Provincial Provinsiale Gazette Koerant Free State Province Provinsie Vrystaat Published by Authority Uitgegee op Gesag No. 54 FRIDAY, 29 JUNE 2007 No, 54 VRYDAG, 29 JUNIE 2007 No. Index Page No. Inhoud Bladsy PROVINCIAL NOTICE PROVINSIALE KENNISGEWING 154 Removal ofRestrictions Act, 1967 (Act No, 154 Wet opOpheffing van Beperkings, 1967 (Wet 84 of 1967): Bloemfontein (Navalsig) ,....,..,... 2 No. 84 van 1967): Bloemfontein (Navalsig) ..... 2 LOCAL GOVERNMENT NOTICES PLAASLIKE REGERINGSKENNISGEWINGS Dihlabeng 2 Dihlabeng 2 Letsemeng 3 Letsemeng 3 Mantsopa 40 Mantsopa ,...................... 40 MISCELLANEOUS ALLERLEI Township Board Notice 44 Dorperaadkennisgewing 44 Removal ofRestrictions Act, 1967 (Act No. Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967 (Wet 84 of 1967) 44 No. 84van 1967) 44 Applications for Public Road Carrier Aansoeke om Openbare Padvervoer- Permits 48 permitte 48 NOTICES Application for route Operator Licence........... 47 2 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE I PROVINSIALE KOERANT 29 JUNE 2007 I 29 JUNIE 2007 PROVINCIAL NOTICE PROVINSIALE KENNISGEWING [NO. 154OF2007) [NO. 154 VAN 2007] REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS ACT, 1967 (ACT NO. 84 OF WET OP OPHEFFING VAN BEPERKINGS, 1967 (WET NO. 84 1967): BLOEMFONTEIN (EXTENSION 13): REMOVAL OF VAN 1967): BLOEMFONTEIN (UITBREIDING 13): OPHEF· RESTRICTIONS: ERF NO. 3806 (NAVALSIG) FING VAN BEPERKINGS: ERF NO. 3806 (NAVALSIG) Under the powers vested in me by section 2 of the Removal of Kragtens die bevoegdheid my verleen byartikel 2 van die Wet op Restrictions Act, 1967 (Act No. 84 of 1967), I, M.J. Mafereka, Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967 (Wet No. 84 van 1967), wysig Member of the Executive Council of the Province responsible for ek, M.J. Mafereka, Lid van die Uitvoerende Raad van die Provin­ Local Government and Housing, hereby alter the conditions ofti­ sie verantwoordelik vir Plaaslike Regering en Behuising, hierby tle in Deed of Transfer T27031/2004 pertaining to Erf No. 3806, die titelvoorwaardes in Transportakte T27031/2004 ten opsigte Bloemfontein (Extension 13), (Navalsig), by the removal of re­ van Erf No. 3806, Bloemfontein (Uitbreiding 13), (Navalsig), deur strictive conditions 1.(a), (b) and (c) on page 2 and restrictive die opheffing van beperkende voorwaardes 1.(a), (b) en (c) op conditions 2.(a) and (b) on pages 2 and 3 in the said Deed of bladsy 2 en beperkende voorwaardes 2.(a) en (b) op bladsye 2 en Transfer. 3van genoemde Transportakte. LOCAL GOVERNMENT NOTICES PLAASLIKE REGERINGSKENNISGEWINGS DIHLABENG LOCAL MUNICIPALITY DIHLABENG PLAASLIKE MUNISIPALITEIT NOTICE ON GENERAL ASSESSMENT RATES 200712008 KENNISGEWING VAN ALGEMENE BELASTINGTARIEWE FINANCIAL YEAR 200712008 FINANSleLE JAAR Notice is hereby given that the general assessment rates forthe Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge die bepalings van financial year ending 30 June 2008 was determined in accor­ artikels 78(2)(a), 81, 114 en 116 van die Ordonnansie op Plaas­ dance with the provisions ofsection 78(2) (a), 81, 114 and 116 of like Bestuur, 1962 (Ordonnansie NO.8 van 1962) dat die begro­ the local Government Ordinance, 1962 (No. 8 of 1962), as ting en tariewe deur die Raad goedgekeur isen in werking tree op amended and will take effect from 1July 2007. 1 Julie 2007. Town Zoning Land Improvements Building clause DOrD Zonering Grond Verbeteringe Bouklousule BethlehemiBohlokong/Bakenpark clR clR clR BethlehemiBohlokong/Bakenpark clR cIR clR Single Residential 5.6255 0.6579 0.6579 Enkel Residensieel 5.6255 0.6579 0.6579 Other Zones 6.5425 3.0853 3.0853 Ander Areas 6.5425 3.0853 3.0853 Single Business 6.9144 0.8084 0.8084 Enkel Besigheid 6.9144 0.8084 0.8084 Groenvoer Industrial Area 12.1486 5.9168 5.9168 Groenvoer IndustOOle Area 12.1486 5.9168 5.9168 Small holdings 3.3884 0.3795 0.3795 Kleinhoewes 3.3884 0.3795 0.3795 Small Holdings: Business 4.2355 0.4743 0.4743 Kleinhoewes: Besighede 4.2355 0.4743 0.4743 Small Holdings: Bally Duff 3.3884 0.3795 0.3795 Kleinhoewes: Bally Duff 3.3884 0.3795 0.3795 Small Holdings: Kromkloof North 3.3884 0.3795 0.3795 Kleinhoewes: Kromkloof Noord 3.3884 0.3795 0.3795 Bethlehem Farmers Trust 3.3884 0.3795 0.3795 Bethlehem Farmers Trust 3.3884 0.3795 0.3795 Transnet Transnet Other Areas .6.6607 31422 3.1422 Ander Areas .6.6607 3.1422 31422 Single Residential 5.6255 0.6579 0.6579 Enkel Residential 5.6255 0.6579 0.6579 Telkom Telkom Other Areas .6.6607 3.1422 3.1422 Ander Areas .6.6607 3.1422 3.1422 Single Residential 5.6255 0.6579 0.6579 Enkel Residential 5.6255 0.6579 0.6579 Government & Provincial Staat enProvinsie Other Areas .5.2340 2.4682 2.4682 Ander Areas .5.2340 2.4682 2.4682 Single Residential 4.5004 0.5263 0.5263 Enkel Residential 4.5004 0.5263 0.5263 Clarens/Kgubetswana/Kanana Clarens/KgubetswanalKanana Allareas 74573 Aile areas 7.4573 Government 5.9658 Staat 5.9658 Fouriesburg/Mashaeng Fouriesburg/Mashaeng Single Residential 12.7710 0.4934 0.4934 Enkel Residential 12.7710 0.4934 0.4934 Single Business 12.6012 0.4848 0.4848 Enkel Business 12.6012 0.4848 0.4848 Government 5.2340 2.1465 2.1465 Staat 5.2340 2.1465 2.1465 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 1PROVINSIALE KOERANT 29 JUNE 2007 1 29 JUNIE 2007 3 Paul RouxiFateng TseNtso Paul RouxiFateng TseNtso Allareas 12.7710 Aile areas 12.7710 Government 10.2168 Staat 10.2168 RosendallMautse RosendalfMautse Residential 440000 1.2000 1.2000 Residensieel 44.0000 1.2000 1.2000 Business 44.0000 1.2000 1.2000 Besigheid 44.0000 1.2000 1.2000 Government 5.2340 2.1465 2.1465 Staat 5.2340 2.1465 2.1465 Maulse 12.7710 0.1892 0.1892 Maulse 12.7710 0.1892 0.1892 Notice ishereby given that the Council will implement itsrates as Kennis geskied dat die Raad sytariewe, asook erfbelasting, vanaf from the 1st of July 2007. Government rates as published al­ 1 Julie 2007 sal implementeer. Staatsdepartemente soos gepub­ ready includes 20 %discount. Rates are payable monthly in ad­ Iiseer sluit 20 %korting in. Belasting is maandeliks vooruit betael­ vance, on a date determined by Council, failing which, interest baar. Rente sal gehef word teen 'n koers wat een persent hoar is shall be levied at a rate of one percent higher than the rate as die koers wat die Raad aan sy bank moet betaal wanneer sy payable by Council to its bank in respect of its overdraft, for the rekening oortrokke is vir die tydperk wat sodanige bedrae na die period during which such amounts remain unpaid after expiry of verstryking van genoemde tydperk van dertig dae uitstaande bly. the said period ofthirty days. A schedule of actual tariffs for the services and other general 'n Skedule van hierdie tariewe is beskikbaar tydens kantoorure by services is available for inspection during office hours for a pe­ die Kantore van die Departement Finansies te Bethlehem en riod of 14 days from date of publicanon of this notice at the office Kantoorbestuurders van Clarens, Fouriesburg, Paul Roux en of the Department of Finance in Bethlehem and other Office Rosendal ter insae Ie vir 'n periode van 14 dae vanaf datum van Managers ofClarens, Fouriesburg, Paul Roux and Rosendal. publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing. MUNICIPAL MANAGER MUNISIPALE BESTUURDER MR SIPHO B MHLAMBI MNR SIPHO B MHLAMBI PO Box 551 Posbus 551 Bethlehem Bethlehem LETSEMENG LOCAL MUNICIPALITY LETSEMENG PLAASLIKE MUNISIPALITEIT 2007/2008 BUDGET 2007/2008 BEGROTING Notice is hereby given in terms of Chapter 4 of Municipal Kennis word hiermee gegee in terme van Hoofstuk 4 van die Wet Finance Management Act No. 56 of 2003 that the Council ap­ op Munisipale Finansiele Bestuur van 2003, no. 56 van die Raad proved the 2007108 budget together with the lOP projects on a die begroting vir die 2007/2008 finanslele jaar goedgekeur het Special meeting held on 31 May 2007. saam met die Ge'integreerde Ontwikkelingsplan projekte (lOP) op 'nspesiale raadsvergadering gehou op 31 Mei 2007. The tariffsfor thefinancial year are asfollows: Die tariewe vir dieboekjaar is soosvOlg: 1. Electricity: Domestic 1. Elektrisiteit-Huishoudelik (a) Basic charges per month R52.69 (a) Basiese koste per maand R52.69 (b) Taritt per k/h R 0.43 (b) Tarief per k/h R 0.43 2.Water 2.Water (a) Basic charges R26.26 (a) Basiese koste R26.26 (b) Tariff 7-30 k/I R 3.54 (b) Tariewe 7-30kll R 3.54 31-50 k/I R 5.31 31-50 kIl R 5.31 51 k/I R 7.08 57 kIl R 7.08 3. Sewerage charges permonth domestic R45.53 3. Rioolkoste permaand (Huishoudelik) R45.53 4. Refuse removal charges permonth domestic R45.53 4. Vulliskoste permaand (Huishoudelik) R45.53 Property Tax 2007/2008 Eiendomsbelasting 2007/2008 Category Basic Tariff Rebate 2007/2008 Kategorie Basiese Tarief Korting 2007/2008 Residential 0.02579934 2% 0.025283 Residensieel 0.02579934 2% 0.025283 Business, Industrial 0.02579934 9% 0.025799 Besigheid Industrieell 0.02579934 9% 0.025799 Government 0.02579934 30% 0.019060 Regering 0.02579934 30% 0.019060 Vacant Stands 0.02579934 0% 0.025799 Lee Erwe 0.02579934 0% 0.025799 Churches 0.02579934 100% 0.000000 Kerke 0.02579934 100 % 0.000000 Small Holdings 0.02579934 50% 0.012900 Hoewes 0.02579934 50% 0.012900 ME M.L. WOLFF ME M.L. WOLFF MUNICIPAL MANAGER MUNISIPALE BESTUURDER 4 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE I PROVINSIALE KOERANT 29 JUNE 2007 I 29 JUNIE 2007 BY·LAWS OF THE LETSEMENGT LOCAL MUNICIPALITY BY·LAWS RELATING TO RULES AND ORDERS Notice is hereby given that the Council of Letsemeng Municipality has on 31 May 2007 adopted the Standard RlJles and Orders as published bythe MEC for Local Government and Housing in the Provincial Gazette of1 December 2000 as by-law.
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