/ ' c etc 4 EVERY TtLIX, FORTNIGHT No.no IMPERIAL COLLEGE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER llth.,1957. GYMNASIUM FOR NEXT YEAR INCONVENIENCE ATHLETIC CLUBS SHODDY WORKMANSHIP, BAD PLANNING Why isn't the gymnasium finished yet? Once again we, the members of the Union, are suffering from the incompetence of the BALL GAME PLAYERS powers that he to plan anything in such a way that i* is completed on time, or even within months of ths specified date. VINDICATED A week before the beginning of this A comment that appeared in the Editor- term, workmen moved in to carryout work ial of a recent copy of Phoenix with that was ordered to be done last WAT. reference to "ball-gams players* being Ifore time seems to be spent drinking tea unfitted to choose a grand piano was than doing the work that the tax-payer is disproved on Thursday, Oot. 3rd. The paying for. new piano, chosen by Council in prefer- ence to a baby grand as suggested by some members of the S.C.C. whose mem- bers were directly oonneoted with the The whole business of the gymnasium instrument, was moved against sll inst- Is one of blunders: this may sound a ructions to the Upper Refectory. The strong word to use, but its suitability piano bought by the Union last term is demonstrated by the following facts: was intended to remain on the stage and be used by professional musicians. 1, The gym was designed in sueh a way that it is two feet too short for Bad- minton. Consequently the Badminton Club An over snthuaiastio group of irres- will suffer for a good many years by bar- ponsible members of our Union man- ing to play on outside courts. handled *je piano to ths Upper Refectory. SCIENTIFICALLY DESIGNED \ She front wss forced off and the look badly damaged in an endeavour to make the 2. The radiators sera fitted into re- instrument available to the Jazz Band. cesses in the walls so that they would extremely shoddy and the finished article be out of the way, leaving the wjklls flat is not nearly as good as it would have so that ball games could be played in been If the job had been done correctly During the course of the evening two safety. However, over the radiators were ths first time. large burns appeared on the top - ob- built box arrangements which protruded viously made by smouldering cigarettes. about three inches from the walls, mak- The "ball-game players" are dearly ing ball games highly dangerous. This was mare in touch with the standard of both unnecessary and stupid, when a simple 3. The ropes are still awaited, and it is behaviour of the OTHER Union Mashers. flat panel was all that was required. At rumoured that we mlidit eventually get some great expense these are at last being mod- wallbars. PAS ified by continuing the panelling along the whole length of the wall- The result looks 4. The date of completion is still STOP PRESS In conclusion, the athletio clubs are Her. 5th. celebrations. to be congratulated on the restraint they Keep sn eye on notios boards have shown, and our sympathies go to thorn and FELIX for full details. for all the inconveniences they have had to put up with. TODAY'S EVENTS 3 .CM. Open a*eting."Is there a Oodt" CHESS CLUB. Freshers' Crisis In Prof. HJ>. lewis. Room 128 CM. 1-lOpm. Chess room at 5-16pm. Sandwiches available. pEOTOaRAPHIO 800. Open evening. COLLEGE XTESIHO CHAPEL. Holy Trinity All me where, sspselally Trsshsrs, wal- Church. 5-05pm. CHRISTMAS ISLAMffiRS. "On ths beach!" "Bsverlng to SBBOSSS." Mr Bavid Jones. Literary readings and Bisenssiatt. Meet at l-10pm Bain entrance discussion. Committee Boom B.(Off Union B.C.S. Leung*,) 5-15pm. OBEX. EMO. SOU. Meeting In Chsau LIBERAL SOC LETT. Mr. Peter BeseelX, rsoh. at 1-lOpm. prospective Liberal candidate for Bodmin, SAXUDB SUB. Meeting In Betas 16H City will speak at l-15pn in Cosmdttsa and Osdlds. ill freshers welcome. 5-151*. WHO'S TO HANG: Boom B. FELIX 2 R.C.A. WASHED HEBRIDEAN EXPEDITION Attempts have recently been made to improve the facilities of the Huxley Building. They necessitated the draining of the central heating system. The heating engineers eventually did arrive to refill BOTANISTS, VISIT ORANSAY After this, gales from various direct- the system, all going well until lunchtime ions combined with heavy rain showers when the job was only half-finiahed. True began to play havoc with the camp. All to the tradition of British Workmen, every- Daring August this year, a party of the tents were damaged and running repairs thing stopped for tea; that is, except the seven members of the Zoology Department had to be made continuously under all water supply to the radiators which was took part in an expedition to the Isle of conditions of gale, visibility and rain. left running. The Inevitable happened. Oransay, one of the most westerly islands Eventually four of the aeven tents Slowly but unceasingly the water crept of the Inner Hebrides. It was led by collapsed under the strain. Two of these higher and higher; one by one the radiators Bob Sturrook who, with the rest, had just were of a design reputed by the makers to started to leak. It was found later that completed his second year in the Zoology have been tested in a South Georgia all the air. release vents had been left Dept., and included two girls. winter - some comment on our English open, and several laboratories were flood- summer! Throughout this period the ed as a result. morale of the camp remained high, The 'piece de resistance', however, was The trip was run to gain experience although we lost one member for external the culmination of the whole episode. The in planning, camping and working under uncontrollable personal reasons (female). cold water (hot never goes throtudi these expedition conditions and to see how the radiators) at last reached the top of the the members survived each other's company heating system and issued forth from an over a reasonable period of time. Armed upper-otorey window aa a long, penetrating with this knowledge, the planning of an jet; so penetrating, in fact, that a row expedition to Ghana in 1958, to follow of motor- bicycles parked outside the the one this year, should be greatly neighbouring Royal College of Art reoeived facilitated. an unasked for, but nevertheless 'alghly effective, shower bath. On August 1st. six Members joined the seventh on the island to start the camp. They had failed to meet three days earlier because of a failure on British Railways which resulted in the main party being TO WORK IN THE unable to catch their boat. Yfliilst refusing to accept responsibility, British Railways generously footed the ANTARCTIC bill for extra expenses incurred during a three day "Tour of the Scottish Islands" Every year a large number of those as the party made its way by an alternatve With the subsidence of the gales the leaving I.C. go abroad in search of a route to its destination. expedition ran quietly to an end. On change of scenery, or money, usually August 30th. camp was struck and members both. But very few have travelled aa regretfully left the islands for their far away as C.M.Smith (ex-Cham. Dept.) For the next three weeks no major set- homes. The kindness of the islanders intends to go. He will spend the next backs interfered with the camp and life impressed itself an everyone and their two and a half years at a F.I.D.S. base progressed smoothly. Problems, including hospitality will be long remembered. in the Argentine Islands, Graham Land, an investigation of littoral insects, a Antarctica. As a change from organic survey of the distribution of craneflies, chemistry he will be doing meteor- an examination of the liverfluke *)f the The whole venture was undoubtedly ological work, some of it in connection island and general biological collecting, successful and provided all the with the International Geophysical Year. were carried out with reasonable success. experience hoped far. A detailed report will be given to the R.C.S. Natural A revealing insight into island life was History Society sometime in November, Martin, who is well known in the obtained one night during a "Ceilidh1' together with a film made during the College for his mountaineering and (pronounced caley as in tray) on a trip. photographic activities, sails scon on neighbouring island - the effects of the "John Biscoe", and after a short which were visible for several daysj R.F.S. stay in Port Stanley he will be landed at the base, which he will share with eleven other scientists, the penguins and'the seals. His 3pare time is to be spent doing photography and. bird-ringing. We rather think that he will find life a little bit quieter down there than it is in I.C. COMMEMORATION DAY THURSDAY OCT. 24TH. NOT FOR ENGINEERS ROYAL ALBERT HALL 3rm. SPECIAL VISITOR SIR ALEXANDER FLECK K.B.E.,F.RS.. They've thrown us together, those Chemists up there And I hope you will see that it's really unfair — STUDENTS AND THEIR FRIENDS You're merely a number, whilst I have a name; Our status in life is hardly the same. All thermodynamics can't make us combine ADMITTED WITHOUT TICKET AT For I'm Kangaroo in and you are 1-9. THE MAIN DOOR PEANUTS. FELIX 3 GHANA'S ECOLOGY STUDIED STUDENT HOSTELS The following is an aeoount of tha I.C.
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