populations in Pacific herring. Bull. Nat. Motoda, S. and Y. Hirano, 1963. Review of populations in Pacific herring. Bull. Nat. Motoda, S. and Y. Hirano, 1963. Review of Res. Inst. Far Seas Fish. 30: 1-77. Japanese herring investigations. Rapp. P. – Res. Inst. Far Seas Fish. 30: 1-77. Japanese herring investigations. Rapp. P. – Kodama, J., 1997. Studies on the population v. Reun. Cons. Int. Explor. Mer. 154: 249- Kodama, J., 1997. Studies on the population v. Reun. Cons. Int. Explor. Mer. 154: 249- dynamics of ”Mangoku-ura herring”, 261. dynamics of ”Mangoku-ura herring”, 261. Clupea pallasi Valenciennes, Bull. Miyagi Odate, K., 1979. An euphausid crustacea Clupea pallasi Valenciennes, Bull. Miyagi Odate, K., 1979. An euphausid crustacea Pref. Fish. Res. Devel. Center. 15: 1-41. exploited along the Sanriku and Joban Pref. Fish. Res. Devel. Center. 15: 1-41. exploited along the Sanriku and Joban coast. Bull. Tohoku Reg. Lab. 40: 15-25. coast. Bull. Tohoku Reg. Lab. 40: 15-25. Holocene fish remains from Saanich Inlet, British Columbia, Canada Holocene fish remains from Saanich Inlet, British Columbia, Canada Jacqueline M. O’Connell Jacqueline M. O’Connell Earth and Ocean Sciences - Oceanography Unit, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Earth and Ocean Sciences - Oceanography Unit, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada. B.C., Canada. Introduction biological (diatoms, hake) and human Introduction biological (diatoms, hake) and human For most fish populations, available records are (herring landings) time series. For most fish populations, available records are (herring landings) time series. too short to resolve decade or century scale too short to resolve decade or century scale fluctuations. Here, the fine sedimentary fish fluctuations. Here, the fine sedimentary fish remains record of Saanich Inlet is examined to remains record of Saanich Inlet is examined to infer fluctuations in fish population abundances – infer fluctuations in fish population abundances – especially Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi) – especially Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi) – through the Holocene. through the Holocene. Saanich Inlet Saanich Inlet Saanich Inlet is a temperate marine fjord on Saanich Inlet is a temperate marine fjord on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. The deep water in the inlet is anoxic for most of The deep water in the inlet is anoxic for most of the year and therefore Saanich Inlet sediments the year and therefore Saanich Inlet sediments accumulate undisturbed through time. accumulate undisturbed through time. Methods Methods 1. 5 high-resolution, large volume box cores 1. 5 high-resolution, large volume box cores (1A, 1B, 1C, 2A, 2B): (1A, 1B, 1C, 2A, 2B): · ~1.5 m long, recent sediments = 1883- · ~1.5 m long, recent sediments = 1883- 1991 1991 · 400cm2 area, 2-year sampling resolution · 400cm2 area, 2-year sampling resolution · Detailed Pacific herring and hake · Detailed Pacific herring and hake population fluctuations are inferred population fluctuations are inferred 2. Bone and scales were sieved from sediments, 2. Bone and scales were sieved from sediments, identified and enumerated – the majority of identified and enumerated – the majority of remains are from Pacific herring and hake. BOX CORE TRENDS: The past 100 years remains are from Pacific herring and hake. BOX CORE TRENDS: The past 100 years 3. Data smoothing (low-frequency robust Smoothing: Well documented crash of herring 3. Data smoothing (low-frequency robust Smoothing: Well documented crash of herring trends), anomalies (periods of high and low populations in the late 1960s. trends), anomalies (periods of high and low populations in the late 1960s. abundance) and spectral analyses (high- abundance) and spectral analyses (high- frequency) and comparison to physical frequency) and comparison to physical (ALPI- Aleutian Low Pressure Index), (ALPI- Aleutian Low Pressure Index), 106 106 Anomalies: The herring scale record shows · 8.3cm2 area, no replicates Anomalies: The herring scale record shows · 8.3cm2 area, no replicates major transitions in keeping with the timing of · Generalized century to millennia-scale fish major transitions in keeping with the timing of · Generalized century to millennia-scale fish regime shifts in the North Pacific Ocean. story, focussing on herring regime shifts in the North Pacific Ocean. story, focussing on herring Cross-spectral analyses: coincidental timing of Herring depend on secondary production by Cross-spectral analyses: coincidental timing of Herring depend on secondary production by scale deposition and physical/biological datasets zooplankton rather than primary production as a scale deposition and physical/biological datasets zooplankton rather than primary production as a and exploitation rates (4-10 year periodicity) does source of food however a millennia-scale and exploitation rates (4-10 year periodicity) does source of food however a millennia-scale suggest correlation/common mechanisms. These relationship was detected between fish and suggest correlation/common mechanisms. These relationship was detected between fish and timescales of variation warrant further diatoms in the Saanich record, suggesting a timescales of variation warrant further diatoms in the Saanich record, suggesting a investigation. consistent response of fish to diatom levels OR of investigation. consistent response of fish to diatom levels OR of both biotic groups to climate factors. both biotic groups to climate factors. Taxonomic identification was only possible for Taxonomic identification was only possible for 37% of the remains in the ODP core but over 37% of the remains in the ODP core but over half of the bone fragments were herring. An half of the bone fragments were herring. An interesting qualitative story of first appearances interesting qualitative story of first appearances was inferred indicating that herring were early was inferred indicating that herring were early colonizers of the inlet after deglaciation colonizers of the inlet after deglaciation (12,000yBP). (12,000yBP). Overall Overall Detailed, large volume sedimentary records are Detailed, large volume sedimentary records are useful to infer long-term dynamics of herring and useful to infer long-term dynamics of herring and their major hake predators. their major hake predators. ODP CORES: Holocene record From the high-resolution, large volume box core ODP CORES: Holocene record From the high-resolution, large volume box core ODP piston core samples, some potential factors correlated to fish ODP piston core samples, some potential factors correlated to fish · 118m long – 14,000BP to recent dynamics were explored. Response to · 118m long – 14,000BP to recent dynamics were explored. Response to 107 107 documented regime shifts and higher-frequency stocks as a better understanding of the timescales documented regime shifts and higher-frequency stocks as a better understanding of the timescales 4-10 year periodicities were detected in the of change may assist in planning for major 4-10 year periodicities were detected in the of change may assist in planning for major herring data, and in biological (sedimentary hake regulatory changes at periods of low abundance. herring data, and in biological (sedimentary hake regulatory changes at periods of low abundance. scale record, diatoms) and physical factors scale record, diatoms) and physical factors (ALPI), as well as fishing intensity (historical References: (ALPI), as well as fishing intensity (historical References: landings). O’Connell, J. M. and V. Tunnicliffe. The use of landings). O’Connell, J. M. and V. Tunnicliffe. The use of sedimentary fish remains for interpretation of sedimentary fish remains for interpretation of From the ODP cores, a long-term relationship long-term fish population fluctuations. From the ODP cores, a long-term relationship long-term fish population fluctuations. between primary and tertiary trophic levels does Marine Geology. In press. between primary and tertiary trophic levels does Marine Geology. In press. appear to be resolved in the Saanich record. O’Connell, J. M. A 110-year sedimentary record appear to be resolved in the Saanich record. O’Connell, J. M. A 110-year sedimentary record Herring were among the first fish to colonize of Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi) and hake Herring were among the first fish to colonize of Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi) and hake post-glacial Saanich Inlet. (Merluccius productus) from Saanich Inlet, post-glacial Saanich Inlet. (Merluccius productus) from Saanich Inlet, British Columbia, Canada. In prep. British Columbia, Canada. In prep. Further research of this kind may help to provide Tunnicliffe, V., J. M. O’Connell and M. R. Further research of this kind may help to provide Tunnicliffe, V., J. M. O’Connell and M. R. testable hypotheses about patterns and causes of McQuid. A Holocene record of marine fish testable hypotheses about patterns and causes of McQuid. A Holocene record of marine fish long-term variability. Data such as these may remains from the Northeastern Pacific. long-term variability. Data such as these may remains from the Northeastern Pacific. also prove invaluable to management of herring Marine Geology. In press. also prove invaluable to management of herring Marine Geology. In press. On relationship between crustacean zooplankton (Euphausiidae and Copepods) and On relationship between crustacean zooplankton (Euphausiidae and Copepods) and Sakhalin-Hokkaido
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