JASR 30.2 (2017): 196-197 JASR (print) ISSN 1031-2943 https://doi.org.10.1558/jasr.34533 JASR (online) ISSN 1744-9014 Book Review Sociolinguistic Studies Guidelines for submission The Editors welcome articles, reviews and research notes for publication in future issues James R. Lewis and Kjersti Hellesøy (eds.), Handbook of Scientology. Leiden and of Sociolinguistic Studies. Submitted articles are subject to a blind, peer review process. Boston, MA: Brill, 2016, pp. 592, ISBN: 9789004328716. Please adhere to the guidelines below when preparing submissions for the journal. James R. Lewis and Kjersti Hellesøy have coordinated the efforts of senior and junior Initial submissions scholars of multiple fields and compiled this monumental Handbook of Scientology, Submission of articles to Sociolinguistic Studies should normally be done via the comprising twenty-four chapters, including those by the editors. Such chapters adopt a journal’s website at www.equinoxjournals.com. You will need to register with the variety of methods and perspectives, and address previously uninvestigated, as well as website as an author, and follow the instructions and guidelines relating to submission. often misunderstood or underestimated, aspects of the Church of Scientology. All the Authors who are unable to use this website for on-line submission should contact the chapterseditors are for well-researchedadvice on how to andsubmit original. their manuscripts. This review is focused on a selection of the most Articlesinspiring are and normally innovative. in English (we also accept articles in Spanish, Galician, PortugueseDonald A. orWestbrook’s French) and ‘Researching should not exceed Scientology 8,000 words, and Scientologists inclusive of endnotes in the United and States:references. Methods Appendices and Conclusions’ may be inc (pp.luded, 19-46), but arebased included on thorough in the total fieldwork, word count. investigates the self-perceptionAuthors should of ensureScientologists that all andsubmissions, proceeds whether to dismantle first orcommon revised preconceptionsversions, are aboutanonymised the Church, to facilitate according blind to reviewing.which, for Authors’instance, namesall affi liatesand in wouldstitutional be clonesaffiliations of the foundershould or appear of the onlyHollywood in the covering celebrities email famously message. (or notoriously) associated with it. Marco Frenschkowski’s Submission of‘Images an article of Religions or book review and Reli is gioustaken toHistory imply inthat the it Workshas not ofpreviously L. Ronald Hubbard’been published (pp. 104-40) or is analysesnot being in considered detail the conceptualisation for publication elsew of majorhere. religions If an author (with is the exceptionpublishing of Islam) a related in Hubbard’sarticle elsewhere, theology. this Bernard fact should Doherty’s be stated. ‘The In Andersongeneral, authors Inquiry are and its Australianasked to submit Aftermath no more 1963–1973’ than one article (pp. 249-78) for review is ain masterful a two-ye arhistorical period. reconstruction of one the most important events that marked, for good and bad, the diffusion and perceptionReview ofprocess Scientology at the Antipodes. Susan Raine’s ‘Astounding History: L. Ron Hubbard’sIf your submission Scientology is Space clearly Opera’ unsuitable (pp. for536-64) publication reads Scientologyin Sociolinguistic narratives Studies as charac-, you terisedwill bybe apromptly deep continuity notified withby the its Editors.founder ’sIf, activities after the and review creativity process, as ayour science- articlefiction is writer.accepted for publication, you will be asked to submit the manuscript again, incorporating anyHugh revisions B. Urban asked and for, David and G.in aRobertson format ready also for open publication. up new and enlightening perspec- tives Whenby respectively the Editors scru confirmtinising to theyou relevancethat your submissionof secrecy has(‘Secrets, been a cceptedsecrets, forSECRETS! publi- Concealment,cation you should Surveillance prepare aand final Information-Control version of the article in in theacco Churchrdance withof Scientology’, the guidelines pp. 279-99)for contributors and conspiracism available (‘Hermeneutics on the journal’s website.of Suspicion: If your Scientology article includes and anyConspiracism', figures or pp.complex 300-318). tables, Matthew please Charetpay special examines attention yet to another the guidelines important on preparing element and of Scientology,submitting bothartwork. in Hubbard’s time and currently: its conflict with psychiatry (‘The Citizens Commis- sion on Human Rights and Scientology’s War against Psychiatry’, pp. 565-84). PermissionsI noted the methodological and copyright diversity in this collection; it ranges from the textual analysis-basedIt is your responsibility and theological to ensure approach that you adopte have dobtained by Frenschkowski, any permissions to the to discussion reproduce of statisticalany part data of another in chapters work. like If ‘Notyour an article Extraordinary contains extracts Group: fro Scientolm otherogists works, in Hungary especially and Germany:figures, tables,Comparative poetry etc.,Survey please Data’ contact by András the authors Máté-Tóth and pub andlishers Gábor before Dániel submitting Nagy (pp. 141-56),the final a studyversion covering to seek thepermission diffusion to of use Scientology their work. in If Hungary primary data(a previously is to be included, uninvesti- gatedresearch phenomenon, participant sonly should discussed have signed from a anconsent ‘anti-cult’ form. perspective) or ‘The Relative Success All ofcontributors the Church who of seScientology: articles are Aaccepte Discussion’,d for publication by Liselotte will Frisk be required (pp. 157-70). to sign aAnother copyright notable assignment strength form, is the and variety to confirm of critical that viewpointstheir article represented. is original, accurateAny work about(inasmuch Hubbard’s as can new be religion ascertained is inevitably in research), criticised and for does being not too incl friendlyude any or toolibellous critical statements. towards it. This volume does not omit the authoritarian, and even abusive, measures, as © Equinox Publishing Ltd, 415 The Workstation, 15 Paternoster Row, Sheffield, S1 2BX. Book Reviews 197 well as the contradictions, that characterise Scientology, while at the same time pointing out how Hubbard’s Church represents an epitome of Western values and tensions. ‘The Price of Freedom: Scientology and Neoliberalism’ by Michelle Swainson (pp. 200-223) addresses reports of hard labour and abusive pay rates experienced by members in the context of neoliberal employment practices. YetSociolinguistic another chapter, aimed at Studies ‘Deconstructing the Scientology “Monster” of Popular Imagination’Guidelines (Erin Prophet; for submission pp. 227-48), points out misconceptions about, and biased accounts of, the Church. In my opinion, the coexistence in Thethe Editorssame monograph welcome articles, of two re equallyviews and well-researched research notes and for puplausibleblication studies in future like issues Swain- son’sof Sociolinguistic and Prophet’s, Studies far from. Submitted representing articles a arecontradiction, subject to a blind,is a healthy peer review reminder proces ofs. the inexhaustiblePlease adhere richness to the guidelines and irreducible below when ambi preparingguity of thesubmission multifaceteds for the phenomenon journal. of Scientology. InitialI also submissions appreciated the fact that Scientology scholarship is extended to cover its relationshipSubmission with, of articlespresence to in, Sociolinguistic and treatment Studies by, the should(new) media,normally including be done detailed via the and convincingjournal’s websiteanalysis atof www.equinoxjournals.com.the film The Master (directed You Paul will Thomas need to Anderson, register with 2012), the as wellwebsite as of theas an documentary author, and follow Going theClear instructions (directed and by Alexguideline Gibney,s relating 2015). to ‘Scientologysubmission. in PaulAuthors Thomas who Anderson’s are unable Theto use Master this website (2012)’ for by on-lineJohanna submissi J.M. Petscheon should (pp. contact 360-80), the and ‘Theeditors Going for Clearadvice Documentary: on how to submit A Matter their manuscripts. of Framing’, by Benjamin E. Zeller (pp. 381- 95) areArticles excellent are contributionsnormally in English to a new (we assessment also accept of Scientology. articles in SLikewise,panish, Galician, it is praise- worthyPortuguese that several or French) studies and digshould deeper not exceedinto matters 8,000 ofwords, gender inclus andive sexuality of endnotes within and the movement,references. asAppendices well as the may phenomena be included, of but disaf are fiincludedliation and in the schism, total word to which count. speci fic sections Authors of Lewis should and ensure Hellesøy’s that all edited submissions, volume arewhether dedicated. first or revised versions, are anonymisedI have three to minorfacilitate criticisms, blind reviewing. the third Authors’being in namesfact a complimentand institutional in disguise. affiliations First, whileshould occasional appear only typographical in the covering errors email are message.inevitable, especially in a work of this magni- tude, Submission it is annoying of anto seearticle ‘neccessity’ or book review [sic], or is ‘extend’ taken to instead imply thatof ‘extent’ it has nottwice previously in the same chapter,been
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