' . tl~5~ S:~:~nCa\ . Society " 'I ..•.: '.' ",_", ,l,'.. , B ~...•....•..•• ,- , - ,,'I . .'.) .~ tlt. bB5t)B , ·1 r LlnC01n ~._ i ;'• H .1 WA"I'NE, HE "787 TRURsDAy,OCroBERi":l:990 -lU'l'RYEAR -NO, • LO~ALDItUVER:,,=.-===-~~ ~I ~~un~i~IT~~!S~PD!J!~~.~~~.!~"!.~~~~;~".,;",I~~0,'" ~~~.g;~ i .'. !",~naglng E~lt()r.. _~~~""_ ..there are several ambiguities in.the -!he city..:Jor-the--<lmount" ~frevenue and is notinciudedJn-the-._remaining."S}Lthe-fiftll.yea'>:cwl1l~Il-::c =calt~by=the=HoskinFFI~" ~ -',-,,--~--:--c"c'- -2 percentJid_pIQl/isiQn whkbforces ~~ctricity it Y~"I>s.JutLLatheLiLwilL ...l>udget,being-thaHr-enters-a re~' istlre-ea"rliesrtheT percent lid partmenfoh Oct. 12 at 3:1 S,. ! 4' . After a s~eclal hour and ~S the city to re.evaluate its priorities, limit the amount. of energy the city .:vo1ving loan fund, the interest col- could btrepealed, .the city will fall p.m. to a location five miles I mlnut,; meetmg, the Wayn,e CIty many of which wOllld· eliminate can Iiuyin order to keep NPPD un·lected would put the city over its 2 short of i~ .Qudget ne,;~s. west and one and one· CounCil voted 7-0 Tuesday nrght to services currently offered in der the 2 percent provisions. p,ercent budget limitations and the In additIon to reallzmg budget eighth north of Winside I oppose M~asu~e 405, the 2 per· Wayne. He said because of thoseinoney could have to be returned shortfalls within five years, the city where a com field owned by I cent spendmg lid. ambiguities, he was forced to take IN ADDlnON TO haVing an ef- to the State of Nebraska or the could no longer provide volunteer Duane Lienemann was bum· .a worst·case scenario in .hls report. fect on utilities, the lid would affect V,S, government he said. fire assistance to rural areas, water ing. The d~ision came following a completion of the Wayne Swim: " ' testing to villages like Carroll o. as· Fireman VerNeal Marotz presentation by City Administrator One ·of those ambigUities could ming Pool renovation. Salitros said'. Salitros said that although the sistance to cities which experience reported that extensive joe Salitros. which spelled out what result in a c!:lange in the way utilI. since theHd is· retroactive, meaning city could survive with the 2 per- storm damage. To switch that sce· damage was_c:l.ol1.e_tQ.the_. I -=I °1l!JlUl!s.t:~~lcth!LmeetfJ:lg-.r!!f!!rr1!.d--.t1es-:are-assessedo He. .said~f-utilities." it·--wiU=affecrthe·:::1990=9lfiScarc·1:ent lid for the"next two'years;or' 'nario~other .:ities COalanot assist IIE"o.-' ._. I to as tile "pple effect' of the lid. are consideredipart of the budget, budget ending july31, 1991, the ,would start taking a dramatic af- Wayne with its needs in the event they too would be subject to the'2 city may not be able to afford to.!eet in subsequent years. of an emergen~y, Salitros said. Lid presentation I If Measure 405 passes Nov. 6, percent lid provisions. Utilities were open the swimming: pool because . "If we need to grow in Wayne WAYNE • The Wayne the state constitutional amend· only a small .fraction of the discus­ of the costs even though the pool FOR INSTANCE, the 1991-92 just think how this lid would affect chapter of the Student Edu­ ment would force the -City to dig sion Tuesday, however. has been completely remodeled. pudget is $8.8 million. The ex- growth in Nebraska,' he said. "We cation Association of Ne­ into its reserVes Within, a three year ·pense. to that budget are $8.5 wouldn't be able to grow because braska (WSEAN) will be I time span and after five years, the One area of utilities Salitros fo­ The amendment might also ""illion, so the city would have we could neither offer incentives ~$300,000 sponsoring a forum on the city would not only be forced to cusedupon was whether Nebraska have an effect on the interest col. remaining. In 1992-93, nor could we attract businesses. proposed 2 percent lid make major cuts in its budget but it Public Power would fall under the lected on loans made through ,the budget increases to $9 million That's something we need to think amendment. 'The meeting would be broke. lid provisions. He said if it does, Community Development Block \iVhile expenses increase to $8.8 about.' will be held in Ramsey The­ I I atre on the Wayne State .----------------~ College campus on Monday, f Oct. 22 at 7:30 p.m. ~ WSC Dr. Allen O'Donnell will \ serve as moderator and will \ also explain the amendment. , Ken Conley of Bellevue, in ~ brings place of Ed Jaksha, will speak ~ on behalf of the amend· I' ment. Following Mr. Conley's I presentation will be Ne· braska Sen. Ron Withem, problem Noel Roberts of NSEA and Dr. Donald Mash, president of Wayne State College. They will be speaking on foUght the effects that the 2 per­ cent lid will have on large cities and the state in gen­ WAYNE - If you find a red rib­ eral, the effects on the pub­ bon tied to your car's antenna lic schools anI}. colleges in when you go to Saturday's Wayne Nebraska, respectively. State College vs. Kearney State Each member of the College football.game, it's there panel will be given approxi· for a reason. mately 10 minutes to speak October 20-28 is Red Ribbon on their behalf concerning Week at WSC, a week when peo­ their given area. After ple are asked to work toward re­ everyone has spoken, ducing the misuse of alcohol and another five minutes will lie drugs through educational pro­ given in order· for- them to­ grams,according to Robin jioban· address issues brought "p by sky, a WSC counselor and co-coor­ other members of the panel. dinator of the two week awareness The evening will .. be program. concluded with a question 'This weeK, Oct. 14:20, is Na­ and answer session._ tional Collegiate Alcohol Aware· ness· week ..but.since it is also Homecoming for Wayne State, the Paper drive' . college decided to combine the WAY-NE--"The'Way~v--+------IJ --two~ntoorie, acc{)rdingT6­ Scouts' paper drive has been Dr. Anthony Kochenash, a Wayne changed to Oct. 27 this State business instructor. month. Anyone wishing to assist KOCHENASH HAS tied his the Scouts in the drive are "Principals of Marketing" class into asked to have their papers promoting Red Ribbon Week, bundled and on the curb by which was something Kochenash 8 a.m. Oct. 27. The Scouts began at Chadron State College ~Photographr. -laVon Andenon will also be picking up alu­ about two years .ago. He said the minum cans at this time. class is doing much of the promo· Puckering up for pig . " tions for the week-long event, in· ALLEN FOOTBALL COACH Mike Busselman puckers up as he prepares to kiss this little olnker during the homecoming Society meeting c1uding the tying of red ribbons to pep.J'jllly last.Erldll)!afternoon In the Allen park. Busselman received ..the most student votes In a "Kiss a Pig" contest WAVNE - The Wayne vehicles over the next two' week­ sponsored by the Future Homemakers of America chapter at Allen High School to raise money for March of Dimes. Stu­ County Historical Society will ends. dents were asked to cast 50 cent votes for the coach they would like to see kiss ill pig. Coaches In contention were meet Oct. 23 at 7:30 p.m. at 'The program started about 10 the Wayne County Court­ Sandy Chase, Gary Troth, Dave Uldrlch and Busselman, who receIved the "honors." years ago when an American drug house meeting room. agent was killed in Mexico by drug Topic of discussion for the dealers," he said, 'People in his Alc;ohol risks high for youth meeting will be 'Trends in home town tied red ribbons to Local Musueums", instituted bring attention to his death and by the Nebraska State His­ the idea got picked up ,by Nancy Civil liability greater than most realize torical Society. The presen­ Reagan. The purpose of the pro­ tation will be presented by gram is to bring awareness to drug By Mark Crist control a situation when in all JANSSEN SAID IN addition to crime," he said. field representative Charles and alcohol abuse problems.' Managing Editor actuality you can't." facing the criminal charges ad­ One of the reasons youth drink Mulhair. Mr. and Mrs. Mulhair Aside from the criminal filings dressed earlier in this article, civil is peer pressure but another lies work with the Custer Battle­ THE WEEK OF Oct. 20-28 in­ Dangers with minors consuming which could be made for minor in charges could be made against with the parental influence in chil­ field Historical and Museum cludes a number of activities. Oc­ alcohol are ...........more numerous than possession, distributing and the supplier of the alcohol. He said dren's lives, according to Fairchild. Association in the summer. tober 20-21 will kick off the week youth understand, according to procuring alcohol to minors or civil filings include things like He said if parents let it slide, drink­ with Red Ribbon Religious Week­ Wayne County Sheriff LeRoy driving while intoxicated, several disturbances or contributing to ing becomes more acceptable to Homecqmln,g end .starting Saturday when cars in Janssen and Wayne Police Chief civil liabilities lie with those provid­ delinquency. He added that if con­ the minor. He added that TV ad­ attendance at the WSC-KSC foot· ing the alcohol to minors at par­ victed in a civil suit the defendant vertising also plays an important WAYNE ' Wayne State Vern Fairchild.
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