Race nnd Religion w.:>s Director. 900 student s pnrtioipa ted. Amo ng resource persons wen' Board Hcmbers ~lyles Horlon a nd Bob Hoses. Myles Horton asked to work particularly •.'i.th Ed Hrunlett and the whi t e community teams. L7 - 22 llighlander Center - Studen t Nonviolent Co - ordinuting Committee Ed u c.:~ ti oMl Co!Mlittee met. Hyles Horton s erved us educationa l consul tant . 18 Highl.:>nder Center - Dinner a nd Discus s ion - Dr. O.IJ, Crowl ey, University of Melai de, Au,s t ruliu discussed 'Similarities and Differences in Development of t he British La bor Mov ement and t he U. S . Ci vil Right s Hovement." 47 Knox­ ville a r e~~ people pa r ticipn t ed , 22- 28 llisthlande·r Center l<hite Nississippi Conununity Proj ect l<orkshop. Ed Hamle t t ~ as Director. 22 per sons ot tended . Resource persons i nclud ed Dr. Le Roy Graf, Uni versity of Tennessee Hist or y Department and staff member s . 28 Highlander Center Di nner and Discussion. Johannes Langer from Ry , h ~jsko l e, Denmark discussed "The History of D.lni s h Folk Schools." 28 Knoxville a r ea peop le a ttended and people of Whit ~ Mi ssissippi Co mmuni~y Project attend ed. J uly 6-18 Hi ghlander Sout hwide Vo t ~r Edu cat ion I nte!:nship \vo r kshop at Sen Lsland Pr ogressive Club Center on Johns Isl and, South Car o l ina, Board Hember Esau J enkins was Project Director. t~ il ton Hu rst, Talladega College, directed l'i rst Period. 34 persons r egi s t er ed. Among r esource persons were Wa lter Johnson, Univer sit y of Chicago, Board Member Scot t Ba t es and s taff members. 20-Aug , 1 Highlander Southwide Vo t er Education Inter-nship Wo r kshop aL Sea Island J? rog-ress ive Club Center on J ohn,s I s l and , South Ca r olina. Board Hember tlrs . Kenne th Mon tgomery direct ed 2nd Period. 23 peop le r egistered. Among resource persons were Board Hembers ln~a McAdoo, Lewis Sincluir , B.R. Brazeal, A. A. Llver lght and staff member s . 27-28 Highlander ~lh i. t e Community Project Workshop nt Camp Landon, Gulfpo-rt, Mississippi. Myles and Aimee Horton were directors. 34 participnnts. 29 Highlander Co uncil of Feder11 t ed Organiz<>tions S t nf( Works hop a t Moss Po i nt , ni s sissipp i. Hy les Qnd Aimee Horton were Di rectors. 20 people pnrticipated. Augus t 9-22 lntcrn ation;~l Volunta ry Service Workcnmp a~ Smoky •lountaln Property. 6 students ins ta l led wa t er storage facilities . - 3 - 9/64-9/65 Voter's Langue Meetings on Edisto, \~odma low and J ohns lslnnds. Approxi­ ma t ely 150 people involved monthly. T~ese meetings o rganized by Boord Member Esou Jenkins . 4-6 Students for " Democratic Society Fall Conference. Nylcs Ho1: ton spoke on "Rodical Student Actions i n the 30' s" and se1:ved as consultant. 9/1-12/1 !;'lorn Meijer come t o High l ander from The Net:herl tmds' Volkshogeschool "Alardsoog" . Hiss Heijer observed the public school system and spoke to c las ses, worked i n the NAACP Voter Registr ation campaign, wo1:ked on the t ape and r ecord library at llighlander. October 9-12 Highlander Re-Evaluation of SNCC Constitution Workshop i n Atlanta, Georgio. Directed by Courtland Cox. 10 persons registered. ~lyl es Horton, educa­ tional consultant, met with the SNCC Educational Commi ttee to discuss plans for staff institutes. November S- 10 StiCC Staff Confer ence at Wnveland, Mississippi. 227 s taff members a ttended . Myles Horton was educational consultant. 7-8 Appalachian Provisional Organizing Commi ttee met at Highlander Center. 35 presons r epr esenting 14 organizations a ttended. ll-2l Highlander Make-Up of Political Parties l~orkshop co-sponsored by SNCC at \J,veland, Missiuippi, Charles Hamilton, Director. 20 people r~gistered. ~lylu trort9ll w.a~ e!!u~qtiqnQl CQn;\;Ulti!nt, 15 Highlander Center Dinner-Discussion. !'lor a Heijct: discussed "The Fol k High School Movement in The Netherlands." 49 Knoxville area people a t tended. December l-5 Mississippi Freedom Party Problems \Jorkshop at Biloxi, ~1lsslssippi. 65 people auendcd tbis workshop. Nyles Horton served a s consulta nt. The challenge to se<1ting incumben·t Mississippi congr essmen announced. l2 Appalachian Economic and Political Ac t ion Co nfe~ cn c:e met a t flighlnnde1: . 37 people participated. January 1965 22 Stoff members met with prominent Knoxville couples to discuss Highlander. 23 Appalachian Conference me t at Highlander Center 25- 30 Highlander Cent er Union Workshop, Walter Tillow, Dir ecto r. ~4 peopl e wer e registered. Myles Horton served as a resource person. February - 4 - 1-5 Staff member spoke obou t High londcr to groups in Boston, New York City, Pdncet on a nd Wa shington, D. c. Brought to Highlander tho art collection remnining from New l':ngland Art Auc tion Benefit for relief of students charged l n Smoky Nountain Workcamp raid. 8 Stoff member discussed Highlander with Wast Knoxville J unior Chamber of Commerce. Approxima t e ly 35 men a ttended the di nner-dicussio.n . 11-12 Stoff member worked i n VlSTA training program at S t. Pet ersburg, Florida. 13-14 H\gh landor Voter Education Workshop in fo'i t :tgerold, Georgia, Rev. F.R. Rowe, Director. Program to develop residential centers.(This is p ~ rt of Highlander' s policy to devel op other r esidential centers across the South:) 50 people po-rt i ei.pn ted . Resource persons included Boa rd ~l (![!lbcr Esou Jenkins and s tudents trained at tho Sen island Project. 17-Hnr. 22 S toH member visits the \~est Coast. Discussion meetings a r r.ongcd by Boord Ncmbcr s He l en Shents and John Thompson . Norch 1 5-18 High lander Center - Arthur Mo1:ga.n School Studen t Discussions. Robc'Ct Barrus, Arthur ~lorgo n School, set- up this !Jrogram. 18 (>n'Cticipatcd. Stoff members served as resource persons . 19- 20 Southern Student Or gan izing Committee Spring Conference in Atianto, Georgia. Staff mrunber served as workshop consultant. 20 - 24 Highlander Center - S.arah L o~o~rcn ce Co llege Student Discussions. Robert Engler, Sarah L:tw'r cnce College, set-up this progr am. 16 s tudents i n­ volved . Among resource persons we r e Prank E. Smith of TVA, !"rank Gordon, Eas t 'fcnn, Voter s League and stnff members. 23- 25 Staff member pa rticipated l n S~lmn - Montgomery March . 25 -ilpr. 8 Highlander Center - Pr cedom School Wo~kshop . Directed by Board Member llrs . Kenneth l!ontgomcrr . 35 cnrollcd,runon~; t he r esource parsons were 10 SNCC stnf£ members; Sterl i ng B•own, Howard University; Charles Hamil ton, Lincoln Uni vu rsity; and Clyde \li 11 iams , Atlon t o I nterdenomi n­ April ational Theological Ce11tor . 10 Folk F~>stival and Concert at Charleston, South Carolina Unitarian Church , Guy Ca rn~o~an, Director. 225 peopl e attended. Board t·lcrnber Esau J enkins spoke a t the program. 18- 21 Highlander Center - New Engl and American fo'ri~nds Service Commlltee High School Projeet Disc ussions .

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