S6424 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 16, 1998 Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to waive SENATE RESOLUTION 249—CON- AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED in the case of multiemployer plans the GRATULATING THE CHICAGO section 415 limit on benefits to the par- BULLS ON WINNING THE 1998 NA- THE NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHOR- ticipant’s average compensation for his TIONAL BASKETBALL ASSOCIA- IZATION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR high 3 years. TION CHAMPIONSHIP 1999 S. 1981 Ms. MOSELEY-BRAUN (for herself At the request of Mr. HUTCHINSON, and Mr. DURBIN) submitted the fol- HUTCHINSON AMENDMENT NO. 2706 the name of the Senator from Maine lowing resolution; which was consid- (Ordered to lie on the table.) [Ms. COLLINS] was added as a cosponsor ered and agreed to: Mr. HUTCHINSON submitted an of S. 1981, a bill to preserve the balance amendment intended to be proposed by of rights between employers, employ- S. RES. 249 Whereas the Chicago Bulls, despite injuries him to the bill (S. 2057) to authorize ap- ees, and labor organizations which is propriations for the fiscal year 1999 for fundamental to our system of collec- to Scottie Pippen and Luc Longley, went 62– 20 and tied for the best regular season record military activities of the Department tive bargaining while preserving the in the National Basketball Association; of Defense, for military construction, rights of workers to organize, or other- Whereas the Bulls battled through the and for defense activities of the De- wise engage in concerted activities pro- playoffs, sweeping the New Jersey Nets and partment of Energy, to prescribe per- tected under the National Labor Rela- defeating the Charlotte Hornets in 5 games, sonnel strengths for such fiscal year tions Act. before beating the Indiana Pacers in 7 games for the Armed Forces, and for other to return to the NBA Finals for the third purposes; as follows: S. 2078 straight year; Add at the end the following new title: At the request of Mr. GRASSLEY, the Whereas the Bulls displayed stifling de- TITLE ll—RADIO FREE ASIA name of the Senator from Arkansas fense throughout the playoffs before beating SEC. ll. SHORT TITLE. [Mr. HUTCHINSON] was added as a co- the Utah Jazz to repeat the 3-peat and win This title may be cited as the ‘‘Radio Free sponsor of S. 2078, a bill to amend the their third consecutive NBA championship, Asia Act of 1998’’. their sixth in the last 8 years; Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to pro- SEC. ll. FINDINGS. Whereas head coach Phil Jackson and the Congress makes the following findings: vide for Farm and Ranch Risk Manage- entire coaching staff skillfully led the Bulls (1) The Government of the People’s Repub- ment Accounts, and for other purposes. through an injury riddled 62-win season and lic of China systematically controls the flow a 15–6 playoff run; of information to the Chinese people. S. 2157 Whereas Michael Jordan won his fifth most (2) The Government of the People’s Repub- At the request of Mr. CLELAND, the valuable player award, and he, along with lic of China demonstrated that maintaining names of the Senator from South Da- Scottie Pippen, were again named to the its monopoly on political power is a higher priority than economic development by an- kota [Mr. DASCHLE], the Senator from NBA’s ‘‘All-Defensive First Team’’; nouncing in January 1996 that its official New Jersey [Mr. LAUTENBERG], the Sen- Whereas Michael Jordan won his record tenth scoring title and was named the NBA news agency Xinhua, will supervise wire ator from Maryland [Ms. MIKULSKI], services selling economic information, in- Finals most valuable player for the sixth the Senator from Michigan [Mr. ABRA- cluding Dow Jones-Telerate, Bloomberg, and time in 6 appearances in the finals; Reuters Business, and in announcing in Feb- HAM], the Senator from New York [Mr. Whereas Scottie Pippen again exhibited his D’AMATO], the Senator from Louisiana ruary of 1996 the ‘‘Interim Internet Manage- outstanding offensive and defensive ment Rules’’, which have the effect of cen- [Mr. BREAUX], the Senator from Con- versatility, proving himself to be one of the soring computer networks. necticut [Mr. DODD], the Senator from best all-around players in the NBA; (3) Under the May 30, 1997, order of Premier New Mexico [Mr. BINGAMAN], the Sen- Whereas the quickness, tireless defensive Li Peng, all organizations that engage in ator from Wisconsin [Mr. KOHL], the effort, and athleticism of the colorful Dennis business activities related to international Senator from Louisiana [Ms. LAN- Rodman, who won his seventh straight re- computer networking must now apply for a DRIEU], the Senator from New Jersey bounding title, keyed a strong Bulls front license, increasing still further government line; control over access to the Internet. [Mr. TORRICELLI], the Senator from Whereas Toni Kukoc displayed his awe- (4) Both Radio Free Asia and the Voice of Vermont [Mr. LEAHY], the Senator some variety of offensive skills in both as- America, as a surrogate for a free press in from Iowa [Mr. GRASSLEY], the Senator sisting on, and hitting, several big shots the People’s Republic of China, provide an from Maine [Ms. SNOWE], the Senator when the Bulls needed them most; invaluable source of uncensored information from Iowa [Mr. HARKIN], the Senator Whereas veteran guard Ron Harper, in to the Chinese people, including objective and authoritative news of in-country and re- from Arkansas [Mr. BUMPERS], the Sen- shutting down many of the league’s top gional events, as well as accurate news about point guards throughout the playoffs, dem- ator from California [Mrs. FEINSTEIN], the United States and its policies. and the Senator from Texas [Mrs. onstrated the defensive skills that have (5) Radio Free Asia currently broadcasts HUTCHISON] were added as cosponsors of made him a cornerstone of the league’s best only 5 hours a day in the Mandarin dialect S. 2157, a bill to amend the Small Busi- defense; and 2 hours a day in Tibetan. ness Act to increase the authorized Whereas center Luc Longley frustrated (6) Voice of America currently broadcasts many of the all-star caliber centers that he 1 funding level for women’s business cen- only 10 hours a day in Mandarin and 3 ⁄2 faced while at times providing a much need- hours a day in Tibetan. ters. ed scoring lift; (7) Radio Free Asia and Voice of America SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION 50 Whereas Steve Kerr buried several 3-point- should develop 24-hour-a-day service in Man- ers when the Bulls needed them most; darin, Cantonese, and Tibetan, as well as fur- At the request of Mr. BOND, the Whereas the outstanding play of Jud ther broadcasting capability in the dialects names of the Senator from Nebraska Buechler, Scott Burrell, and Bill Wennington spoken in the People’s Republic of China. [Mr. HAGEL], the Senator from Okla- and the tenacious defense of Randy Brown, (8) Radio Free Asia and Voice of America, in working toward continuously broad- homa [Mr. NICKLES], the Senator from each of whom came off the bench to provide valuable contributions, were an important casting to the People’s Republic of China in Louisiana [Ms. LANDRIEU], the Senator multiple languages, have the capability to part of each Bulls victory; and from Oklahoma [Mr. INHOFE], the Sen- immediately establish 24-hour-a-day Man- Whereas the contributions of Dickey ator from Illinois [Ms. MOSELEY- darin broadcasting to that nation by stag- Simpkins and rookies Rusty LaRue and gering the hours of Radio Free Asia and BRAUN], and the Senator from Alabama Keith Booth, both on the court and in prac- [Mr. SESSIONS] were added as cospon- Voice of America. tice, again demonstrated the total devotion (9) Simultaneous broadcasting on Voice of sors of Senate Joint Resolution 50, a of Bulls personnel to the team concept that America radio and Worldnet television 7 joint resolution to disapprove the rule has made the Bulls one of the great sports days a week in Mandarin are also important submitted by the Health Care Financ- dynasties of modern times: Now, therefore, and needed capabilities. ing Administration, Department of be it SEC. ll. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS Health and Human Services on June 1, Resolved, That the Senate congratulates FOR INCREASED FUNDING FOR RADIO FREE ASIA AND VOICE OF 1998, relating to surety bond require- the Chicago Bulls on winning the 1998 Na- AMERICA BROADCASTING TO CHINA. ments for home health agencies under tional Basketball Association championship. (a) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS FOR the medicare and medicaid programs. RADIO FREE ASIA.— VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:13 Oct 31, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00068 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\1998SENATE\S16JN8.REC S16JN8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY.
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