A V k “Liked By Most, Cussed By Some, . .. Read By Everybody!” SEVENTY-FIRST YEAR CHATSWORTH, ILLINOIS. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 2. 1944 NO. 10 .............................. » ----------- Ira Ratliff R u ra l School | W illia m P a u l CORP. BAYSTON Receives Injured ,. Teacher Closes LOOKING AROUND THE COUNTY M issing In Action WOOD WORKING Knee In Accident Book of Life Over Yugoslavia Killed By Train The Blue Birds KILLED O Q . 4 Ira F. Ratliff, of Martinton, suf Mary Ann McGreal died at the Mrs. Ella Conant Horton, life­ Mr. and Mrs. Arvil Paul have PLANT PU N S A fered an Injured knee Tuesday Fairbury hospital Sunday at 5 long resident of Dwight, was kill­ M a k e F in e S h o w in g been advised by the government evening, October 24. He and Mrs. p.m. She had been ill for a week. ed at 11:45 a.m. Monday when she that their son, William (Red) | Ratliff were attempting to hitch Funeral services Were held this was struck by a northbound Against Saunemin Paul, has been missing in action MODERN HOME IN GERMANY the tractor and husker together forenoon at 9 o’clock in St. John’s freight train on a crossing in over Yugoslavia since October when he slipped. In doing so he Catholic church In Fairbury. The (By Sports Reporter) 14th. downtown Dwight. Hie Blue Birds of Chatsworth Clearing Cabinet Youth Loses Life pulled the tractor Into gear, which Rev. S. F. Kubiak officiated. Bur­ The train had been switching “Red” was a top gunner on a was backing slowly. Mrs. Ratliff ial was in St. John's cemetery. High finally came through with a B-24 Liberator with the 15th air cars in Dwight before the acci­ game up to their ability by Corporation to Have After 2 1/2 Years fell between the back wheels and She was bora in Germanville dent. force. Whether he parachuted to then rolled aside and got up be­ township Nov. 6, 1676, daughter trouncing Saunemin 20 to 6 last New Building Fighting Nazis Friday. safety and is a German prisoner, fore the front wheels could pass of John and Catherine Navin Mc­ Dwight Brothers or has been killed is not known over her body. Mr. Ratliff kept Greal. She attended the rural All season Chatsworth has here, William Haberkorn, president of Meet In England shown flashes of offensive and de­ the Clearing Cabinet Corporation, The tad news came Friday to hold of the steering wheel and schools In Germanville township M r and Mrs. Edward Englert, Joe Bouhl, another Chatsworth cramped the front wheels until he and later the Valparaiso, Indiana, fensive strength but sudden de­ boy is also in the 15th Air Corps informs The Plaindealer that Mr. and Mrs. Chester Bays ton, of of Dwight, have received a letter fensive lapses would result In a plans and drawing are now under­ Chatsworth, that their son, Cor­ could reach the clutch lever to university. She taught rural from their eldest son, Cpl. Edward but he wrote home that he had way for a new plant which will be purti It out of gear. He is able to schools most of her life, for a long touch down play by the oppo­ not been able to locate “Red” up poral Kenneth Bays ton had been Englert, who is in England, that sition, the offensive would bog completed in approximately 30 to ■tilled in action in Germany. He be around on crutches but cannot number of years prior to 1898 in he had met his brother, Pfc. Ray­ to the time he wrote. do any work. down in a critical spot. Friday it 60 days. was in the armored tank service. the Germanvile neighborhood and mond Englert at an American Red The factory will be a one-story Mr. and Mrs. Ratliff were for­ after the family moved to Fair­ was different. Cpl. Kenneth Earl Bayston, Cross center in an English city. Saunemin drew first blood in More Territory modern brick building 200 feet youngest of three children was mer Chatsworth residents. They bury, in that locality. She drove Cpl. Edward is In the ^ ir Corps moved to Martinton in March. a horse and buggy through snow the second quarter when Dohle- long by 100 feet wide, Mr. Haber­ bom to Chester and Myrtle with a mobile training pnit and man ran 40 yards off tackle on a Added By Vote to korn says, and will have its own (Askew) Bayston, November 28, and mud to reach her schools and Pfc. Raymond is wth a field hos­ receiving and shipping depart­ WORLD COMMUNITY often carried a shovel to dig out fake pass play without a Chats­ 1918. He received his education at pital unit. Both boys left for ov­ worth man touching him. The High Schools ments, tool and die room and will a rural school and the Chatsworth DAY TO BE HELD of drifts and at other times to erseas during the past summer. FRIDAY, NOV. 3 kick for the extra point failed. A (From Pontiac Leader) be equipped with the latest ma­ township high school. He became clean the mud from the buggy chinery as soon a,s available. Mrs. Adam Klehm and Mrs. wheels for there were no paved couple of Chatsworth drives in the Voters in two Livingston county a member of the First Baptist FRANK L. FLOOD second quarter bogged down near non-high school territories voted The front part of the building church in 1931, being the first can­ Walter Grosenbach, of the Evan­ or Improved roads. Many of the Frank L. Flood, 66, former will be a show and display room, gelical church; Miss Helen Blaine, older residents of Germanville re­ the goal line when wide plays Saturday to attach their territor­ didate for baptism under the fruit­ Grundy county state’s attorney, failed to gain, so the half-time ies to Dwight and Saunemin 16 feet wide by 42% feet long. ful ministry of Rev. Jesse Powers, Mrs. Charles Perkins and Mrs. C. ceived their school training from died Saturday night at his home C. Bennett of the Methodist score was 6-0. township school districts, respect­ Hie office will be 16 feet wide and remained a faithful Christian her guiding hand and have fond in Chicago. He had been practic­ Early in the third quarter Liv­ ively, V. A. Lindquist, acting coun­ and 32 feet long which will be until called to his heavenly home church, and Miss Pearl Desmond memories of her patience and for­ ing Jaw in Chicago and Morris. finished inside with natural wood and Mrs. Peter Deck, of the First bearance. ingston threw a bullet pass to Bob ty superintendent of schools, said October 4. 1944, on the battle­ He was a resident of Cullom Zorn, who played end much of the Monday. inlaid in strips of approximately fields of Germany. Baptist church, will have a part She is survived by two sisters, about 80 years ago and Will be re­ in the worship and prayer part of time, Bob catching it on the run Voters in 24 sections of land in all kinds of wood grown. A first He entered the armed services Miss Sadie McGreal and Mrs. membered as a baseball catcher and easily going the remaining 35 Nevada and Sunbury townships aid room, 10 feet'Widd by 16 feet of his country March 26. 1942, in the program which is to be held Beatrice Lyons, both of Fairbury; who played with several of the long will be another feature. the 33rd Armored R gfment and In the First Baptist church Fri­ two brothers. John, Fairbury, and yards for a touch down. Hummel’s approved the attachment of that small town teams in the locality. plunge for the point barely touch­ territory to the Dwight district, The place and location at this received his training at Fort Knox. day, November 3rd, at 2 p.m. P. H. McGreal, Chatsworth. The first Grundy county man to The theme of the meeting is, ed the goal line R> put Chats­ the non-high territory being 50 to time is not available. As soon as Kentucky; Camp Folk, Louisi­ enlist in World War I, Flood serv­ worth ahead 7-8. 8 in favor. Dwight township vot­ the plans are completed arrange­ ana; Rice. California; Camp Pick­ "The Price of Enduring Peace” ed overseas with battery D, 149th and there will be three brief ad­ A fourth quarter 105 yard drive ed 79 to 18 in favor of extending ments for approval by the war ett, Virginia, and Indiantown Gap. Field artillery, of the Rainbow (one holding penalty 15 yards be­ the district to include those terri­ production board will be made. Pennsylvania. While at Indian­ dresses: "Relief and Rehabilita­ County Seat Notes division. tion,’’ by Mrs. Elmer Dassow; Gleaned From Ike Pontiac ing made up) resulted in another tories. It is understood that the new town Gap he received three med- Funeral services were held touch down, Hummel again A propost ion to attach non-high factory will be equipped to manu­ nl*,Sharp-shooting medal for pis­ “Economic Independence,” by Mrs. Dally Leeger . Tuesday In Morris. tol; expert for tank weapons, and M. L. Sullins; “The Home Front,” plunging for the extra point. With territory in Union. Broughton, and facture radio cabinets, kitchen expert for machine guns. by Mrs. Grace Chadwick. just seconds to play Hummel fak­ Round Grove townships to the cabinets and like wood goods. The Flies Damage Suit Pontiac.
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