-~.,THE GOOD DOCfOR "rNeiiSilllal A OOMBDY............ wmt MUSIC THE WEEKLY NEWSPAPER OF ST. LOUIS U. HIGH 7:l0 .. "'-" Sa.. C.:. I. 2 • Volume. 54, Number 13 . Friday, Detember 1, 1989 SLUH Mourns Loss.of Jesuits in El Salvador Comedy Comes to The SLUH community.followirig semble in the chapel f~ the beginning of . SLU H S withthewishesofthetenU.S.Provincials· Beneaictien.andExpo~_of~BJessed~·".~ · tage ofthe Society of Jesus, will observe today Sacrament and fora·d~Or~~y - ,..::. Ripe with comedy and a twinge ·as a national day of InYer for the six of prayer. ofdrama, Neil Simon's The Good Doc- Jesuits and two women murdered two · During the day, aU teachers are en- tor will grace the SLUH stage 10night weeks ago in El Salvador. couraged to take their classes to the chapel and tomorrow night at 7:30. In a memo to all members of the fotashortperiodandcelebrateaprepared "The Good Doctor" explores Missouri Province, Provincial Roben T. common prayer together. Each class pe- the writings of a middle-aged writer, Costello, SJ called for "a day:of prayer riod today will conclude ~i~ a ~rayer played by senior Dan Hindes, who of- and reflection about the meaning of these read o~er the PA. Benediction will be fers wise and wiuy comment on the recent deaths" and theover70,000deaths lebrated the nd f the hoot da in El Salvador since the assassination of ce ' at e 0 sc Y characters be has created in his stories. Archbishop Romero more than a decade around 2:45PM for all those who wish to The seven sketches have a unity of ago.CostelloalsoaskedthatJesuitminis· auen~ Da "dS Isle SJ . le mood that varies between hwnor and tries "devise appropriate ways to encour- · vt uwa y, • m a uer to compassion age their students,. parishioners, re- the SLUH f~ulty and staff, expressed ~is ln~ofthesesketchesachar- treatants and the general publiC. "toJO. hope that this day of prayer and reflection Ia ed b Brad H I . thi" -LA ' mm "might serve as a sign of our deeper acter, P. Y Y e wtg. ·~ this day of prayer and reflection. awareness of SLUH's role as a Ouistian that he as the greatest seducer of other In response to the U.S. Provincials' • · · other Chad Trafton call to prayer, the SLUH Jesuit commu- community and of our call to transcend men s wtves~ man • nity has planned various activities for the our own daily lives and join with those plays a sneeung splauerer; and another day. At the beginning of the day, fresh· who are no where near as fortunate as features John Kavanaugh as the writer. men, sophomores, and juniors wiJI as- ourselves." atage 19whenhehasanencounterwith Mike Dunne See DOCTOR e STUCO. Kicks: Off. ..An- SLUH Gives 91 Pints in Red ·Cross :Blood Drive The spirit of Ouistmas 'has al­ were at least 17 ·)tears old had the oppor­ nual Food Drive ready touched ·sLUH with the annual tunity to donate a portion of their blood to · It is that time of year when the November blood drive sponsored by the help those in need. Blood Drive organ- . studentsofSL Louis U. High work to aid RedCross. · · · izer, Brian Posnanski, reported 98 stU­ needy families in the SL Louis area over dents and faculty volunteered to bleed the holidays. During this year's Food and 91 pints were collected. Seven appli~ Drive, each homeroom will adopt one cants were turned away due to illness. family, with 35 families in all being Commenting on the coUection. helped. PoSnanski said." I was really pleased with Canned goods, money and the turnout, especially because it's only other necessities will be collected. November and a lot of juniors are not 17 STUCO hopes that each student will yet. I purposely set the goal high in ooler contribute a few dollars to help reach the to encourage a lot of people to come out and bleed." goal of$100 per homeroom. The money STUCO moderator Mr. Suwal­ is used to buy food toiletries, and. if slcy summed up the day when he said." lt possible, to provide a moderate amount This past Tuesday in the audito­ drained us all." rium, all SLUH juniors and seniors who Chris Wilson 2 Forum Letters to the Editors C'oncern About Participation in Red Cross Blood·Drive Dear Prep News Editor, I would like to take this opportunity to voice a strong money fOr the flight, they had 10 borrow from the RediCross w~ opinion, based on fact, about the blood drives for the 'Red Cross charged them unreasonably tiigh interest for ~ emergencv here at SLUH. Being a member of the United States Marine loans. Corps from 1964 to 1968, I volunteered to give blood to the Red I personally do not hold any animosity 10wanl the Ree Cross at every opportunity. This was usually every 6 to 8 weeks Cross for any ofthe above listed things. I can only tell you, froll'! forfour years. At the time, the Red Cross promised that every pint personal experience with them, th8i they will never get another donated by ~e would be documented, and when a member of my drop of my blood. inimediate family needed blood, no charge would be involved Surely there are other organizations that would wel­ NOTTRUE.Myolderbrotherwasinvolved inaserious come our donations of blood. Maybe Children's Hospital·or car wreck right after my discharge from the sezyice. I showed Barnes Hospital have the wherewithal to take it and either givt them my receipt for giving my blood .in the preceding years. My the blood away or~hargea re,<Juced pri~ for ill suggest STUC O brother was charged for his transfusions. take a look into these alternatives. · I could tell you stories of friends of mine in the service Sincerely, who h&d to go horne on· emergency leave because of a death in Ray Manker their immediate fruruty. Because these soldiers could not aff<mi ·Students Express Dissatisfaction with Political Views on El Salvador ~ November 30,1989 secular opinion. l believe cooperation between our society and the El Salvadorian leaders {is necessary]. Dear Prep News Editor, I expected Thursday's senior class liturgy to be an Respectfully submiued, uplifting experience recounting. the lives of lhe six late Jesuit Thomas C. Albus priests as witnesses to ChrisL On the contrary, I witnessed a partisan canting on the governmental evil in El S8.lvador. Every Dear Editor, . member of the congregation should realize that they heard not an · M~~bers of the student bod~ would like 10 know w insightful application of ChristiaJ:Iity, but an opinion on a fac ts of [tlte killings of the. six Jesuits and two women in El geopolitical issue. The Jesuit order was portrayed to possess Salvador], the nlotives, and what exactly the professors said to some infallible "truth.. and every other political stand a "lie". warrant their execution'! Why could we not exalt in the remarkable faith of these I look forward to hearing what haPpened because super- men instead of offering ill- formed allegation toward a govern­ facial and vague comprehension is iJladequate. t ment trying to.remedy a complex [and] difficult situation. fer­ Mike Henroid haps it is time for the clergy 10 stop condemning legitimate Policy Qn Letters·.to the Editor . Throughounhe year, the edi· its author; in the event of publication; the of the letter will be.notified prior to pub- l tors of the Prep News will be voicing author's name may be withheld upoil ·tication aixt may meet with the edi ~ 1 their concerns over students issues here request or at the discretl{m of the editors. and the moderator in order to hear why at SLUH. At the same time, the editors Letters should address SLUH-related is- the letter will not be printed. 1 are interested in hearing from the student sues, not public affaiJ:s. '.: AI~ letters intended for publ ica - ~~ body itself in providing a platform for The editors.ieserve the right to tion may be turned in to an ediux- or the their opinions SLUH-related issues. The edit letters for publication in order to mee.1.. moderaux-, or may be mailed to the Prep : Prep News offers the readers the oppor· space requirements, but will nota!a:er the News, c/o St. Louis UniVersity High, j iunity to express their views in the form intent of the author as expressed in the 49700akl~Ave.,StLouiS,M063 ! !0 of letters to the editors. letter. However. if the editOrs fee! that the Letters must be received by t.ic Every letter received by theedi- letter is not relevant or is defamatory. the endof the activity period on theWedr. .:!S· tors will be read and coosidered for pub- editors also reserve the right 10 withhold day prior to the ·.Fn.Qay of publication. ,._ lication. Each letter should be signed by publication. In· such instances, the author L-------------------~--~--~~------------------~--------------------------~ News Sisvohus is Back for Fall 1989 Edition SiSyf;hus was the ancient king of· Photographsandartistic worksarejudged J rrp ·. Corinth condemned to roll a heavy stone on creativity and style. Then, the .best up a hill in Hades~onl ytohaveit rolldown wotks are given their place in Sisyphus. again when h~ neared the top. ' All works were due November 29, but For eleven years, Sisyphus has also those sttidents who missed the deadline Nrut!i been the name of SLUH's litetWY maga- ·for the fall issue can.subm it their writing EDITORS: Ouistopher J. Brown, Robert zine. Mr. William George appropriately . or artwork later in the year for the spring A.
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