GO Aquatics LLC SUPER LOT SPECIALS Phone: 612-379-1315 Fax: 612-379-1365 [email protected]_______________ 179017 Gold Angel Ram, XL +6 Lot Specials 03/08/2021 – 03/13/2021 228377 Halfmoon Dumbo Male Betta+6 Lot Buy any GLO Tetra 25+ to receive Special lot 349374 Painted White Skirt Tetra +12 Lot Price (Longfin not included) ------------ -------------------------------------- There is a 10 lot minimum on ALL items $0.75 and under, and $150.00 order minimum on all GO Aquatics deliveries, not counting frozen 114544 Dwarf Gelius Barb and animals. 118104 Albino Tiger Barb, M 120293 Garra Rufa SpeeDee Customers We highly urge you to make sure your order is sent to 121803 Albino Bushynose Pleco TR, MS our office 24 hours before you would like it shipped. We recommend that Customers ordering for Speedee 130284 Red/Orange Chromide Delivery to order Monday thru Wednesday to assure 131102 Dwarf Pea Puffer they get there orders 136004 Australian Rainbow, M $50.00 minimum on any frozen food shipped. Orders received after 12pm might not be shipped the 140202 Banjo Catfish, S same day. We will always do our best to get orders 140814 SA Bumble Bee Catfish Processed and Delivered. 147803 SA Redtail Catfish, MS We do our best to keep up with weather in our 160009 Mixed African, Jumbo delivery area, but things can change quickly in the winter. Help inform us on your weather so we can 160054 Blue Peacock Cichlid, M help plan your shipment accordingly. 160134 OB Peacock Cichlid, M Prices and Availability subject to change without notice 160176 Red Ruby Peacock Cichlid, L Must spend a minimum $150 for Specials. 160204 Strawberry Peacock Cichlid, M Orders under $150 will be charged a $10 processing fee. 160794 Hap. Albino Blue Dolphin, M 161974 Mel. Auratus, Albino, M All Walk-ins Please call 24 hours before you stop in so that we can accommodate you as 162255 Electric Blue Maingano, ML best we can. 162406 Ps. Acei, L DOA claims must be reported to us within 162444 PS. Chameleo Bumble Bee, M 24 hours of receiving your order. 163364 Ps. Socoloffi, M Pictures are now REQUIRED for all DOA reports over 10% and can be emailed to 164564 Tropheus Moorii Ikola [email protected] or sent via text to Gary at 168207 Kribensis, XL 763-742-8522 168854 Chitimba Cichlid, M 170373 Royal Acara, MS 176006 Jack Dempsey, L 179017 Gold Angel RaM, XL 179144 German Blue Ram, M 179204 Red Devil, M 180213 Green Severum, MS(Peru) 1 190514 Longfin Gold Danio 104502 Platinum Angel, S 190706 Leopard Danio 104602 Mixed Angel, S 220204 Blue Gourami, M 104604 Mixed Angel, M 223004 Opaline Gourami, M 104606 Mixed Angel, L 223304 Blue Paradise Gourami 104614 Fancy Mixed Angel, M 224304 Gold Honey Dwarf Gourami 104804 Mixed Angel, Veil, M 228377 Halfmoon Dumbo Male Betta 105402 Silver Angel, S 251804 Skunk Botia 109503 Zebra Angel, S 252704 Hifin Banded Loach, M BARBS 267354 Saddled Bichir 112006 Black Ruby Barb, L 331706 Glowlight Rasbora 112504 Checkerboard Barb 342306 Columbian Red & Blue Tetra 113004 Cherry Barb, M 347306 Gold Pristella Tetra 113054 Cherry Barb, Veiltail 349124 Orange Von Rio Tetra 114504 Gold Barb, M 349374 Painted White Skirt 114544 Gold Dwarf Gelius Barb 492503 Calico Fantail, MS 115004 Green Tiger Barb, M 492505 Calico Fantail, ML 115204 Green GLO Barb 497806 VR Calico Fan, L 115204. 497904 VR Gold Ryukin, M 1 Green GLO Barb, Longfin 497906 VR Gold Ryukin, L 115214 Orange GLO Barb 709104 Mixed Neocardina Shrimp 115214. 1 Orange GLO Barb, Longfin 745804 Golden Gecko 115234 Galactic Purple GLO Barb 746304 Fancy Crested Gecko 115346 Hampala Barb 765504 Fancy Gerbil 115504 Odessa Barb, M 767054 Hairless Rat 116253 Platinum Tinfoil Barb,MS 116303 Redtail Tinfoil Barb, MS March 8th 2021 Price List New arrivals and X-nice are in BOLD print 116313 Redtail Tinfoil Barb, Albino, MS 117004 Rosy Barb, M Item ID Item Description 117096 Rosy Barb, Male 117304 Rosy Barb, Neon ANGELFISH 118003 Tiger Barb, MS 103702 Koi Angel, S 118004 Tiger Barb, M 103703 Koi Angel, MS 118006 Tiger Barb, L 103704 Koi Angel, M 118104 Tiger Barb, Albino, M 103706 Koi Angel, Lg 104202 Marble Angel, S ALGAE EATERS/PLECOS 2 120204 Chinese Algae Eater, M 126134 Pleco, Spotted Rubberlip 120206 Chinese Algae Eater, L 126514 Pleco, King Tiger, L-333 120208 Chinese Algae Eater, J 127004 Pleco, Whiptail 120274 Gold Chinese Algae Eater 128403 Pleco, Yellow Red Eye, MS 120284 Gold & Black Chinese Algae Eater 128606 Pleco, Yellow Spotted L-75, L 120293 Garra Rufa BRACKISH WATER 120306 Farlowella, L 130176 Golden Archer 120336 Threadfin Farlowella 130284 Red/Orange Chromide 120414 Flying Fox, M 130904 Glassfish 120504 Otocinclus 130966 Painted Glassfish 121014 Pleco, Rubberlip 130996 Two Color Painted Glassfish 121203 Ancistrus Pleco, TR, MS 131102 Dwarf Pea Puffer 121204 Ancistrus Pleco, TR, M 131404 Fahaka Puffer 121206 Ancistrus Pleco, Wild, L 131904 Bumble Bee Goby 121233 Lemon Blue Eye Bushnose Pleco, Longfin, MS 132506 Knight Goby, L Lemon Blue Eye Bushnose Pleco, 121234 Longfin, M 133324 Blue Neon Stiphodon Goby 121644 Pleco, Blue Panaque L-239 133404 Peacock Gudgeon Goby, M 121803 Bushnose Pleco, Albino, MS 134805 Mono Argentus, M 121843 Bushnose Pleco, Longfin, MS 134904 Mono Sebae, M 122254 Pleco, Atabapo Butterfly, L-052 135574 Figure Eight Puffer, M 123103 Pleco, Clown 135707 Red Eye Puffer 123404 Pleco, Columbian Zebra, L-129 136004 Australian Rainbow, M 123703 Pleco, Common, MS 136256 Celebes Rainbow, L 123703 Pleco, Common, MS+ 25 Lot 136274 Deep Water Creek Rainbow 123704 Pleco, Common, M 136356 Emerald Rainbow, L 123706 Pleco, Common, L 136634 Kamaka Rainbow 124004 Pleco, Emperor(Flash) L-204 136804 Red Irian Rainbow, M 124333 Pleco, Gold Spotted L-136B 136906 Threadfin Rainbow, L 124404 Pleco, Hypostomus 136984 Signifer Rainbow 124454 Pleco, Pseudo Zebra, L-129 137104 Turquoise Rainbow, M 124554 Pleco, Iriri Yellow Seam L-177, M 137794 Neon Dwarf Rainbow, M 124653 Pleco, Leopard Hifin Gibbiceps, MS 139644 Red Scat, M 124654 Pleco, Leopard Hifin Gibbiceps, M CATFISH/CORYS 126104 Pleco, Royal, M 140104 Marble Achara Catfish 126106 Pleco, Royal, L 140202 Banjo Catfish, S 126127 Pleco, Royal Spotted, L-330 XL 3 140814 SA Bumble Bee Catfish 160085 Peacock Cichlid, Regal, ML 141004 Debauwie Catfish 160134 Peacock Cichlid, OB, M 143606 Ghost Glass Catfish, L 160135 Peacock Cichlid, OB, ML 146004 Pangassius Catfish, M 160136 Peacock Cichlid, OB, L 146404 Pictus Catfish, M 160176 Peacock Cichlid, Ruby-Red, L 147602 Striped Raphael, MS 160203 Peacock Cichlid, Strawberry, MS 147803 SA Redtail Catfish, MS 160204 Peacock Cichlid, Strawberry, M 148203 Tiger Shovelnose Catfish, MS 160254 Frontosa, M 149150 Angelicus/Eupterus Synodontis Hybrid 160294 Usisya Stuartgranti Peacock, M 149204 Upside Down Catfish nice tank raised 160565 Hap. Electric Blue Ahlie, ML 149424 Synodontis Gold Nigrita 160567 Hap. Electric Blue Ahlie, XL 149602 Synodontis Valentiana, S 160794 Hap. Blue Dolphin, Albino, M 150504 Albino Corydora, M 161104 Hap. Livingstoni, M 151416 Gold/Green Corydora, L 161164 Hap. Moorii, M 151604 Green Corydora, M 161564 Hap. Venustus, M 152506 Elegans Corydora, L 161584 Victorian Cichlid, M 152744 Emerald Green Brochis 161803 Electric Lemon Yellow Labidochromis,MS 153414 Julii Corydora, M, TR 161804 Electric Lemon Yellow Labidochromis,M 153763 Loxozonus Corydora(Deckers) 161824 Lemon Yeloow Labidochromis, M 153806 Metae Corydora, L 161837 Albino Lemon Yellow, XL 154406 Melanistus Corydora, L 161954 Hap. Turqoise, M 155004 Paleatus Corydora, M 161964 Mel. Auratus, M 155204 Panda Corydora 161974 Mel. Auratus, Albino, M 155704 Habrosus Pygmy Corydora 162123 Mel. Electric Blue Johanni, MS 155606 Punctatus Corydora, L 162255 Mel. Electric Blue Maingano, ML 157006 Reticulatus Corydora 162404 Ps. Acei, M 157606 Sterbai Corydora, L 162406 Ps. Acei, L 162444 Ps. Chameleo Bumble Bee, M CICHLIDS, AFRICAN 162584 Ps. Demasoni, M 160003 African Cichlid, Mixed, MS 163204 Ps. Kennyi, M 160004 African Cichlid, Mixed, M 163206 Ps. Kennyi, L 160006 African Cichlid, Mixed, L 163364 Ps. Socoloffi, M 160009 African Cichlid, Mixed, J 163374 Ps. Socoloffi Snow White, M 160034 Peacock Cichlid, Mixed, M 163544 Ps. Zebra, Cobalt Blue, M 160035 Peacock Cichlid, Mixed, ML 163864 Ps. Zebra, Red, M 160039 Peacock Cichlid, Mixed, J 163894 Zebra-Red Blotch, M 160054 Peacock Cichlid, Blue, M 4 164104 Neolampologus Hecqui Shell Dweller 174406 Firemouth Cichlid, L 164524 Taiwan Reef Cichlid, M 174844 Red Dragon Flowerhorn, MS 164525 Taiwan Reef Cichlid, ML 175004 Geo. Brasiliensis, M 164564 Tropheus Moorii Ikola 175087 Geo. Blue Lip, XL 164706 Lamp. Brichardi, L 175104 Geo. Balzani, M 164754 Lamp. Brichardi, Albino 175354 Geo. Jurapari, M 164804 Lamp. Leleupi(Orange) 175686 Geo. Suinamensis, L 167303 Jewel Cichlid, MS 175744 Geo. Winemileri 167333 Jewel Cichlid, Super Red, MS 175853 Green Terror, MS 167343 Jewel Cichlid, Turquoise, MS 176003 Jack Dempsey, MS 167346 Jewel Cichlid, Turquoise, L 176004 Jack Dempsey, M 168104 Albino Kribensis 176006 Jack Dempsey, L 168204 Kribensis, M 176154 Red Point Honduran 168206 Kribensis, L 177205 Albino Ruby Red Oscar, ML 168207 Kribensis, XL 177604 Red Tiger Oscar, M 168704 Rock Kribensis, M 177804 Lemon Oscar, M 168854 Chitimba Cichlid, M 177903 Mixed Oscar, MS 177904 Mixed Oscar, M CICHLIDS, CENTRAL/SOUTH AMERICAN 178204 Parrot Cichlid, Blood, M 170004 Acarichthys Heckelii 178206 Parrot Cichlid, Blood, L 170136 Blue Face Agassizii 178264 Parrot Cichlid, Blue Tiger, M 170138 Double Red Agassizii 178304 Parrot Cichlid, Jellybean 170149 Sunset Apistogramma 178356 Parrot Cichlid, Purple,
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