GOVERNMENT OF WEST BENGAL HEALTH & FAMILY WELFARE DEPARTMENT NATIONAL HEALTH MISSION (NHM) GN -29, 1ST FLOOR, GRANTHAGAR BHAWAN, SWASTHYA BHAWAN PREMISES, SECTOR-V SALT LAKE, BIDHANNAGAR, KOLKATA - 700 091. ,~ iA 033 - 2353 - 0432, 033 - 2357 - 7930, Email ID: [email protected]; website: www.wbhealth.gov.in Memo No. H/NUHM-697/2015/4933 Date: 20.03.2017 From : Commissioner, Health and Family Welfare Department & Addl. Mission Director, NHM Government of West Bengal To Chief Medical Officer of Health (all districts) Madam / Sir, An engagement order was issued vide Order No. SHFWS/ESTD-866/2015j7831, dated: 04.01.2017 for 272 Pharmacists under NUHM. The last date of joining was 19.01.2017. Out of 272 who were given engagement, 238 have joined. The details of Pharmacist under NUHM who have reportedly joined have been enclosed (Soft copy). You are requested to confirm the list within 31st March, 2017 for filling up of vacant posts. End: As stated Yours faithfully, ~ Commissioner, H&FW & Addl. Mission Director, NHM Memo No. H/NUHM-697/2015/4933 Date: 20.03.2017 Copy forwarded for information & necessary action to : 1. IT Cell for Web posting. 2. Guard file ~ Commissioner, H&FW & Addl. Mission Director, NHM Format for submission of in position and vacancy status of Pharmacist under NUHM Recruitment Notice No: SHFWS/2015/68, dated: 08/10/2015 Date of Placeof Posting Date of Presently If resigned, 51. FullAddresswith Pin Category x Joining at District Name of the Employee DOB w (Nameof the U-PHC Joining at working date of Contact No. Remarks No. Code (Caste/PWD) CMOH en alongwith ULBName) ULB (Yes/No) resignation office Newtown Bazar. New , Alipurduar ULB. 1 Alipurduar 5mt. Kaberi Saha Roy Town, PO+Dist- 09.07.1988 General F 06.01.2017 06.01.2017 Yes NA 9163243816 Alipurduar Alipurduar, Pin-736121 Vill-Thupsara Block- Dhadka Water Tank, 2 Asansol HD Abbas Hossain Nanoor DIST:Birbhum 08-01-94 OBCA M Asansol Muicipal 06-01-17 07.01.2017 Yes 9547483338 Pin-731215 Corporation Vill- Haldarchak Block- Beldanga. kakdwip DIST:South 3 Asansol HD Avijit Haldar 30-07-91 SC M Asansol Muicipal 06-01-17 09012017 Yes 8926047528 24 Pargana Pin- Corporation 743374 Street: Santadangal Nabaghanti. 4 Asansol HD Ayantika Sil ViII: Burnpur Dist: 05-10-81 Gen F Asansol Muicipal 09-01-17 09.01.2017 Yes 9339949816 Burdwan WB:713325 Corporation Street: Oil mill Viii: Mohishilla Village. 5 Asansol HD Bappa Mondal Danga Mohishilla Dist: 23-10-82 SC M Asansol Muicipal 05-01-17 05.01.2017 Yes 9832776422 Burdwan WB:713339 Corporation Vill-Asansol Sub div: Alam Nagar. 6 Asansol HD Chiranjit Goswami Asansol Burdwan WB- 02-10-87 Gen M Asansol Muicipal 05-01-17 05.01.2017 Yes 9647146506 713303 Corporation Street: National high Raniganj. road ViII: Kalisara Sub 7 Asansol HD Jayanta Dutta 26-11-83 PH M Asansol Muicipal 09-01-17 09.01.2017 Yes 9775383736 Div:Rampurhat Corporation Birbhum 731224 Raniganj. Rabindra Pally Suri 8 Asansol HD Niranjan Acharya 12-02-85 Gen M Asansol Muicipal 10-01-17 10.01.2017 Yes 8538844465 Birbhum Corporation Rupnarayanpur.Block- Rohinardihi, Salanpur Sub Divison - 9 Asansol HD Pratik Adhikary 02-10-88 Gen M Asansol Muicipal 05-01-17 05.01.2017 Yes 8016861641 Asansol Burdwan Corporation 713386 HouseNo: 243 Street- PG Bylane 1No Dhadka Village. 10 Asansol HD Rahul Sarkar Mohishilla colony 26-08-87 Gen M Asansol Muicipal 05-01-17 05.01.2017 Yes 9475559858 Asansol Burdwan Corporation 713303 HouseNo: B/04/008 Office colony Dildarnagar. Dhemomain Colliery 11 Asansol HD Raviranjan Gupta 01-07-87 Gen M Asansol Muicipal 09-01-17 09.01.2017 Yes 8902666459 Kulti Municipality Corporation Asansol Burdwan 713367 1 Date of Place of Posting Date of Presently If resigned, 51. Full Address with Pin Category )( Joining at District Name of the Employee DOB W (Nameof the U-PHC Joining at working date of Contact No. Remarks No. Code (Caste/PWD) II) CMOH alongwith UlB Name} ULB (Yes/No) resignation office House No: AMC-395, Dharmapally, Street: Sripally 12 Asansol HD Simli Sarkar 18-04-83 Gen F Asansol Muicipal 04-01-17 05.01.2017 Yes 9434581342 Asansol Burdwan Corporation. 713304 Viii: Pakha Block: 13 Asansol HD Swapan Ali Nalhati-1 Rampurhat 01-01-90 OBCA M 09-01-17 09.01.2017 No 19.01.2017 9083889553 Birbhum WB 731242 Radhanagar near ViII: Ethora Block: Chinnamasta Kali 14 Asansol HD Taniya Hazra Salanpur Asansol 07-08-92 Gen F Mandir, 05-01-17 05.01.2017 Yes 7872491103 Burdwan WB 713359 Asansol Muicipal Corporation Street: Lalpur Vill- Raniganj, 15 Asansol HD Vivekananda Maji lalpur P.O-Kusthalia 02-05-93 SC M Asansol Muicipal 06-01-17 07.01.2017 Yes 8101616685 Bankura WB 722133 Corporation House No: Hirapur ,Thakurbari Street: Kuilapur, 16 Asansol HD Subhajit Samanta Manik Chand Sarani 10-07-81 Gen M Asansol Muicipal 16-01-17 1601.2017 Yes 7602227222 Asansol Burdwan Corporation 713325 House No: 042 ViII: Jamuria, Belemath Block 17 Asansol HD Molla Abul Kalam Azad 02-01-81 Gen M Asansol Muicipal 16-01-17 1601.2017 Yes 9476232072 Ausgram 2 Burdwan Corporation WB 713152 Vill- Nirisha, Block- Barjora, Dist.- SAGARBHANGA 18 Asansol HD PRABIR MONDAL 01-03-91 GEN M 05-01-17 05-01-17 YES N.A. 7908664010 Bankura, W.B., (DURGAPUR-MC) 722203 Vill- Pratappur, Block- Barjora, Dist.- PALASHDIHA 19 Asansol HD SUBRATA SHEET 01-11-90 GEN M 06-01-17 09-01-17 YES N.A. 9647060540 Bankura, W.B., (DURGAPUR-MC) 722202 House No. 76, Street- Sree Ram Park, WILLIAM CARRY 20 Asansol HD BIPLAB MUKHERJEE Village-Swapna 08-07-85 GEN M 09-01-17 09-01-17 YES N.A. 9732103615 (DURGAPUR-MC) Market, Durgapur, WB.,713206 House no. 76/19, Street- Bengal Ambuja, MAMC (DURGAPUR- 21 Asansol HD SONIA AUDDY 15-03-92 GEN F 06-01-17 07-01-17 YES N.A. 9563309896 Citycentre, Durgapur, MC) W.B., 713216 House no. 6/45, Steet- J.M. Sengupta road RAMKRISHANAPALL 22 Asansol HD DIYA HALDER 10-11-89 GEN F 06-01-17 09-01-17 YES N.A. 8927775173 Durgapur B-zone, Y (DURGAPUR-MC) WB., 713205 2 Date of Place of Posting Date of Presently If resigned, 51. Full Address with Pin Category >< Joining at District Name of the Employee DOB w (Nameof the U-PHC Joining at working date of Contact No. Remarks No. Code (Caste/PWD) tJ) CMOH alongwith UlB Name) ULB (Yes/No) resignation offi"., Vill-Post- Haridevpur, Dist.- South 24 SRINAGARPALLY 23 Asansol HD DEBADITYA SAHA 14-09-90 SC M 11-01-17 13-01-17 YES NA 9735819186 parganas, W,B" (DURGAPUR-MC) 700082 Vill+Block- PURSHA 24 Asansol HD SURAJIT GARAI Gangajalghati, Sub-div 20-01-92 OBC-B M 09-01-17 09-01-17 YES NA 7031031492 (DURGAPUR-MC) Bankura, W,B,-722133 Vill- Ragarergram, SHYAMPUR 25 Asansol HD CHITRA MONDAL Block- Bankura-2, 20-08-93 SC F 16-01-17 16-01-17 YES NA 8348926541 (DURGAPUR-MC) W,B,-722155 Street- Dunigram road, Vill- Ambha, Block- GOPALMATH 26 Asansol HD WASIM REJA 16-01-93 OBC-A M 10-01-17 11-01-17 YES NA 8768028727 Rampurhat-2, (DURGAPUR-MC) Birbhum, WB,-731224 Vill- Bankati, Po- Natungram, Block- KURULIA DANGA 27 Asansol HD DEBABRATA MONDAL 13-05-91 SC M 06-01-17 09-01-17 YES NA 8335866633 Kashipur, Purulia, (DURGAPUR-MC) WB,- 723121 Vill- Kanduri, Post- Eroali, Block- PRANTIKA 28 Asansol HD BHOLANATH DAS Khargram, 28-01-91 SC M 06-01-17 09-01-17 YES NA 9932785535 (DURGAPUR-MC) Murshidabad, W,B" 742147 House No, 239/2/C/A, Street, Gobindanagar Bus Stand Road, ViII : Municipality Building's 29 Bankura Arindam Halder Gobindanagar, Sub 06-07-82 SC M 05-01-17 9393070802 UPHC Divn+Dist: Bankura, State: West Bengal, PIN 722102 C/O: Swarup Chatterjee, Street: Kamrar Math Near Electric Transformer, 30 Bankura Abhisek Banerjee PO: Bankura Block: 13-11-89 GEN M Kethardanga UPHC 09-01-17 8016781370 Bankura-I, Sub Divn: + Dist: Bankura State: West Bengal Pin: 722101 Subhankar Pally, Viii: Bankura, Block: 31 Bankura Ritwik Misra Bankura-I, Dist: 07-10-83 GEN M Kuchkuchia UPHC 13-01-17 Bankura, State: West Bengal Pin: 722101 3 Date of Place of Posting Date of Presently If resigned, 51. Full Address with Pin Category x Joining at District Name of the Employee DOB w (Nameof the U·PHC Joining at working date of Contact No. Remarks No. Code (Caste/PWD) II) CMOH alongwith ULBName} ULB (Yes/No) resignation office 32 Basirhat HD DEBAJYOTI GHOSH 06-04-91 GEN M Basirhat ULB No 0/0- Bijoy Kumar Saha Suri Rabindra pally, Vill- Old Dangal Para, Near- Pirtala, Ward 8348164903/ 33 Birbhum Riya Saha 30/04/1992 Sc F 05-01-17 09-01-17 Yes Po+Ps- Suri, Dist- No-19, UPHC, Suri 8293168623 Birbhum, Pin- 731101 ULB Birbhum 0/0- Dr. Debashis Dhar House No- 165/1, Main Bolpur Vivekananda 8902523479/ 34 Birbhum Ananya Dhar Road West, Vill- New 31/07/1989 Gen F Pally, 09-01-17 09-01-17 Yes 8420256156 Barrackpur, Kolkata, Word No-11, UPHC-II Dist- 24 Pgs. North, pin 700131 S/o- Saifore Ali Vill- Ambha,Margram, Bolpur Suripara 35 Birbhum Sabir Hossain Block- Rampurhat-II, 23/11/1990 OBC-A M Dharmarajtala, 09-01-17 09-01-17 Yes 9641998373 Dist- Birbhum, Pin- Ward No-20, UPHC-I 731224 Purano Damodar Pur Po· Rajgram 36 Bishnupur HD Pritam Rajak 26-03-96 SC M Bishnupur Municipality 06-01-17 06-01-17 Yes 8759674152 Dist + Ps - Bankura Pin- 722146 Viii: Singpur, P.s: Galsi, P.o: Pursa, Dist: Burdwan ULB of 37 Burdwan NATASHA AFROZ 29-11-88 Gen F 01-06-17 06/01/2017 Yes NA 9734285974 burdwan, State: West Burdwan District Bengal, PIN: 713406 House No 8, Street: Nalinkshya basu road, TARAKNATH Burdwan, Sub Div: Burdwan ULB of 38 Burdwan 02-01-76 Gen M 13/01/2017 17/01/2017 Yes NA 9917875316 CHATTERJEE Burdwan, Dist: Burdwan District Burdwan, State: west bengal, PIN-713101 House No: R59, Street: Sripally, Viii: Sankhari pukur housing Estate, Burdwan ULB of 39 Burdwan INDRANIDAS Sub Div: Burdwan 13-08-91 OBCB F 01-05-17 06/01/2017 Yes NA 8101650188 Burdwan District Sadar, Dist: Burdwan, State: West Bengal, PIN: 713103 4 Date of Placeof Posting Date of Presently If resigned, SI.
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